July 23, 2018

Free Talk: Namaikizakari [Chapter 84]

[To look at the pictures/Chinese scans, go here. ] 

And, after they get together and did some lovey-dovey in chapter 83, Shou is back to his usual basketball form that he managed to slip past Shizuka’s defense to shoot the ball. It’s 10 days before they leave for training camp. And when Yuki is going to wash the laundry, she spots Shizuka holding his fingers which had been slightly injured.

To his shock, Yuki holds his hand to check on it. As she tries to check what is it, Shizuka tries to calm himself and get used to this set-up. Yuki took the opportunity to thank Shizuka for chiding Shou which kind of ‘break the ice’ = Shou’s attitude and the club’s mood changed for the better.

She says that it is great that Shizuka came to Osaki. She thinks that Shizuka is always the person who’ll make Shou come to his senses [/wake up to reality]. [I wonder if part of that gratitude is frustration that she isn’t the one who can do it.]

And, they are interrupted by Shou who wants Yuki to take off his shirt. Then, Shizuka sees Shou sticking his tongue out at Shizuka. This irks him so he shouts to Shizuka that Shou is deliberately making her do that, and calls Shou, scum. Yuki muses that Shizuka’s bad words are becoming more and more blunt that he can now say ‘scum’ out loud.

[Haha, is that good or is that bad? =P Like, good since he isn’t ‘fake’ anymore but then, being too blunt = bad manners. Well, Shou didn’t exactly refute what they talked about so I guess he also credits Shizuka for it. Still, doing that stunt is just to put Shizuka in his place = who is Yuki’s boyfriend. ^^]


On the way home, the couple talk about Shou going to the business club’s party. She tells him not to drink. He says how can that be. Yuki is about to protest but it turns out that he doesn’t want to go to the party but would rather go to her house.

She blushes and asks isn’t everyone waiting for him. He says that the others won’t mind if he isn’t there. Yuki feels a bit guilty and wonders if it is really okay that he’s so nice to her. And, they were interrupted by Fuuka who asks if they are going to do some lovey-dovey and stay overnight today again.

Fuuka accuses Yuki of forgetting about her. Yuki protests that she called her last night until this morning but she isn’t answering. Fuuka says that she isn’t that insensitive to disturb the lovers who had made up and the bed over her side is making sound so she thought that they are...

Shou corrects her that that is him doing sit-ups because yesterday, it isn’t on the bed but rather, the sofa... Yuki calls out Shou. Fuuka shouts that she isn’t asking about that. [<- Haha, is being blunt like that, good? Or embarrassing? =P] And, Fuuka cries over wanting to go lovey-dovey, too.

At the restaurant, the couple hears out Fuuka’s story. She tells them that Suwa didn’t send her a message on LIME or call or even reply to her. Shou says that it’s just a day since then. Fuuka says but today, at school, he obviously saw her but he evaded her as if he doesn’t want to talk with her anymore.

She laments that if in the end, she’ll end up being hated by him then, she shouldn’t have mustered up her courage. Yuki finds this strange because normally, Suwa won’t avoid if he wants to reject someone but rather, he would be more dependable.

Yuki suggests that she’ll calmly probe out Suwa at work today. Fuuka protests no, but then, okay, no...but... Shou also offers to casually ask Suwa during practice. Fuuka also refuses since he won’t do it casually. Fuuka asks what does probing out refers to...what to probe and how to probe...?


At the convenient store, after a usual greeting with Suwa, Yuki mentions about the possibility of Fuuka coming over to the store. This causes the instant noodles to fall on Suwa. Yuki exclaims if he is alright. Suwa says that he’s fine but Yuki thinks otherwise.

He excuses himself that he’ll do something else and gives her the scanner. But, Yuki says that is an instant ramen pack that he’s handing over to her and she hasn’t changed clothes yet. He says that he’s joking and go change first.

Yuki says okay and left. She mentally apologizes to Fuuka since she didn’t manage to probe anything. Suwa looks somewhat flustered. While changing her clothes, Yuki thinks that he is really hard to understand. If he’s normal, he’s normal but when he’s strange, he’s strange.

She felt glum over Fuuka regretting having courage to confess. She hopes that Fuuka goes back to her normal self. [Too bad Yuki can only realize that something is off but couldn’t equate that ‘abnormality’ of evading and absentmindedness has something to do with Fuuka.]


At school, Yuki and Natsumi are busy packing when the coach asks if the two of them are enough for next month’s training camp. Natsumi says that it would be good if they get a temporary helper since there are more work in the camp. Before Yuki joined before, they got three people to help out.

Natsumi asks about getting Yuki’s friend, the one who always watches the practice, to help out since she looks calm and capable. At the cafeteria, Yuki informs Fuuka about becoming the manager’s assistant. Fuuka protests that this is the training camp. She imagines cool images of Suwa and going lovey-dovey with him.

Fuuka promptly nose bleeds. Yuki exclaims what is she thinking. Fuuka says that this is too difficult and it is amazing because even if this is the situation, her delusion can go unconstrained. Fuuka wonders what will Suwa do/think if he knew she’ll go.


Then, Yuki calls out to Suwa. Fuuka greets him and he greets her back with a smile. Then, Suwa is called out by his friends. Yuki says that she can now greet him like normal. Fuuka says that it has been restored. The wall in Suwa’s heart that seems to have been broken has been restored. [<- I’m not too sure if Fuuka said this or it was Yuki.]

Fuuka mutters that she hoped that everything, all of it, didn’t happen. Yuki is at a loss over what to tell Fuuka and how to give Fuuka strength. After basketball practice, while someone is complaining that it is not since it is summer, Shou notices lost in thought Suwa sitting by the side.


At Yuki’s place, Fuuka gloomily lying down on the bed. Shou asks why Fuuka would specially go to Yuki’s place. Yuki says that Fuuka is like that since Suwa greeted her. Shou asks again why Fuuka is in her house. Yuki tells him that isn’t important.

After a pause, Shou tells Fuuka that she doesn’t want Suwa to avoid her and she doesn’t want him to greet her normally then what does she want Suwa to do. Does she want him to say that he likes her and go steady with him? Or, she wants him to forget everything as if it all didn’t happen. And, obviously, it wasn’t easy for her to muster up her courage.

Recalling the times when she spent with Suwa, Fuuka asks if Suwa is at work today. Yuki says he is and how did she know... Fuuka quickly runs off. Fuuka contemplates over why she is giving it her all and what will happen if she runs away.


The question isn’t what she hopes the other will do, but rather, what she wants to do. When Suwa is throwing trash, he is startled when Fuuka calls out to him. Fuuka informs him that she’ll help out the team during the training camp and she wants to go but if he says ‘don’t go’ then she won’t. If she doesn’t go to the training camp, she’ll go on a [group] dating camp.

Suwa looks stunned and asks, what is a dating camp. She lies by saying that it is finding someone in a group date and then spend the night together because she absolutely doesn’t want to be all alone during summer again. He grabs her wrist and calls out her name.

Fuuka thinks that it is here, she successfully faced the setback of this battle. He tells her to wait, there’s a leaf on her coat. Embarrassed Fuuka thanks him and there’s no need for him to mind her. She tries to leave but he still held on to her. He tells her to come to the training camp if she wants to.


Fuuka blushes and wonders what’s up with this guy. She asks if it is really okay. It’s difficult since he ignored her confession and for them to be together a few days in camp, won’t it cause trouble. So, if he isn’t willing, then bluntly say it.

To her surprise, he says he isn’t willing...honestly speaking, how come she is so troublesome. He looks away while slightly blushing. She blushes over this. She thinks that he is always like this, disrupting a girl’s heart all over. He’s really cunning that he’ll immediately look away once he comes across a thorny problem.

He tells her that right now, he is working so for today... Fuuka calls out to him. She happily says that for her, what he said just now is a compliment.  He slightly looks flustered and says it is precisely this part that is the scariest. Fuuka is shocked by that. Fuuka thinks that it’s really regretful that he is the one whom she likes the most.


While washing the dishes, Yuki says that in the end, Shou is a bit amazing. While watching TV, Shou asks why she would suddenly say that, is she enticing him. She says no, she totally doesn’t know how to cheer Fuuka up. She thinks that Fuuka is obviously her friend yet she totally wasn’t able to help her.

Yuki says that it is great that he was able to say those words to Fuuka. Shou says that he didn’t say that for Fuuka. She says but in the end... He goes to her and kisses the back of her ear. She blushes and looks at Shou’s smiling face. 

He says that in the end, he is already satisfied to see Yuki all cheered up. She tells him to wait, the bubbles will get on him [/them]. He says that if it does, they’ll just strip. And, training camp will happen soon.


[Well, the main couple is kind of helping for the other couple to get together. I feel that Suwa is having a bit of ‘conflict’ on how to deal with Fuuka. He cannot break his old habit of ‘having a wall’ yet at times, he cannot keep it together since he is acting abnormal. Haha, in a way, that is why he is giving them mix signals.

For Shou’s part, even if it isn’t for the other couple, I think he knew that he has to get them together for his own benefit. One, it is for Suwa to leave Yuki alone permanently. And two, it is to keep Fuuka away so that she won’t be disturbing his time alone with Yuki. =P].


  1. I've been waiting for this.. thank u Kat!!!

  2. What about chapter 83? I don't see a summary for it.

    1. Oh...there is no summary, Shirley.

      The English scanlation is already out then [before the Chinese] so I don't think it is necessary to write about it...and there isn't much to comment on it. ^^;;

  3. Naruse being adorable 🐝😍
    Thank you so much Kat!!

  4. I love the way Naruse treats Yuki.. full of love.. damn it's so envy
    Really thank you for the summary

    1. Hehe...thanks for reading, Frederica ^-^

  5. Damn...romance, sports and awesome characters, I would love to see them in motion... hope this can get an anime ❤

    Extremely happy cuz Shou and Yuki are in their usual good term again ^^
    Thank you a lottt.

    1. Maybe...there was a live action though...

      You're welcome ^-^

  6. I love him!!!! He's soooooo sweet!!! An innocente kiss..from Naruse...Yuki-senpai...why aren't you already melt??
    Thank youuu Kat!!

    1. Haha...maybe that's one reason why he likes her? =P

      You're welcome, marjorie ^-^

  7. Yesss! that move! Now it's Shou turn.. show them your talent!
    _But honestly! shou and Yuki are Soo cute.. really sooo cute! Omg>3 ..She told him not to drink, lol, she's like his mom, xd
    _aww It looks like they're living together, I love that!!.. I want to see them move in already ><
    _Shou was so frustrated in the last chapters, I'm relieved cuz he back to his peaceful-self again. :/
    Thank you very much. I wanted to read Namaikizakari already.

    1. Ya.

      Hehe...it does make me wonder if that's one reason he likes her =P

      Probably when they graduate college. I think Shou is still living with his parents.

      Yup, he recovered and is back in form.

      You're welcome ^-^

  8. You know.. Yuki is always surrounded by guys.. but on Shou side there's nothing.. I just feel like the author being so hard on Shou.. give him a lot of challenges.. but she make everything so easy to Yuki.. it's not like I like Rivals concept ..mm, but I just find that weird,.. maybe just me.
    I think Shou is the only one male lead who did deal with that thing perfectly like that, he's being so understandable. I have never see something like that before. I'm just thinking, is it really supposed to be like that? ..others would immediately tell the girl to not get close to any other guy..and the fans would go 'oh, I love that' ..and the girl would immediately obey. But it's definitely not the case here (Shou won't and Yuki won't..)
    getting your girlfriend to be with suspicious touchy guys who could in anytime make a move on her in the same place most of the time is just so hard.. imagine your boyfriend with a girl/s who has feelings for him or his ex most of time? Isn't that unbearable! You would get hurt and annoyed.. just by thinking/seeing it .. regardless if your boyfriend is Yuki's type who keep being careless/not considerate and won't permit anything.. no, sometimes she would be the one. Well, Im just saying, it's like the author/ppl want Shou to act beyond human-nature, act like they will never do. I don't know, I just see it that.
    Thank you so much for the summary, make me really happy when I saw it.

    1. Its not like there are no girls behind Shou...its just that Yuki Senpai's character is so good that all men fall for her...but Shou is also very jealous...he always asks her not to talk with other men but its just part of her job as a manager that she has to talk with other men otherwise she would not talk...But Shou is really into Yuki and vice-versa so i wish they both end up marrying each other...

    2. Haha, that comment, lol. Wich Girls!!? .. between every 30 chapter and such the author would make some fan girls go behind him. Men is around here bcuz she gets so close to these men. If Shou helps girls the same amounts Yuki does we would have seen a bunch of same situations. Haha, just tell me when did he do? If, that right, then why she is not even aware of it? Why she keeps intrecting with suwa an hakamada like nothing happened? ..oh, is helping suwa part of her being the manger? Oh, it's helping a friend, agh. Her keeps talking to hakamada before he joining the college club is part of her being a manager? (I'm saying that bcuz u said otherwise she won't talk to men) ..u know girl, Yuki is so fond of men, that's a truth you can't change just bcuz u want to. I Always saw guys told Girls to not talk to men but never one said "they're so jealous" but Shou!! Omg! Unbelievable, lol. He's being so understandable.. you can't even credit him for that, agh, ppl. Just tell me a similar concept like that? No, one. Ah, don't just tell me that u understood the last arc as jealousy pro!!? If u do, then u need a makeover to ur shallow brain, girl. Ah, We all know that he loves her and they will marry each other, we don't need ur fake admitting. U just look to me like a hater, if u hate Shou and them being a couple, u can just back off girl.

      The girl just wrote her opinion in a nice way, I don't see a problem with it, but u, just been an arrogant hateful rude commenter. Sigh.

    3. Unknown, Oh, if that comment is a reply to me, then I don't need it. I wrote that, to discuss with Kat not to fight with you. Plus I can say my opinion, you have no write to brash me like that. I guess you just needed to wrote your own opinion about the chapter and THANK KAT if you had read it. Have a nice day.

    4. Yeah, So he must see his girlfriend being touched, grabbed (hands) carried, hugged but don't say anything, or he's so jealous!!?! Is that even logic. And I agree with you, there's no other male leads who didn't tell the girl 'dont let other guy/s touch u. You're mine..etc' and ppl would fangirling over it and find it romantic, and they never said he's so jealous.. Etc, like with Shou. I'm so wonderd over that. Good for you for point out that point. He's the best one among all in that. Yuki is the most mc who intracte with guys that amount, how Shou is jealous then! He told her just 2 times to not talk to those 2 guys (in chapter 16 and 54) but she immediately broke the promise. She does what she wants, she talk to any guy she wants, how he is jealous then! He never permit her from doing anything. And she gets jealous more than him. I rarely see him talk to a girl. Everyone read that Manga would obviously notice that about the two of them.

    5. Well, in a way, true, Natalie. The girls around Shou are fangirls. It is a bit hard to compare though since fangirls are merely admirers and they cannot really have more interaction compared to how Yuki has to with basketball players wherein a couple happen to 'fell in love' with her. Haha, that's in quotes since it might not really be love/just admiration-whatever. =P

      I somewhat recalled Shou did say that during his bout of jealousy but Yuki just dismiss it since she doesn't really know how Shizuka and Suwa felt about her until the confession. Post-confession...ah, hehe, I guess it depends on the person. In this case, it seems to be okay with Shou since he trusts her and believes that she won't think of them in any romantic way.

      Also, since this is a story, it depends on what the mangaka wants to do with it. Is it a permanent reverse harem? After the initial confession, it seems that Suwa will be paired off with Fuuka. Hehe, and yes, I'm really hoping that Shizuka will be paired off with Shou's ex or some other girl. =P

      True. For peace of mind/no problems, Yuki should not give her admirers opportunity to do things to her when they are alone. Since yes, it can be hurtful and annoying aside from potential cause of misunderstanding. <- in real life.

      But, this is a story so it is possible that the mangaka is deliberately doing that for the story especially for cliffhangers or laughs or whatever reaction she is aiming for from the readers.

      Thanks for reading ^-^

    6. I know right. Oh, that's true.

      Yep, that is it, even after their confessions we kept see an advances, I honestly thought it would stop. But as you said it depends and Shou is ok with it so it's fine. But I just don't like these interactions/touches to keep happening. And I dislike it for both (girls and guys).. But if its like that we can't do anything.
      So I'm just thinking if these guys are close to her aren't those accidents/advances will keep happening? Well, nevermind.

      That's true, that is a thing return to the Mangaka. Maybe I just wanted some fair and more realistic, Haha. Yes, I wish for the two of them to end up with girls.

      Yeahh. Exactly.

      yes. And for some Annoyness too, haha.

      Thank you.

    7. Well, it seems to be a combination...at times, it is accident, sometimes deliberate, sometimes unconsciously... Yuki does it too at times with Shizuka but of course, as nothing more than 'help'.

      Yup, it keep on happening especially in basketball. Like, here, Shizuka got injured. As a manager, she will need to touch him to check it.

      Maybe. For now, I think it is definite that Suwa won't pay much attention to Yuki anymore. Right now, it will be just Shizuka.


      You're welcome ^^

    8. Yeah!

      No, that is normal. I'm talking about scenes like in chapter 85.

      I see.

    9. Which part? Dressed in sleepwear, blushing or tripping?

  9. Why ppl are fighting! Lol. The chapter is nice and Naruse and Yuki are fine, haha. but, ya, there are really no Girls behind Shou, haha. If there are where is she? Xd. And, yeah, it does really looks like the author is deliberately make the guys jerks while the makes the girl around Shou nice (himino, usami..) haha. And ya, he didn't said anything when he saw her with hakamada here, also in chapter 76. And, true, it dose really hurt to see ur partner with ppl who like them/their ex. Well, don't fight guys, let's just enjoy that art peacefully 😇 .. Naruse and Yuki are both so nice and love each other so deeply! .. plus it's Shou's birthday today, haha. Be happy guys 🙌

    1. Plus why ppl when someone bash Yuki they would bring Shou and attack him instead of just defending Yuki! lol. Just defend on Yuki don't stick Shou between. He is totally fine with her and doesn't say anything.

    2. Haha, marjorie...maybe the ex will come out later on? =P

      Hm...I do wonder if hurt is the feeling that one would have...wouldn't it be jealousy or anger? It isn't like Yuki is doing anything lovey-dovey with the other person. I would expect hurt if she is kissing, hugging, etc with the other person. And, Yuki doesn't think anything romantic with it even if it is a hug ^^;;

      True. Shou seems to be fine with it.

  10. So how long are we gonna go back and forth with hakamada and Yuki, it's really irritating? Chapter 85 the hell!!

    1. Hehe, Stella...hopefully until the end of the current arc.

  11. That triangle with shizuka is becoming so Annoying! Just get over it already! I'm getting sick with that!

    1. Hopefully, it will be gotten over soon...

  12. Thank you very much for your hard work Kat ^^

    Did you see! Like i told ya about hakamada's bad words 😑 .. but those coincidences! just when we talked about about it, lol.

    But I think Shou is fine now bcuz of Yuki, why she would get frustrating?.. well, she's mistaking/belittling herself like always.

    I just love that 'dont drink-thing' lol

    But why would Yuki feel guilty? I was surprised when I read it!

    = U know I really love how the Mangaka is drawing them go to and back from school together, idk, i just find it nice. ..and I love those things, haha.

    Oh, about that, it's usami-san who said that.

    Well, in the end it turned out to be that suwa-san is interesting in usami, mm, I came to like them a bit after that ch.. they're cute..

    I just find it so funny how Shou and usami-san were in yuki's house in the same time, lol

    = But it just seems that Shou is staying at yuki's house more than his, haha.

    I think Shou helping usami-san was for Yuki (to cheer up) ..also for usami-san and even suwa-san, I got that from his gestures/expression/s .. but he just like to play the bad guy role.

    And I think Yuki couldn't help usami aside from being 'Yuki' was because Yuki didn't has the same experience..

    =And here, i think Shou was able to bcuz he had the same experience.. he was courting Yuki but never waited/expected something from her/side

    But I was surprised when he talked, I mean it's rarely for him to talk ..to girls and even boys, haha. So everytime i would get surprised when he does. Aha, Yuki said that he doesn't talk too much, haha.

    It's yuki's first training camp too, but why? In 1st year there wasn't a training camp?

    Well, so we are in/close to June..and the training camp will be in June..(?) .. last time Shou's BD was in it but that time won't. So I'm still wishing that Yuki will celebrate it properly later on, haha.


    1. Thanks for reading, mary ^-^


      'why she would get frustrating?.. well, she's mistaking/belittling herself like always.' <- how she can influence him for the better?

      Perhaps, guilty since she feels that she isn't exactly giving it all like she should? Or like, why are you so nice, it makes me feel guilty that I cannot equally reciprocate it.

      Haha, yup.

      Haha, about Fuuka and Suwa...perhaps only a little bit but it is more on cheering up Yuki =P And I think, for them not to bug them as a couple too much =P Fuuka for staying at Yuki's place to mope and Suwa to not bother with Yuki again.

      Yup. And, it is possible that it is a bit difficult if one is somewhat 'close' to the others involved. Like compared to Yuki, Shou doesn't have a 'close' relationship with the two so it is easier to analyze the problem without bothering about feelings.

      I guess he's the type who'll talk when he thinks it is really necessary. Perhaps, the other times, he is listening while...ah, playing with his cellphone?

      Ah...training camp as a couple? <- mentioned in the next chapter. But then, it means that it isn't Shou's first time going to a camp with a girlfriend?

      Maybe ^^

      Comments for the next chapter is up ^^

    2. Mm, ya,.. I mean, even though she is supporting him so much and do her best, etc. To Shou she is his hope. But she always feels guilty,.. in ch 65 she told him she was anxious bcuz she though she wasn't that helpful to him (wasn't the manager) .. also in ch 66. But he told her that 'u r fine as u are and u don't have to support me even more' ... but I know she still feel that way.

      Oh, I see, yeah.

      Yeahh. Haha, yep.

      Ah, yep. And I think that is his way even if he is close to that person, haha.

      Yaa, haha, probably.

      No, not as a couple. They Said it's her first time (even alone)

      How did you get that? ..he said it's the first camp for us two as a couple. U think he went to one with his ex?

      Really!! I'm gonna read and comment, haha. Thank you so much for informing me again❤

    3. True. Regarding basketball, I wonder if it is possible that she also kind of unconsciously feel guilty that she couldn't help more for them to actually win the National game.

      As a gf, perhaps, it overlaps? ^^; I'm thinking like dealing with Fuuka, she wasn't able to help much. Hm...is it possible that it also had something to do with frustration that she isn't good enough in comparison with being a manager wherein she immediately knows what to do/solve the problems? Kind of a perfectionist.

      Oh...I thought he was only saying that it is the first time for her. ^^; So, I guess Shou is basically hinting to her that as a couple...you know...nudge, nudge, wink, wink =P

      No problem ^^

    4. Oh, that's possible.

      Yep, that maybe the case. she even said something similar in chapter 82.

      I see ^^ ..haha, yaa.

  13. Thanks for the summary, Kat!

    I always read the conversations before commenting and again I noticed a lot of people don't like the way Yuki acts. Personally, I don't see how she's a horrible girlfriend. She's always putting others first and is a caring person. There were times where I couldn't help but sigh and think, "Oh, Yuki" when she dismissed Naruse's warnings that Shizuka or Suwa might have feelings for her, but honestly? When Naruse confessed to her, it took her a while to actually believe his feelings for her were genuine. This is her first relationship and besides her grandmother, Yuki didn't express her feelings to anyone. It's natural the girl will be slow. Nobody can change overnight. Now, I'm not defending her where she should have kept up her guard but it's not like she's meeting these guys alone and seeking them out. Unless it's not related to basketball/ school/Naruse, she doesn't talk to them. (With the exception with Suwa since she's trying to help Fuuka with him.) Like you said previously, it's what the mangaka is doing. Then there is the other side, most guys AND girls look to Yuki as an older sister figure. There were times where Yuki was insecure, but it's not much of a problem. I don't see her beating herself down, comparing herself to other girls. With a lot of people seeing her as a family member, it's not strange that she can't believe other guys seeing her as a love interest. Besides Shizuka, the way Suwa sees her... I don't think he's actually in love with her. If you've seen Fruits Basket, it's kind of like how Yuki Sohma saw Tohru. With Namaikizakari's Yuki, she might have sensed that as well. Anyways, she does need to fix that habit of letting down her guard even if she sees Shizuka as a younger brother. I don't think Suwa will be a problem anymore and I had a feeling he and Fuuka might get together in the first place.

    Well, that's my opinion on the subject. What do you think, Kat?

    1. Thanks for reading, Brittany ^-^

      True. And, about believing his feelings, perhaps, it also had something to do with how he behaves, being younger and 'seems to be a playboy' with all the fangirls around.

      Indeed. Perhaps, if this is a more serious series wherein those other guys are total jerks, Yuki would be learning a lesson in those situations. Or perhaps, realize what Shou tried to warn her about.

      Yup, Suwa won't be a problem anymore.

  14. It's funny how you are trying so hard to prove that he helped her for these reasons. Is it really that hard to admit that he just helped the girl! Actually if u look carefully, whenever there's someone in a crisis the one who would help is always Naruse. (Kido, himino, Yuki, hakamada, usami, suwa..) ..is it really that hard for ppl to understand that kind of personality!

    1. Well, my impression is that most of the time, Naruse would only help...put an effort to help if it is related to Yuki.

    2. Thinking about it, yes, there are times he'll help even if it isn't related to Yuki. Though in this chapter, that is the initial impression that I got since she is disturbing their lovey-dovey.

    3. Indeed anonymous, I also think that he helped her cause he's a good person, haha, not to push Suwa away or cause she's bothering them. ❤️>.<

  15. So,
    I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks this way, but there's this point I want to talk about. So, what I love and appreciate most about Naruse is how he doesn't idealize and judge people, or hate them when they make mistakes. Like, he still loved Yuki even when he knew that she joined the club for kido. He never made her feel for once that she behaved bad, He never judged her.

    With Hakamada too, when he thought of quiting basketball when he was kid, Naruse didn't hate him or judge him (thinking he's not serious, etc) But he supported him and pushed him to continue play basketball. (Chapter 46 explained that well)

    So, I love how he understands people, tolerates them, doesn't expect much from them, love them with their mistakes and flaws, nah, doesn't care at all about them, he thinks it's ok to mistake.. he just treats them like human.

    Yuki too, she loved Naruse as he is, even though he's not the best player, even when he didn't find why he plays basketball for. She never judged him or hate on him because of that. she instead supported him and was the reason he found himself and reason in basketball.

    Really, appreciate both of them because they're that kind of person.

    But Hakamada is different, He hated Naruse when he said “If I keep playing” when they were kids. And thought he's the worst person in the world, not serious, frivolous..etc. instead of supporting him, like friends do/and how he (Naruse) supported him at the time. I dislike that about Hakamada, His judgemental personality and how he idealizes people, And then hate them when they don't meet his expectations and make mistakes.

    If Hakamada got a little bit of maturity, He wouldn’t even get bothered by Naruse’s behaviour. At first, I thought there was another serious reason for their broken friendship, but it’s this and it’s the silliest reason I’ve ever heard. His reaction was ok since he was kid but to continue to hold the grudge till high school!!

    What I want to say is that Hakamada had no right to get mad and hate on Naruse even if he wasn't really serious about basketball. I mean, It's non of his business how people are. He should help or be silent. (And hating someone cause they don't like something as much as you do is immaturity)

    Like Yuki, He liked her just cause he thought she's perfect. I don't know if he'd have liked her or still like her if he finds out that she joined the club for kido. (That she's normal human not perfect as he thinks) And if she wasn't a hard worker.

    (I find hakamada way of love very immature and shallow)

    Hakamada is actually a very judgmental person even though he gives off a polite person vibe. He looks down on Naruse, And acts as if he’s the mature one. He just goes with his stupid beliefs as if they’re the truth and acts on them. Sigh.

    I think because he idealized Naruse too, that's why his reaction was that exaggerated, like, he was let down by him. And cause he was inferior towards him too. In chapter 18 page 19 he told Yuki that clearly, “The truth is, I've always been envious of him. With him i've always felt admiration and an inferiority complex” (And that he hated him) , Well, I don't blame him for feeling inferior, we all have inferiorities over something or someone, but taking it too far is what's not ok, and hakamada took it too far in my opinion.

    Smh, i feel like he found Yuki as a replacement of Naruse. Cause he likes to have someone to look to.

    Hakamada is the one who created/started this rivalry, because of his immaturity and inferiority. Naruse just got forced into it.
    (A side note, tbh I couldn't even enjoy it, cause Hakamada didn't rival like real men, I mean, He was acting just like a rude arrogant brat thinking that he should be always the winner, and that Naruse doesn't deserve to win at all cause he's bad, not serious person..etc.) sigh, God.

    Sorry it's long 😭

    1. Hehe, is this something that has happened in the latest chapter or a reflection of things so far? 😅

      You are right. Based on that, it seems like high expectation = great disappointment. So the admiration become something like hate. Thinking about it, it is indeed shallow and immature. I'm somewhat thinking that it is like a fan...rather a very obsessed fan who has very high expectations.

      I heard stories of fans like their 'idols' can do no wrong = perfect but when there is a scandal or something of a 'turn off', the love can quickly become hate. The extreme...well, in stories/movies, try to correct it or destroy the 'idol'.

    2. Nah, I was talking about Hakamada's stupid rivalry with Shou so far.


      Yeah, sometime it's not even a scandal, the idol would just date or marry and they'd turn off, ow, so immature. Now that I think about it hakamada is smh like that too, like, he idealizes Yuki and keeps saying that she's not like that kind of person, she won't fool around, etc. I mean, he looks down on people/Shou who date, love, etc. Like, to him it's reckless, fooling around, Agh, so immature 😑 Like, you remember that time when he saw them walking and holding hands in chapter 39, he told them (meaning) "It's better to not fool around" , agh, God. And like he makes ppl/them feel bad, like, they're doing something wrong, agh, seriously 😑

      In rivalry/basketball side again, Hakamada is the one who didn't really change, i mean, everything he worked up for, was completely self gratification cause he keeps chasing up to Shou.

      The Author showed that Shou was the wrong one, and that he wasn't serious, etc, but I'm fine with how Shou was thinking tbh. True, Losing and winning doesn't matter. I mean, Hakamada takes it to extreme and thinks that he/one should always win or else he's not good, not serious, not perfect.. And this is so wrong, he should learn to accept to lose in basketball and love too. (That's why reason why he can't accept his Yuki's lose, And the other reason is his inferiority toward Shou) But there's Zero character development for him, sadly, cause this is shoujo Manga where we are forced to see a typical poor 2nd male lead.

      There's this point too, I actually really loved how Miyuki portrayed Shou's basketball. I mean, how he didn't get why he play it at first. I have seen people criticizing him, like "oh, he just plays it for fun, plays it for Yuki, that's immature.. etc" , but you know, most of those people might not be successful, don't have a goal as well, but they just like people to be perfect/like to see that typical perfect shoujo Manga main lead. They're easy to judge Shou and criticize him. I mean, we almost all didn't have a goal or what we want to be since we were child, and sometimes you can't achieve what you wanted to became, and sometimes, we do things just for necessary/need but ended up loving it. Like, how Yuki joined the club for kido then it became her preciousest thing. That's why I really appreciate how Miyuki portrayed them as real human and not unrealistically perfect characters. That's more realistic, more beautiful and more inspiring to me.

      (That's why I never got attracted to Hakamada's as a person/basketball player, cause he comes out as that perfect character that I don't like, and even judge others) of course he's zero attractive to me as a guy/man too, haha, totally not my type.

    3. Ah, I see. So, that situation is still ongoing...same as before.


      I see.

      Oh...still no character development from him. Well, in shoujo, if the 2nd male lead isn't 'bad', it will be a tight fight for the girl which is usually a love triangle scenario. ^^

      Well, there are indeed people like that. Joining for fun at first/not serious then becoming serious later on for whatever reason. I guess both Shou and Yuki are lucky that they have talent on their respective interest. ^^

      Actually, he doesn't come out as perfect to me. ^^; At the start, I think it is interesting to see how he having less talent than Shou yet through hard work and perseverance managed to catch up to the 'genius' in some way.

      I think he is a bearable character until high school. After hs, to my dismay, his character devolved. As I mentioned before, I really prefer that he moved on and yes, character development rather than how he is somewhat too involved with the couple...after everything...ah, as if none of those stuff like stolen kiss happened.

      And even with all that, he is still suppose to be scared of other girls, right? It is quite odd as if the author couldn't decide if he has a sort of girl phobia-shy type then suddenly acting like a jerk-type. Ah, that is before I stopped reading. I don't know if that has changed now.

    4. Well, nah, you see, Shou has already found what's he's been aiming for and hakamada realized that. But he'd always act like nothing happened since he's a brat. But nothing of that happened again, I just had this point to say from the beginning of the Manga/the base of their basketball rivalry.

      Yeah. But it's not a love triangle in Namaikizakari and Miyuki made herself look so embarrassing enough with this case.
      But just because the other guy is good it doesn't mean I should like them both/wonder who to choose, Omg, what's this logic! 😕

      Yeah, that's why I appreciate how Miyuki portrayed them. It's more realistic and helping.

      Well, his inferiority and grudge towards Shou are what pushed him to work hard to catch up, cause at the beginning he didn't do any of this. But by perfect I meant how he had his goal/knew what he wants since he was kid. Well, there are really cases like that but so rare, haha, that's why it's quite unrealistic to me, and uninspiring or interesting.

      Indeed!! Him/that really ruined Namaikizakari for me you know..., not like before, I'm so mad and upset over that. As you said I really didn't want those stuff to happen and mostly the stolen kiss, such unlevel and cheap Manga trop. It shouldn't have happened really.

      “And even with all that, he is still suppose to be scared of other girls, right?” , Ohh, so glad you mentioned that/think so too. That's what I've been thinking, like, Miyuki made him so contradictory, I mean, how come a shy guy who can't even talk to girls, touch, confess, flirt with a girl who has a bf everytime he sees her and now it's deliberately. Like, so ridiculous. Miyuki literally failed in portraying Hakamada/character.

      I think she makes him like that, swings between shy and jerk type, to kind of excuse him, like to not make readers hate him. Agh, Hate that!!!

      Oh, and talking about "girl phobia-shy" , Glad you called it like that! I mean, I feel like I'm the weird one because I find this "shy Manga guy character who's scared of girls" weird. I mean, in Manga they don't say or show that these guys have some sort of phobia, they actually show it as "pureness" , like, seriously!? No matter how shy you are you can't be like that. Being shy is a thing and scared of girls/of the opposite gender is ANOTHER THING.

      And I don't care what's it tbh, I'm so sick of this pure shoujo Manga typical guy! Really hate and can't stand a guy like that!! Blushing so red, scared of girls, running away from girls, getting flustered for every random girl.. isn't not cute or adorable to me, it's just creepy, uncomfortable and soooo annoying. Sorry, bear with me, I really fed up with this thing the most.

      He didn't do anything in these chapters, he was so irrelevant. but there was a chapter where he forced his help on Yuki like always to get Shou's birthday gift (a koke-Maro stand phone chicken, haha) and he took advantage of the situation to confess to her again and at the end said it was like a date. OMG, I really can't stand him anymore!! So tired of this!! And a shy guy would say something like that?! Nah, I'm really so sick of this.

      But it's sad that you stopped reading it 😅 Shou and Yuki (relationship) progressed and matured a lot, especially Shou, haha, he was such a mature and gentleman in the latest chapter, celebrating Yuki's birthday. ❤️"

    5. I agree. The love triangle is quite forced when it shouldn't even exist anymore. Haha, okay for a relaxing read. If the aim is to provoke readers, it works. 😅

      I agree. Actually, with him, he doesn't really seem 'shy' because of the jerk tendencies. As you mentioned, it is contradictory. Usually, shy guys, I assume, would hesitate and think twice rather than being impulsive. That isn't exactly a 'pure' guy from typical shoujo manga. It is indeed more of a phobia = scared of girls. Iirc, he was freaking out when he is touched.

      Oh. Delusional and persistent-type now, huh. Hm...so the 'love triangle' is still there. Quite pathetic of him.

      Ah, is that so. That's good ^^ No Shizuka around during that time? ^^

    6. Indeed, the forced drama/love triangle with hakamada is quite pathetic.

      Exactly!! He just easily confesses and flirts with her everytime he sees her yet he's shy! Sigh.

      Yeah! speaking of that, at first, Yuki casually did think/say he has some sort of phobia. Glad to know that I'm not the only/weird one who thinks like that of such guys. ;Relaxed;
      And she did say too "He's that weirdo" in their 2nd meeting, haha, glad for that too. And in chapter 16 she did say that he's "quite disturbing" , so glad she had that impression of him cause I think so too, he's so loud and noisy, which is so disturbing.

