At the karaoke bar, some girls ask Tsubasa what to sing
next. Tsubasa looks angry. Aghast Ann asks Ririka if she would sit beside
Tsubasa. Puzzled Ririka says that she won’t for there are many people beside
him. Standing up, Ririka says that she’ll go get the drinks. Ann tries to call
out to her but Ririka already left. Ann is frustrated for she didn’t expect
that a lot of people would come and it is Ririka’s fault for recklessly
inviting the others to karaoke with Tsubasa. She wonders what to do. Meanwhile,
Ririka finishes getting drinks from the dispenser then putting the glasses on
the tray. She sighs for she wanted to tell Ann about her and Yuu but she
couldn’t find the opportunity. She hopes that the karaoke quickly ends. She
carries the tray of drinks and is surprised over how heavy it is. Before she
spills them, Tsubasa helps her carry them. He calls her stupid for how can a
girl carry such a heavy thing. Ririka blushes in surprise upon seeing him.
After Tsubasa takes the tray of drinks from her, Ririka insists that it is
alright and she’ll carry that. He tells her that during this kind of time, all
the more she should depend on a guy. Tsubasa gets irritated that Ririka kept on
protesting. He tells her that she isn’t a bit cute at all and quit saying,
‘but’. Turning away, he tells her that she only has to say thank you. Ririka
sees that he can carry all that with a single hand. He got angry when she calls
him stupid. Then, she lightly holds his sleeve and thanks him for his help.
This made Tsubasa blush and says that she is an idiot which in turn makes
Ririka angry. Tsubasa grins and says you’re welcome. Ririka wonders what’s up
with that. She punches him at the side and says what’s that when he obviously
always tease her. Tsubasa asks her if he did something mean to her. This
surprises Ririka. Tsubasa suddenly holds her hand and leans on the wall beside
her. He tells her that he only hates Yuu and he never bullied her. Blushing
Ririka tells him to let go of her hand but Tsubasa holds it tighter. Ririka
wonders what’s up with this mood and why she is being forced into this. Ririka
exclaims, geez, why does he hate Yuu when Yuu also didn’t do anything to make
him hate him. Tsubasa says that he did. “Because that guy would always stay at
your side and hinders me so I hate that guy. *This surprises Ririka.* You
should more or less notice it. You’re so slow-witted.” He lightly knocks her
head and looks embarrassed.

While asking what Tsubasa is saying, Ririka wonders if that
meant he ‘likes’ her but no, that’s wrong for she is starting to act conceited when
he only wants to tease her. Then, she overhears some girls asking out where
Tsubasa is. Tsubasa suddenly grabs her and pulls her into a room. While Ririka
is surprised, Yuu arrives at the karaoke bar. The receptionist asks for how
many. He timidly says for one. He recalls Ririko apologizing to him that today
she cannot go home together with him because Ann arranged for a class
gathering. He thinks that Tsubasa is in her class and it is only because he is
worried so he came to check it out although doing this isn’t quite good but
then, Ririko is his girlfriend. Looking serious, he pulls down his hood and
thinks that he absolutely won’t give her to that guy. Inside the karaoke room,
surprised Ririko calls out to Tsubasa who is on top of her. As some girls pass
by outside, they wonder where Tsubasa is and they thought he is around there.
Blushing Ririko tries to call out to Tsubasa but he covers her mouth and tells
her stupid, don’t call out or else, they would be found out. As Tsubasa
complains over how annoying that they kept on walking back and forth, Ririko
couldn’t breathe that she tries to call his attention. Tsubasa notices that he
had covered her nose so he lets go and apologizes. While looking sexy, Ririko
calls him an idiot. Tsubasa apologizes again and looks away. While Tsubasa is
turned on by Ririko, they overhear some girls complaining over how annoying
Ririko is for she is only an elementary classmate so how come Tsubasa cares so
much about her. The other girl says obviously she[?] is also Tsubasa’s
classmate. Ririko tearfully thinks that she also wants to know so just ask
Tsubasa about it. The girl complains that she isn’t good in getting along with
Ririko for she always has this ‘want to do my best for my unsophisticated
cousin’ as if she is saying, ‘look, I’m treating him quite well’. The other
girl agrees with her. Ririka is flustered for it isn’t like that. Sensing
Ririko becoming gloomy, Tsubasa tries to cheer her up by telling her not to
mind the talk of those ugly girls. He grabs her hand and asks if she wants to
go back or go with him to some other fun place. Ririko exclaims no, for this is
his welcome party and the others are waiting for their drinks. She takes the
tray of drinks and happily says that it is okay, she won’t run away.

