Cover page: “If merely based on face value, you believe that
a man says what he means, then aren’t you too naive..?” At the hospital, a
couple of plain clothes police[/detectives] finishes gathering the
fingerprints. Before they leave, they mention that they will be bothering them
again if there is a new development found out from the investigation. On the
bed, Yuki says okay. Shiki tells them ‘good work’ [<- being polite] He
glances at his younger sister and asks how she is feeling. As he touches her
face, Yuki smiles and says that she feels better. Narration: “Upon finding the
skeleton in those ruins, I had fainted and was brought to the hospital.” There
is a knock on the door. Yuuya, accompanied by Eiji, apologizes for interrupting
and for getting Yuki involved in this terrible incident. Shiki says that he
cannot stand them. “It seems that your father is a top brass in the police
department so you weren’t given any strict punishment but you ought to know
that what you guys are doing is trespassing. And you even brought my sister
along to a place where there is an abandoned corpse. From today on, I’m not
allowing you and my sister to continue having a relationship.” Yuuya nervously
asks how can that be.. Eiji apologizes and says that they understand his
worries regarding his sister and from today on, they absolutely won’t get her
involved again but please, only allow them to continue on being friends. Shiki
refuses. Yuki tells her brother not to be like that since she is the one who
said that she wanted to go and she just wanted to help them. Shiki tells her to
calm down and think for what can be done by relying on her. Yuki insists that
even so, ever since that she got into that accident and lost her memories, she
had lost any interest in anyone and anything, and she always thought that it is
an after-effect of the accident. Yuuya and Eiji look surprised upon hearing
this. Yuki continues to say that she always felt that if she didn’t recover her
memories, she could not go back to her former self. “But upon meeting them, and
having the same experiences later, I felt that I can create a new me. I won’t
go and regret over my lost past but going forward in valuing my future. Upon
becoming friends with Tachibana-kun and Kase-kun, it is the first time I have
this kind of feeling.” Shiki sighs and says that in short, it is late so they
should go home first. Yuki timidly says yes. Shiki tells the two guys to also
go home. The guys say yes and apologize again. Then, Shiki offers his deepest
sympathy for their missing girlfriends and it must have been difficult.

At the train station, Yuuya thanks Eiji for accompanying
him. Eiji says that it is nothing for he is also worried about Yuki and also
him. This made Yuuya smile. Yuuya comments that Yuki got into a serious vehicle
accident before. Eiji says ya, but he hasn’t read that kind of
attention-grabbing accident in the magazines. Yuuya tells Eiji that corpse has
been identified as a female around 10-20 years old. “..Do you..think
is..?” Eiji asks when the DNA result would come out. Yuuya says that it is
around 2-3 days but for the detailed analysis [/situation], it generally takes
around 2-3 weeks for them to know.. Then, Yuuya rests his head on Eiji’s
shoulder. On the drive home, Shiki tells Yuki not to have a relationship with
those two and it is only those two that she absolutely cannot [have relations
with]. Yuki asks why he says that. Shiki tells her that she has other friends
and this discussion is over. Yuki is teary-eyed. Shiki pats her head and says
that she must be tired, go to sleep. Later on, Yuki wakes up in a bedroom. She
sits up and finds herself in her room. “Did I fall asleep in the car and
brother carried me over here.. *shock to find her blouse all bloodied.* Blood!?
Where did I get this? Was I hurt anywhere..? *stands up from bed and takes off
blouse* But it seems that I’m not injured.. I feel quite nauseous.” She throws
bloodied blouse in the trash can. After changing her clothes, she shivers upon
recalling the corpse. The next day, at her university, she waves to some people
and passes by the outdoor stairs when she hears someone shouting, “Ha? Who are
you kidding! I don’t have anything to say to you anymore. Don’t call again nor
text back, okay.” Yuki looks down to see Yuuya talking on the phone. Souichirou
is standing beside him at the first landing of the stairs. Yuki is tense for
normally, Yuuya is always nice yet he can actually use that forceful[tough]
tone of voice. “Why is he at my school.. *looks at Soichirou* and, Kamiya
doesn’t look startled at all..” Then, Keita, together with Eiji and Yoshiharu,
arrives and calls out to Yuuya if he has found Yuki. After hanging up his
phone, Yuuya tells the others not yet, and he’s getting ready to call her.
Realizing that they come for her, Yuki calls out to the others and greets them.