      You know, I payed attention to those stuff/details just lately cause I'm re-downloading it. I also was surprised when I discovered that he said "I feel inferiority complex and admiration towards Shou" in chapter 18. You know, I didn't pay attention/know about it before. But I've been always thinking/saying that. I'm proud of myself because I was objective and not just because I don't like his character, haha 😂

      Yeah, most fans now are calling him creepy and delusional, And they have the right tbh.

      Haha, Yeah, he wasn't around, he didn't appear at all. They had all the chapter to themselves, hehe. Went in a date to the zoo and came back to Yuki's house where Shou cooked for her, hehe. ^

      Actually even in the previous chapter he didn't appear. He didn't appear like 4 chapters. Actually it has been always like that, he won't appear like 4 or 5 chapters then appear to do or say something to Yuki then disappear, isn't it? So unlevel 😑

      That chapter was so sweet too, Yuki drank and got drunk and was super cute, haha, And Shou can't handle her cuteness and forwardness, haha.

    7. I see, so it is the same as before. He just appears to agitate...the readers. ^^;

      Ah, those are nice. So, it is mostly lovey-dovey scenarios these past chapters?

    8. Indeed. so annoying.

      Well, nah, after Hawaii chapters, they went in a trip for two chapters with Osaki club members. One of them was mostly about the captain and Natsumi, hehe. And a chapter of basketball where Shou and hakamada cooperated and did great. It was mostly a continuation/about the captain and Natsumi too, haha. And Oh, she has such a sad story :( And they finally started going out, Yay, hehe. A chapter about Usami and Suwa. (The lastest chapter) And the rest like I told you. Oh, and Shou is doing great in basketball finally and he's playing, no bench anymore ~❤️

      And Yuki got insecure again over that thinking he'd leave her, haha, till he reassured her like always. It was so sweet. ~

      Back to Hakamada. As you said, it provokes me a lot. I just want a peaceful read, I personally don't like love triangles at all. They're so stressful to me.

      But because Yuki didn't choose him should I be forced to see him playing the poor role/2nd male lead for the rest of my life?! Should I be forced to see him touching, hugging, flirting, confessing, having moments with Yuki for the rest of the Manga!? God, I'm so sick of this!! Really, so disrespectful and disgusting to see. I really fed up.

      But why making hakamada a love rival? I mean, Shou isn't that kind of main lead who needs a rival to push him to realize his feelings (through jealousy) or confess. Really, Hakamada and the whole love triangle is just some fan service.

      It's really sad to be forced to see a love rival in every shoujo Manga for this silly reason. "The main lead might not be some fans type so they'd creat a rival with totally different personality to him. And they'd automatically ship him with the female lead."

      If the main lead is a jerk who ignores and treats the girl badly then ok I acknowledge the rival and would ship him with the girl even if he's not my type, like how I did in many Mangas. But Shou treats Yuki good and he went through everything without giving up on her.

      Or they can just make a girl for the 2nd male lead from the beginning, it shouldn't be the main girl.

      It's so predictable that the second lead will love the girl too, agh, so silly. Nah, every guy who appears will fall for the main girl. In real life, maybe hakamada won't even love Yuki, but just admire her. I mean, love isn't the only feely relationship between people. There's friendships, brotherhood, And sometimes you'd just admire someone but won't love them in a romantic way.
      Plus, No matter how great you're/the girl's personality is, she can't be loved by everyone, God.

      I lately discovered that people/well girls don't like love triangle because they would feel bad for the guys/the other guy. Agh, sorry, I don't dislike it for this reason, I dislike it because I find it disrespectful to girls and it makes me feel creepy and uncomfortable with many guys liking one girl. (And all have moments with her)

      And most of the time, second male leads love for the girl isn't convincing to me. I mean, it'd be like that "The girl would ask him if he's ok, he seems tired, then he'd be like oh, no one actually asked me that, then he'd fall for her" , I swear I've read this sentence a ton of times. The same with hakamada, Yuki was wishing him luck, etc, and he's all in love. Suwa too, she asked him once about his self and he's interested. God, so silly!
      Ok, you might appreciate that but won't fall in love and immediately.
      Or if the girl smiles to them, and they're already in love. So stupid.

      What I dislike the most is how Miyuki shows that what hakamada is doing isn't wrong. And How she tries to victimize him, normalize and romanticize his advances.. Agh. And also don't like how hakamada thinks he isn't doing wrong, but actually right and what should done.

    9. I see. So there is a new pair.

      Hm...weird, insecure that he'll leave her...for what, where? Because he's famous now?

      Actually, it is the first time I read this kind of love rival. Already rejected yet doing those kinds of things and getting away with it. 😅 They usually stop once caught by the boyfriend. It isn't even fan service since he is practically a 'jerk'.

      That was what I thought. I hoped that there will be someone for him so that he'll quit pursuing...actually, again, usually after rejection/caught by bf, rivals stop unless he is a villain and Shizuka isn't a villain in the series.

      Well, it is fantasy of girls to be love by handsome guys = harem. There are even games with that theme. It is of course, for entertainment. ^^

      Ah about that, it usually depends like if no one else show they care and only that person so sometimes they do fall in love. There is also that 'crush/admire' thing first. There's also 'attraction' = love at first sight...though I think that is mostly on looks. So being 'attracted' + 'good deeds', I think can indeed make one fall in love. Ah, yes, there is also that 'that person is one's type'. It's really complicated in real life. In short, hehe, don't overthink it, mary. This type of manga is for high schoolers/elementary girls, etc. ^^

      True. It is unfortunate that it was handled that way.

    10. Yeah, a new pair! >< And TBH they're better than Usami × Suwa to me, haha. Captain Akutsu is so much cooler than Suwa and Natsumi's personality is so much better than the fangirl Usami, haha. Also their relationship, tbh I'm not into Usami × Suwa kind of relationship.

      Oh, yeah, like maybe she felt that he won't need her that he's doing great in basketball now. Or their level won't be the same (no match)
      After a match Shou came to her and hugged her and told her that he realized on his own that he have become better, etc, then she was going to hug him back but she paused and didn't. Then she said what I'm doing.. I actually wanted to hug him back, but. Then when she got drunk in ch 112 she started saying everything non-stop, haha, that he keeps getting better at basketball, keeps on moving ahead of her, and becoming an awesome person. And that she feels like soon he's going to leave her behind. He then made her drink some water through a kiss, haha, cause he kept saying that she needs to drink some water but she wouldn't listen 😂 And told her with a serious expression that "I'd never ever leave you behind, senpai" ~ And then she calmed down, haha.

      But in the next day/chapter she actually forgot everything 😂 in the date she remembered some stuff and asked him and he told her. Then after cooking for her and then patting her head saying "happy birthday" , she couldn't handle that much sweetness, haha ~ and went to the veranda crying and told him all her feelings about that honestly. That she's his number one fan when it comes to basketball but for some reason, she couldn't be happy seeing him keep moving forward in the league matches, it made her feel scared, and sorry, she's a coward, haha. Then he gave her a watch as her 20th birthday gift and told her it feels like they're always together when looking at it. Hehe. ~

      “Actually, it is the first time I read this kind of love rival. Already rejected yet doing those kinds of things and getting away with it. 😅 They usually stop once caught by the boyfriend” , glad to hear that, to not feel that I'm the only one who thinks like that. Seriously, sigh.

      Exactly! As we said before she makes him contradictory.

      Sorry that's not entertaining to me. 😑

      Yeah, but it's not convincing to me. Not a solid love, solid reasons for love. To me, love comes after spending a lot time with that person, knowing them, etc.

      "This type of Manga is for high schoolers/elementary girls" , do you mean Namaikizakari? 🤔 Or general? Cause Namaiki is better in that, I mean, usually in other Mangas even the main couple's love is handled like that, they smile to each other, help each other once or two.. And it's love. That's why I loved how Shou fell after watching/knowing her for enough/proper time. And how Yuki took her time too in knowing and loving him.
      And not just cause he confessed/after he confessed. Cause usually if one of the main confesses, the other would date them, suddenly/fall for them too. Agh.

      And it's still handled that way.

    11. I see. That's good ^^

      Hm... I'm having a bit of deja vu about that uneasy part. Didn't that happen before? Something like what the ex- said...like since Shou is getting better, the lover feels left out as if not needed anymore. I don't quite understand/feel this kind of insecurity especially since she is also in the same field-basketball/sports. 😅

      As usual, it is nice that Shou knows how to reassure her ^^


      Well, let's just say that for others, attraction is the start and the rest comes afterwards. Actually, if the other person is popular, there's pressure to go for date first and know that person more later on. 😅

      I'm talking in general especially the magazine where Namai is serialized in. Hm...I guess those scenarios would also depend on what type of characters are in the story and type of story. You know, there are even those 'let's get married due to circumstances and fall in love later on' storylines. ^^

    12. Oh, I didn't think of it like that 😮 Now that you said that, we can tell that maybe it wasn't that Shou didn't love the ex, wasn't into her, neglected her, but maybe she felt like Yuki here, cause yeah, her words gave an impression that she could be about basketball.
      But I still think it's not, Cause he didn't chase after her or anything. While, if Yuki would leave due to insecurities or anything else, he'd definitely chase after her and all.

      If we take it like that then it can create a trauma to Shou, haha. If it's some more dramatic Manga, it'd really be taken that way, but Miyuki isn't into those stuff, so. But then poor Shou, his awesome personality, talent..etc, make girls leave him, haha 😂

      But Yuki didn't even think of leaving him ~ unlike the ex. So it's not the same, Yuki knows that she's being loved. ~

      You know, I did think it's a deja vu but not with the ex but with Yuki herself, if you remember, she actually did get insecure like that many times, in chap 22 when she told him you'll end up hating me/leave me. In chap 44 too. And actually she has been having that though for quite awhile.
      You know I like it when Yuki be like that, haha, as much as I'm surprised that she'd feel/act that way I love it, cause you know, she's Yuki, haha, I mean, it's great to see how much she loves him, how she's afraid that he might leave her/break up, and how much she'd be sad if that happens. So yeah, haha.

      Well, same field but not same level, hehe.
      If you recall, Shou also had this insecurity that he's not her level/a good BF for her, in chapter 79.

      Indeed! ><~ Oh, I've something to say about that, when Yuki gets insecure, no one would say anything/bad about it, but just "oh, poor her, etc" , but if it's Shou, it'd be taken so badly, and girls would be like "ah, he's immature, possessive, doesn't trust her, when he'll stop with his insecurities.." , 😅 I think there is indeed a double standards. 😅
      → And even them, Shou takes it so lightly but Yuki takes it so harshly, idk..

      Yeah. Well, hope they stop with this popular guy/male lead. Wish Shou wasn't one.

      Oh, yeah, there's those. You know, I actually started reading Manga when I was in college. Maybe that's why I can't buy a lot stuff in them. Many things aren't my type.

      Oh, right, Yuki wore a sleeveless blouse in their night, and it looked so good on her, so pretty and stunning, haha. What I want to say is that she never wore like that, not just her but all. I've noticed that japanese actually don't wear sleeveless clothes that much, both girls and boys. Isn't it?

      Actually Yuki made Shou wait 2 months to celebrate her birthday, haha, from September to November, due to the league matches, she said he has to concentrate, haha. You know, I really love how he just accepted that without even discussing or arguing about it. I find that very mature of him, how he just accepts what she says/wants, lets her do what makes her feel good, regardless if it's wrong, right or weird, takes it so slightly.. etc. ❤️ And oh, it wai just for the day celebration but they didn't sleep together for 2 months too (for the same reason, haha) here we can tell how much Shou respects Yuki. ~~

      Ohh, I remember, you know, that hakamada, didn't remember her birthday at all!! I was so surprised, I didn't expect that! They were in the club room then the talk was about Yuki's b-day, they were telling Shou how he just accepted that, she's cold and all. And hakamada were totally clueless, like, "ah, her birthday was 2 months ago, really!" , What I want to say is that if you remember in ch 35 he did hear the members talking about her birthday so he should knows the date, but he totally forgot!!! OMG. I always keep confirming that his love for Yuki is shallow and not real at all!! 😒😡

    13. Sorry, I didn't mean the ex, I mean how Yuki was before which is similar with the ex. I forgot the chapters. It was the part when Shou remembered the ex because of what Yuki said which is similar to the ex's.

      I actually don't quite get that 'poor Shou, his awesome personality, talent..etc, make girls leave him'. Like why? Wasn't that suppose to attract a lover and even want to support the lover more?

      True, she knows that she is loved but where is that insecurity coming from? This part, 'he keeps getting better at basketball, keeps on moving ahead of her, and becoming an awesome person. And that she feels like soon he's going to leave her behind.' Why?

      The boyfriend part, I can somewhat understand especially with some suitors lingering around and only showing their 'best' parts...actually, even their 'bad' parts and it is still okay with Yuki.

      And, it isn't like Shou is belittling her in some way because they aren't in the same level in basketball. Actually, they are in the same level since she is pretty much 'god-level' in terms of being a manager.

      True, I guess I'm puzzled about this since if it is the start, it is okay regarding those insecurities but then, how long are they going stay now? And, it seems that she still has the same issues/problems. Didn't he already reassure her about it? Oh well, I guess it is the type that one has to keep on reassuring the partner about it.

      Actually, thinking about it, Shou has reason to be very wary, I guess...I mean, just based on the stuff that Shizuka got away with.

      Hm...I think it depends. They would probably just wear it during summer. And, perhaps, if that person is conservative/traditional?

      Hehe, that isn't a surprise anymore. ^^ He did that before during high school matches and exams...she keeps on delaying this and that. Hm...somehow I wonder if that is a 'healthy' relationship. I mean, yes, it is romantic and shows how much he loves and respects her but to 'just accept that without discussing or arguing about it'. Well, if that is also what he wants, I guess it's okay. 😅

      True. If one really likes a person, one would pay special attention and remember it. Hehe, but then, you know how contradictory Shizuka is in this series so...😅

    14. Oh, I see. Yeah, in chapter 57.

      Haha, I was actually joking about that one. Yeah, it'd attract and all but there's that side of fear, insecurity too. It's real you know.

      Haha, I think it came from herself, like, you know how she's not confident, has low self-esteem, and was always thinking that Shou isn't her match, so with stuff like that, she'd get scared and all. Tbh, I didn't overthink it, I mean, yeah, it's repeated and she shouldn't keep doing that but I'm not bothered, and life is really like that, you'd say "ah, I won't act that way again, but then there's something that makes you do", so yeah, hehe.


      Yes, he doesn't belittle her or makes her feel inferior, etc. So as I said it's about herself. Like, it's her personality, she overthink, etc.
      Yeah, they're in the same level but Yuki isn't/didn't think like that, Haha. her insecurity made her blind, haha.

      Haha, yeah. Hope she'd be more confident in herself so then she won't feel that insecure.

      True. And keeps getting away with everything.

      Hm, yeah. Though I still think they don't really wear it that much.

      True, she's forever delaying, haha.
      Haha, tbh, I didn't overthink it, didn't understand it in a bad way. I think it's not that serious thing for him to argue..? Also, maybe he doesn't want to insist on her, and it'd be hard to get her to understand, and since it's part of her personality. What do you think? I don't think it's or they reach the unhealthy point.

      Yeah 😒

    15. Tho I'm glad he forgot, haha, and to not see an annoying scene of him congratulating her or something 😒😆

      Tbh, I don't like Hakamada's love for Yuki, I find it stressful/for her, I mean he idealizes her like, puts responsibilities/stress on her, to be perfect, etc (keeps saying you're great and amazing..) Just like how everyone treat her, And she always found herself obligated to be as they want her to be. (Perfect)
      But Shou doesn't put stress and those restrictions on her, he loved her imperfect self not her perfect mask. Like, hakamada likes this perfection in her but Shou doesn't like (in a way) and doesn't want her to act like that, you understand me, Kat? And that's really beautiful of Shou because it's really unhealthy and tiring for her to be like that.

      Shou from the beginning have known that she's a hard working, etc, but he didn't love her because of that but till he saw a crack in her perfect image (crying for kido) , But hakamada got interested and loved her purely because of her hard work/perfection. And I don't think this is a real and solid reason for love, I mean, everyone would love you when you're successful, perfect, etc, but not everyone would love your imperfection and bad self/version. That's why I've always seen hakamada's love for Yuki as shallow and not special. And also suggestive and conditional, I mean, like, he was searching for that perfect person and then found Yuki and so loved her.

      That's why Yuki never felt comfortable hakamada to be herself, I mean, she's always kind= formal, collected with him. Meanwhile she yells, screams, etc, with Shou = acts like her real self, in comfort, like a human, natural and normal. Not Joe she's smh fake/gives the best image of herself with everyone. Like, Shou gave her enough safety for her to act natural/herself and that she won't be hated for that. You understand me, Kat?

      Like we all somehow act fake/give best version and show good parts of ourselves, with our partners/Lovers, like, be cautious, but Yuki is so natural and casual with Shou (yells, shows mad expressions..) , you remember at the beginning when she shouted for him "don't lose the ball" , then after it, she said "oh, kido senpai was there and I did that!!" , see! Like, she was cautious, didn't/couldn't show an embarrassing/real/natural side of herself in front of him. That's why I really appreciate Shou and his love for her. :)

      Shou gave her safety to be herself, and that it's ok and he won't hate her because of it (she doesn't need to be perfect to be loved as how she thought) , Cause yeah, relationships between people aren't measured by love as much as by safety, permanent safety, That you trust someone about your faults and slips, Even those things that you're afraid to say to yourself, That you don't feel the need to hide some things for fear of distorting your image. :)

      This is how I see his love/their love, hehe, ')

    16. Haha, oh...you're joking. ^^;

      True. I guess in a story, I don't like it being repetitive even if it is realistic. Or, at least a different outcome. Mentioning this, it makes me think about Shizuka's repetitive actions that lead nowhere. *shrug* I'm hoping for a bit of character development of some sort especially since a lot of time had passed.

      Hm...not really argue, but at least, what's his opinion about it. Is it really okay with him? If I really think about it, the reason for the delay of celebrating important occasions is a bit shallow. It isn't like Shou will flunk or just one date will distract Shou so much that he cannot concentrate on playing. If he has bad grades or really cannot afford to skip practice for one day/night then it is understandable.

      I get your point and I agree. 😄 Hm...weren't there some instances when Yuki showed her 'real self' to others? One time, I recall it was with the basketball team and they were pretty shocked. So until now, they still only 'see' the 'perfect manager Yuki'?

      And, what you mentioned there made me think of celebrities/having someone as an idol like they are perfect and cannot do nothing wrong. It isn't real love especially since people don't really know what that person is really like especially in private.

    17. Yes, you're right.
      Shou and Yuki had some character development but Shizuka, ow, zero.

      Oh, speaking of that, when Shou began to cook for her, Yuki asked him if she can take a video, haha, she was so cute. I was so surprised that she did and casually without thinking or hesitation. Such a development, haha, I mean, you remember how she spent the whole chapter/day/s thinking how to do to take a photo of him in his school uniform? Glad to see her more natural and honest. ~
      The atmosphere between them was so sweet when he was cooking and her filming, really. ❤️~ And she smiled so cutely, so casually, and Shou's reaction was so sweet, he kissed the phone, haha.

      And also she casually wore the watch he gave her/in the next chapter, a development too, haha, I mean, you remember how she acted with the ring? She stored it and didn't wear it, haha.

      Actually he didn't want, haha. Well, the chapter started like that: “showing many matches then, they talked about her birthday, then there was a flashback/from Yuki, chibi Yuki and Shou talking on the phone, he said happy birthday! can I come to your place? She said no, you can come when the leagues matches are over, your moral will drop. He said, what am I, a soldier?” , Haha. Now that made me think of what you said, on point, haha. Then while the members are saying he should do something, he's the boyfriend, he said, she promised me that we're going to have a celebration when the leagues matches are over. And it's like that. ~

      So yeah, Shou's won't get distracted but this is how Yuki thinks, so, haha. Actually, it's she herself who can't do 2 things in the same time (like me, haha) but Shou can, it's ok with him, so she's kind of treating it based on herself, but reflecting it on Shou.(Thinking about him too ofc) Haha, I made it hard to understand 😂

      And yeah, the reason is kind of shallow, actually more like, strict, exaggerated. but well she's Yuki so I'm not that surprised, haha. Though I got surprised at first tbh, cause 2 months are too much, whoa, haha.

      Oh, glad you agree with me, >.<
      Yes, there were but then she'd be like "ah, what I did?! Get worried and all" But with Shou she doesn't mind, doesn't even care/notice, just yells and it's ok, ~
      Yeah, I think they still see her like that, haha.

      Exactly, and probably when they do know them they won't keep liking them, cause they won't be their type/what they thought them to be. Like hakamada, I think if he really knows Yuki (especially her reason of joining the club = wasn't serious) he wouldn't probably keep liking her. He's that kind of person.

    18. I see. That's good, there's development on that area ^^

      Haha, apparently Yuki assumes that Shou is like her who can get distracted by romance. Based on previous scenes, it is the contrary. Shou's moral won't drop, it will actually get a boost. 😅 Also, about celebrating after the league match, there's a possibility that there's no 'good mood' if they lost, right?

      That's right. Maybe it would be nice if Shou pointed this out to her without hurting her feelings.

      I see.

      Yup. Hm...it makes me wonder if he'll ever know about it. I mean, would the author make such a scenario? It seems unlikely before.

    19. So sorry for the late reply, I was so busy these past days. 🙏🏻

      Haha, true. Now that you say that, he did mention to her (indirectly) that it'd give him a boost, like, say you like me, kiss him, hug him, haha.

      Oh, true, there's that possibility too. She didn't think of that, hah, haha. But, did you say it as bad or good thing? Like, if they lose that would help his moral? Or maybe he won't be in the mood to celebrate?

      I don't know, Don't think so 😒 it'd great and interesting if she does.

    20. You know there's something that's bothering me, It's those people who are like "Naruse was also kissing and touching Yuki before starting dating" whenever someone criticize Hakamada's advances on Yuki. Well, Ok, so what? That does make hakamada not wrong? Or hakamada should and can kiss and hug Yuki because Shou did? And it's all ok? Or are you gonna SAY THAT "Shou did" everytime someone says "oh, hakamada is being a jerk, etc" ?? , God!
      Plus, weren't they hating on and saying that Shou is a jerk, forceful, stressful, harasser, bad guy, bad and unhealthy boyfriend, because he was kissing and touching Yuki before starting dating, and that our pure hakamada would never act like him, so he's better for her/better boyfriend, what change now? Now you're trying to excuse him using Shou?! For doing the same things as him?! Trying to justify the same things you hated and criticize Shou for ?! Really, so 👎🏻
      So immaturely biased.

      And it's worse in his case since Yuki is in a mutual relationship, plus, she's happy, AND HE KNOWS THAT.

      And admit it or not, it's not the same case, not cause she didn't have a boyfriend back then but because she was in love with Shou and his kisses and all weren't all forceful but Yuki accepted, let him and reciprocated with him. Unless the first kiss in the first chapter he didn't do it again till she chased after him in chapter 2, and then till chapter 6 where she came to his house, and it was a mutual kiss, and Yuki did admit her love for him to herself there. (Etc for others too)
      If Yuki ever says "stop" and "no" and is serious or upset, he'd have stopped, and he has respected her. like how he did many times and even when they're dating.

      They were hating on Shou because of that but when their bias did the same they were like, "Oh, it's actually cute and cool, it's actually romantic, he's cute so it's ok... Etc, etc. Aghhh, I can't!!!!

      Well, At least Shou is honest, always be himself. He's a bad guy and shameless? ok, But he never act like a poppy guy who is so pure to even touch a girl's pinky, Then go secretly forcing kisses and hugs on someone's else girlfriend, like HAKAMADA.
      And Shou at least is maturing. Unlike him.

      You know Kat, I did realized now, most of those ppk who were hating on Shou weren't doing so because of right and wrong but just cause he wasn't their type/don't like him, if their bias did the same they'd like and enjoy it and would create million excuses to justify him, like how they're doing.

      That's why I respected you, at first you were light on hakamada, didn't attack him or anything, But when he forced that kiss and all, you admitted him wrong, didn't try to excuse him or something. Respect that.

      It's funny how some people like to say and believe that people tolerate Shou just because he's a hot cool good looking guy, yet THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOING THE EXACT SAME THING WITH HAKAMADA, tolerate and excuse him because he's cute, good looking guy, and THEIR TYPE. Hah, sigh.

      And how do they know that he'd be a better boyfriend for Yuki? A good boyfriend in the first place? Just because he's a shy guy and all? Agh. People can be genuinely good as a person, but you don't know how they will be when it comes to relationship, the two things seem like they are linked but actually they are miles apart.
      And prove, see how forceful and jerk he's being towards Yuki now.

    21. It's okay.

      Well, I'm just thinking for myself like would I be in the mood to celebrate an occasion after losing a game/competition? That might cause another delay. Lol, by the time they will celebrate, it might be time for another occasion. 😅 As I mentioned, if it is her, yes, they should postpone it.

      Hmm...first time I heard of that. For me, since I'm old fashioned and everything, I do prefer the formal confession + going steady before all those kisses, touching, and whatever. Though, I do know of the fact that what you mentioned happen in shoujo and perhaps, real life? I don't know. Lol, I mentioned that since there are really some things in this world that are unbelievable that happens. 😅

      Like you said, if it is 'mutual', the other party won't be screaming sexual harassment, etc. And yes, the biggest issue is Yuki is already taken so those things are a big no-no. As I mentioned before, there is that problem with how Yuki reacts to those advances. Except for the kiss, those hugs seems to be okay. Ah, there's still no 'negative' response from her right to make Shizuka stop bothering her with romantic advances?

      Ah, well, that's how fans can be. It can be biased. Hm...until now, there are people rooting for Shizuka with Yuki? As to who is a better boyfriend, that is also based on one's type among others. By the way, is the author still doing the 'similarities' of Shizuka and Yuki kinda of like they are soulmate or something? That was the impression I got before.

    22. Haha, I see, true.

      "It's the first time I heard of that" of what? What did I say? Haha, Don't misunderstand me, I also prefer the going steady first then those stuff. And it's not about being old fashioned or modern, it's the normal thing to do.
      But I didn't want to think bad of Shou/I didn't think bad of him regarding that. Because he never had a bad intention to those kisses and touches, etc. He never tired to control her, or make her obey him. He never had a prior plan to them, all just a spur of the moment. But I might be biased so it's ok. And they already ruined him/it for me for the way they talk about him, so yeah..,

      Because I've read worse, The guy literally tell the girl she should obey him, treats her like an object/dog, his kisses and touches were so forceful, not beautiful or anything, and not just they weren't dating yet but he wasn't even in love with her, or confessed like Shou. But ppl are ok with that, and just hate on Shou. You know, I start to believe that girls really like the guy who ignores, mistreat and humiliating them. And since Shou was the one chasing after Yuki then meh to them.

      But Shou considered a harasser..
      Ah, I remember, you know, there are still people who don't know that the chest accident at the first chapter was by accident. They think he touched her chest deliberately.., sigh.

      Ah, about Yuki's reaction, let me say this, it's not Yuki, it's Miyuki, it's Authors doing to make the girl like that. It's so unrealistic, Yuki (or any other girl/or person) would never normally behave and react like that. I'm so mad, hate that and can't anymore, sigh.

      Yeah, type = biased.
      I mean, Just say I'd defend him no matter how wrong he acts, would think and believe he's better for the girl, because he's my type/bias. Instead of going in this silly "2mls are better" circle. Don't try to make and believe that Shou is a bad boyfriend, just cause you like hakamada.


    23. I think there still.
      That's what I'm telling, so I'm forced to see hakamada kissing, hugging, confessing and flirting with Yuki every some chapters because there are some fans who ship him with Yuki?! Really, so disgusting. Shoujo Manga are filled with disgusting stuff. I'm not the kind of person who can handle that. Never. (Excuse me for that word please)
      Like, they share one girl with two guys at the same time. Like here, one chapter Shou, and another chapter hakamada. God... And ppl are with that because each guy is some fans type. I really can't you know.
      And the worst is that I'm supposed to find this NORMAL and ROMANTIC. Because this how shoujo fans take that. Ha.. God.

      Soulmates?? Well, no, I don't think she did in theses chapters.
      So yeah, they keep saying "hakamada is similar to Yuki", that's all you have to say? I mean, just because they're similar, Yuki should love and choose him? Think just because two people are similar then their relationship automatically and 100% will succeed? Agh, please. Shou and Yuki with respect and understanding made such a great relationship. And that's so far from a judgemental person like hakamada.

      And why don't they say Arisa is better for Shou too, because she's similar to him smh? Nah, they just act so dramatic over the rival, and make everything he does into a big deal. Like, Himeno and Shou had such a great interactions and moments, he smiled to her 2 times where it's so rare for him, she blushed to him, etc, but they just ignore that all. If it was a guy, they'd be like "oh, I ship them, she actually has something for him, and a special place in her heart." , Agh, sigh.

      What did hakamada do to Yuki anyway? just cause he helped her 2 or 3 times ACCIDENTALLY then he's a great guy and should be the one Yuki love and choose?! Sigh. I mean, Shou also helped Usami many times so she should love him instead and not Suwa? Arisa helped him/them many times and was the reason they become a couple, so Shou should choose and love her, right? Really just sigh. All that and they still believing in that "second male leads thing- are better but they're not chosen because they're 2mls. Agh, not always, grow up.

      And let's be honest hakamada doesn't suit Yuki. I mean, Because Shou was honest with his feelings and continue to show them it brought out Yuki true nature and lost her composure.
      If he was a person like her their relationship would be kind of dead and she'd continue to bottle up her feelings which is really unhealthy.
      And that was the Manga goal/what Yuki needed/to go though.

    24. And if it's about " similarity" ,then hakamada should date Himeno, since she's a total copy of him, awkwardly shy, a fluster person and scared of guys. Right! 😃 I mean, sigh 😑

    25. I mean, comparing Shou and Shizuka being the same because of the kissing and touching before dating. It is obviously not the same since Shizuka is doing it when she has a bf already. I would actually give Shizuka a free pass when they weren't a couple yet. ^^;

      Lol, true, but these days, I cannot it may not be 'normal' for others. ^^; I guess it is more like that in more liberal people? You know those one night stands, among others.

      Haha, let's just say that different people have different types? ^^ And yes, there are girls who likes that kind of guy. Actually, I would think that they are getting something from that person? Or perhaps, it is charisma? I'm thinking of the politicians/celebrities here. Actually, even in some 'romance help' stories wherein they are still staying with the person who beat them up and say that is love. *shrug*

      I think whether it is harassment or not depends on the person it is being done on and how others think of the one doing it. I'm thinking like if the girl is okay with it, it isn't exactly harassment. About the others, well, as you mentioned, if the one doing it is hated, they will think that. For example, what if it is a ugly old man doing it. For others seeing it, it is like that. But what if the girl isn't protesting and happily moved/fangirling over the advances? Compare it with, a handsome hot celebrity doing it.


      Oh, so there are still people shipping him? And, the author is obliging that? Lol, are you referring to a certain shoujo or many shoujo? Right now, I can only think of one infamous one doing that and even got 'enemies' because I'm being sarcastic with the male lead/s. Lol and I'm not really shipping either guys anymore at the near end arcs because the girl keeps on switching back and forth...until the end. ^^;

      Hehe, I actually think that way since they are similar in a lot of ways. ^^; But, I'm not going to jump to she should love and choose him though. I'm actually hoping that he'll be a friend wherein being similar, they can understand each other and help in each other's problems. Haha, though that can be problematic in a story since right now, even if Shizuka is like that, they are still rooting him for Yuki. So, if he is a good friend, they might ship him more and the story would be different.

      Haha, at that time, I slightly think that Shou deserves Arisa. I guess I have a soft spot for people who have one-sided love for years and love them no matter what. Himeno, not really...though I wonder if she thinks of him in that way. Did she?

      Hehe, well, helping someone a few times cannot be equated to 'love and choose that person' but it helps ^^ Ah, in that case, Usami knows that someone having a gf is 'no touch' or, Shou isn't her type? Hm...am I wrong to say that I get the impression that Usami likes older men? ^^;

      Hm...not really. It depends on the person. Personally, I prefer who is similar than who is different. It may be 'dead' but I'm not really into lots of quarrels due to differences in opinion, perspective, etc. I think both has its pros and cons like what you mentioned what happened with Yuki and Shou ^^ Again, it depends on one's preference. 😄

      In a way, the 'should date him/her because...' is a logical way of thinking. That is removing the possibility of attraction/passion. Like, this person is 'perfect match/suitable' for this other person but what if the problem is there is no 'love'. Lol, I'm thinking of dating sites and stuff. 😅

    26. Nah, nah, they compare and do much more. I've read some comments and got shocked. Like when he forced that kiss on Yuki, "Oh, he finally did it, he finally became a man.." , ?! Wow. Are people really that disgusting? So what make a guy a 'man' is forcing kisses on girls? And you're just going to enjoy it ignoring the fact that she has a boyfriend?! Wow really..

      Oh, true. But I'm talking about a serious and romantic relationship, haha, idk.

      Yeah, that's the idea, "he beats
      her up and says that's love" , like in Manga, the guy bullies, ignores, humiliates, disrespect, hurts, mistreat the girl all the time, but SHE and FANS think this/he is hot and cool that way, and he's actually a good guy and loves her but just can't express his feelings, and he has a sad back story (family or mommy issues.. ) so it's ok. Idk how those people think ¿ And can they live with such a man? A guy who loves you won't ignores and mistreat you, and would confess and chase after you. At least this is what I got from my experience in life, haha.

      Yeah, We're biased instead of being fair judges, unfortunately.
      But Shou's weren't harassments, right ? 😧😫

      Yeah, that's the conclusion I reached by myself, so idk.
      Ah, Nah, I'm not referring to any certain shoujo, but I'm about them all, They're all like that.
      Really? That's exactly what I hate, agh. What Manga is this ? �😑
      Ah, what do you mean by "got enemies" , you? Yourself?

      I'm telling you they don't care, if Shizuka acts good or bad, they would still enjoy it, and defend him whatever. You know, I swear even if he rapes Yuki, there'd people who say it's actually hot and enjoyable, and defend him with, "he's just poor and in love.."

      Oh, really?!! Haha, interesting and glad to know that, hehe ~ cause I really love Arisa and respect her, you know. Oh, same, but "people who have one sided-love for years, AND would respect the lover, I mean, not like the stupid Hakamada doing all sort of no-no things" just 😑
      Oh, no, haha, Himeno didn't and doesn't think of him that way, she just admires him.

      Oh, haha, I never got that impression, tbh, I don't think so, I think all what matters to her is "the face" , doesn't matter if he's older or younger, haha 😂

      Yeah, But it's not like Shou and Yuki are polar opposite, I mean they do have similarities and actually.. it's deeper than hers and haka. Like, how they're not judgemental, composed, logical (unlike hakamada) Also, inexpressive and don't show their weak sides or ask for help. (Unlike hakamada.. who's fine to even talk about his love problems to his captain)
      And actually Yuki and Shou's quarrels and fights weren't over differences but because of each one's flaws. Like, opening up, jealousy, communication.. etc. (natural relationship fights)

    27. Talking about Himeno, the latest chapter was kinda about her, haha, well, Yuki and Shou went to Ryuhoku festival, so. Really love that, because I love high school's time the most, And I really wanted to see such chapter where shou and Yuki go to HS/club/old members, Yay! ❤️< It was such a nostalgic, beautiful, peaceful and sweet chapter.
      But that Usami guy confessed to her from nowhere 😑 I ship her with Sakuraba 😔 feel so bad for him.. :(
      Hope she rejects him. Because Himeno doesn't seem to like him at all, and I don't wanna another Usami-Suwa where one just confessed and the other "Ah, suddenly like her too" 😑 So unrealistic. Forcing them together just to replicate Shou Yuki Yuki is 😒 (Manger- younger player)

      And you see, when they're in the club room, Shou told Yuki, "everything started from here, when I saw you crying.. and since then we've always been together.." oh, so beautiful ~❤️
      ANW, haha, he told her then, "So whatever worry you had, won't happen again, you know?" , It's so beautiful from him to still being concerned about that and reassuring her 🙏🏻~ But I was surprised that he still/mentioned that again tbh, haha, (after 2 chapters/days in the Manga) idk, I have uneasy feeling about that, idk 😅😂 like, Miyuki is hinting for something.

      And even that latest insecurity of Yuki, (I got uneasy about it) I don't think she did it just like that.

