October 28, 2013

Free Talk: I'm on Vacation

Well, I’ll be going on a Hong Kong vacation trip with my mother and sister’s family tomorrow so no summaries for the rest of the week. I'll be back on November 2nd but I'm not sure if I can get summaries up for the weekend so, summaries would probably resume next Monday.

As usual, I’ll be activating the CAPTCHA  for the tagboard to minimize and prevent spam bots.

So, enjoy the rest of the week ^^ Happy Halloween and take care on All Saints’ Day to those who celebrate those occasions. 

Picture above is from Hachimitsu ni Hatsukoi scanned by Daydreamy.


  1. Have a good vacation =D
    And don't forget of taking pictures for us XD !

  2. Orz, it maybe lonely without you //slapped but have a nice vacation,
    please get back soonerr! >< i can't live without your summaries orz//cries

  3. Hope you enjoyed your vacation, this place is awesome! :D

    1. More or less, I did..but was kind of tired after it. ^^;;

      Thanks for the comment ^-^

  4. Indeed, I hope your vacation was a blessed one. People typically need a second vacation after their first (stay-cation). =)

    1. Thank you ^-^

      Ya..I did rest a couple of days. Tired and exhausted from all the walking =P