After they have gathered, Keita apologizes for going home first yesterday. Eiji
says that they are very worried about her so they came to see her. While Yoshiharu
waves back and no reaction from Souichirou, Yuuya apologizes that so many of
them came today and it’s great that they were able to see her. Yuki is touched
by this. Yuuya apologizes for not listening to her brother but he couldn’t give
up on her like this for no matter what, it’s very frustrating. Blushing Yuki
goes downstairs and holds his outstretched hand. Yuki admits that actually, she
also.. To her surprise, blushing Yuuya happily smiles and hugs her.

While Eiji looks surprised, the other guys and passers-by
are smiling and asking if that is a confession, a good-looking couple, and
looks quite moving. Blushing Yuki exclaims that it isn’t like that at all.
Still hugging Yuki, Yuuya laughs and says that he would have wanted it to be
so. Eiji and others burst into laughter. Eiji tells Yuuya chat some more with
Yuki for after encountering a lot of things yesterday, she must be feeling very
uneasy. “Regarding Asumi [Kousuke], I’ll go with Kamiya then come back here.”
Yuuya explains to Yuki that they weren’t able to contact Kousuke since yesterday
and today so they plan to go check his house if he is there. “After
encountering those things yesterday, you must be tired so do you want me to
drive you home? Afterwards, I’ll go to Asumi’s place.” Yuki asks if she can
also come and check Kousuke’s place because she is also worried and she feels
more at ease with everyone. After looking surprised, Yuuya agrees that they all
go together. Then, he asks if he can call her Yuki-chan instead of ‘Miss
Yuki/Yuki-san’ and she call call him Yuuya, as well as directly calling the
others’ first name [<- that means they are close]. Yuki says that it is a
bit embarrassing to suddenly change it. Yoshiharu and Keita say that it is okay
and kept calling her ‘Yuki-chan’. Yuki tells them to stop it for it is
embarrassing. Soon, they are in front of Kousuke’s apartment. Yoshiharu knocks
on the door and calls out to Kousuke. Eiji comments that no one is answering.
Souichirou suggests that they ask the neighbor about the telephone number of
the real estate [who rented the place to Kousuke] or directly call the real
estate to.. Pulling open the door, Yoshiharu tells Sou[/Souchirou; I’ll use his
nickname] that the door is open. As they enter, they call out to Kousuke that
they are going in. As they enter the room, they say that he really isn’t here.
Keita says that since it isn’t locked, maybe he went to a nearby convenient
store. Yoshiharu suggests that they wait for him there. While Keita sits down
to make himself at home, Sou notices a laptop computer on the table and calls
out Yuuya to come over. Yuuya looks surprised. Standing behind a door, Yuki
wonders what that smell is. It is coming from inside the door. She opens the
door and looks surprised. Just as Eiji offers to check Kousuke’s mailbox, he
notices Yuki looking ill while looking inside the opened door. He asks her what
it is. He looks in to see Kousuke kneeling down the floor with his hand in the
water-filled bathtub. There is some blood on his clothes. Pulling Yuki aside,
Eiji tells her not to look and go at the back. Eiji shouts to the others that
Kousuke is at the bathroom. He orders Sou to call the ambulance for Kousuke
isn’t breathing. Eiji carries unconscious Kousuke whose bleeding wrist is bandaged
with a towel, and places him on the living room’s floor.

Opening Kousuke’s mouth, Eiji calls out to Yuuya. Soon, the
two starts to do CPR and artificial respiration on Kousuke. Yoshiharu and Keita
are in disbelief that Kousuke slashed his own wrist. On the phone, Sou is
reporting that the person isn’t breathing and they are performing artificial
respiration on him. While Yuki is teary-eyed, Youshiharu exclaims how come when
Kousuke has no reason to commit suicide. While Eiji is desperately doing CPR,
Yuuya glances at thoughtful Sou. On the screen of the laptop computer, there is
a message, “I cannot endure it anymore. I extremely regretted the crime that I
have committed.” Later on, the ambulance has arrived. There are a lot of people
crowding around to check what’s going on and taking pictures with their
cellphones. An older policeman asks the others if they are the college
classmates of the victim and he wants to ask what had happened. “Who is the one
who first saw it?” Eiji glances at Yuuya who is calming shocked Yuki. Eiji says
that it was him. He tells the police that when he opened the bathroom door, he
saw Kousuke inside with his hand inside the water [of the tub], and then, they
performed CPR and artificial respiration on him. Sou tells the police that
yesterday, they’ve found a skeletal corpse yesterday at the ruins and if they
need record some oral[/written] evidence report, is it okay if only the guys do
it. Yuuya continues to calm down frightened Yuki. Narration: “Afterwards, the
guys went to the police station. Keita had hurriedly contacted Maiko to
accompany me and I also arrived home.” In the house, Shiji is furious over what
happened in just a day and didn’t he tell her not to get involved with those
guys again. While Yuki is lying ill on the sofa, Maiko tearfully tells him that
Yuki’s friend had just passed away and at this time, please don’t say that kind
of things. Shiki looks tense. Yuki tearfully apologizes for making him worried
but Yuuya and others are important friends.. Shiki tells her to rest first for
these two days had made her exhausted. Sitting up, Yuki says that her brain is
quite awake that she couldn’t sleep. Maiko suggests that Yuki stays over at her
house for the night or how about watching a movie for a change of mood. Pulling
open a drawer, Shiki takes out a pack of medicine. He tells Yuki to drink some
sleeping pills. Shiki tells Maiko that she must be also tired so go home and
rest first today. “Next time, if there’s an opportunity, come again at my house
to hang out [with Yuki]. For now, let Yuki rest for today. Okay?” After a
pause, Yuki agrees.