      Talking about Himeno, you know, tbh I don't like shy characters but Himeno wasn't that annoying to me, cause she had such a great character development/payed a lot of efforts. I actually like her ❤️^
      Unlike hakamada who didn't change or tried/pay efforts, or progress. He's exactly a bad example of a "shy character/person"

      You know, even if he's not my type/I don't like him, he could have make me respect him/or don't lose my respect for him. If he acted like a good/decent person who has one-sided love, didn't do all those no-no stuff/advances. If it was just one or two times, then I'm fine, but many times, and lately deliberately. I literally don't respect him. I'm trying to not hate him but ... Not sure.

    28. It is really a different way of thinking though I guess if one is a die-hard type fan, anything can be justifiable/twisting things in a way that it isn't bad.

      True. I read though that there are some women who believe/think that they can change the 'bad boy'. In real life, they find out too late that the guy won't change even after marriage. Ah, I guess there are those who are into bad boy-types. Ah...good guys = boring?

      Storywise though, I can understand. There was this stories wherein two guys are trying to win a girl's heart. The 'bad boy' is more interesting and has more chemistry with the lead. So, it is more fun to read/watch than the good guy whom the girl likes/likes first.

      Ah...let's just say, I'm not comfortable if the guy is going all touchy, and stuff if we are not going steady. Since I'm brought up conservatively, it is like one is 'easy' if one lets the guy do that and the guy might escalate it. I'm talking about in real life. For stories, I guess it is okay like those stolen kisses and stuff especially if the couple likes each other.

      It is Vampire Knight. The excuse was the girl has a half human and half vampire heart so whenever she is with the human, she longs for the vampire and vice-versa. It became too repetitive that it is like some sort of sick joke.

      Nope. I summarized that series. I mentioned something not nice about the character = my opinion, and some reader-fans were intensely defending about it to the point of as if trying to pick a fight. Actually, it is somewhat the same with this series. There are a couple of readers who'll react badly if I didn't comment what they like. I'm getting scared of fangirls/passionate readers. ^^;

      Haha, you know. I wonder if those people are just trolls. Like, they say things just to irritate people and enjoy the reaction.

      I see. So, if Shou's not taken, Usami might try to win his heart?

      True. I'm thinking or rather recalling about the priorities = not similar. Like, she is all about studies and basketball when he would want some time with her. Like what we talked about before regarding celebrating occasions. Of course, they don't really quarrel about this since he gives in to her.

      Oh. That's a surprise. Usami guy doesn't seem the type who is into romance. Lol, I think of him as some airhead but not into romance.

      That is nice. Ah, what worry is Shou referring to? Worry in general or is there any specific one? Ah, something like it is a a 'calm before the storm'? In other series, if that is mentioned, it means that something bad is going to happen soon.

      Haha, true...I guess with Shizuka, the author went for the opposite to make a love rival for Shou. Actually, based on those who are still rooting for Shizuka, it works to make him like that. And I guess unlike us, it makes them happy that he is doing those things. 😅

    29. Ohh, that one! I hate it the most! I can't believe I finished it! Look how it was with me, I tried to watch Anime since I lost interest in anything else. (That was 3 years ago) I was actually forcing myself because I don't like Anime as well. So, I watched this one, but I was new and didn't know about 'love triangle' and stuff, so I really hated it (hate that old man canami so much) and decided to not finish the Manga at all. But then (after a whole year) I said, I'll just finish it, and maybe it'd have a good ending (since I've a bad habit of must finishing stuff even if I disliked them, agh) but nahh, it was sooo bad and stressful, (also boring and complicated in an unlevel way) I forced myself tooo much to read/finish it, now I ask myself, why did I do that ?! Agh. But tbh, I became to just scroll, I couldn't stand it anymore. Nor the stupid love triangle nor the story.
      And you know, I didn't really understand that "because she had half human, half vampire heart" till you told me now. But didn't it finished ?

      ANW, it was such a bad and stressful story for me, I'm not the person who enjoy or can be ok with those stuff. And you know, it gave me a trauma and I hated vampires because of it. Not like I liked them in the first place. But whenever I see vampire stuff I remember it and get so annoyed, because actually it was a "cheating" Story.

      And correct me if I'm wrong, didn't she 'like' , ended up with both of them ? Like, didn't choose till the end. Loved them both. She married zero and had a girl with him, but in the same time she was waiting for canami, right ? Or I'm wrong, idk anymore 🤦🏼‍♀️

      I was actually going to tell you about it you know, long time ago. But everytime I avoid doing. And sorry I think I wrote their name wrong.
      I preferred to write it in a separated comment.

    30. Exactly. But what irritates me is how they try to make him and believe that he's the good pure guy, and that Shou is the bad guy/boyfriend. Yet both of them did the same thing/s. I mean, if you're going to hate them hate them both, don't try to act like "ah, Shou is a bad boyfriend (he was making advances on Yuki) and hakamada is good and better bla bla.." agh, hypocrites and immature indeed.

      Yeah, that's so annoying.
      Well, about bad boy and good boy = boring, let's better say a cool guy not bad boy, haha. I mean if he's cool and treats you good and is so sweet with you, then it's ok. Like Shou for example, haha. Not a guy who treats you bad = bad person. That's of course a no-no.

      Yeah yeah, true.
      Tbh I'm into bad boys/cool guys than good ones, haha 😂 like say, if the guy is like hakamada or such, even if he loves me sooo much and would treat me so good, I'd never date or be with him. And I won't regret. Because I can't be happy with someone who's totally not my type that mcuh. And can never bring myself to be with him ANW. I actually did it one time and I don't regret 😂

      You're right.

      Ohhh, I see. Surprised to know that smh 😅 haha. But it's not/you're not summarising vampire knight?
      Haha, maybe.

      Yeah, I really think so, haha.

      Ohh, true.
      Yeah, he really did/do give in to her 😅~

      Oh, interesting to know that you think of him like that, hehe. Because I didn't think so of him tbh, but I think you're right. You reminded me of a comment under this chapter saying "Usami is such an airhead" , haha 😂

      He actually meant her last one "leave me/behind , like, we've been together since then/that day, happy and sad things happened but we still together, so don't have to worry.
      It can be general too, like, I won't leave you whatever, so you don't have to worry.

      Haha, I was right in my worrying, haha, Shou's ex appeared, whoa 😂 today the new chapter and the spoiler, wow. That's what i meant when I told you I got uneasy about Yuki's insecurity and Shou mentioning it again, that it's going to be the ex/for the ex. Haha, whoa.
      She was wearing such a pretty blouse. She seems stylish and pretty.

      So, I always wanted her to appear, to know more about Shou, how and why they dated, how he was with her, why exactly they broke up, how much they dated... etc, but I don't want to see drama, Yuki and Shou being disturbed.

      But you know, Yuki is naturally unconfident person, and think Shou isn't her match and all, so I'm scared she'd feel too insecure and anxious all by herself (like usual) to the point of fighting or distancing herself from Shou. Nahhhh :((!
      And she is already feeling insecure.

      And I don't want to see shou acting like those male leads that i hate, who interact with the ex and be insensitive to the GF/Yuki, I know he's not like that, but I'm sacred Miyuki would make him contradictory just for the drama, you understand me? 😭

      Yeahhh. And because of those twisted girls/people I'm forced to see a guy being all touchy and keep declaring his love for someone else girlfriend. I'm so mad!!

      But if you hate Shou too much/he's not your type, and think he's unhealthy boyfriend, and the worst guy in the world. Simply don't read the Manga. Sorry, you can't rescue Yuki from Shou/a guy like Shou. All what you can do is dating a guy like hakamada, who won't touch you because he's too pure. And not a shameless forceful guy like Shou. 🙂

    31. Haha, you finished it ^^ Well, I finished it since I'm summarizing it and amused over the outrageous stuff the author comes up with for each chapter's cliffhanger. So, I ended up giving somewhat sarcastic and jokes about it which very serious readers don't appreciate. 😅

      Nope, that half-human and half-vampire is there until the end. She is originally a vampire and as that, she loves Kaname. But she became human because of mother's sacrifice so while human, she loves Zero. Like you, I would think that she love them both but of course, depending on whose fan you are, you'll defend that she loves this guy the most.

      Actually, I would jokingly think that Kaname called it quits. Lol. He decided to 'hibernate' since he had enough of Yuuki's wishy-washy. Hence, Yuuki ended up with Zero. But since Zero died in the end and everything, she doesn't want to be alone, she made it as a sacrifice and revived Kaname.

      On hindsight, I think the author is quite pressured then that she is coming up with one outrageous thing after another that somehow doesn't make sense anymore. I actually like Kaname since I'm not that into emo Zero but in the end, he became emo, too. 🙄 Like how can a guy who lived so many years behave like a teenager. Then, there is his friends suddenly becoming enemies like wth.

      So, now, since her new series seem to be a flop, she is reviving the series. I'm not sure if you know but I think the series is still continuing. Not sure if it has ended but it is about Kaname living with the kids, and half of it is flashbacks of what happened to Yuuki and others while Kaname is taking a nap.


      Well, cool guy is not bad boy. When I say bad boy, it is the jerk types like what Shizuka is now. Actually, aside from what Shizuka does, it is really bullying like making the girl's life hard for the heck of it. And in stories like those, the guy starts to become a great guy after falling in love. If I ever read those stories, I tend to skip the bullying part. Lol, I actually did the same with the Cinderella cartoon, fastforward the bullying. 😂

      For me, I no longer confine myself to a type because at times, depending on the story, I can actually like the character who isn't my type. 😅

      Well, actually VK is fun to read if it isn't taken seriously and somehow, I finished summarizing it. Even if it is like that and everything, it is very popular. Haha, I still remember most of it. 😅

      Oh, she finally appeared. Is she prettier than Yuki to make her insecure? I'm thinking that she ought to be a nice person to make Yuki insecure. Haha, you're thinking of the same thing already. Hm...I'm not sure about fighting unless the ex has plans on getting him back. I'm not sure distancing either...I mean after all, they are already a couple for some time/years? and she already has a mindset of 'I'm the gf', right?

      Yes, I know. I would think it also depends what kind of person the ex is. I tend to think she isn't like that since she was Shou's ex and he doesn't seem to care for such type of girls. But yes, as you mentioned this is fiction so, it might become contradictory.

      Hehe...well, we cannot really do anything if they think like that ^^ Let's just try not to think too much about it since we'll ended up stressed over it.

    32. Yeah, but I wasn't into the story anymore (skip, scroll, don't understand..) I was just getting stressed, sigh.
      Oh, I see. But that was long ago then, right ?

      God, what a toxic story. I mean the love story. Sorry, but love triangles and such, stories are toxic (not good thing) to me.

      Zero died?! I didn't know, or rather didn't understand because I couldn't care anymore, about such stressful and toxic story.
      “she doesn't want to be alone, so” , Wow. So toxic. So she just made her be with the two guys just FOR FANS/POPULARITY!! wow, really, so disgusting.. I can't with this really.
      This is what I'm telling you I can't handle...

      For me, I like Zero. I'm really not into old men. you can't imagine how much I hate old men/age gap between the guy-girl. So, I really hate those Mangas of, old man/high schooler, and ESPECIALLY teacher-student Mangas/relationships, agh, sorry but they're just creepy to me.
      To me if the guy/character is old, then I automatically won't like him (as a man). I know all girls like older guys, I mean too much older, they think they're mature and all, but to me, too older guys/men give me nothing than creepiness feeling. I know I'm alone in this and I'm so mad at this 🙂

      Like here, I think kanami doesn't suit her, he's so old than her (even though I know he's a vampire) but in his face and age he looks so old, compared to her where she is/looks so young. I don't like that really. Zero suits her more. And about treating her bad or good, they both treat her good, so. (To me, kanami feels/looks like an older brother to her more tbh)

      I think I heard about it. It is that "vampire knight memories" or something, right ? What kids? And why there's no Yuuki?

      You know, girls who like older guys, will ship her with kanami, and girls who like young guys, they will ship her with zero.

      - That's why I hate love triangle stories, they're manipulative, they manipulate fans feelings/emotions, readers would just focus on "mine is better for her, nah, mine is better", they get popular just because of that, not for the story at all. And there'd no relationship at all, but during the whole story the girl would be like "she'd choose this guy or this guy" , just so unlevel to me.
      Seeing people fighting like brats, and treating the girl like an object (I'm team A, I'm team B) is just .. disgusting to me. 💔

      You know it makes me frustrated that those stories get (specifically) popular. Sigh,,

      There are Mangas where the girl is a child/the guy would rise her, then they'll love each other when she grows up.. agh, God, seriously. I was going to read such one but dropped it for this, I just couldn't. It's Hana To akuma, not sure of the name, I forgot. The girl was sooo young, a child!! I thought/waited to make her older/I mean her drawing, age, but I think they were going to keep her that way for the rest of the story, so I dropped it.

      Girls would say they like a guy/older guy who treats them like a child, but... I'm WTH! I don't like that at all. Why would I like to be treated like a child?! Agh.

      I said so because Shou considers a bad boy 😂 ah, is Shou a bad boy/guy ? Haha.
      Haha, You know, I'm so surprised at how you're saying "jerk types like Shizuka now" , I mean, seeing how some people defended him and saying he didn't/isn't doing anything wrong makes me .. you know.
      And especially saying this, "it is really bullying like making the girl's life hard for the heck of it." , Makes see more how wrong and.. how to say it.. 'dangerous' he is being. Yet people.. wow.
      I really don't like those stories. And sometimes they make it.. creepy. (Like oukami shoujo). Haha, you really don't like bullying, hah 😂

      Haha, true.

      Yeah, as I said, sad that such stories get popular.
      Oh, out of curiosity, who was popular between fans, zero or kamami?

    33. I really thought she is not going to appear at all, haha. Or got desperate, i mean, it took too long.
      I think she's prettier. But wait Yuki is prettier to me, haha. ANW, her face didn't shown up yet, but just a side. She gave Shou that.. idk how to say it stunned and thoughtful look, haha. She saw him at the festival. But I'm surprised, why she's in Ryuhoku high?? Well, Maybe coming with friends.
      Ah, sorry, "you're thinking of the same thing already" , didn't understand what you mean by that? <
      Yeahh, but you know, like how they fought because of hakamada < well, actually they didn't really fight because of him, or at least a real big fight. But you know.

      Yeah, I admire her and think she's nice. Because she was the one breaking up with Shou (most likely because he didn't love her) I mean, sadly most girls would stay with the guy even he treats them so bad, (especially teens) let alone a good-looking and cool guy like Shou. Let alone if he just didn't love them back. Plus, it felt (her braking up sentence) like she was in love with him/loved him a lot, (it felt that it was painful to her) but even Everything, she prioritized her pride and leaved him.

      And I don't think that Shou was treating her bad, I mean, he's not the kind of guys who treats the girl bad even if he didn't love her. Yet, she still broke up with him.

      I just hope she'd a good rival, not a mean and disrespectful rival like hakamada.

      Oh, now I'm thinking like that, what if she'd ended with hakamada, like how you were always saying 😂 tbh, it'd be great, I mean, maybe it's cliche, and I smh don't like it, since she was Shou's ex. But to get that stupid Shizuka away. And I don't feel like Miyuki is going to create a girl, so.

      Yeahh, but I already overthink it and got stressed over it, and it ruined everything to me, really. so dad.

    34. Yes, it's a long time ago. By the way, did you read it in one sitting? I did it per chapter every month. And, hehe it helps that there are some readers who agree with my opinions. It was fun in a way to talking about it like what will the author come up with next.

      Zero died since he got old, iirc. Well, he is human and she's a vampire so...

      I see. Well, I understand your standpoint regarding older partners. There are indeed people who don't like that especially if the age gap is big.

      Haha, I see. Well, for me, at first, I like Zero. He ended up being too emo and I'm not into his 'kill ALL vampires because they gave me trauma'. I like Kaname being intelligent and well, manipulative; one step ahead of everyone else = interesting character. As the story goes, I'm into 'I hope no one ends up with Yuuki.' ����

      She doesn't deserve either one and it is implied like she is a 'prize' but for me, she isn't. As a character, she had potential but later on, she is still the same useless dumb girl as she was in the early chapters. Heck, the author didn't give her an interesting power that she can actually use against the enemies...such a waste.

      I also hate that the author ruined Kaname as a character. Later on, he was like what...doing manicure, dressing her up and whining somewhere when she went back to Zero. Is this guy suppose to be the ancestor... so out of character. I hoped that Zero stay away from There are also other characters she ruined...sigh. Such a disappointment.

      Ah, when Kaname went to bed with her, they have a kid. When Zero was married to her, they also have a kid. In the side stories, both kids are living with Kaname. Actually, from the ones I've glanced, they are babysitting him since his memories are wiped out. In order for Kaname to become human/revive from sleep, Yuuki has to sacrifice herself just like what her mom did to her before.

      Haha, true. I usually think of love triangles as like a basketball game and the ball is the girl/object of desire. So, the fans of this character cheer when the ball is near the basket but it was stolen by the other character...the other fans cheer. Lol Though, in that way, I guess I can understand what's fun about it...like in a game.

      Haha, I summarized that one, too. Hm...if I recall, Hana did grew up in the end and well, died of old age. The one I'm somewhat cringy is similar stories but without the fantasy part.

      Like, the story of an adult taking care of an elementary kid. It was cute and everything then at the end, they married �� There is also a couple in Card Captor Sakura, an elementary kid and a teacher. I feel that it is wrong since it bothered me. Though, I guess it isn't a big deal if both are adults/older teens even if the age gap is big. Ah...of course, not like a 20-30 girl with a 70s looking grandpa. �� I guess it just depends...

      That's new. Maybe more on being pampered? From what I read, according to studies, it is because older guys are more mature. Also, they are more emotionally and financially stable than same age and younger men.

      Haha...I see.

      I guess in a way, Shou can be considered a bad boy.

      Hehe, well, right now, I tend to think that there are people who like that type of people. Just think of the different country presidents who are really 'bad' and yet, they have a lot of supporters.

      Yup, I don't like the bullying. Sometimes, in some series, I wait for the bullying to be over and just check it out if things improve. At times, some series become better. Lol, that is sometimes due to curiosity as to why people still read it/why is it still popular.

      For the Japanese readers, Kaname is the most popular one based on the character polls. I tend to think that Zero is popular with non-Japanese readers.

    35. Well, usually, if an author showed/mentioned a character from the past, there is a high possibility that person will show up later on. Maybe she did come with friends...Arisa perhaps?

      'thinking of the same thing' = the appearance of the ex will make Yuki insecure

      I have the same impression of her. I would think that she thinks that the relationship isn't going to progress/change at all so she decided to call it quits early.

      We'll just wait and see how things go.

      True...reading comments do ruin things at times. Though, it does give a different perspective on things. Let's just say it has pros and cons.

    36. I read it in one sitting. If I read it per chapter, I'd go crazy 😵 for sure, haha.
      Oh, that's great. You know, I really was wondering about fans opinion regarding VK, glad I found you, haha. I didn't have the chance to discuss it with others, or see their reaction, so.

      Oh, right, I think I remember now, he died cause he got old yeah.

      Oh, you're right. now that I think about it, she is actually "a bitc*" !! want them both!? God!!

      Oh, I got you. It's really sad when authors ruin the characters and the story. Smh, like Namaikizakari now.. :v

      Oh, so glad you mentioned that, "dressing her up.." , idk, I smh remember that, I disliked his behaviors. Because when she decided to go to zero, he didn't let her and forced her to stay with him, I didn't like it. Correct me if I'm wrong?

      And I hate that in general, I mean, i noticed that in Asian in general dramas, Manga, etc. The guy would buy the girl clothes, dress her up.. etc. I don't like that. Why are they like that! Agh.

      And I don't like how was kanami touching her a lot, like whenever she's with him he'd "grabs her shoulder, pats her head, hugs her.." 😕 correct me if I'm wrong too, haha. Or is it just me?

      Zero wasn't touching her at all. Well, it depends on one personality. And that's why I told you that I felt that kanami was like a big brother to her.
      It's not like I'm bothered by "touching" in general, but it annoyed me, like, he'd just do it, and cause she didn't choose yet, so.

      Ah, at first he was portrayed as her brother, right? And that was another reason why I didn't like them together, because "A brother then lovers" !? It makes me cringe, sorry. Even if they're not really siblings, but you got me, right ?

      You know, I actually hated kanami so much, haha 😂 him and the ml of Au haru ride, and Shizuka, are the 3 characters that I really hated. But now I don't, about kanami, haha. But I still think that zero is more attractive than him.

      Oh, I got it. Oh, She slept with both of them, Omg 🤦🏼‍♀️ oh, I think I remember now too, that she slept with kanami. You know, at that moment I got soooo mad and literally hated the Manga, Agh.

      Smh, I feel like it wasn't the Author plot/story at all, but she was just giving fans what they want/work based on fans, what do you think? That's why it was a mess.

      And tbh I felt like Yuuki loved kanami not Zero. While about Zero, she was feeling/treating him like a brother/smh little brother, (Like, taking care of him, etc) and there's sympathy too. What do you think?

      The girl is the “object of desire” , that hurts, damn. 💔

      Let me say this, I actually did get a bad impression about Japanese after reading Manga. This cringy love triangle.. How fans control what Authors make in their story, and the worst is that authors really listen to them, wow. And many other weird/creepy stuff (the guy grabs something about the FL and then say be my slave, treat the FL like a dog, those pure guys who can't touch girls, those nosebleeds.. ) oh, I can't with that.., no other culture does that I think.

      And they're (fans) obsessed with "ship" , ow. And in their stories they focus a lot on the "rival" , I didn't see any other nation that focus on rivals/love triangle as them, or I'm wrong?

      Oh, glad you mentioned that, "without the fantasy part" , To me, when it's fantasy, like he's a vampire or something, I think I can.. well hardly go with it. But a big age gap between two people, no way! That's why I told you I was willing to read "Hana To Akuma" if the girl was a bit older/has mature look, since he's a vampires too, right?
      But tbh I still get annoyed even with fantasy, since they make the guy too old/old man age/look.

    37. I don't like "being pampered" in that way/meaning. 😑
      Yeah, told you, cause they think "they're more mature" but I don't. I just hate that.
      Oh, if it's for those reason then I'd prefer to stay single 😂 and actually "age" has nothing to do with "being emotionaly stable".

      But I don't like younger guys, I want the same year or 1,2 years older than me. 3-6 is my absolute maximum. No, I don't think I'd be ok with 4, 5, 6, years older, haha. More than this, you know.

      Haha, really! In a bad way? Tbh, I admire Shou ^ He's totally my type ~^
      I'll tell you some of what I think about him that I noticed people dislike him for later, since we talked a lot, haha 😂)

      You're right. Oh, about that, those fans when hakamada forced a kiss on Yuki and is being aggressive they got happy, like, "oh, he's cool.. etc" , I mean, don't you like cute and shy guys? It's your type, nah? Not bad boys like Shou, so ??! I just, aghh 🤦🏼‍♀️

      Haha, well, I hate it too. “sometimes due to curiosity as to why people still read it/why is it still popular” , Exactly!! So many Mangas I'm shocked to why they're popular.

      Oh, I see. Now that you said that, I think or confirmed that japanese like older/too older guys. And I really hate that, haha 😅 I've noticed that Mangas with too older male lead/old man/teacher are always popular there, but not with us, international fans.

      Right. Oh, no, not with Arisa. Speaking of, I really wish that Arisa will show up again. Since she's related to that.
      So, I don't know if she came with friends, there's a girl beside her, talking and laughing, but I'm not sure if it's with her. I think she is.

      Yeahh. I really want to know their story, I mean between her and Shou. Also her personality, and face too, haha. She has a light hair, I think it's blond.
      And she looks so feminine, not like Yuki, haha.


    38. Haha, I think that if you read it in one sitting, the glaring lapses is more obvious. Like, if it is one chapter per month, one can slightly forget what happened before and not like, be over stressed and facepalming while reading it all. 😅

      Ya, apparently because of her heart's condition. What is more irritating is the guys are okay with it...until the end.

      I don't quite recall that part. But then, even if Kaname stopped her, it is only temporary...she'll be able to go to Zero soon.

      Ah, I guess readers/viewers like that. It is like pampering/dressing up like Cinderella kind of thing. Actually, I have seen it vice-versa. The rich girl dressing up the poor boy. Kind of cosplay. Lol, in a way, it is fanservice. Just imagine your favorite star/character dressing up in all sorts of beautiful outfits in a short span of time.

      What I don't like about it in VK is the theme is serious and the enemies are supposedly not that nice so instead of planning how to defeat them and stuff, he is doing that. 😑 I actually don't mind such scenarios in purely romance/not serious stories. Lol, actually, I'm more bothered about the manicure. 😅 Though I guess that can be romantic...again, not for this series because of the serious tone...well, supposedly serious tone of the story.

      Yes, it is likely because of the relationship and the personality of the guys. Zero is more distant and rarely shows affection. Actually, with this kind of girl, I won't be surprised. Actually, he 'hated' her, too because she is a 'vampire' = hate all vampires. So, I don't think he would be like that with her. I'm assuming that he is suppose to be a troubled person like loving a girl yet she is the 'enemy'. And, I was practically protecting her for years...ah wait, it was actually a plot to make me do that...but I cannot help... Hehe, I think you get the point.

      I know, it is a complicated relationship with Kaname. Brother. And what, he is my ancestor? Lol, I'm amused over what the author can make up for her cliffhangers.

      Yup. I recall it with amusement. After Yuuki went to Zero, Zero fans are cheering. Then, all of a sudden, she slept with Kaname. There was a huge rage from Zero fans at that time. And just because Kaname went on a nap, she went back to Zero. Alas, Zero accepted her and took care of her along with Kaname's kid. I believe he deserves better but *shrug* he loves her so...

      It's possible. As I mentioned, it seems to be more for the cliffhangers. Every cliffhanger is like a bomb that came out of nowhere. It was feeling rushed that she isn't really thinking anymore and just go whatever goes.

      I actually cannot say whom she really loves. What kind of person would think of the 'other lover' when she is with her lover? I first become aware of it when Yuuki became a vampire again and went with Kaname because Zero isn't inclined to want to be with her even if he'll probably agree to it with some push and because of the 'hate vampires' thing.

      For me, she seems kind of forced to go with Kaname. And, while they are leaving, she is thinking of Zero. Then, when they are at Kaname's place, with all the dressing up, learn to drink blood etc, she is always thinking of Zero especially when Zero visited their place. Because it is like that back and forth, I'll go with the half-human/vampire thing because in the end, I'm not convinced that she really loves only one more than the other. 😅 Thinking about it, it seems yes, there is a bit of sympathy but somehow, isn't that the same with Kaname especially when she's with Zero?

      About love triangles and even endings, yes, though I guess it depends on the author if they listen. I mean, are your readers really die-hard fans that would send you hate/go die messages if you didn't go their way? Lol, thinking about it, maybe that is why VK is like that.

    39. Well, I do know that there is a gender inequality in Japan. I'm not too sure how much of it actually reflects the culture or such stuff is 'imagination' of the author to make the story more interesting/different. One has to put in mind that these are written by women for female readers. I'm talking about the 'slave/dog' stuff. I actually wonder if the 'dog' stuff has a different connotation like being 'loyal' or something.

      In a way, it is hard to generalize. Like for some manga wherein the author is a guy, at times, they write better female characters who are strong and won't let themselves be pushovers by men. About the pure guys and nosebleeds...ah, isn't that for comedy? Anyway, there are so many series that don't have those stuff. I would think that it is for the plot and if that kind of plot is frequent with a certain author, I would say that it is preference.

      I think Korea is like that, too...well, based on some drama that has a love triangle. I'm not too sure how obsessed they are though. But in real life, yes. Sometimes, when I read comments from a web article, some fans would really ship for a real life celebrity couple just because they look good together.

      In my country, love teams are a thing. The actor/actress would tend be stuck together in a lot of shows because fans want them to be a thing. Very jealous if either one get paired with someone else. Most of the time, they do become lovers though time will tell if they ended up marrying. I'm not sure how much the fans' pressure is that they ended up being a couple. And, the fans pit love teams vs love teams as to which one is better.

      I don't watch/read a lot of US shows but one particular one has that kind of obsession. That is the movie/novel Twilight. It is always being compared to VK since they were out at the same time. It is shipping a vampire vs a werewolf for a useless heroine.

      So, based on that, I cannot say that it is just Japanese who are like that. Actually, I'm more troubled about fans doing it in real life as if controlling the lives of the celebrities. Since fans are fickle, I think there will be those who'll get turned off if things don't go their way. I'm not too sure how vicious they can be...I don't know like would say bad things in social media about the celebrity. I get the impression that in South Korea it can be vicious since there are celebrities who committed suicide because of it.

      Basically, I'm not sure what is worse...shipping hard fiction characters vs real life people. Let's just say each culture has their good and bads 😃

      Haha, well, if the guy/girl looks too old compared to their partner, I'm not sure I'm okay with it. I guess Kaname doesn't bother me too much since he looks the same age as them. Minus the flashback. haha

      Haha...well, pampered is like the guy cooks for you, does a lot of things for you. Treat you like the queen. Wait...isn't that the younger guy 😅 True, age has nothing to do with emotionally stable or even mental age. There is a saying that boys will be boys even if they're old already. Not all though...I guess.

      For me, I have the same preference though let's say I'm not putting a limit to it because at times, if that person is just right, it doesn't matter. Lol, kind of like Yuki...have certain type/wants but when in love, sometimes it doesn't matter anymore.

      Not really. Kind of like can be rude/impolite/snobbish/disrespectful. Actually, I read of a 'debate' in real life wherein being a 'bad boy, a fan can defend that person as being 'true to oneself/being honest/real' compared to a nice guy = fake.

      Ah, with that comparison, maybe they like nice guy who has a bad side. Not a totally cute-shy guy. It is the opposite of bad guy who has a good side.


    40. True, I guess it is more on being an 'interesting different story' = different possible scenarios though they don't really tackle generation gap. Korean dramas have that too and even the opposite kind = older woman with younger man. Hm...from google, it seems Chinese and Taiwanese dramas have it too. 😅 For me, I don't mind it if it is done well. Lol, I could take it and the story/acting/looks is good.

      Well, I can only think of Arisa as the 'connection'...ah, does Abe know the ex? That's the only other possibility that I can think of.

      Hm...when you mentioned about 'know their story', I suddenly wondered if you mean lots of flashback. Hm...didn't Arisa mention that Yuki is the opposite of the ex?

    41. You're right at this, I was getting so stressed 🤦🏼‍♀️ and all by myself 😭 I mean, it helps when you discuss it with others.

      That's just an "excuse" , I don't like that. Such stories are scandalous, and they get popular just because they're "scandalous". 😑

      “is the guys are okay with it...until the end” Yeahhh. Oh, I was going to tell you that this can't be happen in real life but then nah, it can really happen.

      Yeah, but I don't like it. Like, we're dating and he'd buy me clothes and dress me up?!! Nahh 😕 that is creepy to me (the guy and the behavior) Plus, such guy is kind of feminine to me. I don't like guys/boyfriends who are into the girl's clothes/that much. Plus, I'd like to keep my privacy for that.

      Oh, sorry but can you remind me of that "dressing up and manicure thing" cause I think I forgot 😅😂

      Haha, yeah yeah, I do.

      I know, sigh.

      Yeahh, why'd she suddenly sleep with kanami 🤦🏼‍♀️ The author and her 🤦🏼‍♀️


      Oh, you're right.

      “she seems kind of forced to go with Kaname” Oh, now that you said that, I was thinking so, that he forces her to stay with him, and like, he knows that she doesn't actually want that and that she's sad over that, but he'd go with it, sleep with her.. etc. Idk, that's how I felt/got it. I'm wrong?

      Nah, when I said 'sympathy' I meant like, when she first saw zero (kid) with blood and all, she felt pity for him, and she kept saying "I'd take care of you, I'd be there for you, etc" , but with kanami, no, she doesn't feels that kind of sympathy towards him. You get me? So I thought maybe it's not love. But well, even if it's sympathy at first, it can bring love.

      Oh, did Kaname went on a nap deliberately? I mean, for her to go back to Zero? Maybe he knows/knew/felt that she's forced to be with him.., ?

      “send you hate/go die messages” they really go that far!?! OMG, people are horrible. 🤦🏼‍♀️

      “there is a gender inequality in Japan” I can see that. Though it's like that Everywhere..
      “these are written by women for female readers” and that's why I'm more irritated, like, you're a woman yet you write such insults girls stories? And I feel like they push that idea of “the girl should be the one to do stuff/everything to get the guy, and this is LOVE” , God. I mean, most Mangas are "the girl runs after the guy, confess first, does and accepts all kind of stuff to get him.." and sometimes he MISTREAT her, and is so bad with her. Oh God..

      Yeahhh, sadly sometimes men are better at writing about us. Ah, about that, I've a friend that told me, “in shounen or senien genres, in a lot of cases it’s the opposite, and it’s the guy who is poor, enslaved by the girl, yet he continues to like and chase her even when she ignores him.” when we were talking about that same subject. Is it ?

      But they're not comedic/funny to me 😧

      Oh, Yes, They ship "real people together" , I was so shocked when I learned about that and still. And then I thought it must be just light, but nah, it's really a big deal, I mean they're obsessed in a scary point. I once casually entered a hashtag in Twitter, and they're so vicious and serious.. omg. This was in south Korea though.

      OMG, I see. Here in my country, we don't have this thing tbh. They don't really ship celebrities together. Or care about their background, I mean, if they're dating or married. So I'm more surprised about that "shipping thing" haha, since the culture is different.
      I think that's much in south Korea (I realized that from when I was watching their dramas, and especially k-pop). About Japan, idk, since I never watched their dramas or shows or anything. But I got that from Manga. And now that you told me your country too, I confirmed that Asia has that a lot.

    42. Oh, yeah, "Twilight" , it's so normal and doesn't deserve that popularity at all 🤦🏼‍♀️ really nothing special about it. And that "love triangle" you mentioned makes me dislike it more. I didn't even fully watch it tbh.
      Oh yeah, it really reminded me of VK, they have some similarities, not just the "love triangle" but also some characters/story line. (Like drink that medicine..etc)

      “about fans doing it in real life as if controlling the lives of the celebrities” , Exactly, I really think so too. Just so immature and horrible, OMG. I was really telling my sister this, "how can they ship REAL PEOPLE together?!!" It's just not normal. It's like they're some Anime characters, God.
      They're so viscous as I told you, and yeah especially in south Korea. They even ship girls and boys from the same group (like girl-girl, boy-boy) and they're sooo serious.

      But I still think that Japan has that more "love triangle/rivals/" I mean, they have it in every Manga, compared to k-drama for example. And focus a lot on it/him. Ah, one time I read a post talking about that 2nd male lead of boys over flowers, I don't know his name, that "this was the beginning of people start sympathize the 2nd male lead. See, I told you, it's them.
      Well, when the lead is a bully or a jerk, I can take it. But doing it just for the sake of it, then noo.

      Kaname does look old compared to them to me tbh 😅

      “like the guy cooks for you, does a lot of things for you. Treat you like the queen” , haha yeah, I immediately thought of Shou when I read that 😂 since he cooked for her lately 😂 and he does a lot of things for her, or no? Haha. And "he treats her like a queen" ~❤️ , to me at least, haha ~
      Indeed. Boys will be always boys 🤷🏼‍♀️

      Haha, true. At first I was like "nah, Yuki don't date him, he's younger" but when I grew to love him, that didn't matter (bother me) to me anymore, haha ~. You know it's good to read stuff like that, like, they give you another perspective of life.

      Oh, that guy I told you about was a year younger than me 😂 OMG, like Shou and Yuki 😂

      Oh, speaking of that, you see, in shows, stories, etc, they always make the two who love each other aren't each other type, and I think that's better, I mean that is real love like thi, like, when we have a type, we'd like/put preferences/conditions.., so it's a suggestive, objective and conditional love, not real love. Like here, Yuki and Shou aren't each other type, but they just fell for each other, it's real love ~ idk, how to explain that 😂 hope you got me, sorry <

      But I'm not sure I'd do that, haha 😂 can't love someone who's not my type, haha. Well, you can
      override some preferences but not the deep ones.

    43. “rude/impolite/snobbish/disrespectful” with Yuki? I'm fine with it if not with her, haha 😂 if with others, tbh, I don't think he's that rude and disrespectful. I tbh have seen more rude male leads. Like, he's not rude with elders/senpais, (like kido, Tono, Yuki's parents..) and he does use honorifics. He doesn't curse/much. He doesn't come close to anyone, I mean, harm them, or start the harm. And I don't think he's "snobbish", tbh, I don't get that impression from him at all, like, he doesn't think of himself as some hero or anything, and he's actually modest, regarding the fuss about him. And he never shows himself off to Yuki/makes her feel insecure or something over his popularity, beauty..

