He only managed to support himself by reminiscing Eros and
his mother but they [couple] don’t know of his pain, that they even lived a
normal happy life. “Just thinking of this I felt that it is so unfair.. Why me?
*grabs Eros’ shirt* So..if you care about me, then try to understand what I
want. Don’t live happily all by yourself! Because..you owe it to me!” Lele
realized that it turns out to be because of that and they were totally
mistaken. Lele suddenly pushes Angus off Eros and shouts that it isn’t like
that and his way of thinking is totally twisted. She shouts how could his
mother and Eros lived normal and happy lives after losing him. She tells him
not to shift[/pass] all the wrongs and responsibility to others because he
cannot bear the suffering[/pain], and if he is mature enough, he would know
that it isn’t only him who suffered. Eros calls out to Lele. Lele asks him why he
doesn’t let Angus know. He should know, and it is something that he must
confront. It is because in everything he would considerate Angus and protect
him that made him think that he’s the only world’s pitiful person. He would
undertake a lot of the consequences but not Angus’ remorse[/ask forgiveness] because
he is protecting and at the same time, taking away the opportunity for Angus to
mature. Suddenly, they were interrupted when Fei Hong and Leo arrive. Fei Hong
shouts for Lele that is enough and don’t intrude into the brothers’ affairs
again, quickly come with her to Taiwan. Fei Hong grabs her hand and walks away.
Before leaving, Fei Hong says that she’s disappointed with Eros for breaking
his promise with her. Eros timidly apologizes. Lele tells her not to blame Eros
for she only wanted to say farewell and she’ll go with her. Lele glances one
more time at Eros and that would be the last image of Eros she saw and after
three years, she almost lost news about him. In New York, an interviewer is
glad that Lele has once again appeared live in Fashion Week and during the past
2-3 years, she would be in Europe brands for collaborations and the rest of the
time, she stayed in Taiwan. While thinking that she doesn’t want to wait
anymore since three years is quite long so where is Eros, Lele answers the
interviewer that is right. The interviewer asks if she is now planning a comeback
into New York’s runaway and she [interviewer] anticipates it because she has
the aura of a cool elegant baroness, somewhat more firmly aggressive. Lele
happily says that she’s glad to hear her say that for this strengthens her confidence
after all, because all these years she did a lot of print and behind the scenes
work but she’s worried that her stage walk isn’t as good as in the past. The
interviewer asks what is this behind the scenes, new model training.

Lele says that she can say that, since she is helping Glenn
to look through a lot of new faces. The interviewer says that it turns out that
they maintained their good relationship. And, speaking of Glenn, she cannot
help but think of the other one, Feidna for she isn’t that fortunate. Ever since
it has been featured in the tabloid[/gossip] headline many times about Feidna’s
multiple ‘lost control’[/moodiness], she has been sidelined by Glenn. Right
now, she has turned into acting, and too bad for it appears she isn’t
successful. At Leo’s place, Lele asks Leo if he knew of Feidna’s situation.
When Leo asks why she is asking all of a sudden, Lele says that she heard
something about her today. Leo tells Lele that Feidna is hopeless for ever
since Eros left her, she spent the whole day drinking to drown her sorrows. No
wonder she has fallen in the modeling world and now, she wants to go into
acting but without acting skills, she can only be in films for her pretty face
and C+ roles. Leo says that there are models, who had turned into acting, but without
knowing the hard work to get acting skills, one won’t succeed unless it is
going through the backdoor. Lele asks what the backdoor. Leo says that not long
ago, he met Feidna at the bar. He saw her sitting in the middle of some conspiring[/manipulating
her] movie perverts who fancy on her and that woman is headed towards
self-destruction. Lele asks Leo to arrange a meeting with Feidna for her
because she wants to see her. Lele looks at the room and didn’t see Leo’s
telescope for Eros had already moved away earlier on. Lele asks Leo to
accompany her in meeting with Young tomorrow. The next day, there is a door
bell. Young stops sewing, takes his clutch and walks toward the door. His lower
left leg is gone. Leo happily exclaims to see who came to see him. Young is
surprised to see Lele. After the greetings, Young says that they rarely had
talked like this. Lele glances at Young’s missing lower leg and thinks that
three years ago, Young lost his left leg in an accident [I think it is a typo
for it said right leg but in the drawing, it is left. ^^;] and Angus is the one
with him at that time. Young says that he is doing fine and even if it is inconvenient
but he still get to do the work he likes and he is slowly adapting to
everything. To the guys’ surprise, Lele apologizes for this is something she
really wanted to tell him three years ago. While Lele is teary-eyed, she says
that she always think that whether or not, everything is her fault. Next
chapter will be out in Taiwan on September 5th. Blurb: “Lele regrets making
Eros tell the truth for weak Angus has no way of accepting the cruel fact on
what happened to Eros and his mother, for on contrary, he is on the brink of

Comment: How do
you deal with a problem called Angus? It seems to be ‘damned if you do and
damned if you don’t’. They hide the truth and he goes crazy. They tell him the
truth, he went over the edge since he cannot handle the truth. Maybe it is
because of that, Lele has been waiting for three years that she got fed up and
finds him herself. It turns out that Angus is indeed going for ‘misery loves
company’ and the problem is not being jealous of someone taking Eros away, it
is not wanting Eros to be happy since he isn’t. Anyway, it turns out that what
Fei Hong wanted with ‘taking Lele back’ is more on making her home base Taiwan
rather than New York. Her fashion career has really taken off in Europe that
she is being asked to ‘pick new faces’ by Glenn. And, Feidna wasn’t able to
pick herself up after that. I do wonder if what Lele has to say to her would straighten
her act up or else, Feidna might end up in lower grade movies or worst. Interestingly,
it is Lele who is nice enough to care about her after everything that has
happened. The surprise is what happened to Young. Young seems to have accepted
his fate and it seems to be Angus-related. What could have happened? From what
Lele is saying in the end, I think we are in for a ‘blame game’ in the next
chapter. I can almost imagine both Feidna and Angus blaming Lele for coming
into Eros’ life when he is their ‘mental stability’. It is hard to point out
who is being selfish. If Eros hasn’t met Lele, he would be the one miserable
and of course, it is vice-versa. In a way, maybe Eros is indeed somewhat at
fault for these two since he really pampered and cared for them that when Eros
wants to find his own happiness, they cannot be independent from him and goes ‘crazy’
but then, sooner or later, I think it will happen. So, for Lele to come back
after three years, maybe she is ‘the one’ who’ll help fix them up so she can
get Eros back? Anyway, since Lele going to the runaway is mentioned, I think it
would be a great finale to have a fashion show with everyone..if the mangaka is
going for a happy ending. It is rumored/confirmed? that the series will end in
volume 18. It is currently at volume 16 which was released last May. Scans by Icy_Chrisy
for baidu
Quote of the day:
When love is real, it defies all reason. When love is true,
it ignores all pain. When love is great, it waits, it persists & it lingers
forever. ~ Author Unknown