Narration: “Maiko told me that the hospital already
confirmed that Asumi-kun passed away despite their efforts to revive him. ..the
ones who were at the site and the police are the only ones who knew about the
suspicious suicide note on the computer screen.. Before the police and the
ambulance arrived, we already agreed to temporarily not tell anyone about it..
*Yuki drinks the sleeping pills* Asumi-kun’s ‘crime committed’.. In the end
is..?” Scene: It is dark in the forest. A wounded long dark-colored hair girl
is on the ground and trying to reach out to the two men standing. She mutters,
“I beg of you.. it is fine to just let Erika go.. it doesn’t matter what you’ll
do to me..” Badly bruised Erika’s hand is held by one of the men and her blouse
is partly opened. She shouts, “Don’t be like that, Saki! You quickly go home. I
beg you.” While holding what seems to be a necktie tightly with both hands, one
of the men smiles and says, “Shut up.” Teary-eyed Saki looks in horror. End scene.
Yuki suddenly sits up in bed. She screams while crying. After breathing hard,
Yuki looks at the mirror. She is shock and she quickly holds her face. The door
flung open and Shiki exclaims what happened. Hugging her brother, Yuki shouts,
“Brother! I and my friend were attacked before on our way home from school! Was
that girl saved!? And, my face is also not the same! I don’t have such a
beautiful face!! And, in the end.. what had..” Shiki holds Yuki’s head to
comfort her. After pulling her away, Shiki asks, “Yuki.. do you remember your
name?” Puzzled Yuki replies, “Mizuhara Yuki..” Shiki says, “How about your own
name?” This surprises and puzzles Yuki. Shiki continues to ask, “Do you still
remember Tachibana Yuuya and Kase Eiji?” Still trembling, Yuki says, “..[they]
are my friends, I know them..after seems that earlier on..”
Hugging her, Shiki kisses her forehead and says, “Right now, it seems that you
are still confused but sooner or later, you’ll remember it. I’ve anticipated
this earlier on, that this day will come sooner or later.. perhaps the you who
have forgotten would have been happier.. So, I didn’t want you to get involved
with Tachibana Yuuya and Kase Eiji.. Three years ago, on the way [home] from
school, you were attacked. Your real name is Matsushima Saki. You are one of
the two high school girls who were missing that year.” Yuki looks stunned.

Comment: And, it turns out that Yuki is Saki. And, that
opens a lot of possibilities. That’s a very good twist to make a very
interesting love triangle. ^^ I think Saki might continue to act as Yuki as she
tries to recover her memories and find out who did that to her and Erika. From
that scene, the friendship of these two girls is so deep that they are willing
to sacrifice themselves for the other. So, Yuuya is in love with Yuki and
perhaps, in some way, Eiji would later on recognize things that would remind
him of Saki in Yuki as Saki starts to recall her memories..but she couldn’t
tell him who she is..well, something like that and I think the set-up is good.
I hope that Yuki/Saki would be lessen crying and be more strong like how she
was in the first chapter which made me think she was cool. It makes me think
that the reason why Yuki didn’t like Eiji at first because deep inside, it is
like he’s two timing her as Saki. =P Now, what is with that bloodied shirt?