      Tbh, I find Shou's personality very attractive and interesting ~. Like, he's so quite (cold, cool.. minds his own business)/with everyone, but is so sweet and talkative.. with Yuki ~ haha, like Yuki too, she's composed with others, but so expressive, neurotic.. with him, haha, so I always think it's like they have two personalities, one with others, and one just with each other, haha 😂❤️~

      Usually male leads/guys are either rude with all people including his girlfriend/The heroine. And Some are kind (Actually hypocrite) to the degree that he would leave his girlfriend to help out his ex some other girl. Agh, Both are pretty silly and I can’t stand it. However, I love how Shou is smh rude with other people/women yet a loving boyfriend with Yuki, that’s how it’s supposed to be ~
      Ah, actually rather than "rude" I would call it "minds his own business" like, distance, don't go to close to people)

      You know, I really don't like gentle (too gentle) guys, they actually make me cringe, and they're so unattractive to me.
      Also I really dislike guys who have gentle features and especially eyes. I like guys who have strong/manly (bad boy, haha) look, features, beauty. Like Shou, haha. Of course personality too. Kat, Is it weird for me to not like gentle guys?

      Oh, there is a type of male leads/guys that I really dislike, this "tsundere" guy, can't say his feelings, cold with the mc even when they're dating..etc. I really can't stand that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I don't find such guy cool and manly at all tbh.
      That's why I appreciate Shou and is my type, because he's so sweet and initiative with Yuki. I mean, he removes this "man should be cold, so they're manly" I mean, let's be honest,
      society considers the tough emotionless guy manly, yet if he’s a romantic, he’s not. It’s a stupid idea, society can be very toxic in a lot of issues.

      Shou, in addition to lovey-dovey stuff, he initiates and like to go in dates, celebrations.. etc. Not like the grumpy complaining "typical man" , keeps complaining and like, "ah, those (romantic) things are a pain and silly, why women like such stuff..etc" thinking they're being MANLY like that, agh, you're not 🤦🏼‍♀️
      And, Shou removes and shows that not ONLY US GIRLS who should be the one who like and do/prepare for such things.

      And see, Shou is actually "cool" yet he's sweet with Yuki ~ That's how I love ~ I mean, that won't make "unmanly" and vice versa.

      Also, such guy is and not clear, which is not attractive and is stressful to me. I mean, we all deserve a "clear" guy/person. And that's what I appreciate in Shou too, he's so decisive and clear.

      I know that some people think that Shou is pushy, but, I think those people haven't been in a relationship or don't seem to realize how many girls expect the guy to make the advances/be the more proactive/pushy one for things. Haha ~<
      I don't care if people think of/call me "immature, old fashioned.." but I like the guy who makes the advances, confess, initiative (when we're dating too) ... Etc. Haha ~ tbh, a shy, pure, stundre.. guy, is zero attractive to me. Totally not my type.

    44. Yeahh. But I mind 😧 (about age in dramas, etc)

      Ah, what do you mean "connection" ? Of the flashback?
      Ohhhh, I didn't though about that at all, true, Abe was with him in middle school, so I don't know if he knows her? But why he didn't talk about her even once?

      Oh, I actually didn't mean flashbacks, but like them telling us. But I'm sure Shou won't do that, so maybe her. And yeah, flashbacks would do too. But I don't like a lots of them, haha.
      Oh, yes, she did, haha. Wonder why Shou dated her, haha

      Oh, right, I liked this scene so gonna tell you about it, haha, so, when they're in high school, as usual, some girls were calling Shou "Shou senpai.. and stuff" , so, he waved at them, ohh, I was really surprised, it's not like him and he never did that/or gave them any attention. ANW, I really liked that, and I thought it's politeness and mature of him to do that, to wave at them rather than ignores them like before. And yes, there was that little box, written in it "grew up" haha, I was right 😂~
      And in all that Yuki was with her ear being big like always, haha 😂

      And I really like Shou's interactions with others, especially with girls, haha. Since he talks only with Yuki.

    45. Yup, it helps especially if discussing it with someone who doesn't take it seriously. There were obvious signs that it will be a train wreck so might as well have fun during the ride.

      Ya, it's an excuse. I guess it isn't as 'hateful' if it is 'I just love them both'. 😅 Haha, well, not just 'scandalous'. I think there are people who read it for the male leads 😅

      Haha, I see. I guess it depends. It is creepy if all of the outfits are chosen by the guy. I think it is okay if it is occasionally like say, this outfit would look good. Hm..gift? Perhaps, also depends on how close they are or how know they know each other?

      Hm...it seems that scanlations aren't available online that much so I couldn't show you. Anyway, from what I remember, it is the part when Yuuki went with Kaname after it was revealed that she was a vampire. He had 'lock her up' for 'vampire training'. There are some clothes for Yuuki to wear. Then, he offers to do manicure...or nail cutting. I remember it because I have never seen such a scene before and I'm not quite okay with it especially since as I've mentioned, there are a lot of more important things to deal with than that. I would think that it is more of a fanservice. And, I guess it is weird for a guy to do that...like can't the girl do it herself. I just don't view it as a 'couple romantic scene'.

      That part was a blur to be now. The forced to go with Kaname was at the first arc...after it was learned she was a vampire. She is forced because Zero doesn't want to have anything to do with her. Then, after a long time with Kaname, she seems to have gone back to Zero. I do recall a hug with him before that because Zero fans are going crazy then that she is finally with Zero again. For some reason, was it pity or something, she went back to Kaname then went to bed with him. Hence, Zero fans are going berserk mad about it.

      Ah, I see. Something like 'mother instinct' to see some kid being sad and bloody.

      Well, the official reason was to put an end to everything...iirc, about making weapons to defeat the vampires...cauldron...the end part is a blur with all the craziness going on. I'm just joking that he went on a nap deliberately so that he'll be finally free from this love triangle. He also had that sudden 'fatherly' death scene with the two...it's so weird.

      Yup. So, authors sometimes have to cater to the fans' demand.

      True. I don't like such stories actually, you can say those are 'tamer'. I have seen some manga wherein girls are treated worse like harassing and forcing them to you know what, and the girl ended up loving the guy. 😨 Ah, perhaps, it is the sadist type of character?

      About girls confessing first, well, it seems to be a culture thing. It was really weird when I read it for the first time. Haha, since in our culture, it has to be guy's first. Girls who do that are 'flirty' and 'easy'.

      Haha, I guess it is funny for them. For me, like, I'm not that into slapstick like the Three stooges but a lot of people find it funny. Okay, maybe if it is real people. I am amused with cartoons though like Looney Tunes but in the end, I feel sorry for the one who is always 'beaten' up. 😅

      Ah, I see. I also read such stuff in South Korea comments. I was like, don't make people a couple just because they look great together...it doesn't work that way. Ah, that's interesting. I guess in Asia, showbiz news is a big industry with all the shipping and great interest in celebrities' lives. It can be downright stupid like 'do you know what this person gave to this person on Vday?' 'See what this person's reaction to it?' Lol, I guess even when there's not much news they make news of small things.

    46. Hm...but then, I'm not sure if it is only in Asia. In US and Europe, I think there is a big showbiz industry including tabloids. Like who is dating who, etc. Though, I guess the shipping isn't that intense.

      Haha, I see. I actually just read in wiki about Twilight. �� Didn't read it nor watch it but there is that one song that is really nice from the movies.

      I agree though I didn't know about the 'girls and boys from the same group (like girl-girl, boy-boy)'.

      Ah, they have a term for that. It is 'second lead syndrome'. �� Boys over Flowers is really popular that there is a Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean remake of it. I think it is the top selling shoujo manga.

      Haha, true but how older looking is Kaname compared to the other two? Isn't it just a few years?

      Yup. Thinking about it, I guess it depends on the person. Do you like to be treated like a queen wherein the guy does almost EVERYTHING for you? Or, do you want to do that for the guy? Of course, I would prefer something in between. In real life, somehow, I don't think that is 'good'. I recall a cousin who does that to his wife to the point that the wife doesn't do anything anymore but take care of the child. He does all of the housework and has to go to work.


      I got you. ^^


      Nope, with the others. I guess it is more of a joke/for comedy?, thinking about it like when Shou doesn't seem to be listening, always looking at his cellphone, how the senpais react to him during high school... Haha, let's just say not exactly my type. Something isn't clicking... Though, let's just say, it happens in a lot of series so I don't really have an issue with him...it's seems more with me...too choosy or well, I don't feel anything ��

      Haha, not really. We all have our own types. ^^ Like the example of Boys over flowers, some love the 'bad boy' while others love the 'nice guy'. Regarding the rude to others but nice to you, here, it is always advised not to love that kind of guy. Like you'll know what that kind of person really is based on how he treats others like waiters, etc. For others, it is a major turnoff.

      Haha, actually, whether it is a girl or a guy, I'm not that into tsundere. Though as a story, I guess it is amusing...depending on how it is done. Hm...until now? I got the impression that it isn't like that anymore with loving tough emotionless guy = manly due to the popularity of Kdramas. 😅

    47. Hm...but then, I'm not sure if it is only in Asia. In US and Europe, I think there is a big showbiz industry including tabloids. Like who is dating who, etc. Though, I guess the shipping isn't that intense.

      Haha, I see. I actually just read in wiki about Twilight. 😅 Didn't read it nor watch it but there is that one song that is really nice from the movies.

      I agree though I didn't know about the 'girls and boys from the same group (like girl-girl, boy-boy)'.

      Ah, they have a term for that. It is 'second lead syndrome'. 😄 Boys over Flowers is really popular that there is a Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean remake of it. I think it is the top selling shoujo manga.

      Haha, true but how older looking is Kaname compared to the other two? Isn't it just a few years?

      Yup. Thinking about it, I guess it depends on the person. Do you like to be treated like a queen wherein the guy does almost EVERYTHING for you? Or, do you want to do that for the guy? Of course, I would prefer something in between. In real life, somehow, I don't think that is 'good'. I recall a cousin who does that to his wife to the point that the wife doesn't do anything anymore but take care of the child. He does all of the housework and has to go to work.


      I got you. ^^


      Nope, with the others. I guess it is more of a joke/for comedy?, thinking about it like when Shou doesn't seem to be listening, always looking at his cellphone, how the senpais react to him during high school... Haha, let's just say not exactly my type. Something isn't clicking... Though, let's just say, it happens in a lot of series so I don't really have an issue with him...it's seems more with me...too choosy or well, I don't feel anything 😅

      Haha, not really. We all have our own types. ^^ Like the example of Boys over flowers, some love the 'bad boy' while others love the 'nice guy'. Regarding the rude to others but nice to you, here, it is always advised not to love that kind of guy. Like you'll know what that kind of person really is based on how he treats others like waiters, etc. For others, it is a major turnoff.

      Haha, actually, whether it is a girl or a guy, I'm not that into tsundere. Though as a story, I guess it is amusing...depending on how it is done. Hm...until now? I got the impression that it isn't like that anymore with loving tough emotionless guy = manly due to the popularity of Kdramas. 😅 Haha...at least, in terms of media like TV shows and movies.

    48. No, I mean 'connection' as to why she is there. Who brought her there. Was it Arisa or Abe? She cannot just go there without a reason or someone invited her..after all this time when she didn't even go there.

      Hm...maybe Shou will tell if Yuki asked. Then, there will be a flashback.

      Haha. I see. I guess being more sociable is indeed growing up. I like this better than ignoring/snobbish. It somehow comes out like being arrogant. For example, I greet you and stuff but you just keep on walking/act as if I'm not there greeting you. Lol, even a nod is fine.

    49. So sorry again. I'm actually so busy with my thesis. So if I'm late to answer you, forgive me 🙏🏻


      Really, For the male leads 🤨 they're not that attractive to me tbh, especially kaname since he's not my type, haha. 😂

      "It is okay if it is occasionally like say, this outfit would look good", yeah, that's ok. Choosing them all, or buying to her when she doesn't have any, is what creepy to me. 🙂

      Oh, I see, haha, you think it's creepy like me with the outfits 😂 you're right though.
      Oh, but i did see it before, it was in "dengeki daisy", I remember in the last chapter she was doing it then he asked to do it for her.

      You know, I think the reason of this "sudden sleep with kaname" is because his fans pressured the Author 😂
      Omg, unbelievable. Letting fans interfere in your story/decisions, would surely ruin your story, and the characters too. Just..

      Thinking about it, it's like Namaikizakari now..,

      "that sudden 'fatherly' death scene with the two...it's so weird", Oh, sorry, what's about that? I forgot.

      Yeah, maybe Japanese girls find this manly and romantic, 🙂

      They just want to push this image, like " the girl being honest and initiative is great and cute" 😑
      Ah, also this "fangirl GF type", I've never seen it before in any culture I think (well there's in Korea I think, Asia in general maybe?) anyway, you see Japanese Manga make it like it's "so cute, funny, admirable, cool.." aghh, I can't 🤦🏼‍♀️

      I took a bad impression on them too, when I saw mangas like "playful kiss, oukami shoujo.." popular. The girl is literally "a fan girl" and the guy is an "insensitive jerk" yet this is manly and cool to them?!! God 🤦🏼‍♀️

      Exactly! They make those videos with titles like "oh, that guy is looking at her" and they'd draw a line from his eyes to her, but he actually isn't looking at her at all, it's just.. so cringe. Agh.

      Yeah, but not this "shipping".

      Haha, I see.
      Oh, really, didn't pay attention for its songs.

      Girl-girl, boy-boy, is worser than normal couple. They're so obsessed and believe in it in a scary way, OMG.

      Oh, yeah, when I heard of this term 'second lead syndrome' I didn't understand what it means, and when I did, I laughed tbh. I mean why there's no 'second female lead syndrome' ? Hah, as I told you, they (want to) believe that they're right and this is really a thing but they're actually just biased and hypocrites.

      And about this Manga, is it really that good? 🙂 I mean it's just a 'PURE DRAMA' story with zero interesting characters. All the clichés and predictable stufd happen there. I didn't read it though. I actually knew it as k-drama and didn't even watch it, just glances.

      Sorry but he looks an old man to me 😅

    50. Well, Shou doesn't do everything to Yuki. I didn't mean it in this way though 😅 haha.

      Yeah, idk how to say it but his rudeness isn't actually rudeness, haha 😂
      Haha, I see, yeah, Shou's type isn't for everyone.

      Oh, I also don't like this smile of guys (mostly in Japanese Manga) that wide grin blushing smile, 'like a kid' I mean like Shizuka's, like when he confessed to Yuki, etc. I really hate it Kat 🙂 Here I'm weird, right? I see girls dying for it saying it's so cute and attractive, and I'm like 'It's just so ugly and creepy' really 💔. Even if Shou smiles like that, I won't like it, like, remember the one of him in the extra chapter 68.5, when he went to Yuki's house in summer? I really didn't like it 🙂😂 , also his laugh in chapter 92, remember? Readers were like "oh, my heart, etc" and I'm "he doesn't look beautiful or anything" 😂 really didn't like it. Hm.. I like a sweet yet manly smile. You got me? Without wide grin, opened mouth, and a blush.

      "Regarding the rude to others but nice to you, here, it is always advised not to love that kind of guy. Like you'll know what that kind of person really is based on how he treats others like waiters, etc. For others, it is a major turnoff." Oh, but Shou isn't like that, I mean when they go on dates, etc, he isn't be rude to the waiters, shops workers. Etc.

      Yeah, in Korea not Japan 😒 in Manga they push that image 'emotionless cold guy = manly and cool'. I'm sorry but I find authors (thinking) like teens. Even though they're old women. Really¿

      Oh, about age gaps stories, as you said in Korea they make reverse stories/dramas, 'old woman -young guy' So there's some efforts and sight of change/gender equality, but in Japan, they're all old man/young girl, agh, hate that!! Just as you said they have gender inequality. 🤦🏼‍♀️

      Oh, yeah, you're right, didn't think of that. I'm excited for her >< hehe.

      Oh, hehe, you're right, he'll tell if Yuki asked, like that time.

      Me too!!! Though 'ignoring, etc' with fans is different than with normal people.
      But 'we' like this, others not, haha, I mean, if you're mature and all, you'd like it/be ok with it, but if you're childish, jealousy freak, you'd hate it. I mean, some fans would make a thing from Shou's fans. They'd prefer if he ignores them/be rude to them, you got me, right? Agh, haha.

      Oh, there was a scene too in ch 108, in his b'day, some girls came to the gym and gave him a pen (with a draw he likes) and he said, "It's cute, I like it" wow, couldn't believe, Shou would say that, haha, and then they said where's my thanks, and said, "thanks, thanks" , haha, really like it/this scene. ❤️ Growing up, haha, remember when Arisa gave him choco, (in ch 6) and he said, just put it down, haha.

      I like how Miyuki makes the growing up/maturity natural and realistic. not unrealistically perfect.

    51. About how Japanese/Manga are obsessed with love triangle/rivals, I read a Manga recently, it was nice, I liked it, not too much though, I normal. Anyway, she made a rival from nowhere, it was.. so stupid. I mean, there was no need, the main couple did already get together, confessed and are nice to each other, then this?! WTH?! Should I have to see another guy love story with the main/same girl only for some bratty fans, who'd be nasty just if the girl didn't choose a guy their type!! Soooo unbearable 🤦🏼‍♀️ (the main guy isn't my type though? It was just soo meaningless, happened just like that.
      And as I told you before, the reason he fell for her is so stupid, it wasn't an convincing love or well done love. She smiled or asked him how he's, and he's already in love, he doesn't even know her. Oh, God, such childish level. I'll get you its name 😑

      I'm not sure of the name, Arkana too, idk if you read it? I liked it. Anyway, Because they didn't have to make a rival, She made her brother as one??!! I felt like they deceived me, God. Like, if you read it, you'd get that he acts like a guy who loves her/he's the rival, then at the end 'he's her brother' ?! WTH?! You made me read something creepy, just for your weird 'rivals' obsession?! Sooo annoying, agh.
      And I think fans were ok with it, they actually ship him and feel sorry for him. The author wrote at the end of the Manga stuff like, 'Oh, that's it, poor you' , God, what's up with them?

      I know understand why they make the rival 'force a kiss on the girl' , because his fans want to see that, they'd enjoy and like it even if it's forced and the girl is dating someone else. God, Seriously. So toxic.
      Because I always find it unrealistic, I mean, what guy would go forcing a kiss on you because he's mad that you didn't choose him/loves someone else. Only a jerk or a sick guy. But in Manga, they make them good and pure guys.. Oh, God.

    52. Hehe, it's okay. Good luck with your thesis ^^ By the way, what is it about?

      Haha...is that so. Out of curiosity, why did you read it in the first place? For me, it is the drawing and I like vampire themes...well, it was popular then. I didn't like her previous series wherein the male lead can be a boy and teen... with age gaps' fantasy, if it is a kid, I draw the line there. 😅

      I didn't fully read 'dengeki daisy' so I don't know this 'she was doing it then he asked to do it for her'.

      Haha, is that so. For me, it is really abrupt and the author has no more ideas so let's just do this and go with a time skip. Actually though, I think the series could have been prolonged and written in a better way. I imagined that she is too pressured with the deadlines that she is throwing all sorts of shocking nonsense for the cliffhangers.

      It was when Kaname is going to die and he is suddenly like some father-figure wishing Yuuki and Zero good life and stuff like that..farewell speech. I mean, after being a rival and everything, then he is suddenly like that to Zero. It is weird like out of character.

      I guess it depends. Taking initiative can be quite especially if the other party is the one who kept on pursuing like Yuki giving Shou a kiss. Of course, as we both agree, we aren't into girls desperately chasing after boys. Haha, well, definitely not into anyone chasing after someone who already has a lover.

      Haha, well, as mentioned before, there are definitely some people who thinks that is manly and cool. Well, the insensitive jerk who just so happen to be the most handsome and popular guy in school. And, perhaps, there is that 'I can change him and it will be a jackpot' mentality especially if that person is rich. Thinking about it, there is always that mentality in most stories...he'll appreciate me in the end after everything. Hm..martyr type?

      Usually, the insensitive jerk has a soft side. I mean, if he is total jerk then he'll be the antagonist. Ah wait, I do recall before in a shounen manga wherein the author is totally confused why a certain evil character is very popular especially with girls just because he is handsome. It makes me think of real life, there are some people who get away with a lot of stuff just because they are good looking...they will always have fans who are charmed by them.

      So, it isn't exactly being insensitive is manly and cool, the character isn't the attraction but rather, the looks and charm + intelligent and well, being rich helps, too.

      What is this 'oh, that guy is looking at her" and they'd draw a line from his eyes to her, but he actually isn't looking at her at all'? In real life...showbiz stuff?

    53. I would think that 'second lead syndrome' would be more like, the second lead is their type, yes? Hm...isn't it suppose to be a generic term for both genders? But, yes, it usually applies to the second male leads and I guess it is because the second female leads tend to be, pardon the word, 'b*tches' - unlikable.

      I didn't read the manga but I did watch...well, most of it, the Taiwanese version so I have an idea about it. I think I did watch a bit of the Japanese and Korean version. Fyi, this story is super popular in our country and it is even replayed a lot of times. It is very popular for dramas since it usually made the male cast become very popular. Lol, I know Lee Min Ho from that drama since it is popular here and he came here when it was shown to promote and became an endorser for a local clothing brand.

      Anyway, I watched only a part because the first part is rich kids bullying poor girl. Lead 2 is nicer to her though. Then, bully falls for girl and chase after her for such a long time. Finally, won her. Part 2 is guy gets amnesia and mother disapproves of relationship so girl now chases after guy. In the end is a happy ending of course.

      If you read it now, it is probably like predictable/cliche but I think it was one of the 'first' that popularize such a story. But, it has its addicting effect like want to know next especially girl is standing up to the bullying, they are put in a certain situation, etc. Of course, in the dramas, it really helps to have eye candies to keep on watching aside from the story.

      Hehe, I guess that is a personal thing...liking how one smiles.

      Ah, but those authors are writing for teens so they are 'pushing for that image'. Like, anyway, most of the time, it is like he is actually nice. Or, the girl can change him from ice into nice guy...the only problem since he is rich, handsome and intelligent.

      Well, not all, there are some older woman-young guy though I think it isn't that popular for female readers. Lately, there are love triangles wherein guy vs girl for a guy. I guess it is for variety. Yes, it seems that in Korea, there is a shift for strong-type female leads. Ah, though I'm not sure how is it with J-drama since I'm comparing Kdrama to J-manga.

      Haha, well, there are really a lot of different people out there. I thought it was a joke somewhere wherein girls swoon if the guy snubs them/being mean. Though in real life, I think it can make or break a celebrity.

      That's nice ^^

    54. Is this a school manga? Well, that's usually how they can prolong a story. I'm more into 'couple vs world/other problems'-type of dilemma than love rivals. Haha, now that I think of it, the latter half of Boys over Flowers is like that. Hehe, I guess I'm okay if it is both but less on rivals especially if the lead has chosen the one for him/her.

      Hehe...not really childish...it can be 'love at first sight'? In a way, perhaps, it has the same concept as 'let's live together first then get married'. Like, random person/classmate confesses to you. H/she doesn't look bad and you would want to be in a relationship or experience it, so let's go try it out since we are young = not necessarily to get married and stuff like that. Who knows, maybe you are the one. I'm thinking that this is more applicable to those who aren't picky = stick to one's ideal type.

      Now that I think about it, usually, that isn't applicable when one already graduates from high school. I don't quite recall such confession scenes when the characters are in college or work setting.

      Arcana...Reimi no Arcana? Yes, I've read it and even summarized it. It is kind of VK for me...all over again though I guess, not that infuriating. Thinking about both series, I guess rather than the love rivals, I'm more disappointed because in both series, the female lead has potential to become the strong types but in the end, sigh.

      Haha...well, you said it, only in manga...mostly in shoujo manga. Hm...this is about Shizuka, right? I'm trying to think of this in other manga but couldn't think of one. ^^; I mean, stealing a kiss from a committed person then be thought of as good and pure.

    55. Omg, Ok, so sorry about being all that late 🙏🏻< Really couldn't get a proper time to write, but now I'm near finishing it, just the ending look and then print it ~
      Hope you're fine, kat ~
      Thank youu ^^ Oh, it's about "Types of diplomacy in international relations" ~ I'm trying to work in the embassy, but well, it's hard and all so Haha, dk

      Oh, tbh, no particular reason, haha, just watched some of the anime and then continued the Manga (even though I really didn't want to, like I told you). I don't like the drawing as well.
      A kid?? Wow *-*

      Oh, you didn't! I see. Didn't like it that much as well. Especially since he's too older than her.

      Oh, you're right. She ruined her Manga when she listened to people's opinions, just for Popularity. Agh.

      OMG, I see, I know, just the older brother feelings je gave me.. agh, don't like that.

      Still don't like 'I chase for the guy' whatever, haha 😂

      "He'll appreciate me in the end", that's what i dislike that for, haha, I can never be happy with getting appreciation that way, haha. That if one even get it. Well, I just can't do or like such stories, just can't, haha, my ego hurts 😂

      Oh, you're right in this point, Like evil can have a charm/a character, or we feel so, haha, sadly, it also because of the rejection, I mean, when someone reject/doesn't care about you, you'd feel like they're high, etc, and so cool.., what do you think?

      But you know, it's right looks, etc, matter, but sometimes they do like/think he's cool because of his personality/behaviours, 😅 agh. Like, the guy who's cold with the girl/gf, doesn't show/say his feelings.. is the manly guy to them 😅

      I mean, like, when the idols are in a convert or something, the video taker (a fan) would draw a line from that guy's eyes to the girl, like he's looking at her, you understand? Just if he looked that way. But actually he isn't 🤦🏼‍♀️ and so they're like, "Oh, he likes, they're together.." 🤦🏼‍♀️

      Yes, it's because he can be "their type" , but most of the time, they act like "he suits her better, he's better..", and that's what pisses me off, agh 😑 delusionals + biased 😑
      Nah, It's just applies for second male leads, to know that they're just teens who are always in men side, not that they're kind,w sympathy with the poor 3rd laety at all, aghhh.
      Noo, second female leads aren't b*tches, they're just unlikable/hated, because they're GIRlS, I mean, I've never seen any b*tch rival in any Manga, where?? I've just being seeing second male leads forcing kisses on the FL, and is being tolerated and liked by fans, soooo? Agh, hate that.

      Really can't understand why it's that popular 😅
      Haha, I see.

      Omg, yes, I remember now, the "amnesia part" that's such a weak and unrealistic (plot) really don't like that.

      I understand, but stuff like, rich guy/poor girl, mother disapproves of relationship.. etc, are cliché stuff in most stories since age, so! But I think people like this kind of drama, even if it's related, so.


      Ah, what do you mean by "love triangles wherein guy vs girl for a guy" , the guy also like the guy?
      Yeah, good thing.

      Haha, swoon? Haha 😂

      Yes, a school Manga, this one "Honey (MEGURO Amu)". I'm not finishing it, can't stand seeing a rival just for the sake of it, agh.
      Yeahhh, same.

    56. Yes, a school Manga, this one "Honey (MEGURO Amu)". I'm not finishing it, can't stand seeing a rival just for the sake of it, agh.
      Yeahhh, same.

      But I really don't believe in 'love at first sight' 😅 Haha. And though no one do, tbh, haha.
      An, noo, I understand that and I'm totally ok with it, I mean, not necessarily to love that person to go out with/start a relationship and all, ofc. I'm just about how they make it "love" already, like, it's fine, say "they'd try, it's just attraction, liking.." , I meam this.

      You're right, see, to know that it can be quite childish, Haha.

      Yes, Reimi no Arcana. Oh, didn't know you summaries it.
      Oh, now that you said it, true, it's similar to VK. But yeah, isn't that infuriating.
      Oh, you're right, but still, I liked it/her better than yuuki.

      Nah, they're like that in all shoujo. There are a lot of second mls who stole a kiss from the fl when she's dating the ml, and is liked, tolerated, and still considered "pure, cute, cool.." depends on his personality 🙂

    57. Hehe, it's okay. I'm doing okay.

      That's interesting ^^ Oh, good luck on that dream. ^^

      True, but I guess it is understandable for authors to do that. Well, rather than just popularity, I think money can also be considered as a factor. Popular = sales = more money.

      Haha, I'm thinking of that. Perhaps, people like us who have high ego/pride cannot like such stories of 'hope he'll appreciate me after I do all this stuff/bear with his meanness, etc.'

      I guess it is possible. It is like that person has a high standard that s/he rejects almost everyone. Actually, hard to get makes me think like that person is some idol - hard to reach and we can just admire.

      I would think that it might be the culture. ^^; A guy crying [showing feelings] can be unmanly to some people. Not showing or saying feelings = do you mean apathy? ^^; I'm thinking that I would like that kind of guy if I'm just after something else from him. Or rather, romance/being lovey-dovey is the priority for the relationship. I'm just rationalizing it.

      Ya and I guess it also happens when the pair is very popular. As you mentioned, they suit/look good together.

      Hehe, you haven't read enough shoujo to have not encountered that kind of b*tch rival/s. 😅 Like fans of the ml hated the fl that they got some guys to try to attempted rape on the fl. And, what do those girls get? A hit on the hand with a ruler. It really irked me. I think that's the worst one I've read other than rival/s pushing off fl from high places.
      So, second male leads forcing kisses is pretty tame to me. Haha 😅

      Well, two handsome rich guys running after poor you is a popular storyline. Just think of Cinderella ^^

      Yes. For something different, a girl and a boy are after the boy. Usually, the other boy is the ml's best friend.

      Well, I guess it depends on the definition of love. Perhaps, love at first sight is more on attraction. Like, wow... somehow I'm attracted to this person for some reason I don't know why...well, other than s/he's really something. Haha, of course, it isn't really love, right? ^^

      Ah, aside from personality, I would think if that person is handsome/drawn well ^^ I mean, the reaction would be different if the second ml is not cute or handsome = ugly looking. I'll say, it also happens in real life. It is easier to forgive if someone has the looks.

      I'll give you an example. We have an ex-actor senator who was caught stealing a lot of money from the government. He got acquitted but was ordered to give back the money. He never give back the stolen money that 'somehow ended up' in his bank account through his right hand man. I forgot the reason he used to be acquitted but most likely, he is totally clueless what his assistant has been doing.

      So, He ran for election and won again. He just danced a popular dance in his advertisement. When some women interviewed as to why they voted for him, their answer, it is because he is handsome and nice. 🤪🙄 *face palm*

    58. Oh, thank youu 🙏🏻~

      Yeah, I know but still it's.. a cheap way to get money and Popularity. I'm actually a logical person, but I can't be ok with that, haha.

      Exactly, haha 😂 I won't even be attracted to such guy, who makes me do that I mean, haha, not my type.
      Ah, And also stories where the girl can do anything and give up on everything for the guy, like "The little mermaid" for example, really don't like how she saw only him, and gave up on everything for him, her family, her voice, her tail, changed all her world and life to his, and made it seem so easy, like, it was nothing to her, no hesitation, no thinking, oh. Really don't like this kind of love, and I think it's wrong and unhealthy. A humiliated love I call it, haha. Even though I like her story the most between the princesses and think she's the prettiest, but this ruined it unfortunately.

      Yes, you're right.

      No, I didn't mean crying, this is another thing. I mean, like the guy be affectionate with you, touch, kiss, hug, say love words/his feelings for you, (not too much tho, I hate that, haha) ok, to explain well, it's like how shou is, (with Yuki), haha, I like this kind of guys, and to me that doesn't make him unmanly. It's actually the opposite, I think he's more manly and attractive like that. But maybe ppl think a guy like that is unmanly and not cool, that's what I'm talking about. The guy who they think is manly is the guy who's cold with the girl, doesn't show or say his feelings for her, doesn't touch, kiss, hug her.. etc, himself and she has to do that herself, and then maybe he'd continue it, and rarely when he'd touch her, etc, and the girl/and fans would be like "oh, finally" , omg, my ego hurts, haha, that's just a big NO to me 😅 and I don't find such guy manly or attractive at all. And I don't care about the reason he is like that, I just can't be with such guy, I'd sympathy or befriend him, but never take him as my man.
      In Japanese shoujo Manga there are a lot of MLS like that, that's why I mentioned it, and the reason is always "his family, I mean, mom or dad issues" , can't stand that. And I feel like they push the idea of "he's manly like that" , which is I can't really stand 😅

      Don't know what's hot or manly about a guy who's cold and mean to you 😅 haha, I think it's some mental problems, haha.

      "Or rather, romance/being lovey-dovey is the priority for the relationship. I'm just rationalizing it." , didn't understand what you meant by that? Isn't that opposite of what I said?

      Nahh, these are just vicious fangirls, I'm talking about a "fixed female rival" , I've never seen any b*tch one, a rival who does dangerous and cheap stuff.
      The first one you mentioned is from "Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu" , right? Haha, I remember that. The second one, Idk 🤔
      Ah, but even the ml of KKWH was going to rape the FL at first, but fans were ok/liked him, just because he's guy/ml, and good looking, based on that time art.
      Exactly, also family/especially mom disapproving the girl.

      Haha, Yeah, I don't think that's love, to me love comes when you spend time together for a quite time, or just know or watch each other. The attraction can lead to love or no, hehe (turn into)

      Indeed, you're exactly right.

      Omg, I understand 😔😡 I mean, there are celebrities who actually rapped girls but you'd find many fans defending them, saying it's not right when deep down on them they know it's right, just because they're "good-looking" omg, and they'd really continue to like and support them, omg, I can't! 💔

    59. Hehe, I think it is practical especially if you kind of think like this, 'well, this might be a one-hit thing so I might as well earn as much money I can from it'. I mean, if you are the type who didn't think it will be this popular and previous works aren't that good. Or, planning to retire after this/don't plan on doing it for a long time.

      Haha...prettiest. Based on Disney? Ya...though, I think that is more tolerable because the prince isn't a jerk and she initially didn't know that he is engaged so she has a chance. Well, she is also naive about the human world and yes, took her current life for granted. As for the last part, she just cannot bring herself to kill him in exchange for her own life. Ah, I'm recalling the original story.

      Hm...so kind of 'balanced' in affection? Hehe, I think it might be hard to find such men in real life.

      From how you mentioned that like 'oh finally', it makes me think that shoujo have that kind of ml for the plot. The 'oh finally' is the climax of the arc/story. ^^

      Hehe, well, there are people who likes that, I guess. Kind of like it is a challenge to 'change' him/her. I do always hear that but in real life, those women are disappointed since they weren't able to change that person.

      Haha, I think it is a typo. I mean romance is NOT the priority of the relationship. For example, guy is rich and handsome. You want him just for that 'rich and handsome' so who cares if he is cold and everything. Aren't there girls who'll 'bait' guys for shotgun marriage? Of course these days, it isn't advisable since guys can run away from their responsibility even if they love/used to love the girl.

      Ah no, there are fixed female rival who do that kind of stuff. I recently read one from Promise Cinderella - lured the fl out a cliff and pushed her down. She was a psycho b*tch. Actually, I think that type is one can see/watch from soap operas especially those from the past.

      Yup, it is KKwH. I practically skipped those parts and just read+summarize it when he changed his ways/iirc, she dumped him and he chase afer her. Lol

      True. And, I guess the true test would be if there's a problem/obstacle and they resolve it together. Haha, so for stories, that is why there are family esp mom disapproving.

      Wow. I guess they are truly devoted in the extreme way. Hm...did they bash the girls who were raped? In that kind of situation, usually, fans/blind followers tend to blame the victims or anyone else but the perpetrator.

    60. Oh, yes, got it but sentimentally it's not beautiful 😅 like, There's no honesty or feels for the story, I don't like that.

      Haha, yes 😂 well the others aren't that pretty to me, I mean the art. Well, anyway, I'm not that much into Disney Princesses tbh, I mean, normal.

      Ah, no, it doesn't matter if the guy is good and not a jerk, even if he's good, I don't like that kind of love where the girl gives up and leaves everything/important things for the guy.

      Oh, I'm re-reading some books lately, hehe, So, I don't know if you know it, there's a book named "For the Sake of the Crown" , from "François Coppée" , it's french originally. So the story has this kind of love, But this time it's a man, haha, who gives up on everything for his wife/beloved, haha. But it's so heartbreaking 😅 not funny like this or anything. Would I summaries/tell you about it? Hehe.

      Haha, omg 😂 Glad you said it like that 😆 There's really none, heh 😂

      Yeah, I know, and I don't like it.

      And it's that, I can't with this "I will change him" , Oh. Indeed.

      Oh, yeah, true, it happens. I'm talking more about a real love relationship, kinda, haha.