Does it have something to do with Kousuke’s apparent suicide? Could it be that
Saki acted on her own without Yuki knowing what’s happening like some sort of
split personality? Or, could it be that her brother has something to do with
it? We also have to know who Shiki really is. Is he one of the culprits or
maybe he was the one who saved her..and in some way, got plastic surgery for
her. I don’t think he is a love interest for he could have taken advantage of
her amnesia and pretended to be her lover. He did successfully create a ‘lie’
over who Yuki really is. Is it for him, or for her? So, for the suspects, if it
is any of the guys, I have a feeling that it is probably Yuuya and Souichirou
since something is going on between them and Yuuya momentarily showed his ‘not
so nice’ self. Who was the one calling him? It makes me think that it is some
girl. Was Kousuke really part of it or was it a tactic to throw them off from the
real culprits? And, there is also the motive for doing that to the girls. A
romance that gone awry..attempted rape-murder..well, from that scene, I get the
impression that only Erika is the target. Also, it seems to have happened in
the forest so most probably, if that skeleton is Erika, maybe someone moved it
to that abandoned building later on, unless she was dragged and killed there.
Anyway, hopefully this mystery-romance will develop nicely in the coming
chapters. Scans by 深雪汉化组
Quote of the day:
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived
forwards. ~ Søren Kierkegaard
Thanks for the summaries Kat! :DDD Kind predicted that she was Saki. Or was it just me hoping for that to happen? :))) I also hope that she will toughen up :) The plot is getting more interesting >< :DDD
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading ^-^
DeleteIs that so..^^ Well, I didn't predicted it because I didn't properly read this in chronological order ^^;
Yup ^^
Thanks for the summary. I kind of already knew that Yuki is Saki. Interesting plot! <3 tika
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading ^-^
DeleteIs that so..
yeah knew it also cause her bro is a surgeon
ReplyDeleteIs that so..
DeleteI hope you keep doing the summary! Please don't stop!
ReplyDeleteWell, if the Chinese scanlator continues, and as long as I'm able to .. ^^
DeleteThis is getting interesting. A lot of things is going in my head now!
ReplyDeleteNOTE: All of these are just my predictions...
I have a feeling that Yuuya may have something to do about the murder or the disappearance of these two girls. Well, it was mentioned that Erika and Yuuya already broke up, right? But what if Yuuya can not accept such break up and decided to punish Erika *a little bit* (it is possible that Yuuya -- may be a yandere!-- is not the nice guy we know at all even though at first chapters, that's how he portrays himself NICE GUY). And that Yuuya may have asked his friends to do his little favor (the guys he is with now, probably Kousuke and Souichirou?). The punishment was just going to be light and it was only for Erika unfortunately, it included Saki since both girls were very close (maybe like sisters) and it caused death in the process (*which was accident*). And try to think, why does it took long years to find a trace even one single trace?.. It is kinda suspicious unless the "mastermind" (Yuuya?) has a backer from a high institution (the father being a head from the police dept)... And that Yuki/Saki, she may be the one who killed Kousuke (having blooded shirt..split personality may be the killer... motive: revenge maybe?) and made it look like a suicide then... I don't want that to happen! I hope Yuki isn't someone who killed Kousuke so please, i hope the author could explain the blooded shirt on Yuki. For Eiji, he is someone who doesn't know anything at all but still believes that it was someone else who may have caused the disappearance of those girls. I can't imagine how will Eiji takes all of it if his friend (Yuuya) was one behind all of this!
Yup ^^
DeleteThat's it is indeed possible that is the reason. My theory there is maybe Yuuya kind of like Saki/Yuki that is why they were 'easy on her' and his current attachment to her. Yup, there is a possibility that he is a yandere. If he is the culprit, he must have a lot of talent in acting to make it appear that he's grieving. Actually, it shouldn't be surprising if he is currently acting as a nice guy ^^
Yup..that is the most possible reason why it took this long to find a clue. Also, why now?
Well, if it isn't Yuki/Saki..probably Shiki? I also think that it was made to look like a suicide. What if it is to throw us off but actually, Yuuya and Souichirou are the ones who did it to keep Kousuke quiet? That is if they are the culprits.
Ya..if it is Yuuya, i wonder how Eiji will take it.
There's chapter 5 now. But I don't understand the story of this chapter but.... oh, gosh! What is this???!!!
Yup, I know.
DeleteHopefully, I can get the summary out this coming week ^^
Hehe..that is Yuki..most probably Saki 'attacking' him =P
Lol, when I just comment that yuki is saki then the next chapter already revealed it XD
ReplyDeleteYup ^^