      Oh, I see. But just cause one or two female rivals are like that, doesn't mean we should generalise and say all female rivals can/are vicious.

      Haha, I see.
      Plus, the stuff you mentioned before seem from Smut stories, etc, and tbh I don't take those into consideration, since male rivals there, literally rape the fl, over and over, so they're as bad or worse.
      And they'd be excused and victimised by a sad back (childhood) story. Ew.
      Haha, I see, in a way.

      Yeahh, they defend him like that, "Oh, and what was she/were they doing there, (a bar or something) at night (or day too) of course that'd happen to her then" , How could they 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yeah, she can be there wearing what she wants, and HE CAN'T TOUCH HER. Or they say, "she's/they're just lying, our pure celebrity can never do that" 🤦🏼‍♀️💔

    61. Hehe, I see. Well, that kind of giving everything love is like putting all eggs in one basket.

      Hm...because of the title, I thought of that prince heir in England giving up the throne to marry a commoner. Is it something like that?

      With those kind of rivals, I think the author's intention is to for the readers to totally not root for the possibility for the rival to be with the lead. Though, I guess stolen kisses by rivals can still make them redeemable/likeable 😅

      Yup, that's not an excuse.

      I see. Except for the lying cause he is a celebrity, those others are used even on normal people. I think it is called victim blaming. I guess people would think that they are lying because like, how can a celebrity be so stupid to ruin their name/s like that. Apparently, there are those who would.

    62. Nah, hehe, The story takes place during the Ottoman rule of the Balkans. So, After many years of colonization, The Balkans decided to free themselves and defend their country, but they got defeated everytime. Till a strong and brave general appeared, "Michelle prankomer" , he succeeded in making them go, and kept defending his country in his big castle at the border. He became the most lovable man in the country ~ (and he really is loyal and doesn't care about money, places, crowns.. etc) He has a very kind wife, and a very nice and brave son, "Constantine prankomer" (the hero of the story) he's a solider under his lead, he's such a great solider/chief, and achieved many victories, he's also so lovable from the citizens. The dad and son love and admire each other so much. But then the wife died, and his dad got married again to a greek beauty. He loved her so much and with time, he got so fascinated, attached and crazy about her. And started to neglect his son. This woman has a dream of being the Princess, and getting the crown, (she's actually bad person) She started to put this idea on the dad, till he became to dream as her, and promised her to fulfill her wish. One day, in the battelle filed, the son rescued a slave from the enemy, who was treated so badly and humiliated, and took her to his castle, she's so innocent and kind, he taught her everything, and became his only source of happiness when he lost everything. And she, loved him so much.
      And more, The wife actually works with the Turkish/the enemy (haha) she actually sent by them to seduce the king. And so she started to really smartly asking him to betray his country, he refused so much at first, but she was telling him, "it's fine, it's not a betrayal, you'd just let them enter your country again and rule it, through you = making him the king, and it's better than this war that just kill them/people, and remembering him of her dream, till he gave up and promised he will do that. (Whoa, haha)
      So they agreed on a specific day, where he'd let the enemy's army enter their country, without alarm their army of them, - they/soldiers used to guard the border on a high hill, and if they hear/see the enemy approaching from afar, they'd inflame a big fire - So the whole army/country would know and prepare to defend their country. So that night the king himself disguise in a solider costume, and sent the current guard (not all soliders knows him) and took the guarding himself.
      At that moment, the girl that the son rescued, heard their agreement (between the king, the wife, and one cheif of the enemy, and saw the agreement they wrote and the king's sign/name on it) and told the son, he became like crazy, and went to his dad at the hill, his dad got shocked, and started to deny it. That was such an emotional scene, the son started to tell his dad how people suffered and killed, he remembered him of everything hurtful and beautiful, and begged him to back off, the dad started to crying like crazy, his son words hit him, and was saying stuff like "Bazilid (his wife) why did you entrust me that promise.. I want to die, I can't handle this.." , so the son got happy thinking that he reached his dad, so he went to inflame the fire, but his dad stopped him 😅 haha, and told him I can't, so there was no other way for Constantine just to kill his father, and he did, and then inflamed the fire, and the soliders got up and reassured their country.

    63. After it, they thought his father got killed in the battelle of course, they honoured him and made a statue of him. And Constantine took his place as a the general leader.
      But Constantine couldn't handle the fact of killing his father, he became a messa and depressed, and he became to just lose, people got surprised what's up with him, "maybe his father's death got him, maybe he was just great under his father lead, and the worst one is them thinking that he's actually losing in purpose, he's a traitor (haha ����) so with his dad wife men that were spreading that, people really believed that. She came to him in his castle and told him she'd help him, (since everyone turned on him, and they're outside trying to kill him) , he told her I know what you did and I'm the one who killed my father that day not the enemy, she got shocked and turned like crazy, but she collected herself and took out that paper of the betrayal they wrote with his dad, and his sign on it, and at that time the country leader came, she showed him that and told him that constantine betrayed his country, the leader got shocked, he didn't believe, he's a very good leader and loves and admires Constantine too much, he begged him to say even just a word and he'd believe him and rescue him from everyone, but Constantine couldn't, of course because of his dad 😅 and was willing to die, that's actually good for him to get ride of that disgrace (he was thinking like that) but as his punishment wasn't what he expected, haha 😅 The judging assembly decided that he'd be tied to his father's statue (for him to feel ashamed at how his father was a national and great man) and everyone pass by would insult, spit on him, hit him till him die.. etc 😅 he felt like his heart teard up for this punishment, he cried too much, it was too humiliated for him,, aw, And at the morning, people surrounded and were shouting "traitor.. kill him.. etc" , and just when the order given from the leader, who was feeling so sad for him, it's like he knows he's not a traitor but he couldn't do anything, they started to run towards him to get him, just then, the girl he rescued appeared and shouted "I'll never let you get him, you monsters", they got surprised what's that and who's she, then they shouted let's kill them both, they're both traitors (since she defends the traitor) then she got close to constantine and told him, tell them the truth and you'll be fine, while crying he told her "I can't" , "I killed me father once and can't do it again" , she then told him ok I'll rescue you then, she took out a knife and stab him, he told her "Thank you while smiling" , then she did the same to herself, they fall near each other and died looking at each other eyes 😅💔people got shocked of that scene, and felt so bad for them, and all bowed to the ground and started to pray for them, it's like they were crying one of their lovable martyr, not a traitor. Hehe ~

      But then the the truth stayed unknown for 32 year 😅💔 (that Constantine wasn't a traitor and all what's happened) , the wife said that in her last days, cause she felt so guilty.

      And this is it, hehe.

      I can't believe I wrote all this, haha, I actually wrote it part by part since I was so busy 😆 sorry for writing that much. 🙏🏻

    64. Thanks for telling the story, Mary. Hehe, hm...thinking about it, it does seem like stupid. I mean in the end, the enemy got the country, right? I'm not fond of such characters.

    65. Oh, haha, "stupid" 😅 what's stupid about it?
      Nah, in the day where the wife accused him with the traitorous, they had to go to the war, so the country king had to lead it himself (and he delayed his situation) and went back with a big victory. ~

    66. I've always thought and wanted to say that, so you see kat, When Shou gets jealous, Yuki would get angry on him, make it a big deal, and make him look like a possessive and bad boyfriend... But when she gets jealous, he'd never make it a deal, he'd be so understanding and considerate of her feelings. Like in the before latest 2 Chapters (you probably didn't read it) she got jealous, and then he told her he'll stop talking to other girls if it bothers her that much, Wow, (And the way he dealt with it/said it, like it's nothing, he made it seems so easy and normal, with his cute chibi face, haha ❤️)

      I find that very impressive and mature of Shou, the way he treats people, like, never make them feel that they're bad, but just human. ~ He never make it a big deal, Not just in love, but in life in general (like with hakamada) He never judge.
      What do you think kat?

      It's hard for me to say that, cause I love Yuki so mcuh.. but, Like, she's selfish and never put herself on Naruse's shoe, or consideres his feelings.

      But Nah, actually, It’s Miyuki who views Shou's jealousy as a bad thing.

      And of course fans, Whoa, they hate on him so much and always make it a big deal/put it in the bad way.
      Like, they want to say that "Shou represent the possessive overly jealous boyfriend" , but nah, he isn't, yeah, I've never thought that Shou is a possessive, overly jealous boyfriend, doubts and doesn't trust Yuki. I mean, Seriously, His jealousy isn’t even the suffocating type, who texts and calls every hour to know where her whereabouts and asks her to take photos of the people she’s with, or goes through her phone to make sure no guys text her if she has any guy’s number to begin with. This is the kind of person who doesn’t trust.
      His jealousy is perfectly normal and he’s not at all controlling.

      Yuki never compromised anything because of him, and when he tells her to be careful, it’s because she is clueless about men and she is defenseless and physically weak against a guy, so it’s a justifiable concern.

    67. They keep saying he's possessive and overly jealous and controlled, but they can't give even one example about that. Where did he possess and controlled her? I mean, What change did Yuki ever make in herself and life because of his possessiveness? He never made her compromise or stop anything. She still talks and interacts normally with hakamada who forced a kiss on her, and keeps touching and hiting on her, and not just in club stuff/need, Shou didn't even told her to stop talking to him. She still talks with Suwa and every guy out there. She's still the Manger, she works, lives freely, goes where she want, takes decisions about herself, her life, etc. And being a Manager means that she's mostly with guys, touch them, tap them, help them stand when they're injured (like with the captain in chap 111) and Shou is totally fine with that. And being a Manger is one reason he fell for her for/loves her for.
      I mean, Shou never effected her life or herself. But they just want to say and believe that about him. So frustrating really.

      So I think "possessive" is an exaggerate word to describe Shou. Like, it's normal for him to feel jealous over guys who he knows they have feelings for her, And to not want them to touch her, "all Human are like that". He doesn't get jealous over normal guys, like Amamia and other club members/guys. And about "don't want them to touch her", it's normal/not in the bad unhealthy way.

      And the time of Suwa arc, it wasn't actually a "jealousy case" , but an inferiority case/he felt inferior, but oh, since it's Shou, it'd be automatically thought of as "jealousy", Sighhh.

      He never doubted her, in all his jealousy times, (they're 3 BTW) you can clearly see from his words, etc that he doesn't doubt her/distrust her, but he doesn't trust those guys, and like warns her. But they would always say so because they just want to believe that.

      It's because in the Manga we saw him getting jealous more that's why he's thought of like that... sadly. And because he expresses his jealousy normally unlike Yuki.
      But actually he doesn't get jealous a lot, his worries/jealousy are legit and not some baseless childishness. (He's rightful most of the time)
      He gets jealous cause Yuki puts herself in a lot (real) jealousy situations, unlike him.

    68. And you see when it comes to Yuki they won't say anything, like when she got jealous/insecure when he entered college and made friends, they won't say anything OR they'd be like "ah, that's natural to feel that way, ah, poor her.." but if it was Shou, they'd be like "ah, he's so immature, possessive and controlled freak, he doesn't want her to be successful and broadens her life/acquaintance" , Correct me if I'm wrong, kat??
      (The same in chapter 57 when she felt jealous/mad over him doing well in the club/games without her as a manager, she even went to say to him "you're doing well without me around", and that can indeed unsettle him during matches time) but oh it was never made a deal!!

      You remember in chapter 100 when he got slightly upset over hearing what she said to Hakamada? They're like "ah, he's so immature, when will he stop with his jealousy and insecurities, he doesn't trust her.." , OMG, why? That's sooo normal to get upset in this kind of situation, and he didn't get jealous/DIDN'T TRUST HER "but actually, felt bad of himself".

      Imagine it was Shou telling his ex or some other girl that "I'm sure you can do it with a trust tone/expression" and Yuki overhead them, would they say she's immature when she gets upset over that and snap at him? Nah, they would be like "ah, poor her, that can indeed hurt.. hearing your boyfriend saying that to another girl..". But with Shou, there's no sympathy, always, in all situations, no one pity him.., really, that makes upset.
      And of course they would criticize him "cause he says that to another girl", huh.
      And they'd say "Yuki could felt inferior, like she compared herself to that girl". Yeah Shou too!! It's like Shou can't feel inferior، ?!!
      Seriously, that ruined it for me really.

    69. 'Stupid' = letting think badly about him without clearing his name and dying as a martyr...it is somewhat like suicide. Though, in olden times such situation is common. I recalled the Kdrama Kingdom. The prince ended up killing the king but he got over it and tried to 'save the country' = leave the country in the right hands if he couldn't.

      Hehe, you're really upset there. You are right that Shou doesn't make a big deal about it though the one I recall of him being jealous is when iirc, he said that he would want her to be only inside the house or something like that. But as you said, he just said it or other times about such jealousy but it never really hindered and pull down Yuki.

      I'm a bit puzzled though...how did Yuki become jealous...I assume it is about the girlfriend or is it fangirls? I mean is it different from Shou's? I think it is normal to be jealous at times and yes, not to made a big deal out of it especially if it isn't mutually/other party isn't actively pursuing but of course, one has to get mad when lines are crossed like stolen kiss/hugs.

    70. Oh, you're right.

      Yes, AM I, because they're double standard when it comes to the two of them. When it comes to Yuki, "Ah, it's just human, and poor her", for Shou "ah, he's so immature, possessive overly jealous, controlled,
      unhealthy boyfriend" , God.

      And I swear these girls who keep putting Shou down every time he gets jealous and act like they're angels without emotions, are actually jealousy freaks in real life/when it comes to them. I mean, they make a big deal out of Shou's fangirls, OMG, (like, oh, he hurts he, poot Yuki, he's really a jerk.., Wow) but hakamada isn't a thing at all, it's just the immature possessive Shou who makes him a deal, Wow. So fangirls (who appeared like 2 times in the whole Manga) is a big deal, but hakamada is nothing, heh! OMG.
      Plus, who'd even get jealous over fangirls? So silly to me really, I'd never. Especially the fangirls in Namaiki, they're actually nice and respectful and not vicious at all (they barely touch him) and not suffocating, like in most childish cliché Mangas, and more importantly, it's Shou we're talking about, he doesn't really give them any face.
      And well, Yuki herself isn't bothered by them at all, but they keep eating themselves all by their own. OMG 🤦🏼‍♀️

      I swear they just want to grab him a share on the "jealousy field" , since it's always Yuki who puts herself in jealousy situations and people criticize her, so they want to say "ah, Shou also do that, he makes her jealous, she suffers too.." so they go for the fangirls subject and make it a big deal. OMG, so immature 🤦🏼‍♀️

      And let's not talk about insecurity, they make it look like he's the insecure part in their relationship but hey, it's actually Yuki, God 🤦🏼‍♀️ the times she got insecure are too many/compared to him. But "oh, it's just human", Huh.

      Ah, haha, when did he say that? 😂 "He said that he would want her to be only inside the house or something like that." ? He actually never said that, haha. Maybe you mean when he told her in chapter 75 that "I'd love to just lock us in this room together forever" ? But that was just an expression, and cause the others were with them and they didn't had the chance to be alone. Plus, Yuki after it said (in her inner thoughts) that she also want that, aw, hehe ~
      That if you mean this, haha 😂 I can't recall anyone that's similar to it, so, haha.
      Or in chapter 50 when he told her "don't let anyone touch you, etc" ?

    71. Yeah, she got jealous 😍 haha. It's a classmate, nah, well, actually Shou is taking a driving lessons (he's making a driving license, since he's 19 now) , so this girl is in the same group of age as him there. You know, Yuki in this chapter showed/expressed so much jealousy, normally and clearly, I was so surprised 😳 and of course so love it 😍

      While they're together in between classes break, Shou's phone vibrated, so Yuki told him about it, since he was trying to sleep, and then she saw the name Kasumi and got blank and started to think if it's a boy or girl (name) so funny Yuki, haha 😂 then she asked him who's that, (wow, can't believe she got jealous/worried, and also asked him that 😳) he told her as I told you, she's just someone from the training center, and he chats with her.

      And then he told her "ah, you doesn't have to worry, that girl has a boyfriend, and also knows I have a girlfriend" , then Yuki said then (smh shouted) "just because she knows doesn't mean she's automatically someone I shouldn't worry about" (I can't believe she said that 😳) and there was hakamada/pic there besides that, then Shou statically said "well, you're right" (refering to Hakamada/too)
      Ah, so she actually realizes 🤦🏼‍♀️ she's not clueless and naive about it as I thought, she realizes how and what hakamada is doing, and won't like it if there would be a girl like hakamada around Shou, but she doesn't really puts an end to it, here is Miyuki appearing clearly to show that she's the one who makes Yuki unrealistic when it comes to Hakamada. Just... God.

      Ah, Shou is so busy, since he adds the driving lessons, so club and this and school is too much, and has been so tired. So they don't meet as usual/he cancels some of their meetings too. Like a lunch (this scene) Yuki said no problem, but she actually wanted to talk about christmas plans (what a progress of her, haha, she wanted so badly to spend Christmas with him this year 😳☺️) "but well, he's been going to driving school in between classes, and lately he's been heading home tired after club activities, he's really pushing himself, so it can't be helped" ~ Yuki said.
      Tbh, I like that, haha, I mean Yuki is always the busy and the one who cancels stuff for them, so it's nice and cool to see Shou that busy and cancels stuff, haha 😆<

    72. And then while Yuki is in the station (near college) going to take lunch alone cause Shou won't be with her, she saw the driving license bus that take the students from there, and then saw Shou sitting there, and besides him that girl (Kasumi) smiling and then touching/pulling his hair (Shou tried to get her hand off, and was showing an annoyed expression) anyway, Yuki got puzzled "she's touching his hair!!?" Haha, then she thought "I always have this pent-up feelings cause I never speak up, I never tried.." and then shouted "He is mine!!" Haha, OMG 😂💘 then Shou, the girl, people in the bus and also outside/in the station all got shocked, haha. Then she realized and run away, Shou immediately run after her, (he asked the bus driver that he has to get off, others told him what about classes, he said he'll take them later) so then he found her in the club room (saying/thinking that was so embarrassing, I've to apologize" _ Oh, you don't have my sweet Yuki) , she got "na.. Naruse" then he told her "..they all mean nothing to me", "if it makes you this uncomfortable, Senpai, I'm fine with not talking to anyone else at the training center anymore" , "I'll even delete all their contacts from my phone" ~, she said no, I don't want you to do something like that, and she wanted to say not like that.., then Shou told her in that case "leave a mark" , "my whole body belongs to you, Senpai, so put your name on me properly" , she blushed and then she really did it in a very sweet and passionate way, OMG, I can't believe 😳😍 while thinking "It's just.. Naruse is the only one I want to call mine" (whoa 😍☺️)
      But she wasn't able to leave a mark, haha 😂 Shou asked her ".. were you able to leave one? She said, it's not that visible.., and she asked him, why is it that when you do, it stands out..?" OMG, I can't believe she said/asked him that that 🤩 told you she did many unexpected things in this chapter 🤩 anyway, Shou needs to teach her how to put a hickey, haha ❤️
      And then he told her, do you have eyeliner with you? She said, for what? he told her, we can do it like kindergartens" , Aw, ~ then, the last page is Shou breathing hardly and sweating (He made a run from the station that's why) while taking off his jacket and Yuki's name on his hand, aw, haha ~❤️ What an iconic and cute way ☺️<

      His ex made her appearance in this chapter, hehe, she is definitely the cute type in terms of looks, but she seems to be the quiet kind, sort of similar to Yuki’s vibe We can see Shou's taste, hehe.
      She is very kind and cute.

    73. Hehe, from that, somehow, I'm reminded of anti-fans in Korean entertainment. You know, those who hate and nitpick almost everything over someone. Or perhaps, those who passionately defend the ones they like and tear down the ones they don't like. Though, it is kind of weird if it is a fictional character.

      True, Yuki is the one who is more insecure than Shou is.

      If my memory is correct, it was when she got wet by the rain and they temporarily stayed at the hotel. Sorry, I don't remember the chapter. Anyway, yes, it is most likely voicing out what he felt at that time and it isn't like he is really going to do it. Well, he hasn't done it afterwards.

      Here: 'she's not clueless and naive about it as I thought, she realizes how and what hakamada is doing, and won't like it if there would be a girl like hakamada around Shou, but she doesn't really puts an end to it, here is Miyuki appearing clearly to show that she's the one who makes Yuki unrealistic when it comes to Hakamada.'

      Put an end to what? End that kind of interaction with Shizuka or end being jealous about the girl?

      Hehe, well, realistically, it is like that though hopefully, they can still somehow have time together. After all, in real life, some people would break if they are too busy in their respective lives.

      That kind of shouting something then running away from embarrassment and hiding somewhere for lovey-dovey = reassurance of love sounds really familiar like it happened before. 😅

      About the girl, was it a coincidence that she touched his hair or deliberate? If it is the latter, then we might have a female Shizuka.

      That is nice.

      I see...well, that's good. She won't rock the boat that hard = like stolen kisses and stuff. But then, I wonder if that kind of girl will make Yuki more insecure.

    74. OMG, exactly exactly, I also thought they treat/hate on him like he's some celebrity, 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️
      And sometimes I feel like they think that hating Shou make them mature and adult and special, idk, just 🤦🏼‍♀️

      Haha, no, kat, I think you're forgetting or mistaken it with another Manga, he never said something like that 😂 and now that you said that, I think you mean chapter 44, when they went in a date and then it rained so they went to a Manga coffee, not a hotel, haha 😂 and I think you mean when he told her he prefers if she keeps up her old fashion style, since she wore cute there and some guys tried to hit on her. (You can recheck the chapter if you want)

      Nah, put an end to that kind of interaction with Shizuka. I love jealous and possessive Yuki a lot, Haha 😂 ~< she can be jealous all the time, haha 😂 >~
      Like, Because she rarely expresses jealousy, so she is cute when she does, also because the way she gets jealous is cute ☺️ Not obsessive or too angsty.

      Oh, don't worry, they still meet up in time between classes, also in her house, hehe ~ they spent Christmas together too ~☺️ I think he'll be free when he gets his driving license, and they'd meet up like usual 😉

      He said he could have taken it in 15 days if he joined their training camp in the vacation but he had club, So. He'd take it in 3 months, in February next year. (They're in December)

      Haha, but Yuki never expressed her jealousy like that before.

      Ah, she actually touched his hair deliberately, but nah, haha, she's not a female Shizuka, she's just a disappearing girl/character 😅 haha. Plus, she's actually nice and has a bf as I told you, maybe she was just joking or cause he's handsome, you know some girls, haha.

      Oh, about that 😅 Shizuka also portrayed as a PURE GUY but you saw all what he did and keeps doing, so.

      In this chapter where she made her first appearance, she started to work with Yuki in the store, haha 😂
      She's such a hardworking. And her name is Yuna BTW. ~

      When she introduced herself, Yuki paused for a moment there, thinking that she feels like she have seen her before. It must be from the time she saw her in Shou's album, haha 😂 oh.

    75. You see, when Yuki was showing her the work/prices, she shouted that it scared Yuki, haha, over getting surprised that wet tissue here sold cheaper than in other stores, haha 😂❤️ and later on she also brought up a case of Kandy and told Yuki 'it's really cheap, it's only 120 yen for 40 prices!' , haha, I found that so cute of her really ❤️ and from that we got the feeling that she could be poor. Oh :v

      And you know, surprisingly enough, Yuki opened up to her, it was after she had that convo with Shou over seeing the girl number on his phone, haha, so Yuna gave her a Kandy since she noticed that she's a little down today, how sweet of her 🤗 then Yuki told her, "she knows that he didn't do anything wrong, nor the people around him, but she feels like something is cooped up inside her", then Yuna said, "ah, like pent-up? I get that. She also continued saying, you're strong Machida-San, you try to not blame others when things go wrong" , 😊 that touched Yuki but wondered if she really is like that. (I think Yuna is talking about herself/situation)

      So I got surprised but I think I understand, Yuna seems quite approachable and comfortable to talk with, she has the good listener vibe and seems mature, that's why Yuki opened up to her. What do you think?
      Plus, she gave her that Kandy to comfort her, that was so sweet of her 😊

      Ah, right, Yuki said "ah, so you are 18, Sunohara-San" , and then thought "so she's a year below me" , how is that ? 🤨 Yuki is 20 now, so she should be 2 years below her, not a year?!
      And so she is younger than Shou then? (Tbh, I thought that they were the same age, also in the same class/year, haha 😂)

      So it is a trans mistake, or maybe she's really 1 year below Yuki and same age as Shou, I mean, It’s common to have classmates who were born in the beginning of the year and others in the end. ? And when Yuki asked her that/about her age, she said yes and added that she'll be taking her specialization this year. So?

    76. Ah, those who criticize Shou like that...are they all Shizuka's fans? I wonder if it is possible that there are trolls...like just saying toxic stuff to agitate readers.

      Hm...I guess it is a different chapter. But there is indeed a scene before that I thought that Shou is quite possessive. Haha, I remember it since I was summarizing it and I haven't encountered a different manga with that kind of dialogue.

      I see. Hehe, Yuki never expressed her jealousy like that before...wasn't it like her outburst with Arisa when she realized her feelings for Shou? Is the girl beautiful or anything? It makes me think that she is already like that, what if it is the ex- 😅

      I don't know...do girls with boyfriends do that? Perhaps, if they are really close.

      Haha, of all places, they get to work together. Hm...for awkward scenarios, I guess.

      She seems to be a nice perky girl.

      Hm...I'm not sure in Japan but here, you can be a year younger but in the same year/class because of your birthday. Like, your age is near the school year/enrollment, you can enroll earlier so you are younger than the usual age for that grade. Sometimes, if you are intelligent, you can skip a grade...usually in nursery or kindergarten.

      Or, maybe it is as you said, she and Shou are just a few months apart but like, her birthday is on December and his birthday is on the next year. Sorry, I forgot when. 😅 Hope you get my point.

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    79. Ah, no, they're not Shizuka's fans (well, there are of those, who criticize Shou for the same things shizuka did/does while normalise, like and defend Shizuka's, whoa, they're so immature 🤦) so those actually hate Shizuka, I mean, admit his action as wrong/think he's a creep and a jerk and actually prefer Shou, but idk, they keep saying bad things about Shou, like, they think they know everything and think they're adult and we who like him are just teens, how immature really 🤦 they understand and switch everything he does in bad way, they always have something bad to say even in beautiful chapters.. really, they're just toxic and hateful individuals, sigh..
      Like, they make him/it look like he's treating Yuki so badly, like he's beating her up! When he never even yelled at her, for once. I just can't get them, really.

      Haha, god no, I can't remember anything like that 😂 if there's I'm the most one that'd know that 😂 or do you mean this one?

      Yeah, but not in front of Shou, haha. Plus, She used to control herself when she sees fangirls/girls over him.
      Indeed, that's what I thought so 😂 so I hope it'll be ok, agh.
      Ah and yeah, the girl is really pretty, haha.

      Haha, idk, but how can they be so close, he just started taking lessons there from only week ago. Well, I don't really think it's that serious, haha.

      Oh, she really is like that ^^

      We have that here too.

      Haha, yes, Kat, it's like you said, Omg 😂 I asked my Japanese friend about that and she said "Yuna is the same age as Shou, Yuna will be 19 this year" Shou birthday is in July, kat, so it's already passed.
      They're in december, So her birthday is by the end of the December, whoa, haha. And so Shou is older than her by 5 months, whoa, haha 😂 so he was the older one in this relationship, haha, whoa 😂

    80. In next chapter, they went to Yuki house to spent Christmas together 🥰 (Yuna didn't appear) after Rin asked Shou that through Yuki's phone, haha, he accepted of course but Yuki didn't want to, haha 😂 she wanted to spend it just the two of them/this year, 🥰 it was such a warm and sweet chapter, as always with Yuki's family ☺️ they went to Yuki's house after and spent the night together, hehe 🥰 their first Christmas together ~

      It was after Yuki insisted too much 😂 Shou was going to stay, I mean, her mom told them to spend the night there cause Yuki got drunk and slept (actually she didn't want to drink, her mom forced her) cause she wanted to come back home, haha, she kept thinking "I'll come back, we'll go soon.." and kept saying stuff like, "nah, we won't stay too long, right, Naruse?", Haha, how unexpected, love that 🤩

      Cause you know, Yuki used to be not only dishonest with him and people, but also toq herself, so Love the improvement 😍

      So kat, actually it really surprised me to see how independent Yuki is 😅 I mean, she didn't see her family for a long time, she didn't see her dad for a whole year, But she doesn't really mind, and just normally greeted him (hi, dad) and wanted to go home as soon as possible 😅 Idk, how to feel about that, haha 😅
      But I think cause she found her comfort and peace in her house/with Shou, like, her family house was always a wild place for her, (also a trauma) so she's kind of not wanting to experience this again, and maybe also cause she got used to her place/independent life
      Well, Regardless of wanting to be with Shou is Christmas, haha 😂

      So like even though she seems mature growing up, she’ll never forget the sacrifices she made.

      AHH, I really like how Miyuiki didn't make a bad thing out of this, I mean, making Yuki a villian over having a sad back childhood, like how most stories do, I find that indeed silly. I mean, Yuki loves her siblings and family a lot and doesn't have a grudge on them or anything, I appreciate that.

      AHH, you know, it was her dad who wanted to see Shou, (then Rin told him that/invited him) whoa, unexpected 😂 love it 🤩

      Shou was indeed sweet with them. Ah, don't you think too that Shou is always so polite, gentle and quite when he meet her family/parents? I think he really is ☺️

    81. Hm...quite strange. I guess he's really not their type or something.

      Ah, it seems to be that one. Hehe, you memorized all the scenes?

      I see...so maybe the girl is the 'touchy' type. Will touch people = affection but it doesn't cross the romantic line.

      Ah...still, they are more or less the same age ^^ Technically, a year older depending on the month. ^^

      That's nice ^^ Yup, there's improvement there.

      I'm not sure if it is about being independent. It seems more like 'losing closeness'...not that close anymore. But then, in this current world, they should still be able to keep in touch with social media and everything.

      Well, it can be like that. In real life, there are people who aren't close to their families anymore when they have a lover/spouse and kids since the latter would take priority. From experience, this is more common among sons. Daughters tend to still care about the parents. It is not really a bad thing but something that will naturally happen, I guess especially with a family like hers.

      Grudge? For making her turn out that way?

      Hehe, I see. Quite odd though...the future father-in-law wanting to see the future son-in-law. Did they hit it off before? Or, want to know Shou more?

      Haha, he should. ^^

    82. Yeah, but they don't have to hate on him that heavily just because he's not their type. So immature. But yeah, most people who don't like someone tend to hate on them.

      Hehehe, I do 😅🤣

      "I see...so maybe the girl is the 'touchy' type. Will touch people = affection but it doesn't cross the romantic line." , Yess, exactly!

      Yes yes, same age, haha.

      Hehe, indeed. And even before, She doesn’t even want them to visit her. I feel conflicted about this, haha, but at the same time I think she has the right to feel that way, She’s finally in peace in her own place and would only do stuff for her own rather just others, especially seeing how she always had to help everyone in her family, and sacrifices things for them.

      And it was Shou who told her "and it's been a year since you've seen your dad" after she asked in their way if he is really going, haha 😅😂

      And she got relived when her brothers weren't there, haha 😂 tbh, I got happy as well, haha 😂 I kinda don't like her brothers, haha. It was Just dad and mom and the twins, I like that, hehe ~

      I like the twins, hehe, even though they're the fangirl type that I really don't like but surprisingly enough I don't dislike them. Maybe cause I didn't see them fangirling/obsessed over a specific guy/their bf (like usami) haha.
      They're so cute actually. And love and care for Yuki.
      Oh, and I love how they get along with each other very well.

      And I love how they treat Shou, like, he's their big doll 😂 and I love how Shou just let them ❤️~ in this chapter they put him in the middle where playing a game 😂 (idk if you know it, a spinner?)
      So, when Yuki was telling her mom that asked her to drink "no, we won't stay long, right, Naruse?" She found him like that and freezed 😂

      But then she immediately went to stop them, thinking she shouldn't let them make him tired like always since he's working too much lately/exhausted, hehe ❤️

      HM, not that way but in a really bad way, cause even though she prefers to stay at her apartment and doesn't visit her family that much and all, she still really loves and cares about them. Or making her a bad person/villain, or a jerk, like the case in Shonen and Shoujo.

      Yes, haha 😂 he actually got embarrassed and nervous that this was leaked, haha 🤣 he told Rin "why would you make a big deal out of this, it's strange to say things like "our dad wants to see his daughter's boyfriend for christmas eve", haha 😂 it's like he wanted to see him but not tell that he's the one who asked for/wants that, haha

      "Did they hit it off before?" , sorry, I don't understand? 🤔
      Yeah, maybe that or maybe he wants to check on him/if he still with Yuki and how, haha.

      Ah, another funny thing, haha 😂 when they arrived, her dad said "..oh, Yuki. you came." Like, he's surprised, haha, did he expect her to not come too? 😂 just Shou to come alone?! Haha, nah 😂

      Shou and her mom had some serious sweet conversation with each other, I really loved that 😊
      Tbh, I like her mom (more than her dad) this chapter really highlighted her and showed her side as a mom more than usual, and I loved this ❤️
      So after asking about him and stuff, she told him, "Yuki had a rough time. Because of me and her siblings, she has to grow up faster. It became natural for her to sacrifices a lot of things. Even though I know that, I still leand on her, and always asked for her help. That wasn't nice of me as a mother. But that's why, more than any of her other siblings, I want her to be happy" so sweet 🥰 (and that she's happy that he's the one who found her ~) Tbh, I appreciate that she knows and admitted her mistake 😊

    83. In their way to Yuki's house, when she's saying sorry that he had to come, Shou cut her and say, "plus, I love your family, Senpai" , Oh, so sweet of him 🥰 that touched Yuki and thought, "hearing him say that, makes me even happier than hearing him say that he loves me." Oh ~

      In their way back, Yuki dreamt of Santa giving her a lil Shou doll, haha 😂❤️ cause she slept (with her dad) since they got drunk, so Shou had to carry her on his back, hehe. So she dreamt of that while she's on his back and then pulled his hair, haha ❤️ cause she was going to touch the doll hair, haha, so cute. So she woke up, after telling her what happened, he asked if she thought of what she wants as a Christmas present, and then she yelled "yeah.. a doll" , haha, OMG 🤣 Shou got shocked, haha. That was so cute but in the same time I felt bad for her 😭

      Cause the previous chapter (where she got jealous) started with a page that showed the mom giving the kids their Christmas presents, and Yuki got a doll, but the twins took it away from her the moment they saw it, oh 😅💔💔 she liked and wanted it actually, she was going to say that but let it go like always. Oh 😅💔
      So it's like that stucked in her mind 😭

      I always feel hurt looking at Yuki's childhood scenes 😫 I think it's her parents fault smh, but.. not really, since for example here, they/her mom told them it's her doll and they should return it to her. And idk if you remember, they always tell them that when they take her things or ruin them. It's actually Yuki who was giving up and let go. What do you think, kat?

    84. True. Though, I can understand...I mean, family is family, right and well, it isn't like they treat her very badly.

      Hm...wasn't she close to her father before?

      I see. The brothers can be annoying though it is the twins whom I don't like because of how they act with Shou, their sister's bf.

      'Hit it off before' = had instantaneously good relationship when they first met.

      Well, perhaps, the dad knows her well that she doesn't want to visit them. Though, it is strange that he wanted to meet with Shou alone.

      That's good. It would be nice if she also told Yuki that.

      I see. I think Yuki is also wrong to give in but then, perhaps, the mother should have insisted and reprimanded/teach the siblings that what they are doing is wrong. Okay, I think a lot of the blame is with the mother since she is the adult. The father is seldom home and I'm not sure if he would have acted like the mother.

    85. Yes, exactly, you're right.

      HM, to me she wasn't, he did understand her but she never opened up to him.

      Haha, but it's not like they do it with bad intention, they're just like that. Plus, Yuki herself isn't bothered at all.

      They do really love her. I think Yuki should hang out with them more, as well her mom.

      HM, you did see their first meet. At first they didn't agree/I mean her dad, then he ended up knowing Shou and so accepted and admired him. 😊

      Oh, that's a possibility, haha.
      I know, omg 😂

      Oh, you're right. Maybe Shou would tell her that, hopefully. ^~

      You're right.
      But I disagree, the dad is also responsible, cause there were moments where that happened and he is there and he just be content with acting like the mom, only says "it's your sister's, give it back to her"

      Her mom kept adding alcohol to her glass non stop, haha 😅 so Shou noticed that and started telling her you have to drink some water, also eat something, I really love how caring he is of her 🥰 And more I love how he doesn’t hold back in showing how caring he is with her even infront of her family, they feel like a real mature couple 🥰

      Her dad kept watching them when they're being flirty like that, haha, and then when Shou was going to give Yuki the piece of cake he cut for her, her dad screamed and said 'your dear old dad wants a piece of cake too' , OMG 😂😅 then Shou said 'oh, you can have this then' 😂 and then Yuki got shockedly broken over her stolen slice 😂 and mattered 'but I thought that one was specifically for me..' , OMG 😂 and then Shou said 'oh, I'm cutting another slice' , haha, that was so cute 😂 it's like both Yuki and her dad (drunk) turned into childrens and Shou had to take them into account/be considered of them, haha 😂❤️

      I like it and find it so funny how composed Shou is, haha, like, her dad asked for the slice and he immediately and in a composed way gave it to him, haha, I mean, he was shocked actually but this is how he expresses it, haha 😂 Shou is composed to the point of being funny 😂❤️

      Serious people are funnier than funny ones to me, haha, really both Yuki and Shou make always laugh so much, haha 😂❤️ (and not as silly)

      And you see I don't like her father too (in addition of him being not my type) because he kind of have a daughter complex on Yuki, I don't like that 😅 I don't find it cute or funny at all, even if it's in that little and lightly amount.

      Ah, also, her mom kept saying "ah, just like your brother said, (he did said it when Rin said she called Shou) you'll be a bride soon' and 'ah, you're 20, I thought a baby would have popped out of you by now' , Omg, I don't like that 😂😅 it's embarrassing and pushy (I mean dignity killer, haha) don't like when parents talk that way Infront of their daughter's boyfriend. Plus, 20 and a child?! God, so early, really don't like that. 🤦🏽

      And you see at the end when they're together/doing it, hehe, Yuki thought that 'our time together, just like always, our casual banter, I never thought that something as mundane as that could make me so happy. There's no doubt that tonight is special' ☺️ because she thought that they'd go out somewhere/a date, but when she asked Shou at the beginning, he told her that he prefers going nowhere and just spend it in her house together (after his practice) and she thought/said 'ah, really? I thought it should be spacial' , but then as I told you she found that it is even when they're simple like always in her house ☺️ love it. And like, Shou is always ahead of her and then she'd realize it, I love that 😊

    86. I see.

      Even so, I think it is wrong. Of course, this is a manga and it is most likely for entertainment but in real life, there should be a line drawn. If they respect-whatever Yuki enough, any normal person I presume would not do such things with the bf/gf of one's sibling. It will cause less problems like misunderstanding later on especially if things aren't well.

      Hm...who would Yuki hang out more with? Didn't she just prefer not to go home?



      I see. I don't quite remember that anymore. 😅

      That's good. Why is the mother keep on giving her alcohol?

      Hehe, Shou the 'parent'. Hm...in other situations/stories, that kind of scenario is a love triangle type.

      I think daughter complex is popular in Asian culture. Well, popular in comedies, too.

      Is that the translation? 'Baby would popped out of you by now'? How I don't know...strange choice of words. True. Aren't they still in college? Is the mother drunk, too?

      That's nice. ^^

    87. This comment has been removed by the author.

    88. Hehe, I see.

      Haha, you're right.

      Well, at first Yuki was planning to not drink/refused (cause she wanted to go back home early) but her mom happily told her "come on.. I'm just so happy that the day finally came when I can drink with my beloved daughter ~" , so Yuki couldn't refuse that, haha, but said ok, just one sip, but ended up drunk, her mom kept filling up her glass 😂😅 it's because it's fun and to make her stay overnight maybe, hehe.
      Though that could be inconsiderate and selfish from her as a mom 😅

      A love triangle? How? The ml and the dad?? 🤨

      Yeah, don't like it 😅 even sister complex and such.

      Yeah, it's literally the translation. I also found it strange 😂
      Yeah, she's drunk, well, nah, I mean she can tolerate her alcohol/control herself, not like Yuki and her dad.

      This is out of subject, haha, but I want you to see this, https://twitter.com/miyukibee1129/status/1331110519072178176?s=19
      Miyuiki drew this (as a late Halloween illustration) Shou with his bangs/hair up 😍 tbh, I didn't recognize him at first, haha, he looks so different. I love it too much, OMG! 😍💘 He looks so freaking handsome 😍 And hot 😍 He looks older though, haha. GOD, I really love it !! 😍🔥
      You know, I didn't expect I'd love it that much cause I like guys with down hair, so 😍😍

    89. So kat, on the next day, (the 25 - Christmas) Yuki and Shou went out/a date, to buy Christmas presents for each other. (That was their plane) and then they met Yuna there haha 😂 working in a store/mall. She met Yuki first though since Shou went to the bathroom. And Yuki was surprised since Yuna has a shift in the store later on, so Yuna got embarrassed that she got caught and just told her I didn't want to stay alone in Christmas so I said I'd work (she's lying) and then told her "Hehe, are you in a date Machida-San?" , Then Shou came back telling Yuki there are cute things over there and then he paused as he saw Yuna, I love the surprised expression on Shou and Yuna's face when they saw each other, sooo pretty 😍

      So when Yuki was about to introduce her to him, Shou said "aren't you Sunohara? And she said "..ah, Shou?" , Yuki got shocked, haha, and thought "did she just say Shou?" , Haha 🤣 then Shou said "I haven't seen you since middle school. And then turned to Yuki and said, did you know each other?" , Then he told her that they used to go out, haha.
      He bought Yuki the present she chose, a snow glob ❄️~ and it was like that, hehe.

      On next day in the club room Shou asked Yuki to come to his house since his family went a trip to an onsen. ~ He'd come to pick her up from the station.

      And then in the store, just when Yuki arrived, Yuna apologized to her if she caused any troubles yesterday. She seemed to be really worried/about Yuki, she really is so nice ☺️ Yuki said no and got relieved that she's acting the same as usual. Yeah, it's so sweet of Yuna to behave as usual, it's actually a big step and she did it. 🥰 (Also how she didn't ignore it and talked it out = makes it lighter)

      And then she told her "It was just like a blur. He said we used to go out.. but the truth is.. we were just in middle school, and what we had didn't really have a deep meaning or anything.." , what do you think of her words, kat?
      I think that it's like "ah, I was the only one who took that seriously but I was just stupid and young.. -thing" ,? Because her face looked sad when she was talking, not sad, idk, how to say it but like .. what I told you I think she means - expression.

      Ah also, it was so nice of her to reassure Yuki like that ^^
      But you see, it's sad that she had to say that her relationship with Shou wasn’t deep, I mean I can feel the hurt she’s feeling, lol, I mean nobody says that 😅

      And then continued, "which why.. I'm glad that it seems like he's happy right now.." with a blushing sweet relaxed smile on her face, ~ She seems to really cherish him ^^ that made Yuki blush, hehe ~ and thought "Oh, even though I'm the older than one, she's the one always caring for me" , she right, that's the impression I got about her, she really is mature. ~

      So her words gave me the impression that she felt guilty breaking up with Shou without having an actual talk or taking his opinion. And that breaking up with him would like depress him or something. That’s why she’s relieved he’s in happy relationship now. what do you think?

      But didn't we say that he didn't really love her? Haha, so why she be worried about him? Or maybe it's just a human being thing, like, break up and would hurt the person regardless if they love them or not? But still, ..HM.

    90. Ah, I see. Well, hopefully, it is that...to make her stay overnight. I won't have good thoughts of her as a mother if she wants her daughter drunk before going home.

      I mean, that kind of scenario could be a love triangle-type...just change the dad with a rival.

      Hehe...is it safe to say that you don't like any kind of complex? ^^ For me, it's okay...don't really hate or like it.

      I see. Even if she is drunk, it would be something she would usually say, right? I mean, it isn't like she is a child who'll copy what people say.

      Haha, since you told me it is him...I already think that it is him and the drawing looks like him.

      How come she is lying about 'didn't want to stay alone in Christmas' to Yuki? What is the truth?

      That was a nice mature interaction. For me, it looks like she is reassuring Yuki that Shou is Yuki's = don't be jealous with me. It could be that - it was one-sided. And perhaps, sad that things didn't work out since she really liked/likes him? Hm...any chances that she still likes him?

      It is a bit contradictory. It doesn't have 'deep meaning' so why would he be depressed? Ah, because he was 'rejected'? Well, about why she is worried about him, that can mean that she still has feelings for him...at least, cares for him and glad that he has someone whom he loves deeply now.

      I'm not sure about feeling guilty...I mean, if she does care for him, she would think ah, it's a good thing that I broke up with him because he finally found the one for him...who unfortunately, isn't me. And that might be a reason why she's sad.

    91. Nah, nah, not for this, haha, There was a flashback where she is insisting them to stay over since it's snowing but Yuki refused "nah, I've to go home, sorry and thank you", haha 😂 (Shou told Yuki that after she woke up on his back)

      Haha, I see.

      Haha, safe? 😂 I don't know. Are there even a good thing?

      Yes, she is this kind of people 😂😅

      Haha, he looks so different 😂

      The truth is that she's actually so poor and has to work more than a job 😅
      I wanted to tell you this later on, haha 😂

      I know! She is such a nice and mature girl ^^
      Indeed. Yeah, there is a chance, haha.

      Exactly, it's contradictory, that's why I told you. Yeah, that's what I thought "cause he got rejected = that can leave a mark regardless. Maybe.

      Oh, yeah, you're right.
      About that, how did she know that he's happy now? Haha, I mean, she just saw them together for that short time in the store. HM, Maybe since she saw Shou yelling like that to Yuki - enjoying/into it, and he is Shou, doesn't like such stuff or loude places, -he wasn't like that's with her. What do you think?

      Hehe, you're right.

      When their shift ended, Yuki wanted to walk Yuna home cause just now a creepy old man tried to bother her in the store 🤢 Yuna said no but Yuki keept insisting , and while so, Shou came, haha, he told Yuki didn't I tell you to contact me after work, I called many times" , then he saw Yuna, and asked Yuki "why are you with her?" Haha 😂 and then he ended up walking her home, I mean the 3 of them, haha 😂

      While walking Shou said "ah, I actually don't know where Sunohara lives" , Yuki got shocked "what?!" , Haha, then Yuna said with an embarrassing smile "indeed, we didn't really talk much about my place and stuff" , hehe 😅

    92. As They arrived, Yuna said "oh, thank you, it's here" then Shou said "this apartment?" When Yuna is about to say yes, someone shouted "yunaaa!!" From a terrible almost collapsed apartment's balcony 😅 That shocked them, haha 😂 it's her mom, wearing a sexy night dress 😅 haha. Yuki and Shou got stunned 🤣 then Yuna embarrassedly shouted "mom, don't go out wearing like that, you'll catch a cold!"

      (Ps: She really is so nice, I mean, even though her mom is like that, it seems that she really cares for her and treats her kindly, I mean the first thing she said in this situation is "you'll catch a cold". Oh ❤️^^)

      Then in a (fake) normal funny tone she said, "ah, hehe, this is my house!" , And that she wants to move into a better apartment but her mom and her earnings can barely tide us over (plus their living expenses and her school expenses) and that her mom can be a bit of a spender. Poor her, her house is indeed bad, :(
      And then in a sad tone she said, "I've always kept it a secret. Even in middle and high school. No one knew. Stuff like how life was really tough.. and how I don't have a dad.. I just never felt that like this was something I needed to tell people.." , Yuki and Shou got so touched/sad for her (their expressions) especially Shou, to me his expression was more like a 'scolding expression' , like, 'you didn't have to be like that, you should had and have to speak up.' I really love his expression there, hehe.
      Then she paused and with a light up cute smile said "but even with that, I'm still happy" , and then with a more gentle and comforting -like smile said "so don't worry.. I'm fine"

      You see, the fact that she didn't open up to Shou back then (tells him about that) shows that he didn't actually give her the comfort feeling that makes her does. Also, the fact that he didn't know or even notice that shows that he didn't really love her (didn't even ask..etc, also not knowing where she lives) and I feel so bad for her for that, :(

      And so you see, she's such a sweet, reasonable, reliable, independent, hard-working, mature and prideful girl, that puts up a brave front while crying alone. Indeed similar to Yuki, hehe. So the author made her be similar to Yuki. Tbh I like that, hehe.

    93. Hehe, sorry about that way of saying it, I mean, is it okay to assume that you don't like any kind of complex. Haha, I'm not saying that it is a good thing though story-wise, depending on how it is done...it can be amusing.

      Ah, she is poor.

      It's possible that it is like that. She would have...rather, she might have noticed the difference in that short encounter that she can assume that he is happy and really in love with Yuki.

      That is somewhat strange. I think it is okay not to know since she might have already moved. Is the 'we' in didn't talk really much between him and her or Yuki and her?

      Is it a two floor apartment complex? I often see that as the house for the poor in Japan...from anime/manga. Aw...she's so nice and everything.

      Hm...now it makes me wonder, since you mentioned she is similar with Yuki and that kind of girl story is pretty much screaming for want of a happy ending...do you think that she will be paired up with Shizuka? Have they met yet?

    94. Yeah, I get that, even when it takes out in an amusing way, I still dislike it because it's not something amusing to me in the first place 😅😂

      Nah, she didn't move out.
      The 'we' is between her and Shou.

      Oh, yes, it's two floor apartment. Haha, you knew it.
      Omg, I just noticed that Yuna's mom was holding a cigarette too, just now, OMG! 😂 Ah, poor Yuna.

      Oh, about that, sooo many fans are shipping her with him, haha 😂 And also they guess that. I remember you, you know, since you were saying that since the beginning, hehe.
      To me, I really hope so, and yeah, I think so.
      They haven't meet yet.

      Then while Shou and Yuki continue walking to his house, Shou said, "I didn't know. Even though we were technically dating, And latest around half a year, I honestly can't remember what we talked about. But I seriously had no idea about this.." that makes Yuki's heart badump with a slightly surprised or a ? - like expression on her face.
      -> I felt that Shou regretted, I mean, on how uncaring (boyfriend) he was with Yuna. Now that he grew up, he understands.

      Then he continued, "what if on that day when we were freshmen, I didn't find you crying in the club room, Senpai? I also wouldn't know anything about you. I'd have continued to think of you as this unshakable woman. I'd have been on a different path than where I'm now probably" , then he squeezed her hand and with a beautiful gentle smile said "that's why I'm glad I'm on the path where I love you." Oh ~^ then he kissed her.

      What do you think of his words, kat?
      To me, I've always thought that Shou is a reasonable person, that can shown from those words. ^^ anyway, I love how he is not regretting his past relationship, but rather appreciating the current one ☺️ like, I love how he felt guilty but used that as a realization of how lucky he is ^^. What do you think?

      Then there was a panel of Yuna in her room (such a terrible room :v) looking at a photo of her and Shou in middle school in her drawer, with a sad lonely expression, then she covered it with a book. Oh, hehe. I think by that that she's giving up completely on her feelings for him, or even memories.

      After Shou's words, Yuki started thinking, "if he had known back then, if Naruse had spent more time getting closer to her, back then when they were dating.. I wonder, would the 'now' that I have, be the same?" , Haha, and Yuki started with her insecurities 😂😅 tbh, I'm fine with that, I just hope that she tells Shou if anything bothers her and don't keep it inside her/for too long. She was having those thoughts when they were doing it, in his bedroom, hehe. So she told him "ah, too strong, Naruse", then he told her "no, it's because you're thinking of a lot of other things, Senpai.." , "hey, what's on your mind?" , She stared and then said "Next year's training routine", haha 😅 and they continued hugging. ~

      Ah, right, now we know they dated for 6 months, what do you think of that, kat? Tbh, I got surprised, haha 😂 it's a long time smh, haha.

      You know about her being similar to Yuki, I feel like Miyuiki is doing that on purpose, 'for Shou', Like, he loved Yuki for some of her traits (of course not just for that, he loves her as whole ~) and thought she only has them (not only her but you know what I mean) but now a girl that she's similar to her appeared, and not just any girl, it's a girl he dated before, idk how to say it, like, she's showing those qualities of her and Shou is watching, so, idk how to explain that anymore 😂

    95. Hehe, I see.

      Yuna's mother must be a 'delinquent type'.

      I see. Hm...if they are paired up...almost everyone in the series is paired up, right? By the way, was there any progress/news about Himiko? Last I heard was Usami-kun is courting her...iirc.

      It does seem that Shou regretted as you mentioned.

      Aw, that's nice. True, he realizes what he got now and he is treating her better. It is really good to have that kind of appreciation. Like, this person is special and well, for a bit of romance...it is like fate. As he mentioned, he saw a glimpse of Yuki's unseen side and that changes everything. And now, they are currently in this relationship.

      Ah, that makes me think that she still has some lingering feelings for Shou. Maybe, just feelings. I mean, can one really give up the memories when it still seems fresh for her? Maybe not so soon but I think/hope that she will start to move on. Hopefully, she will be the 'good example' of what Shizuka should have done before. Really hope that she doesn't keep on being in love with Shou. <- Common in most shoujo

      Hm...I wonder if that scene will lead to some misunderstandings again. She still doesn't tell him...rather, it's okay if she doesn't but she has a tendency to overthink/easily bothered by such things. And, they only talk when things have already escalated. Basically, what I mean is...was that scene a hint of future issues later on?

      Haha, is it a long time? Hm...shouldn't it be longer? 😅

      Hm...do you mean liking the same type of girl? By the way, I just remembered, didn't Arisa say before that Yuna is suppose to be the opposite of Yuki? Since you mentioned that their traits are similar, so the looks are the opposite?

    96. Haha, indeed. But it's not like I dislike or judge her really, I do feel bad for her actually. Their circumstance is really tough. :V
      Oh, speaking of that, I think that Yuna's dad left them because she said "how I don't have a dad", I don't think that's how one says it if their dad is dead, right?

      Haha, right. No, he confessed to her infront of everyone on the festival 😂 (after Shou pushing him ~) but she rejected him, haha 😂 I got surprised tbh 😂 everyone did, haha. But his reaction was funny like "why?! Why! Is it my hair, should I cut it?!" 😂 he didn't take it to heart, I like that in a way even if it's not the case truly.
      And while they're watching, Shou told Yuki "it's good that he's a persistent guy like me", haha 😂

      Indeed 😊
      Ah, speaking of that, I always loved the fact that Shou fell for Yuki not because of her perfectness - hardworking but fell for her fearful and real self. ^^ also, I like the fact that he did saw a glimpse of her first then started guessing her real self, it's realistic like that. ^^
      And as you said it's like fate (their fate) like, out of everyone he was the one who found her. ^^

      "when it still seems fresh for her?", How? Isn't it too long since they got separated?
      Indeed, it'd be very cliche and unrealistic Tbh. And now that you said that, I think Arisa was a 'good example' of what Shizuka should have done before/an example of a good and decent rival/unrequited love.

      Yeah, that's what I'm worried about, Yuki Keeping it inside her and yeah, I think something will happen, they fight or something 😭 after all, this is the ex arc 😭

      Oh, do you mean you didn't find it (a six month) a long time and think it should have been longer? 😂
      Well, in a way, it's not that long, because they both seem mature and don't break up for silly reasons.

      Nah, like, "ah, so Yuki isn't the only girl with such traits", get me ? 😅😂

      Oh, about that, I think that it's because Arisa didn't find the real her as well? She did say that she hide everything from everyone, and always acted like nothing happened. Cheerful and smiley.

      Ah, also kat, you see, Yuna was the one who broke up with him, not Shou, haha, I mean, if she didn't, he was going to continue dating her, 😅 haha. So maybe he didn't really love her but the relationship didn't bother him, it was calm and all for him, so.

    97. Hm...cannot say. I somewhat recall that is how it can be said sometimes...I mean, different way from saying 'passed away'. Because, the other party would usually answer, oh, I'm sorry.

      Sorry...which guy confessed? The one who originally likes her or Usami's lil bro?


      Yes, but there are those who cannot move on...kept on thinking 'what if', 'should I have done this and that instead?' So, it is still fresh on her mind. I think it is especially so if she is preoccupied wit work and studies only = no social life. Even if she is busy with those, there should be times when her mind would wander.

      And, I'm not sure but keeping a picture with one's ex...doesn't that mean one still has lingering feelings? It might be for 'remembrance' and stuff but still...I just think that way.

      True...though a reason for that is getting rid of Arisa from the story. And, as an author, I think she decided to do that with Shizuka to keep him relevant in some way...more than being just a basketball rival.

      Indeed. Such 'misunderstandings' are usually the causes of conflicts in arcs when the ex appears.

      Haha, maybe I was counting the 'courting stage' because it really seem at times that they are a couple already.

      I see.

      Ah...isn't that what Yuki also shows to others? Haha, though perhaps, not cheerful and smiley but usually looking serious.


    98. Oh, I see 😯 so Yuna's dad could be dead.

      Usmai's lil bro was the one who confessed, haha.

      Oh, I get you.
      You said it right, haha, it seems that she is preoccupied with work and doesn't have interest/well time and mood for Romance, haha.

      True. Hope she finds a good guy that will lift some of her heavy weight.

      You're right, as some fan service. 🙂

      "Haha, maybe I was counting the 'courting stage' because it really seem at times that they are a couple already." , Ah, sorry, what reply is this for? 😂 Weren't we talking about Shou and Yuna's 6 month of dating?

      Indeed, Yuki shows a serious face to hide her pain/hardships, but Yuna shows a cute smiley face to hide that, haha. 😂

      Ah, something kat 😠 about those who say shou is possessive, you know in the chapter before these 3 (117 I mean. 118 is Yuki's jealousy, 119 Christmas - Yuki's parents, 120 Yuna's introduction and Shou's words, etc, I told you about) so, Miyuki created a stupid reason to make Yuki go to Shizuka's house, the captain asked her to give him some paper since he's absent from practice (he has cold) in the club room Shou said why you? Then he saw her wearing the ring and the watch he gave her (for her 20 b'day) he started writing Shizuka's address and gave it to her (since she doesn't know) she got surprised and he told her (with his cute chibi face, haha) that I'm not scared anymore of that small fry (haha, he's so cute 😂) and then while smiling he kissed her hand (while giving her the address paper) and told her "plus, I trust you, Senpai" , see?! Would a possessive immature boyfriend do something like that?? He gives her the address himself to go to his rival's house. And didn't even ask her what happened afterwards. Yet, they still say he's possessive 😠🤦‍♀️ I swear most of them don't even know what possessive even mean.

      It's like they say "oh, Yuki already chose you and is dating you, so why do you feel jealous, you immature overly jealous Shou that doesn't trust Yuki, when hakamada touches, confesses or flirts with her?" , Omg, you see kat?!! God, It's so normal to feel jealous and annoyed to see/or know that your partner is being touched and flirted with by people who have feelings for them, and it doesn't mean you don't trust them, it's just HUMAN NATURE! Really, they do everything just to hate on him and make him look bad, it's just.. pitiful.

      And of course the jerk creepy Hakamada tried to make a move on her, probably a kiss, with his ugly cold face again, I really can't, God 🤦‍♀️ he grabbed her hand forcefully and told her "why don't you push me, I'm doing this knowing you belong to someone else" , Omg, how much I hate this creepy uncoll act/words from guys really!! Then Yuki freezed, she remembered his kiss and freezed, and her heart start throbbing, she got scared. Then his brother came and she immediately left.

      Of course, fans freaked out and say she was gonna cheat since she didn't push him and stayed still. But for me she was indeed scared that's why she couldn't move. There was a face of her above the page and it's indeed a scared face (not a sweet or excited face)

      And look kat, is that the good guy who's better for Yuki they're defending? A guy who makes her scared? In this disrespectful and uncomfortable situation? Really, sigh.

      Shou then met her in the station, he told her he worked really hard to behave himself (since he saw her wearing the ring the watch then there's no thing to fear) and she has to praise him, haha, and then they kissed.

    99. 'Hope she finds a good guy that will lift some of her heavy weight.' <- Hehe, hm...that doesn't seem to fit Shizuka. Maybe if he somewhat matures? Or...act less childish?

      I'm not sure that is possessive. Perhaps, a bit of insecurity? I would prefer that he didn't say that last line. It seems like a reminder to her/him. And, saying it seem like there's no trust...I don't know...it seems like that to me. I think a 'Take care and call you later' is better.

      True, it is normal to be jealous. Actually, rather than jealous, I think it should be more of 'wariness/be careful' like, this guy tried sexual harassment...that is if stolen kiss and hugs are counted. If I'm the boyfriend, I would actually offer to do it instead since I have to protect my girlfriend from that guy and it has nothing to do with being jealous.

      Ah...so it actually happened? Tsk. I'm not sure I would want this guy for Yuna. Though, it isn't surprising really since he has been doing it for some time and he got away with it. For it to repeatedly happen, I'm thinking that it is the author's ploy to agitate readers and cause tension.

      True, she got scared. Though, why isn't she reacting violently either in contrast with Shou? Where's the Yuki who always hits Shou when he does those things against her will? I guess that is what the other readers are pointing out.

      Well, perhaps, Yuki has a tendency to lower her guard with Shizuka. He has shown this side before. It isn't the first time. After everything, it is only now she recalls the kiss. I don't know...since she is a fictional character but normally, one would avoid that person after that incident, right? Or, at least, know not to create situations wherein they are alone. Again, I prefer Shou to be at least one step ahead.

      And again, this is the author's ploy. It is like a recap of the stolen kiss. What happens next MIGHT be: She acts uneasy. Shou asks what is it. Will he now do something about it? I hope so. If he will be paired off with Yuna, this would most likely be the last time this will happen.

      Hehe, you know, Mary, I can somehow think that is believable. You know, in other shoujo/stories, there are people who would like the jerk to be with the girl. I think one of the worst one I came across is after raping/attempted rape etc, they ended up together. But well, you know it is easier if the guy isn't TOTALLY bad or becomes good later on and handsome/charming.

      So, she didn't show any of that scared anymore? She is totally fine? I guess with that kind of ending, that's it for that incident? Perhaps, awkwardness when the two meets again.

      Hehe, so the 'not scared anymore of that small fry' was a bluff? So, there is indeed still some insecurity since he has to really work hard to behave himself. It would be interesting if when they met, he asked, did that Shizuka try to pull anything on you? = not jealousy but protective of her. ^^ Though, that might lead to other things that the author doesn't want to happen...yet?

    100. Haha, you're right about saying he's immature and all. Moreover Yuna is so mature on her own. But I don't know, as you said when he matures and realizes that what he did/is doing is wrong and regret it, when falling for Yuna, so maybe then it'll be ok.
      I think he'll help her open up/speak up when she's so unexpressive and closed up on herself. = So he'll lift some of her heavy weight, hehe. ~

      Ah, what line? "I trust you"? yes, it seems like a reminder now that you said it, but to him more, to me tbh. But I think it's simply he just can't send her to his house like that, not that he doesn't trust her.
      Tbh, I've never felt that Shou doesn't trust Yuki, (his words/situations never gave me that impression) but he just doesn't want/like her to be touched by others guys/guys who have feelings for her. And I think it's normal.

      Indeed. It's mostly like that with Shizuka. Not jealousy but he tells her to be careful, it’s because she is clueless about him/men and she is defenseless and physically weak against a guy, so it’s a justifiable concern.

      Oh God, if he said he'll go instead they'll make it a big deal and call him a real possessive and an immature boyfriend that doesn't trust her 🤦🏼

      Haha, yeah, even though I told you many are wanting him and Yuna, there's as much that say "nah, Yuna is too good for him, he doesn't deserve her, she's such an amazing and hardworking girl, she needs a good guy, not a creep like him..", from boys and girls, and they actually get the most upvotes 😂 than the pairing ones. Well, it's true that's why.

      That's it "he always gets away with it" and moreover making it/him look not wrong which is drives me crazy 😞
      Indeed, it really causes a lot of tension between readers especially lately, many are hating him so much and calling out his behaviours.

      And when he doesn't appear in chapters, sooo many would mention that they are happy he didn't appear and wish it forever.

      Yes, that's it. To me the author is the one who makes her react that way, it's unrealistic, it's impossible to be like that. No way!! Not because Yuki is strong kind and all, any girl won't be like that, impossible! Not just for her boyfriend's feelings but for her self-respect, this is disrespectful, what Hakamada is doing to her is indeed disrespectful, so she can't react that way, let it go, don't get mad and continue to talk with him like nothing happened. It's just unrealistic!!! It's not about lowering gurd with him or anything, it's just a comic relief, it's just unrealistic. Miyuki wants to keep Shizuka appear/do those stuff to Yuki (touch her..etc) so she makes her react that way.

      I don't know anymore, until now these stuff are enough to make it toxic for me.. I'm tired.
      I'd have stopped it if it's not Namaiki.

      Yeah, and because of those twisted people/readers I've to see such toxic stressful stuff/stories.. sigh.

    101. Nah, she's not scared anymore, she didn't even think of it at all (as usual which unrealistic) ah, she did say after she went out "for a moment, I couldn't move" and also "I may have misjudged distance again.

      And before it/after she went, at the door he told her "see you at school" (with a bit of smile - I really hate it especially that it had some blush), and she slightly blushed and said "yeah, see you" , huh... God. Then after the "I misjudged distance again" , she said "but still.. I want to continue on cheering Hakamada kun since he's always doing his best" , heh, is that normal? I'm so mad.. it not supposed to be like that, it's wrong. How can miyuki does it that way? In the end she's a woman? It hurts me so much..
      And so she's telling us that because Hakamada work hard in basketball then Yuki would accept his touches - harassments ? That his advances aren't harassments/wrong because he works hard in basketball?! That's all to not wrong off Hakamada? The second lead? Huh.. I'm so mad.

      No, they didn't get awkward or anything, the latest chapter released and they had an interaction and Yuki blushed over it/his flirt. Ok... kat now tell me, is this normal? I'm so mad.. kat.

      I mean it’s a problem from Miyuki’s side. It’s completely Miyuki’s fault for making Yuki unrealistic when it comes to Hakamada (tbh all guys if possible) it's the genre problem. Why do authors make the female lead blush to other guys/rivals? Why miyuki makes Yuki blush to Hakamada's flirt (and moves) ? As if it's something a girl should be happy about instead of being mad, since it's DISRESPECTFUL. I think it's very wrong and disrespectful to portray us girls that way. It hurts me so much.. really.
      Making Yuki blush to his moves and flirts and continue to talk with him no matter what he does to her, makes Yuki look disrespectful as a girl.. that hurts me so much..
      As well as makes Hakamada seem not wrong. (And that's the purpose)
      I think that normally Yuki would never reacted/been that way, she would be angry, she would tell him to stop. If they're just friends it's ok but more no. It's very unrealistic other way. No girl would react that way to other guys. (Unless she's a cheater and a b*tch kind and Yuki is nothing like that, so).

      Haha, how it was a bluff?
      I think it's normal to have these insecurities, because who would be rest assured when his partner goes to someone who they know has feelings for them, moreover kissed them?
      But it's good since he progressed even for a bit, hehe.

      When Yuki saw him she got slight mad/upset cause she thought "ah, even though he said that but he's here waiting for me - I thought we finally progressed) but after his words, she thought "ah, at the end we did progress, even if it's for a bit", hehe.

      Indeed, he'd never ask that cause that most likely would lead for moves (scenes) to stop and the author doesn't want that yet. Huh, sigh.

    102. Hakamada's is that guy that society would view as the nice guy who never gets the girl but deep down he's the actual a**hole.

    103. Hehe, basically, for him to stop chasing after Yuki. ^^

      Yes, still...why a reminder? If it is for himself, why not just think about it. Ah...since you read the series in detail, are there thoughts from Shou? I know there are from Yuki and even Shizuka. I think it would help if Shou has that to understand him more rather than for us to just figure him out based on his words and actions. Okay, for me, it helps to understand the character better and empathize. It makes me think that is why I can somewhat understand Shizuka...minus the times when he is a jerk/pervert.

      That's right...so why not, 'be careful and by the way, here's a taser/pepper spray in case he does something. Lol. But since this is happening like for so many times, can I just shrug and well, I just don't care anymore.

      Ah, the readers? So, what's their reaction again about this incident?

      Sorry, do you mean the Yuna and Shizuka possible pairing got more votes than all the other pairs in the story?

      That's right. It's one thing for it to happen once or twice but repeatedly. Is that what they call lazy writing? Repetitive situations and so far...same outcomes. Again, hopefully, this is the last time though I won't be surprise either if it isn't.

      Hm...I have a thought. If ever Shizuka will stop chasing/harassing Yuki, do you think it is possible if it is Yuna who will make him stop? Based on the stolen kiss incident, Shou wasn't able to make Shizuka stop it.

      I agree that it is unrealistic. I don't know...doesn't it kind of make Yuki stupid to keep on making the same mistake/get herself in the same situation many times and react the same way?

      You know, I think it has nothing to do with the author being a woman. There are much worse out there and the author is a woman. I guess that is their belief/think that it sells for readers...I don't really know but ya...it has nothing to do with being a woman = would portray women with self-respect, etc.

      Ah..it's abnormal. I guess it isn't surprising when people would think that she likes Shizuka...well, if not as a lover, at least as a friend whom she can forgive whatever he does? Ah, Mary, maybe we shouldn't think about it anymore because the author is obviously deliberate doing it...repeatedly.

      Saying I'm not scared of the small fry' but still somewhat jealous/insecure. Haha, but then, not scared of Shizuka about what...stealing Yuki, basketball? He was telling Yuki that and did Yuki mention that/ask if he's scared of Shizuka? Was he scared of Shizuka before? It was 'not scared anymore' so he was scared...

      I agree it is normal so why bluff/lie. Maybe, a little honestly is nice. Tell her about it and she hopefully would understand and not create situations wherein those incident can/might happen. But as you mentioned, those who dislike him will most likely find fault in that. Do you think that Shou should 'not trust' Yuki enough to be able to defend/hinder Shizuka's harassment?

      I mean, if I as the bf say, I trust you but I don't trust him to keep to himself when you are alone with him. But, girl insists it is okay. Then, she goes and that happens. And what...wait, I think that happened in the stolen kiss and Yuki just goes on with the usual. But then again, I think a normal gf would be more careful/wary of that person unless as you mentioned...there's something else between them.

    104. Indeed indeed!

      Well, to calm himself, like "it's fine, Naruse, it's Yuki after all", haha. I don't really see it as bad, distrust, Idk, just natural 😂

      But now that you said it, it's true 😮 he said it to her because he can't say it to himself/have thoughts. :(😮

      So, nah, he doesn't have thoughts. But as I mentioned before, I think it's because of his personality, I can't really imagine Shou narrating/says his thoughts 😂. I think it has nothing to do with character's importance but rather personality. I mean even Usami's lil bro had thoughts, haha. Also Akutsu -the captain of the basketball college club, even Natsumi -the other Manager with Yuki.., so, haha.

      But you're right, because of that, I can't get him until he himself says it, but I love this, hehe 🥰. and also because of that, he's always misunderstood by fans (I feel bad for him) but when he says it, it'd be totally different, and I love this. 🥰~

      Readers reaction was so bad this time. They were so triggered and upset. But yeah they fed up. So Manny comments unlike usual on the original website. They hated on him so much. (also Yuki sadly) they all said we don't wanna see such things, no one want, just want fluffy chapters of Yuki and Shou. And that how can they author find it ok to keep writing him that way.

      Haha, nah, "the Yuna and Shizuka not possible pairing" got more votes than "the Yuna and Shizuka possible pairing" , You got me? Like, Shizuka doesn't deserve her, because Yuna is such a good hardworking girl and he's just you know. Haha.

      Oh, yeah, that's what I think indeed, falling for Yuna, will obviously make him stop going after Yuki and all, and also makes him realize how wrong he was.
      "Shou wasn't able to make Shizuka stop it." That hits, Haha.. I mean, is it really Shou that couldn't stop him or it's unrealistic/Miyuki made/makes him so? I mean, would it be like that normally?

      And you see, I think it's unrealistic form Shizuka side too, because what guy would do that to someone else's girlfriend? Constantly and repeatedly? Only a jerk guy or who has some mental issues, but Shizuka is nothing like that, so ?! And more he's considered/portrayed as a shy pure guy. Oh God.

      The stolen kiss from the rival is unrealistic in general. They should really stop that, that's just so toxic, agh. I can't..

    105. But that definitely has to do with being a woman?? 😕 I mean, write the female lead in a disrespectful way just for money/popularity?! Isn't that very cheap?! Why won't you show a good woman image? I'm sure, there'd be many that'd like that.

      I've never seen any one who said that she likes him. But it's not like this, I mean, you can know if she likes him but it's clearly not like that, I mean, in her thoughts, etc, she0 never even spent a real moment to think about that, like "ah, I do like Shizuka so I can't get angry at him.." , it's clearly that the author is doing it for purpose, that not related to Yuki but fans/genre. Like, she never really let Yuki deal with it, she always stop it.. idk, you understand me?

      "maybe we shouldn't think about it anymore because the author is obviously deliberate doing it...repeatedly." , that is it, you're so right... Sigh.

      Haha, I see, yeah, like convincing himself but still there's some jealousy and insecurity, haha 😂
      Nah, she didn't ask. Yeah, I also thought so, so I think yeah, he was scared of him, but I think it's natural, in the end he's a human, he feels inferior, scared, insecure.. hehe. And yeah for the things you mentioned I think so too, but then when he grew up and saw how much him and Yuki are real/how much she's serious with him, he started to get ride of this thought/get confident in himself and them. ^^~
      And I think Yuki knew that he was sacred of him = more accurate "annoys him"

      Haha, I don't think he meant it to be a bluff/lie, he was actually honest but still feels some uneasiness.
      Ah, I don't know if telling her honestly will help, anymore. And he did do something like that before.

      Idk, to me, it's all unrealistic just that.. :v
      Where did I mentioned that there's something between them? 😂 Or you mean when I said "unless the girl is a b*Ch cheater type?

    106. True. Well, I guess it is really hard. Gf keeps on getting herself 'attacked' and he has to be a 'good boy'. It's not really bad but somehow, I feel sorry for him that he has to reassure himself like that. Actually, in my point of view, well, if I'm the gf, if this isn't something necessary = she has to be the one who bring the notes to Shizuka, I'll get someone else to do it. Why put the bf in this predicament?

      If it is about being basketball manager and stuff, Shou SHOULD be okay with things like that because it HAS to be Yuki who does those things. Here, I don't quite think so. Wait, are they classmates? Who was the one who made Yuki go again? ^^;;

      That's right. I think it is problematic though I think it is deliberate = making readers misunderstand like Yuki and in the end, turns out to be something else.

      I see...though that kind of reaction is understandable.

      Ah, okay. With this recent incident, I agree.

      Normally, okay, even in most shoujo, Shizuka ought to get at least a punch and should be more since they aren't exactly 'good friends' right now. It is definitely the author...she has something else in mind with Shizuka though hopefully, not run out of ideas that she is repeating that a lot of times already.

      That's right but then, not totally impossible. I'm thinking of people who got away with it and still keeps on doing it. Not really a mental issue, most likely a moral issue. But then, it can be mental since he is also a 'shy pure guy'. Haha...like split personality?
      And, about stolen kiss/move from the rival, any of that done when the girl already has a bf, it usually stops after that ONE time. No more repeats.

      Perhaps, it is also more on culture/mentality? How they view women in general? Like, in reading a certain author's stories, you can see the pattern on how they like their characters. Those who write about weak damsel in distress girls tend to write them like that in all their other stories. Then, there are those who always write the male lead as jerks who become 'good guys' after meeting the girl.

      True. I guess the problem is Yuki's actions. Even if she never thinks that way, she acts kind of differently as if Shizuka is different from the others. It is like mixed signals and if you read/watch a lot of shoujo/romance stories, one might interpret it as something else. I mean, there are stories wherein one would realize, ah I thought it isn't love but it is because of the way I'm UNCONSCIOUSLY/SUBCONSCIOUSLY act.

      The issue is, this is a 'one true pairing' series so it kind of doesn't make sense to keep writing about possible love triangle scenarios. Okay, it makes sense if you would want to prolong the story because Shizuka seems to be kept as a source of 'constant conflict for the story'.

      Haha, isn't that bad. Telling her honestly doesn't help anymore? ^^;

      No, no, I mean if you are an outsider who doesn't know much what's going on between the couple. Like a schoolmate. Say, you pass by Shizuka's house and saw that. Then the next day, they are okay. And, she has a boyfriend. What would you think? What if you are the gossipy-type? Anyway, it is hard to analyze it since things are becoming unrealistic especially how the characters react...rather how the two are acting like nothing happened at all.

    107. Same, I do feel bad for him about this whole thing 😅 like, he's handling what no one can. Like, imagine there's a girl that has feelings for your boyfriend - kissed him, confessed to him in front of you, (hugged him many times..) you know that and tell him to stop talking with her and all, (on top she hates you - has the same relationship of Shou and Shizuka) but he still keep talking and interacting with her, smiles to her, blushes over her flirts and touches.., would you be ok? 😅 Continue with him? 😅 That's how Yuki is 😅 but well since she's a girl we'd tolerate her. Haha 😅 (thought it's unrealistic - just Miyuki)
      Yet he always gets hate, no appreciation, no sympathy.

      Ah, it's about being basketball Manager. The captain was the one who made her go. Nah, they're not classmates. (they're in different departments)
      Shou told her why it has to be you, when she's dressing up she told him "I'm the manger, it's fine, I'll go quickly and come back" then he kept silent, what to do.
      Ah, right, Yuki wasn't going to enter his house actually, she was planning to give it to him at the door gate and go, but his brother forced her to go in. 😑


      Repetitive indeed.

      Well, it's just not done well from Miyuki, that's it. - unrealistic.

      Oh, really! I see.
      I don't like weak girls fls and also jerk ml who becomes good guy. Also old men/too older ml (especially teacher) and rude, tsundere mls, and cute mls, and fangirl fl. - stories, agh. Haha, many 😂

      I've never get that she treats him differently. Tbh, not to me at all. Like, she never thought of him, she never went from herself and asked him for help or something, she never went herself to ask about him, she never actually asked him "how are you", she just doesn't really care. She's actually more caring/different with suwa than him, you see that time when she noticed he's not ok and asked him if he's right. She never noticed Hakamada (mood) bad or good. Also, you didn't read it, him and usami had a fight and then Yuki told worried usami that "maybe it's the same for him, maybe he's scared too, cause maybe this is the first serious relationship to him", see, like she gets him. But that never happened with Hakamada.
      And if you talk about her reactions/blushes, then it's Japanese author who do it like that. And here, not just with Hakamada, but with every guy if there are, I mean, she did blush way more to suwa's hug and confession. And she kept talking and smiling with him even after it/everything. So.

      You're so right.

      Haha, Yeah, it's bad, but what to do! 😅

      Oh, I see I see. True.
      Indeed, so unrealistic.

    108. Hehe, I don't know. I think it works both ways? Whether boy or girl, it is a no-no. And, at least, consider that such incidents can cause trouble, misunderstanding and jealousy. It would be a bit tolerable if it is a platonic thing.

      What was she going to give him? I mean, if it is homework, I can understand but if it is basketball-related, can't it like wait until he comes back to school? I see, so it is as a manager. Ah...hehe, maybe next time, she just have it delivered by someone else. =P Wait, so his brother was there all the time when Shizuka did those stuff or the brother left -> they were alone?

      Haha...you pretty much covered all the 'typical shoujo plotlines'.

      Hm...correct me if I'm wrong but I recall there were previous instances wherein Yuki can correctly read Suwa. Ah, she also tends to not get Shou, either, right? ^^;

    109. Yeah, of course for both, haha.

      It was a contest or something he applied for and that day was the last day to register, so.
      Nah, they were alone. And when he's doing that to her, his brothers (there are 2) opened the door, they all paused, then Yuki excused herself and ran.

      Ah, you see I thought he's the older one, but nah his brother is older then him then a younger one.

      Yes, there were, and that's what I told you. Like when she told him you're not actually bad but you pretend to cause you're scared. And before it when she noticed him lost in thoughts/sad. (Though that sounded a bit unrealistic to me - author did it just to start his arc/his interest for her) and the one with usmai I told you about. So there are 3 so far.

      Haha, yes, she doesn't get Shou as well 😂 but she was interested in him/cared specially for him (like, Searches for him, thinks of him..) but Shizuka, with everything, she never cared.
      So I just gave that as an example between other ones to show that she doesn't really treat Shizuka in a special way. She never started talking to him from own or talked about herself with him, if he doesn't start talking or someone send her, she never did or cared about how he's doing

      But you see even though hakamada ruined it, I actually loved this chapter, hehe ~ because it showed how they are so close and honest with each other ~ Like, It's was so sweet how they communicated, I mean it was beautiful how Shou opened up to her 🥰 That's such a progress, I mean, Shou doesn't (easily) show his weak side to Yuki, and when he's worried over something, he'd take long time to tell her about it, but here, he instantly told her all what he thinks 🥰 And it was beautiful how Yuki listened and considered him ❤️^^ so.
      The purpose of this chapter was to show Shou's growth regarding jealousy, and ^^

    110. Ah, I see.

      So, his brother made her go in. They were alone and the brother came back?

      I also have that impression regarding how Yuki treats Shizuka. I guess it SEEMS that there is something is there because Yuki doesn't react negatively to the things he does. Though, I recall mentioning before that it can also viewed as 'nothing' to her. Like, it was nothing to her...no big deal so it doesn't matter how many times he does it, they are okay with each other. Ah, something like that. That's how I rationalize it. And, I guess readers who don't like it make a fuss? The author is like that [/like Yuki] too?🤷‍♀️ So, that kind of thing keeps on happening?

      That is good ^-^

    111. Yes, his brother made her go in the house then he casually left them alone. I don't know if it was Shizuka's room or the living room, I think it was the living room. Then the brother came back - when that was happening.

      Yes, exactly, it's nothing to Yuki. I was going to tell you that even here, she didn't think of what happened at all afterwards but was just thinking of Shou and their relationship - wants it/them to progress - Shou to trust her.
      So yeah this is how the author is doing it, it's nothing to Yuki so she won't get that bothered about it. But I think it's unrealistic. So I don't think the author is like that, it's just unrealistic, she just does it like that so she can keep making Shizuka does stuff to her.
      I do like it in a way, that it's totally nothing to Yuki so she won't even bother = means she's totally not interested in him. (To get flustered, etc. - and this is a sign of love in shoujo) but I would like her to stop that. (Even if it's nothing to her in a romantic way)

      And you see sometime I read comments saying "that delusional jerk.." but to me, I've never thought that Shizuka is delusional (thinks that Yuki has something for him or will) - we never seen that/him saying it or thinking of it. It's actually the opposite, Yuki being that uninterested in him is what makes him keep going/does those stuff to her. Like, he wants her to get flustered = be aware of him, not be so chill with him. Like when he forced that kiss on her he told her "you don't see me as a man at all, right? Even when we're in the same room alone, you're ok/chill" , also here, he wanted her be flustered, push him. So that's it. Because Yuki being that chill with him means she's 0 interested in him and doesn't see him as a man at all. (Even that)

      Though he's being immature and silly, cause she doesn't love him so of course she'd be chill rather than flustered with him, but well, he might want her to at least see him/be wary of him as a man.

    112. True. By the way, are they still in first year college? Was there anything about basketball? Like winning the Nationals, stuff like that?

      It's possible. Maybe, if she did, then she can properly reject him? Ah, he was already rejected, right?

    113. This comment has been removed by the author.

    114. Yes, they're still/well Shou in his first year. But he'll be in second year soon. (2 months)
      Not yet. There was focus on basketball/games but it was more about the captain retirement.

      Yes, she did. She doesn't have to reject him for the rest of her life. 🤦🏼

    115. The latest chapter is about Yuna 😂 well, Shou and Yuki, Usami and Suwa went out together to the shrine - new year. While coming back from the toilet, Shou met Yuna. She was sitting alone with a very sad/quite expression, it broke my heart 😣 but she still looked so pretty ☺️ When he first noticed her, he was actually going to continue walking on, haha, then some guys came and started bothering her (hitting) then he came and said "Yo, with a slightly mad poker face" , then they went.
      She said I'm waiting for my mom. But she's stuck at work. (She just sent her a message that she'll be late" , and with a smile she told him "it's fine, it's work, so it can't be helped", (oh, it hurts me how she's so understanding to the point of lying on herself 😅🙏🏻) then Shou had that serious look, like, ah, who are you fooling kid, haha. Then they heard a noise, and it's her mom with a man, laughing and all 😅 Omg, Yuna's shocked expression when she saw her 😅💔 and then she started laughing and pretending in front of Shou "oh, hehe, so she meant later on, it's better for me to go to not bump into her and mess up her work", (I really respect how strong and prideful she is, at the same time feel more bad for her 💔) then Shou told her "stop forcing yourself to smile - she had a very shocked expression, and it's ok to feel angry towards people, if they couldn't keep up their promises"
      Then she remembered a scene/flashback when they were a couple, in middle school class (they were in the same class as I thought, haha) he asked her why you have Kandy in your bag, she said, ah.. to satiate my hungr pangs. (Poor her 😣) then he said, only a hobo do that, she had such a cute fearful expression, haha, she thought he learned out about her situation. Then he said, maybe I should do the same, since I get hungry easily", then she had a surprise touched expression. Yeah, this is Shou, he never judge or make the person feel bad 🥰
      Then (in now time, haha) she put her head on his chest while burst in crying (her crying killed me, felt so bad for her 😭) , Shou had a surprised expression actually, haha, she said "I'm sorry, I couldn't say anything back then. And can you let me stay like that for a little while longer", He was going to tell her to not do that/move, "hey, Sunohara.. " but he remembered Yuki crying in the club room before, got a shocked face, and then let her and pat/put his hand on her shoulder 😅 Haha 😂
      What do you think, kat?
      Well, since he doesn't have thoughts, haha, we have to wait until he speaks up/explains that remembering Yuki part.

      Tbh, I appreciate Shou giving her a shoulder to cry on.
      As for Yuna, I don't think she did it with any bad intentions or even romantic feelings. She just needed a shoulder to cry on. She has been holding her feelings for too long that made her explode.
      Really, her situation broke my heart, especially how she always tries to look fine, like nothing happen, she never complain, she's so strong and amazing. 💜

      But immature usami saw them, the drama queen usami 😑 I know she's gonna make a problem from that. And that exaggerate expression she had, Oh god, it's like she saw them kissing 🤦‍♀️

      But why author Miyuki always makes Shou gets seen every time a girl touches him/he has to with a girl? First when Arisa kissed him, Yuki saw him. When some random girl kissed him in Hawaii, Yuki also saw him. When that girl touched his hair lately, Yuki saw it. And now this. Yuki has been forever touched by Hakamada but no one ever saw them. Hate the double standards 🤦‍♀️ That'd make Shou look (more) like a bad guy and Yuki look more hurting. And just to make the girls disappear while keep Hakamada in/doing those stuff. Oh God. 🤦‍♀️

      And fans already started hating on Yuna, hate that 🤦‍♀️💔

    116. I see.

      Hehe, well, normally, if the other person didn't get it, it is better to re-affirm it like, hey don't do that, I already rejected you, I want to still be friends with you but if you keep on doing that, I have to draw the line. Something like that. Oh well...

      Hm...where is Yuki all that time?

      Anyway, I think he is just comforting her and perhaps, reminded of Yuki then. I don't know being a gentleman-type. The problem though is well, he has a girlfriend and well, she's the ex. I agree regarding Yuna...though, it may seem that she still has lingering feelings for him. Haha, it doesn't help that he says the right things that made her break down. ^^;

      Hehe, well, it's for the story. It is like what I mentioned, what would the others think if you see your lover with the other person doing that. They would think that Shou is being flirty with other girls when it was actually initiated by the girls.

      Let's just say, Shizuka is really lucky that no one saw them? Ah, let me guess, they are harsher on Yuna about that compared with what Shizuka does with Yuki?

      On a side note, Happy New Year ^-^ Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been feeling well.

    117. Yes, it should be really like that. But alas.

      Ah, Shou and Suwa went went to hangout around together and let the girls go to a fortune teller. And then suwa came back to them where Shou went to the bathroom from there.

      Yes, you're right.
      Let's see, it's still not cleared yet that she still have feelings for him, even though.. it somehow seems so, haha 😂. But tbh, I'd find it unrealistic if she makes her still have feelings for him, I mean after all these years and why didn't she came back to search for him or even ask about him, just 😒
      It's better to make her fall for him again rather. I'm not ok even with this tbh.

      Haha, indeed 😂 Like, Shou can really leaves a mark on people with his words, a powerful and direct message, and that's one thing I love so much about him, really 🥰

      Haha, yeah, you really did just mentioned that and it happened 😂 but with Shou not Yuki 😂

      Nah, he's not lucky, it's unrealistic = done by the author for male and female rivals double standards. 😑

      Yeah, some girls, those vicious teens, OMG 🤦🏼 but well, not to lie, there are many who defended her/didn't make that a big deal, understood both of them. And say it's not like Hakamada at all.

      Ohh, thank you ☺️ Happy New Year to you too 🥳🥳
      Oh, it's fine. Oh, what's going on with you if you don't mind me asking? Really hope you will feel better soon 🙏🏻❤️

    118. Ah, I see. Was there a scene about the fortune teller? In shoujo, they would usually say something bad = cause confict = make girl waver about some possible bad thing happening soon. Of course here, since Usami saw them, she might tell Yuki and cause her to be insecure/jealous.

      Well, it is possible. Still have feelings = first love never dies. Never looked for him, well, she believes that it is one-sided love so why bother. Lol, in a way, isn't that like Shizuka's case though he kept on bothering Yuki even if it is a one-sided love.

      I agree. It is so hard to watch/read such scenes especially if the character is likeable.


      I see. ^^

      Nothing much. It seems to be a minor cold/allergy though I'm not sure where I got it. Because of the pandemic, it cause more worry but thank God, it didn't get any worse and I'm feeling better. Thanks. 😄

    119. Yeah, there was and it was bad smh :v he told her, "you're going to have a lot of troubles in your romance."
      Also, "you lack confidence when it comes to being loved and you're not able to properly face the other person."
      Also, "you get too caught up in the past, making you act awkwardly around certain people."
      Tbh, I loved those ones, it's like he told her what she should do and fix in herself. So I didn't find the fortun thing to be that bad.

      Apparently that Usami was worried about them, (since Yuki told her about Yuna - the ex) and invited them today. Suwa told Yuki that. But God, she needs to leave them alone, cause she just messes things up while trying to help. huh, see, even by that fortune teller thing, she made Yuki more worried 🤦‍♀️ it was her who said "ah, it's a fortune teller, let's try it" 🤦‍♀️

      Plus, what's up with her regarding this ex thing?? Getting all worked up like that, does she have some ex experience? Because I find it to be abnormal if it's not just the author's plot to make that seem something and to mess things up.

      I mean even Shou and Yuki themselves are fine, yeah, Yuki got some insecurities but she got rid of them when Shou told her "I don't care about Suwa anymore when he agreed to go out together, like, I matured now" and then Yuki though "Oh, even now in the present we keep changing, so it's useless for me to keep thinking of the past", and also after she saw how nice Yuna is in the store talking about how happy she is that she's gonna go out with her mom = not thinking of Shou and not being awkward. Then she thought "I shouldn't keep being like that, and I should enjoy this date" , but she got worried again because of the fortune teller, because of usmai 😡
      Plus, Yuki and Shou are in a good mood, they're not fighting, so what's up with her?! Agh.

      Haha, let's see.
      Yeah, that annoying Shizuka. Does he think that it's bravery not to give up or something? Oh god, that's just immature and creepy to me at this point I swear. Nothing beautiful about such love to me, idk.

      "I agree. It is so hard to watch/read such scenes especially if the character is likeable" , oh, sorry but that was a reply to what?

      Oh, I can understand that, haha, it just happened with my brother, we got so worried 😅 thanks god everything went good for him and you really 😊

    120. I see. So, well, hopefully, that advice and overcoming the possible issue with Shou-Yuna will give Yuki some character development. Haha, and if we are lucky, perhaps, the author will use that to make Yuki realize about keeping distant from Shizuka.

      Well, someone has to initiate the conflict of the story. 😅

      Actually, you are right, it is to mess things up. Prepare yourself for the succeeding chapters. There might be some drama incoming.

      Well, it's for the story. You know, I have a sudden thought like what if the author made Yuna go into a 180 change and become like Shizuka. During the first chapters of the story, I would have never thought that Shizuka would become the jerk he is now. I'm expecting a little innocent crush and plain basketbal rival.

      Well, for some, it is like 'real love' because they didn't give up easily. Of course, it is bad if it is one-sided. Actually, it can be beautiful-ish sad if there is no sexual harassment like touching, hugging and stolen kisses...and even threats.

      It's the reply to this 'It's better to make her fall for him again rather. I'm not ok even with this tbh.'. Seeing one-sided love and unable to move on.

      Ah, I see. That's good that it isn't anything serious 😀 During this times, one can easily get paranoid especially with people who suddenly cough or talking with someone then realize the other one has no mask. 😅 Is it require in your country?

    121. Yeah, I really hope so.

      Yes, I know that they're gonna fight 😭

      Yes, I worry about that too, I mean, I don't trus Miyuki anymore, she can do anything. As you mentioned, I've never thought that Shizuka would become like that/never expected many stuff like the stolen kiss. So.

      Exactly, so with those stuff, it's not beautiful.

      Ah, I see. Though what I meant is that I'd find it unrealistic as well, hehe 😂🙏🏻

      True 😂
      Yes, sure it's required. I don't like it though 😂 it strangles me 😂
      Ah, And it's so cold in my country these days 🥶

    122. The chapter started with a flashback/Yuna dreaming of an old incident when she was a child - in elementary school. A classmate told her how can this be your wallet, it seems like a beat-up panty, it's because you're so poor Sunohara", cruel kid 😭💔 though true, it really seems so, she might have sewed it herself that's why. Ah, that hurt me 😭💔

      Then she woke up shocked/frightened - her eyes opened widely, though she still looked so pretty again, hehe 😆❤️) then she started looking for her mom, and at the table there was some food she prepared for her mom with a message "you work hard today, just heat this up and enjoy your meal. Gonna sleep - Yuna" , then she sadly bite her lip. That hurt me so much 😭💔 she even prepares meals/prepared a meal for her mom even though she works too much but her mom didn't even come back and eat it 😭

      She's so nice and mature, she doesn't judge or blame her mom for their tough situation or for how she is. Instead she's so caring of her herself. Really love and respect her, and feel more bad for her. 💔🙏🏻💜

      And also in the store, while talking with suwa and Yuki about the shrine visit, she was so happy telling him/them "I'm going with my mom.., we didn't go out together since elementary school" , Yuki saw her and with a touched blush face thought "oh, she seems so happy, she really loves her mom".

      Ah, you see, they're opposite in that, haha, Yuki doesn't like to go and hangout with her family/mom but Yuna does a lot 😂 But of course, it's because of their circumstances, Yuki was occupied by her family so it's understandable, while Yuna grew up kinda alone.

    123. Hehe...in a way, yes, unrealistic though I figured, there might be still people who are like that especially if they didn't find someone else. Or do you mean Shizuka's current actions and Yuki's reaction unrealistic? 😅

      I see. True, it can be hard to breath at times especially if it's hot. Oh, does it snow there? Here, it is a tropical country. It is around 27-30C in my city. Cooler than before since it is raining due to the La Nina.

      That made me laugh...of all what it could look like, it looks like a beat-up panty? I mean, did they mention that? Well, kids especially bullies can be cruel. A friend would have understand.

      Let me get this straight first. So, Yuna is practically 'babysitting' the mother who doesn't appreciate what she does? What's her mother's job again? I get the impression that she is somewhat negligent but thankfully, Yuna is mature type...perhaps like Yuki who quickly become like an adult due to the family situation.

      Ah, regarding that, yes it is the opposite. 😅 Perhaps, that is why their 'mask' shown to others is the opposite? Mask = Yuki is always strict and serious while Yuna is always smiling.

    124. HM, maybe.
      Nah, haha, I don't mean Shizuka and Yuki 😂 but yeah, their case is definitely unrealistic as well.
      All what happened between Yuki and Hakamada is unrealistic. Their reactions are unrealistic. How they act like nothing happened after every incident of them is unrealistic. Everything is unrealistic.
      Even Hakamada's character/personality itself is unrealistic.

      Normally nor would Hakamada touch Yuki. Or even confess to her in the first place. Nor would Yuki react/be like that.

      Oh, 27-30C in December? It's so hot, hehe, in my country it's like that in summer, hehe. Though you said it's a tropical country, so.
      Yes, it's snowing too much that's why. Usually it won't take that long, like a week then it'd get a bit warm then etc. But this time, it's around a month with the same amount of coldness, 8C. Though, I love cold weather, hehe, I really hate the heat 🥵

      Haha, you made me laugh too 😂 tbh, it doesn't look like a panty, yeah it looks torn and shabby, and sewed, like she sewed some clothes on it, but it doesn't look like a panty 😂 so that cruel Kid is rude as well 😂
      And yeah, they mentioned it, I mean, that kid did.

      Yes, apparently it is like that 😫 yeah, she is mature and forced to become like an adult like Yuki. But I think it's different a bit, cause Yuna is like seeks love from her mom/her family, while Yuki no.

      They didn't mention her work exactly, but I think she works in a society.
      Yuna told Yuki and Shou before that she wants to move on to a bit better house but her mom can be a bit of a spender, so. Argh, her mom.

      Hehe, indeed indeed.

    125. Haha, true.


      Well, the kid could have said rag or something but panty. Is it a boy? Lol, hopefully, those sewed scraps of cloths aren't from used panties. 😂😅

      I see.

      Works in a society....club? Escort/bar girl type?

      Hm...what does her mother spend things on? I recall you mentioned she smokes so maybe cigarettes. She was on date with some guy...hopefully, she isn't spending money on men. 😨 And, her daughter has to work just to pay bills and stuff.

      Seeking love from her mother so her mother doesn't know affection/gratitude? No remorse at all that Yuna has to do a lot of jobs? Hm...she seems like Cinderella.

    126. True 😂 yeah, it's a boy.
      Haha, OMG 😂 tbh, I don't know, it's not clear enough 😂

      Oh, I don't know 😦 maybe just in a normal office. I got that feeling.

      Besides cigarettes I think she spends them on clothes, because she looked classy in that date, "a furry coat with a pretty dress, plus accessories". Also when she appeared in their house, so she's classy in general. She shouldn't be like that since they need money now for more important stuff 😅

      Oh, it'd be a disaster if she spends money on men 😦 thought I didn't get that feelings, but like they're the ones that come for her since she's pretty and all.

      But I'm wondering, why would she hide that she's dating someone from Yuna? 🤔 She also spent nights with him 😅 I think Yuna is mature enough to understand. But yeah, realistically she can still get hurt/botherd.
      Or, unless she's dating many guys at once, cause I got that feeling 😅😂
      Ah, btw, they guy she was with is old, I mean, a dad age.

      Yeah, I think she's not grateful or remorseful 😅💔😫
      Haha, Cinderella indeed 😂💔

    127. Haha, actually, that can be a typical scenario. Like, later on, that boy falls in love with her. Or, actually, he likes her and to get her attention, bullies her. You know...the jerk types. Ah, just in case, does the boy look like a young Shizuka?

      Actually, working in a club...the woman needs classy outfits, right? It is needed as part of that profession.

      Hm...if they are the ones who come for her, it is easily to 'milk them for money'. 😅 Haha, unless they are also poor types. Ah, 'they're the ones that come for her' -- was it shown? She has many men after her?

      Yes, if it is many guys. If it is one guy, it is possible like she feels guilty about having a good time with someone else so she doesn't want her daughter who is always working to make ends meet see that. But then, if she already spend nights with him and Yuna knew... Basically, it seems like she isn't a priority anymore.

      Old...but does he look rich? Haha, you know, the need of sugar daddy...possibly. Oh well, she doesn't give a good impression so I'm thinking of that. Who knows...maybe it is indeed love. It would be better if she's honest about it with her daughter. Maybe she also fears Yuna getting fed up that she is sacrificing a lot and her mother is like that.

    128. True, that really happens in real life 😂 though I really don't like it, I mean, the guy who bullies the girl cause he likes her/to get her attention.

      HM, nah, he doesn't look like a young Shizuka, he has a light hair.

      HM, that's true. Let's wait and see.

      Yes, I thought so but she doesn't do it, I mean take money from them, so maybe she's not that bad - has pride, and is serious with him. ?
      HM, that man seems rich to me, not rich but not poor.
      Haha, it didn't get shown, I just got that feelings 😂

      Oh, that's right :(💔
      Ah, about that, I don't know if Yuna knows that and just plays dumb, or she's really naive and doesn't know? Like, she thinks and believe she stucks at work and have to stay at night? Idk.

      As, as I said above, he seems rich 😂 and classy too, haha, now that I looked up again 😂 but I don't know if he's serious with her, and even her. 🤷🏼
      Indeed, that's possible.

    129. Haha, true.

      Ah, okay.

      Hehe, I see. I guess it is a wait and see as we get more information.

    130. Hi kat! ^^
      The latest two chapters released already. They had a fight and everything is a mess 😂 well, not too much bad to me tbh, haha.
      So in the chapter before the latest, that immature bit*h Usami went and told Shizuka that she saw Shou embraces his ex. Yes, Shizuka out of everyone 🙂 Yuki crossed by at that moment and accidentally heard that. Later on in the club room, Shizuka tried to comfort her by talking/joking about his siblings, she smiled and talked about her siblings too. Shou saw that. At night Shou came to see her, it was freezing/there's a snow storm. He hugged her but she pushed him as remembering what Usami said. He told her if she has something to say then say it. Maybe something happened again between you and Shizuka? She got mad and told him he's not always the problem, it's you who went and met up with Sunohara and hide it, he said I didn't really mean to hide to, she said why didn't you say anything then, he was about to tell her but he remembered Yuna and her mom with that man, and couldn't say anything. And said it's because I don't go around talking about people's life, plus, it doesn't really concern you, Senpai", haha, that broke Yuki (he didn't mean it that way, he meant Yuna's privacy isn't of her business, but he just phrased it in a wrong way. But of course Yuki would misunderstand, cause she doesn't know the incident) she calmed and told him you can go now, he said to where? She said to Sunohara. It's snowing hard and she doesn't have any one or male friends to rely on aside you and me" , he said: "why are we talking about her again.." she cut him and continued "you should protect her well this time" , Shou had such a hurtful shocked face, I never saw him making such face 😅 And then recalled Hakamada and her smiling to him and mattered "...what's with that.. " and also "are you ok with that, Senpai? , She said, yes. Then he said .. ok" and went. And it's like that, haha.

      And just after he went the light got off and Yuki accidentally broke the snow globe he gave to her in Christmas, 😅💔 she got shocked/so sad.

      Tbh, I don't think the fight is that bad. It's just a misunderstanding that made bigger because of miscommunication. It happens really. Even if long term relationships, it's just human.

      And also I really appreciate how Shou acted this time, he didn't storm, he didn't tell her hurtful or rude words, he didn't force himself (a kiss or something..) on her, like in Suwa's fight, he disappointed me there. And just quitely went when she told him to. Really appreciate that. ^^

    131. Haha...totally weird. Why Shizuka of all people? Are they close or something? By the way, does Usami know that he likes Yuki? Though story wise, it is understandable to create drama.

      Well, you know...for me, it makes Yuki look bad. What happened to the trust and everything? Does she think that Shou will easily go to his ex or is some kind of playboy? Haven't she thought of all those stolen hugs whatever she had with Shizuka? And unfortunately for Shou, he got caught/it happen in public where there are many people.

      Oh well, maybe she is too emotional and jealous at that time so she cannot think straight. It doesn't help that Shou answered her that way as if they are hiding something. Too bad there is no follow up to clear things up. And, without resolving and clarifying things, Yuki is pushing him away to Yuna. 😐

      Well, in stories, if something important breaks, that usually means the fight will be dragged out. Ah, for series that have a fixed couple. If this is a love triangle/polygon, that would hint on something else.

      True. I think it is the biggest problem between the two. I can still recall in the summaries, I always mention communication as something that can solve a majority of their issues.

      Suwa's fight? Haha, I forgot. But yes, it seems that he is giving her space and perhaps, calm down and think properly. Hopefully, not for too long because that might lead to another misunderstanding like you don't care about me anymore drama. 😅

    132. Here is the problem, they're not close or anything. So it was such an realistic move from the Author.
      Actually in one of the previous chapters (chapter 110 and we're at 123) when the college club went in a trip together, at the end usami saw Hakamada looking at Yuki then blushed and thought "oh poor him" then thought "even if I know that this is something wrong but.. went to him and told him, do your best Hakamada kun", that girl 🤦🏼 he didn't understand though, he thought she meant in the next competition.

      Though this time she went to him to ask him about Shou's ex since he was his childhood friend. Then ended up telling him after he asked her if there's something cause she couldn't keep that anymore thing, agh. Then (to my surprise smh) he thought: "that guy, he means Shou, who's all over Yuki can't do something like that, there should be some misunderstanding."

      And later on when she explained to Yuki, she actually told her "that embraces felt like it was done out of obligation"

      Yes, I got sad over that too 😭 where's your trust for him, Yuki? 😭 You don't know him? 😭 But as you thought that she's just emotional and jealoue right now so she can't think straight.
      Yes, Shou always gets caught, so double standards in here 😭

      Yesss. 😭

      Hehe, true.

    133. In the next chapter, Shou really went to check on Yuna, haha, she got so surprised when she saw him. He asked her if she's alright with all this snow, she said: yeah, we stayed at the shop my mom works in ( so her mom works in a shop? Or maybe she has 2 jobs) he said' good. Ok, bye. Then asked her' "ah, do you have anyone besides your mom, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma.., she said: No. (He asked her about her family members so he's putting himself as a last choice to help ^^.) Then he said: ok. You can call me or Senpai if anything happens" , I love that he mentioned Yuki 😊 and like he gave her the image that she can see them as her friends. ^^
      Then he said: "ah, but you probably deleted my number, right? She said: ..I didn't.., while blushing, she said: ..I kept it all this time.." , then Shou had such a strong - like a realization idk, haha, look at her. Then she gave him her umbrella since she just needs to go to the station, he said .. no, but she pushed it against him, and ran away, haha 😂
      Then he had such a long thoughtful look after. (I think the author is focusing and showing more expressions on him)

      In the next day, Yuki who barley slept, haha, is waiting for Shou to call her.
      In the club, she's giving towels, when she reached Shizuka, she saw that his finger is cut, they normally talked a bit like "what's that and she needs to treat it" , Shou saw that, then he approached to take his towel. Yuki got nervous and thought "act normal.. Naruse's towel is.." then he took it himself without looking at her at all, haha. That stunned Yuki and while looking at his side she thought "he didn't even look at me.. I saw him sulk and mad before .. but this just now.. it's like he forgot all about me" , haha, of course Yuki is exaggerating since she's hurt and insecure/jealous 😅 and also she's misunderstanding, she thinks he's like that with her (ignored her..) because of Yuna but it's because of Hakamada/Shou is feeling inferior of him.
      Then she went to the club room to get something and accidentally saw Shou's phone with Yuna calling him (he got caught even in this, huh 😅) that stunned her, then she thought "that night, I thought he'd pretend to go and come back, and thought even if I ignored him, he'd try to make an eye contact with me, like he always did. , Haha 😅

      Then there was a meeting of age or something with high school classmates, Yuki had to go (that girl she was always with at high school, Tono, shouji..) Yuki ended up drinking/drunk. And in one of her thoughts she said "it doesn't matter anymore, Naruse chose Sunohara and not me", what's that, Yuki? 😅 But as I said before I think she's just hurt/sad, so she says stuff she doesn't really mean.
      In the train/station, she thought but I still want to tell him something. She called him, but she miss dialed and called Shizuka. Yes, I know kat, unrealistic typical cheap shoujo plotline 🙂 then she shouted on the phone, "Naruse!!" , Then Shizuka said, it's not Naruse, it's Hakamada. But Yuki isn't even aware. He came to her after knowing where she was from the station voice. He took her to her place, he had to come in since she just let down at the entrance. Then she kept moving and all, then said "I didn't mean to say I don't care.. but when he said it doesn't concern me.., also the snow globe broke, it won't come back to the way it was" , then she fell sleeping, he catched her and hugged her. Then thought "why are you always in wrecks and you don't have to go to that anymore"

      Ok, I kinda lost all my respect for Miyuki, making Hakamada hug her drunk in her room was too much. It was law. She killed every special thing that should stay private only for a couple/Shou and Yuki. (Till now) that was clearly some cheap fan service. I'm ok with them fighting but the way she dealt with it was exaggerating, unrealistic and toxic to me.


    134. This is the latest chapter. Next chapter will release on Feb 5 in Japan. (English trans is catching up)

    135. Ah, so Usami knew. From that and about telling Shizuka about it, I guess she is rooting for Shizuka? Or, empathizes with him being in a one-sided love? Ah, does Usami really think that something is going on between Shou and Yuna?

      Not really surprising. I mean, for me, it seems that the author is going for rivals still friends who know the other well. Well, Shizuka does think straight if Yuki isn't involved with him, right? I mean, the issue isn't about him and Yuki. And, it could be something like, Shizuka doesn't think that Shou is that type of person. Hm...does that mean he trusts Shou more than Yuki does? 😅

      Wow, those are huge signs that Yuna is still in love with him. He realizes it, right? But then, Yuna is most likely too nice and keep a distance as long as her emotions can let her.

      Yup, the usual drama there with the towel. She pushes him away and when, he does that, she goes, why is he ignoring me. She's taking Shou too much for granted. Haha, yup, caught = for more drama = prolonged misunderstanding.

      Haha...okay...it seems that it is going for love rectangle. Hm...maybe the author will make this an opportunity for Shizuka to know Yuna? Do you think they'll have some sort of double date scenario later on? Yuki is too careless. If Shizuka is a huge total jerk, being defenseless like that in her room alone with him...it won't be just a hug.

      If I'm the author and I were to redeem Shizuka, I would use this incident to make him the 'bigger man' by actually helping out the two sort things out and be together again. Kind of I don't want to see Yuki like this. And well, didn't he think it was a misunderstanding? If she wants him to continue to be a jerk, yes, this is an opportunity to make the issue bigger and prolong the quarrel.

    136. I don't think she's rooting for him but just empathizes with him. Because she always works hard to make them make up when she sees them in a fight, like in Shou's birthday, he got a bit angry that Yuki got Hakamada's help to buy him his gift, so Usami entered and saw them like that and got so crazy and then forcefully took them to suwa's palace so they can make up, she told Suwa with a very serious sad face that she want them to make up, doesn't want to see them fighting, then he got touched of her and started talking about their trip until they started taking with each other without realizing it. Hehe.
      Also she always excuses herself when Shou is coming so they can be alone. In the lasted chapters of Yuki's birthday, Shou called Yuki at night that he's coming but Yuki said usami is here, then she said "no, I'm going, Naruse-kun, come, come. This is so cute, he loves you so much.. " , like that, haha.

      But now it's different, yes, I think she's thinking that something is going between Shou and Yuna. So probably will be in Shizuka's side.

      Yes, you're right.
      Haha, I don't think it's a matter of trust with Yuki but more like it's her internal battelle. (Lack of confidence)

      I think he realized that. His stares gave me that impression. Haha, Shou is really so smart and sharp 😂 unlike Yuki, I mean, in romance and love, she's so dense.

      Yes, I think Yuna won't really be a problem. Even now, she didn't try anything, to see him or something, if he wasn't/isn't the one who comes to her, she never did. She even tried so hard to hide her difficult situation from him. And even when he knew, she pretended to act all strong, happy and nonchalantly about it.


      I don't know anymore if it'll be Yuna × Shizuka but I still think so.. yeah.
      Yeah. Q

      I don't think he'll be be like that/do that. Because now that he saw Yuki like that, he thinks differently, he thinks that Shou really cheated on her. So.

    137. Well, yes, but this part = 'thought "even if I know that this is something wrong but.. went to him and told him, do your best Hakamada kun"' It looks like support to me. I wonder if she can still say the same thing if it is towards someone else who likes Suwa.

      Ya, and it seems that is like what happened with Shizuka. Changing the personality/behavior just to suit the plot.

      Was she insecure/feels inferior to Yuna? I don't know...I'm somewhat comparing it with Shou's reaction towards the stolen kiss. It wasn't like he would tell her to go with Shizuka. And yes, Shou did feel somewhat inferior towards Shizuka but going to do that kind of thing and then, going emo why he does what she said. 😅 To be fair, I did read that kind of scenarios a lot...and well, I think it also happens in real life. Kinda like the stereotype jokes about women being hard to understand.


      Yup...for now. You can never know if the author suddenly makes her act different. Something like she cannot control emotions and things like that.

      Oh...if that's the case, this quarrel can drag on. Hm...perhaps, there's a chance that it would be Yuna who would clear the misunderstanding once she finds out what happened between the lovers?

    138. Yes, you're right. I hated her so much when she said that. I've never liked her though.
      "say the same thing if it is towards someone else who likes Suwa", Of course no!! She gets crazy jealoue only about fangirls cheering for him during games. Yet!! How can she be that bad? 😡💔

      You're exactly right.

      Yes, she was feeling insecure to Yuna, like, "if Shou knew about her situation before, would he still be with her?" , Something like that.

      Hehe, but it's different, because she told Shou about the kiss herself but he didn't now. (Although it's not the same/that big as a kiss), so apparently Yuki was waiting for Shou to tell her. When usmai told her, she thought there must be something. Then when they met, she asked Shou if there's something he wants to tell her, he said nothing. Then in the store, Yuna only greeted her happy new year (with a bit of fluster) then Yuki thought, ah, she won't say anything either.
      But it was nothing to Shou that's why he didn't tell her about it, and he actually forgot about it when Yuki asked him about it, he told her "when was that?". You know how he doesn't pay much attention to something that doesn't involve Yuki. But sadly it still went sad for him 😅

      "It wasn't like he would tell her to go with Shizuka" , I know 😅 that was kinda childish from Yuki too. And imagine Shou was the one who tells her "go to Shizuka then" in one of his jealousy situations? fans would eat him up by hate.
      Haha, yes.


      Yes, I'm thinking the same too, that Yuna will talk to Yuki and clears up the misunderstanding to her.

    139. Kat, from the spoilers of the latest chapter, Hakamada gave up on Yuki, haha, finally 😌🤣😒🙏🏻
      But it's a bad chapter still smh. Well, bad bad good, haha. We've to wait the English translation though.

    140. True. That is why I wonder how can she be kind of cheering for Shizuka when she wouldn't want the same thing to happen to her and Suwa, too. I mean for her to have another girl doing what Shizuka does.

      Ah, I see.

      Sorry, perhaps, not the kiss...but the hugs. How many stolen hugs did Shizuka had with Yuki when she is already bf with Shou and did she tell any of it to Shou? If it was a stolen kiss from Yuna, Shou might tell her. Ah...not sure what would Yuki do then though...^^;

      See? It's the same with Yuki. The last hug I remember reading was after the stolen kiss while they are in practice. Yuki didn't think it was anything and didn't bother telling Shou. What's the difference now? Didn't it cross her mind? Just because she's the ex? And, it is okay with Shizuka since it is a one-sided thing? Is that it?

      Haha, bad bad good. So the good part is the last part? Bad is quarrel escalates?

    141. Sorry for the late reply. 🙏🏻

      She's bad and selfish like many readers.

      Yes, she didn't tell him about all those hugs but fans were ok with that cause she's girl.. but now they made it a big deal.. how sad really. And yes, they're saying it's not the same because it's an ex. But that's so unfair. So if Shou/or their boyfriend got hugged multiple times by a girl who has feelings for him and he hide them, are they gonna be ok because she's not an ex?! No. And didn't they make a big deal out of Arisa? Even though she's not an EX? They're so unfair and double standards, kat. It's so sad..

      They always say Shou is controlled and possssive but the way they reacted over "a simple pat", was abnormal. It made them look very possessive and crazy girls.

      They think siding with Yuki is the right thing to do cause she's girl and they're girls, and that's what makes them feminism. How ... immature.

      I like talking to you kat because even if you don't like Shou, even if he's not your type, you are going to be fair. And You won't automatically side with Yuki because she's girl. Most of fans are biased and subjective, 98% kat. To the favourite character or to the gender. I got so stressed.. sigh. 💔

      Ah, I just realized I wrote 'bad' twice, omg 😂 I meant to write it just one time, haha.

      So no the quarrel didn't escalate.
      The chapter isn't released in English yet so this is from the spoilers. So what happened is, Yuki wanted to return the taxi money to Hakamada but he said go out in a date with me instead. Usami told her he's serious about you since he didn't touch you last night so you should think of him a bit, remembering this and Shou's "it doesn't concern you" , she agreed, Hakamada held her hand in that date.. Yuki kept remembering Shou all the time and was sad, and Hakamada noticed that, in the end he was going to kiss her, Yuki closed her eyes and let him.. but deep down she didn't want, as he realize that he stopped, then he told her "you kept hearing him calling you Yuki-Senpai all day, right"? Then Yuki remembered smiling Shou calling her Yuki-Senpai.. , then he continues saying I like you, etc, then Yuki started to cry sooo hard, saying thank you, sorry Hakamada kun (she rejected him) then seeing her like that, with a sad smile, he slightly kissed her forehead and said it's like how we comfort a child, and went. (Cause he knows she feels like he's her grandma. There was a scene of her crying and grandma comforting her at the beginning)

      What do you think? 😅 TBH.. I was shocked and so sad.. I'm trying all my best to understand. But I'm so disappointed.. like too much.

      Yuki doubting Shou like that, and thinking he chose Yuna/broke up with her.. was so abnormal. This is such a bad writing from Miyuki. I was shocked. It's clearly a fan service for Hakamada. But I'm done.. this is so toxic.
      It's like she showed that their relationship is so weak.. but it's not like that.. and like, she destroyed everything, everything they built.. that hurt me so much..

    142. I'm trying to be understanding though. I think that Yuki was overwhelmed with negative emotions and got pressured and forced to agree to something she didn't really want.
      And you know how Yuki puts herself in uncomfortable situations just if it means the other person is happy.

      I'm against the idea that romanticizes and obligates the girl to date someone she doesn't like just because he helped her sometimes.

      Asking Yuki for a date as a return of his help after making her feel indebted to him was very cheap from Hakamada. It's not cute as the author made it seem. Especially right now at the moment where she's emotionally so hurt and fragile. He was so selfish and inconsiderate.

      And it was to try his chance with her not even to cheer her up, cause he wouldn't have hold her hand. He was nothing more than forceful and inconsiderate the whole chapter and I'm quite shocked.

      But at least he gave up now. After he realized very well that Yuki is completely not and won't be into him even later on.
      Yuki and Hakamada never looked good together, nor in appearance (Aura) nor in personality, to me.

    143. And something, I found it funny how the author magnified Hakamada not doing anything to Yuki last night. I mean, this is the least and the normal thing a man would do. I mean, what did you want? For him to rape her? Seriously. Such a manipulative chapter. So, all men are rapers only Hakamada? Seriously.

      Plus, what's about the times where he disrespected and harassed Yuki? And Usami, didn't Yuki tell her that he forced a kiss on her? Sigh. A perfectly manipulative chapter. As if Hakamada was really a decent and gentle rival. Huh.

    144. It is indeed unfair. Though, I somewhat kind of get it if it is the ex. I mean, it can be misunderstood more because of the previous relationship. Let's just say, one would indeed get more jealous and everything if it is an ex compared to an admirer/fangirl-type. Haha, I guess the 'moral lesson' would be don't ever have anything to do with ex-es when you are already in a relationship? 😅

      Simple pat...on the head? Well, just apply the 'moral lesson' above and we'll have peace of mind 😅

      Hehe, glad to hear that. I try to be objective as much as possible though there might be a bit bias here and there. I do correct myself if the facts are so obvious already.

      Ah...it would be better if this happened earlier and not of the excess drama before complete with stolen kiss and hugs.

      But yes, it is pathetic in a way. She let herself be convinced by Usami to go for Shizuka? And, she is letting him kiss her? I'm thinking that this is like those scenes wherein someone wants to drown one's sadness by drinking then doing really stupid things. Luckily...I mean really, if Shizuka is a TOTAL jerk...she'll be really regretting what would happen next. Ah, but then, they are outside, right? She's not drunk or anything?

      Yes, it is like the relationship is so weak. Actually, it would be more believable if it happened earlier when they are just going out. But after everything, she still doubts him. Did he show any kind of special affection to Yuna aside from what happened in that incident? I mean, if there were other scenes she saw and misunderstood...it is somewhat understandable that she would TOTALLY misunderstand that hug. But if it is JUST that HUG... It's too sudden.

      I don't know...yes, there are negative emotions, etc...but she's giving up too easily. Not even going to fight for him. Easily 'brainwashed' into thinking of the worse without even bothering to at least clarifying things...just going out with Shizuka just because it was suggested to her?

      'puts herself in uncomfortable situations just if it means the other person is happy.' <- You mean she's giving up just to make Shou happy because she thinks he is happier with Yuna?

      Haha, true...it isn't an obligation though being helpful is a plus when courting.

      Lol, wait, is that what the date is for? I just watched a Kdrama with the same scenario but then, girl is 'unattached' but still loves the ex. Kind of last hurrah, consolation prize before the final rejection.

      Indeed. I really think that Shizuka's personality/character just depends on the situation when he is indeed to be a jerk or suddenly really nice-gentleman-type/forget that he was jerk for the sake of the story. It's weird that he is forceful with Yuki at time then he suddenly goes puppy mode in other times...especially with other females. Ah, does he still do that?

      It is like a split personality-type though I guess it can be explained like, ah, it is because of his emotions going amok whenever he's with Yuki = cannot control himself.

      Ah, by the way, what year are they already in? 2nd year college still for Yuki?

    145. Not on the head but on the shoulder/upper back.

      Hehe, I think being biased a bit is huamn- thing. But they're too much.

      "Ah...it would be better if this happened earlier and not of the excess drama before complete with stolen kiss and hugs." , HM, why kat? Tbh, I think so too.

      I know 😓 yeah, like she portrayed Yuki as a « let go » girl, like she wanted to show us how Yuki is being selfless girl because she's in pain.
      But I find it to be out of Yuki's character tbh.
      Yeah, they're outside and she's not drunk.

      Exactly.. :((
      Nah, there is only that incident and how he didn't explain to her and then the call from Yuna she saw. What do you think of those/now?

      I know.. :( kat. I know that Yuki lacks slef confidence and self-esteem but that was a bit too much, I mean, just some chapters ago, she shouted infront of everyone "he's mine" , and now..? It's like she destroyed all what Yuki worked up for till now (gain confidence.. etc).

      But maybe because she got more into him now that makes her unstable to think straight/logical, like, she's too scared to lose him or wants him only for herself.

      Though she thought the same with Arisa, that Shou chose her over her. It's like Yuki really lacks a lot of self confidence so always assumes the worst/always thinks she's the loser.

      And yes, she listens a lot to others, she should stop that. And this comes from her lack of confidence too.

      Nah, I mean, she gave Shizuka that date to make him happy (like she was scarfing herself- she used to do that with her family/sibling) , because she felt indebted to him.
      And because she wants to escape.. thing.

      "it isn't an obligation though being helpful is a plus when courting", sorry, I don't understand? 😅😆

      "Lol, wait, is that what the date is for" , sorry, don't understand again 😅😂 you mean giving Shizuka something? Yes, I thought the same, the author wanted to give him some prize as he officially gives up but she knows that a lot of readers would be upset so she did it in one chapter as a filer. The escalate of the events.. was too much, nothing felt right and realistic to me. All was strange.

      You know I think this date was to push Yuki too, you know that Yuki needs a push to act/gain courage, right? This is supposed to be Usami's role, but since she's acting like a bitc*, Shizuka took this role. When he told her those words, her sense came to her, not sense but the courage to fight/face. He told her "don't force yourself to not think of him". And yeah, I think Yuki is gonna go for Shou in the next chapter.

      Yes, don't like that. Nor his original puppy personality, nor his fake cool one.
      Yes, he still. 🙄 Not shown too much anymore though.

      Yes, still second year for Yuki. First year for Shou.
      But I think they'll pass soon. After this winter break. In these coming chapters I think.

      Ah, in the chapter, shou got showed remembering Yuki's mom words in Christmas, when they visited them (4 Chapters ago) her mom telling him "I want Yuki to be happy, the most between her siblings" , and also Yuna's mom, when he saw her with that man. Then he called Yuna, and told her he'll return her umbrella.
      I think he'll make things clear with her.

    146. Wow...not even on the head. I guess it is a no-touch the opposite gender policy.

      Well, that is not to ruin things...or even ruin Shizuka's character especially if the author is planning on making him/still interested in portraying him as a 'good guy' = based on those as if nothing happened scenes afterwards. It is very illogical to act normal with someone who did those things against your will. In one way, it gives the impression that Yuki is okay with it.

      I think that if the author would wanted to prolong the story, it would be nice to focus on the basketball side. Hm...I get the impression that in the college chapters, it is more on romance-relationships. Are there still games/competition chapters or like a goal to win the Nationals-something? Perhaps, that is boring for the readers? Well, I do have to say, doing all that does cause drama = something to talk about among readers.

      True. It is out of character. She tends to go after Shou when threatened, iirc.

      If it is just those then, it is okay to be doubtful but not to the point of giving up. 😅Haha, thinking of it now, she is crying and everything as if they have broken up when Shou hasn't said anything about that at all. She is just assuming things. Too bad for her, the ones around her didn't point that out to her.

      True. Ah, if she's too scared to lose him and wants him only for herself...why would she 'push' him to her and seemingly give up...and easily date another guy for a favor. As you mentioned, where is the 'He is mine' Yuki?

      Well, she is indeed the loser if she's easily giving up without a fight...what's worse, I guess is, Yuna isn't even doing anything yet to steal Shou from her. I'm thinking of girls who are manipulative and everything...it would be very easy to break them up through Yuki.
      Like, planting things in Shou's bag, calls, messages for her to see...you get me? And, she is giving up over a hug, pat = not knowing why it happened and a missed call? on the phone.

      I don't know...dating some other guy while you are still attached is a no-no, no matter what. There would be lots of drama if someone saw them together...took a picture of them and showed it to Shou. It's in public and there's holding hands, too, right? Even if she is indebted to him, dating isn't a reward to be considered, in my opinion.

      I mean, if you are courting someone, being helpful to that person helps in winning one's heart. I prefer that in stories rather than jerk/bully-type then the girl falls for him. 😅 I can understand if someone falls for someone who is helpful and as you mentioned, that doesn't mean that s/he MUST date him/her for it.

      By the way, which story has this 'romanticizes and obligates the girl to date someone she doesn't like just because he helped her sometimes.'? I think it is more on love triangles and more on readers doing that. Something like that other guy/girl 'deserves' this person for being so helpful/nicer/better in almost everything than the main lead. But in the end, love wins...in most stories.

      Hehe, well, he should. But then, hopefully, Yuki is more receptive by then...no longer lashing out on him. Do you think that they'll solve this themselves or someone will intervene for them to come together and resolve it? I do prefer the first one. The second one is more on...if one of them is still stubborn and doesn't want any explanation/still hurting over the last encounter.

    147. I know kat.. yet they dare say Shou is overly jealous..

      Oh, you're right, I agree.
      Yeah, it's illogical for Yuki = the author did it that way for Shizuka's fans, for them to have some moments of him and Yuki (kiss, hugs..) cause to them these stuff are romantic even if Yuki is dating Naruse. Wow.. how toxic. 💔
      And uses "Yuki is naive/they're nothing to Yuki" as an excuse.

      Oh Yes, I love basketball too but yeah it's boring to the readers. :(
      So, there was some basketball in the first last part, it focused on the captain though, also Shou's growth, I really loved it. Then a part of sweet happy chapters. Then these drama chapters.

      Yes, she actually thought that Shou has broken up with her.

      I think that she's not really giving up, like, she's yet in the "thinking things period" but she simultaneously got manipulated by two friends to go out in a date.
      And I think she's gonna go for Shou next chapter now that she got the push she needed.

      Yess Kat. That's why I always thought that Shou is the one who maintains their relationship. Like, his confidence, perceptive, and even maturity and stability when it comes to relationships are needed. And that always eliminated my fear about that.

      You think she won't tell Shou about the date/he won't know? I think he should know.. but I wouldn't be surprised if Miyuki won't let him know, she did it before with the hugs.. and as I told you I've been annoyed at this because it's a double standards/sexist plot.

      "dating isn't a reward" , this is what I've been telling you. I'm so mad at the idea of Miyuki showing that the girl should reward the guy who once helped her through "her body".... Through dating him, letting him hold her hand and kissing her... Even if she doesn't like it/him. I'm really really so mad 💔 I can't believe that girls in Japanese are ok with that.
      Only because Hakamada might be the one they like, or he's nice with the girl or better. God, thesw aren't excuses... This is such a girl-insult plotline.

      But you know kat? I shouldn't be surprised. Long ago, I remember I read a comment on a Manga post (I think maid Sama) a girl said "tbh, I didn't get mad at the rival forcing a kiss on the girl (she's dating the ml) because he helped her a lot, haha, he deserves it" and she got likes. Wow... Seriously. 💔

      Yes, and I think it's like that here, the date was fan service for Hakamada. But is Hakamada really better than Shou? And is Shou really that bad of guy/boyfriend? Well yeah, to some he is. I don't care anymore though.

    148. I think that solving it themselves is more like them.

      They actually solved it 😂 they made up 😂 the latest chapter released already too. So, it's Yuki's coming of age ceremony. People who turned 20 - it's a tradition in Japan or something. She sent Shou a lime that it's her coming of age ceremony. Oh, glad she took the first step 😆🤭 Shou got all worked up how to reply, haha, his reaction and face was so cute 😂❤️ then her sis and Alex (her husband) entered his room, haha, and she told him she's pregnant, oh, so sweet, I've always wanted that 😆❤️

      Yuna recalled the time she confessed to Shou. You see, it was her who confessed as expected 😂 then Shou and her met at a park, they talked long, I really loved this. But well the chapter not translated yet. I'll tell you more when it gets translated. He told her “sorry, I wasn’t good to you. But I hope you will have someone who always puts you first and care for you” , so sweet of Shou ☺️

      See? Shou was only feeling sorry for lacking as boyfriend with her and was kind of trying to repair that by trying to be a good boyfriend to her. But he got an abnormal hate from antibiased and overly immature and possssive girls. Poor him. They couldn't even give him a break moment to think. Only cause to them "exs are red line" , seriously, sigh.

      And then when she went back, her mom told her they will move to a better place because she’s been secretly saving up. Aw ^^ so happy for that, for Yuna who was always so good to her mom even without knowing that 😊❤️ and for Yuna's mom to turned out to be a good mom ^^

      Yuki is worried that she didn't get an answer from Shou. Every one is there, Tono and his ex, shouji..etc. But she's down and keep hearing Shou calling her name. Then he called her "Yuki" , she turned with a very surprised face. Then he told her "I'll be uncle. She said: what? He told her his sister is pregnant. She: lie, really? really? Congratulations. With very cute faces, she never showed such faces before, haha 😂❤️ - it was so sweet of Shou to use his sister's pregnancy to start the conversation and to warm up the atmosphere between them and to ease Yuki, really sweet of him ☺️ and to get to what he wants to say later, aw ❤️☺️
      He told her then "the baby will come in summer, I want senpai to be there when the baby comes" , "after all my future will be nothing but you, Yuki-Senpai" , Yuki got so touched and cried, and she ran and hugged him, he hugged her too, such a longing hug 😂☺️ then she kept crying so heavily while they keep hugging, then both started to say "Sorry" , twice each, haha, "I'm soooory, I'm soooory. I'm soooory. I'm soooory" haha, while hugging, that was so heartfelt ☺️💘 then Yuki told him the snow globe broke (while crying hard) he told her, it's fine I'll fix it" , that's just so sweet of him 🥰❤️ like the relationship, it'll be fixed) he'll fix it and make it more beautifully ☺️ then he kissed her.
      By the way, Yuki is wearing such a cute Yukata and hairstyle, her mom and sisters made her pretty. she looked so cute.

      And I think this is what Miyuki wants to convey, even if the relationship reached a hard point, we can still fix it and bring it, since there's love. And the cover is Shou and Yuki holding hands, with a text "let go or grip more tightly".

      I know that you'll say this is senseless 😂 like that happened and then this .. I feel the same kat.. I'm not that happy 😅 how sad.. it's like it ruined to me.. aw, how sad to me 😅💔 like it's the only thing I care about so 😅💔 god. I'm trying to be happy.. god. If it's you, are you gonna keep enjoying it? You think I'll be able to enjoy it like before.. ?

    149. True, those aren't good excuses. Well, the naive part...can it still be used when she's already in college? But then, I guess there are those kind of people - maturity not equal to age. And, yes, even if it is nothing to Yuki...she doesn't think it's wrong? But it is wrong if it happens with bf?

      Okay...and how many days has passed since then? Just two days and she already thinks they have broken up? I don't know, it really seems to show the depth of her feelings for him.

      So, she's thinking things to the point of thinking that Shou broke up with her so went out on a date with another guy with a bit of convincing from others? Doesn't really sounds good, right?

      I don't think she will tell Shou about the date. Well, if I were Shou, I would think like what I have written above if I knew. What about you?

      Haha, I don't know how much of that reflects on Japanese society though. Well, as you mentioned, I think even in other races, if the guy is the one they like/nice + good looking, you can get away with some things or well, you'll have defenders.

      I just remember what you mentioned before about fans being very defensive about their idol/crush even if the evidence of wrongdoing is really concrete. I guess, it is human nature for avid fans?

      Oh okay. I forgot where did he kissed her though...was it lips? Haha, I don't quite recall now how much the rival helped her though he was such a jerk at the start.

      Better in what? Respecting girls? Basketball? I guess it depends on the reader.

      This has always been the style of the author. Make things really bad then in the next chapter, suddenly make things okay to almost to the point of as if nothing happened.

      Honestly, I don't get Shou's apology. Wasn't he already doing all that? 'who always puts you first and care for you'. If I were Yuki, I would think, geez, I made him feel that way. I think it would boost his confidence if Yuki reassured him about it.

      That last part, he is reassuring her again. Actually, even before, iirc, he has always been saying that right? I hope that she'll also do the same for him. If she did, maybe a bit more.

      And, it seems like they shoved the misunderstanding over the rug without even talking why it happened in the first place. They/the author divert it into the talk about the coming baby. Ah...hopefully, they talk afterwards about what are they exactly sorry about.

      Yes, it has always been like that. It is the author's style. The first time I noticed it was Shizuka's first hug/their first quarrel during the fireworks. There was a long discussion of defending him/her etc then in the next chapter, it was all miraculously fixed as if nothing happened. Same with the stolen kiss. I forgot about the others though. ^^; The thing is, was the root problem really fixed?

      Hehe, I actually already gone through that after the stolen kiss then somehow, immediately after there is a stolen hug as if nothing happened. I got the feeling that the author will prolong that Shizuka thing with Yuki. Well, as I mentioned, that should have been resolved earlier because it ruins things/mood of later on.

      Maybe if the author stops doing these jealous stuff with the rivals, you'll enjoy it again. I think it was like that when they graduate high school but before the college part. Since there is a baby mentioned, I think the future arcs will focus on that. Make the readers think about them being 'parents'. Hehe, forget that stuff until the next 'drama'?

    150. Yes, it seems that the author is going like that with Yuki "maturity/naiveness not equal to age".
      I know.. :( you see, I don't wanna say that but I've always felt that Yuki is insensitive with Shou, especially jealously's feelings (of Shizuka) , she never understood or felt him.. and always makes it look as if he's brat and overly jealous.. And I thought she'd understand now when she feels jealoue of his ex but she didn't.. 💔
      Or I'm wrong, kat? I hope I'm wrong.

      Yes, only two days.
      "it really seems to show the depth of her feelings for him" ...that made me so sad... 💔💔(
      But isn't it that she's not confident enough (as a person and girlfriend)?

      It doesn't sound good yeah... :((

      I also think she won't tell him. And I really don't like that.. Miyuki is terrible at writing sometimes, I mean, why'd you go for heavy drama if you can't dealt with it properly later on? Just.. so frustrating.
      I don't know how Shou would think tbh. But like: "you were too hurt to think straight" something?

      I think "it is human nature for delusional fans" more. 🙂

      Yes, on the lips.

      Better as a boyfriend/guy.

      You're right. I've always been annoyed at this.

      Haha, no, you misunderstood me? 😂 'who always puts you first and care for you', he said those lines to Yuna not Yuki. 😂

      By the last part you mean "I'll fix it"
      Yes, he has been always reassuring her. And that what makes really sad with her doubting him easily.. 💔 Yuki really is very insecure and unconfident, oh. I think if the boyfriend is the one who's like that "that insecure" we'd day he's unhealthy and should be dumped.

      I think the misunderstanding was Shou choosing/or liking his ex over her, so when he said "my future will be nothing but you, Senpai" , it's the deal, this is the (main) misunderstanding and it got cleared out and talked out. What do you think? And they apologized for the way they acted toward each other during the fight.
      But yeah, I want them to talk well later just like you.

    151. I've a point. I think the author never focused on Shou's problem's solving. For example here, she just focused/solved Yuki's insecurities toward Yuna. But not Shou's insecurities (toward Shizuka) for feeling that he's not good enough for Yuki. I think this is a poor writing/kinda only from one perspective. Well, she did focused on him during Suwa's arc. But with the main thing (Shizuka) she didn't.
      I hoped he'd at least tell Yuki what he felt here but I think it'll be only on Yuki's insecurities.

      You're right.. sigh.

      Nah, it's not like that 😂 it's different than before 😂 now it's like it ruined to me.. 😂 I can't overcome Yuki's date thing.. really, like, author ruined and destroyed their relationship, all what they built.. so sad to me, it hurts me that Yuki did that and immediately.. and how she doubted Shou.. I can't say anymore that Yuki would be always for Shou, she won't be for other man and being touched by them, at least that easily, that she was loyal to Shou.. that she love him too much.. that's so sad to me.. I'm thinking like "if she really loves him, she won't be able to do that".. that's might be an immature thinking, right? But I do it.. I've never imagined something like that would happen so the expectations broke me.. really. I believed in their love.. but now it's all ruined.. I really can't believe. I can't be happy with their made up and their lovely dovey.. I've never imagined I won't be able to be happy seeing them lovey dovey.. how sad.. :(💔💔💔 no matter how much I'm trying to understand what happened and enjoy them again.. it doesn't seem like I can. Omg.. :((💔 I'm exaggerating, right? 😂 I need someone to tell me it's ok and not that bad 😂 omg. I mean, I want to think like Yuki was just in pain and wasn't thinking straight.. nah, I know that. But still.. sigh. Nah, it's like that.
      By the way, thank you too much for lifting up my spirit and for being positive, hehe, and comfort me, it really made me happy a bit 🤗🤗 I didn't expect that Tbh 😂

    152. I agree. Normally, one would realize, ah, so if this happens with me and Shizuka then Shou learned about it...this is how it feels. Actually, it is still just a hug and hasn't proceed to a stolen kiss-type. 😅

      Haha, I don't know... How long have they been going steady again? It's more than a year, right? Not talking for two days because of a misunderstanding = break up? Frankly speaking, if this is real life, things should be very, very problematic if her confidence is that low.

      You know, this is something I usually compare with main leads and rivals in stories. Main leads tend to give up easily especially when the other party also loves them. But, rivals don't know when to quit like Shizuka. Doesn't that show the level of 'love' they have for the other? It is something like if you give up easily, that person isn't worth fighting for. Hehe, if Yuna is manipulative stealer like in other stories, Yuki doesn't stand a chance.

      I agree but then, the author is fond of that. Touching heavy drama then suddenly resolving everything with I'm sorry, I love you dialogue + lovey-dovey in the next chapter.

      But like: "you were too hurt to think straight" something? -> to the point of dating someone else for some reason? 😅 Dating him of all people... Purpose = unconsciously want to make me jealous or something?

      Okay...Better as a boyfriend/guy...because? He treats her nicer compared to Shou?

      'who always puts you first and care for you', he said those lines to Yuna <- Ah...that can be a cause of a misunderstanding.

      For me, it sounds like an reassurance like you are my one and only so everything will be okay. And, it always does until the next issue come along. Oh well, relationships do need that but then, as you mentioned, it does seem like she is doubting him easily. True...it can be tiring to have that kind of lover.

      True. It seems to be assumed that he is the 'cool guy/bf', he'll handle it on his own. Haha, but then, I don't get why he thinks he isn't good enough for her compared to Shizuka. Basketball...perhaps, but as a lover? Is he also insecure about that part? Is it because Yuki gets along with Shizuka more? Or, is it just jealousy?

      I can feel your disappointment. It is indeed a big no-no. I don't even know if I should assume that she is naive, didn't know any better, brainwashed...it is all excuses. The possible problematic part is, she most likely won't tell him about it. I'm not sure if the other two will tell Shou about it. Will the author still bring it up or it will just vanish as if it never happened?

    153. True. But to her it's not a misunderstanding, it's cheating, like, all the signs showed her that, she has been told that it's a hug not a comforting hug, then he couldn't explain to her, then she saw the call, and he ignored her. So ?
      Plus, she never saw Shou caring about something other than her (and basketball) Especially girls, he was always ready to end anything with them for her. Like Arisa, deleting the girls number on his phone, also the girl who touched his hair lately, he immediately told her I won't talk to any girls in the training center if it bothers you. But this time he cared for Yuna. Not in a romantic way of course. But maybe because she didn't expect that, she let herself get into negative thinking.

      And real speaking, are we really gonna trust someone 100%? Like, there would be some doubts normally. And many girls got cheated on from boyfriend they loved them a lot and were nice to them, from boyfriends the never expected them to. So idk.

      HM, I don't think it's ok to compare lovers with rivals. Because it's more hurtful/messy when you have a relationship/past with that person. Plus, rivals have that "ego thing" that keep them going, in my opinion.
      And about "fighting for" , Yuki here thought that he cheated on her, are you gonna fight for a partner who cheated on you? 😂 What do you think? 😅Especially that she didn't have any supporter to calm her and push her.

      Yeah... :( Sighhh
      I don't think she did it to make him jealoue because there she thought that it's ended between them. And so she didn't think that would hurt him too, 'him of all people'.

      Yeah idk. But he doesn't treat her nicer than Shou.. and Shou Doesn't treat her badly in the first place.. sigh. I think it's just types/biase thing, so sad, idk.

      Ah, why would that cause a misunderstanding? 🤔 Well, I don't think so.

      Yes, it's reassurance to me too.

      HM, I think it's a normal doubting. When you love someone truly, you'd question yourself sometime if you you're good enough for them/can make them happy. I think this comes from "big love". And yeah basketball plays a role in that.

    154. Yeah, that's why to me It's out of Yuki's character. I think it's a fan service for Hakamada, kat, nah, I'm sure. The problem here is Hakamada shouldn't be included in that at all (and it was unrealistic - the mistaken call) but fans/girls love that, first because he might be the one they like, two because they like the idea of another guy around when the ml hurts the girl or broke up with her (their bf/guy hurts them) to feel important and those stuff you know. Tge readers are mostly teens or girls who seek love through stories. How sad.

      But when she does a fan service for Hakamada.. she hurts Yuki and Shou.. is that ok for her? They're the main and dated for years and worked hard for it and went through too much.. but she was able to easily destroy that..? How could she? All the excuses she used for that date (made Yuki wake up..etc) won't make it ok or better.. omg.. 💔 I really hate love triangle and Namaiki isn't one but she kept forcing it just for its fans.. I really hate them. They're obsessed with shipping. They're immature and narcissistic who want to see the girl with the guy they like no matter what and disregarding everything, disregarding the fact that she's dating someone else/ml or loves him.. want to see him hugging her, making moves on her.. it's all ok for them.. that's horrible.. 💔 I didn't know it's like that, I wouldn't have entered this toxic community.. really.

      I told you it's fan service kat because I've read some comments to Miyuki's tweets before, like "please make Hakamada touch and attack Yuki more, it's cool" , wow. Then I thought oh, the twitter translation must be wrong, I really thought that, but I was wrong... And I thought, "oh, even if they're true, it's impossible for Miyuki to really do them" but I was wrong... So the stolen kiss and all the hugs and etc are fans recommendations? But.. isn't this so wrong and horrible kat? Omg.. I really can't believe they listen to fans, to teens? To biased fans? It's like.. it's a fanfic.. omg, that's so low.. why like that why? My Manga got ruined because of some fans and horrible toxic company/community.. omg. And then later on kat I read "oh, thank you, all what I recommended with Hakamada got done".... Ok, tell me is that ok or just me?? I know it's the same in other Mangas (and every drama of any country now - they literally do what fans want.. that's horrible. I'd prefer the writer to stick to their original script even if it's wrong) and I also read in one time, she asked what do we want as an extra chapter, then some told her "we want to see Hakamada and Yuki in a date"... And so she gave it to them now... Kat is that normal? I'm not a judgemental person and I know money is important and big part of the (any) job but not to that extent.. this is a girl and a relationship, you can't just share her with two guys only for their fans, that's horrible. Plus, where's the honesty, the feelings? Your work pride? I don't know but that's really not ok. What a low level and toxic community. I'm really stupid because I had high expections in Miyuki and believed in her (well because she deserved it) but now.. maybe they force her (the publisher, the editor) I've told from a Japanese friend that they have a strong power on authors in Japan. But she should have fought for her Manga.. I wouldn't have sell my Manga like her....