To her surprise, Tsubasa corners her to the wall and tells
her not to force herself for even if it is like that, there’s also no need to
be this nice to them. Ririko blushes and looks away. She says that maybe for
others, they cannot do it..[but] it is rare to have everyone as classmates so
she wants to be good friends with them. “I think that just now is because they
only think that our relationship is quite good so they are saying that. It’s
just because of temporary jealousy.” Tsubasa asks how that is possible. Ririko
angrily says that she wants to trust them. Gesturing to his head, Tsubasa says
that she’s too nice that he cannot understand her. [I think that gesture meant
that she’s crazy]. This made Ririko angrily step on his foot. While Tsubasa
exclaims that it hurts, Ririko tells him that the girls in class hate her
because of him. Tsubasa pats his head and takes the drinks from her. He says
that he’s telling her that this is annoying to death. As Tsubasa goes out,
Ririko says that he won’t comfort her and would keep on talking nonsense that
she really wonders what’s up with that guy. They go back to the room. Tsubasa
says that he brought the drinks and Ririko apologizes for being late. The other
girls give Ririko a cold icy stare. They ask Tsubasa ask to what is his
relationship with Ririko. Ririko cannot believe they are asking him for he
would absolutely say some strange things. As Tsubasa puts down the tray of
drinks, Ririko tries to explain but Tsubasa stops her. Tsubasa puts his hand on
Ririko’s head and says that she is his very important friend. “When I was
playing basketball during elementary, I was hated by some senpai because I’ve
played well. At that time, Ririko helped me out. *With young Tsubasa, Ririko
stuck out her tongue at the two retreating boys who threatened that they’ remember
this* Isn’t she such a pretty good girl? *smiles* I guarantee it.” Ririko tries
to say something but Tsubasa pats her head. He smiles at her when she is
telling him not to do that. Then, to Ririko’s surprise, the other girls say
that no wonder their relationship is quite good, she is a nice girl. Aghast
Ririko thinks that girls are truly... Tsubasa puts his arm around one of the
guys and says that they go sing. While Tsubasa is singing, Ririko thinks that
with Tsubasa, the mood had become different because if he is happy, everyone is
also happy.

She thinks that he is amazing and for him to like being with
her, could it be because he doesn’t have friends in Tokyo. And, for him to say
‘important friend’, she should treat him a bit better. Ann nervously thinks
that Ririko seems to be misunderstanding things. Tsubasa glances at thinking
Ririko. He thinks that he told a lie ALTHOUGH currently, they are only friends.
Soon, the party is over. The girls are saying that they have fun. Ririko is
saying that she’ll leave first when Tsubasa lightly tugs her ponytail. Ririko
tells him that he could have just called her. Tsubasa asks if she knows why he
made the girls happy. “Let me tell you! It is because you said that you wanted
to be friends with them. Even if it is troublesome, I’ll do it. *blush*
Actually, I don’t care what other people think!” To his surprise, Ririko tells
him that if he is like that, he won’t make friends. Thinking that Ririko is
really slow-witted, Tsubasa grabs her wrist and tries to confess but someone
pulls Ririko away from him. They are surprised for it is Yuu. Ririko asks him
why he is here. Yuu says that he came to fetch her because he is worried about
her. He hugs blushing Ririko who timidly tells him that everyone is looking.
Tsubasa grabs hold of Yuu’s arm and asks what he is doing, when obviously they
are only cousins.. Yuu breaks away from his grip and seriously tells Tsubasa
that they are not only cousins, for currently, he is her boyfriend. Tsubasa and
the others are surprised that they are going steady. Ann asks if this is true.
Ririko says that it is and they started going steady lately and she wanted to
tell it to her today but she always couldn’t find the opportunity. Ann says is
that so. Thinking that she shouldn’t have told that to Tsubasa, Ann turns to
call out to Tsubasa but to her surprise, he is gone. On the way home, Ririko
comments that he guessed the time when they are going home right. Yuu thinks
that he couldn’t tell her that he was always at the room beside them to spy on
them but then, she looks quite happy. Ririko tells him that Tsubasa told her that
she is his most important friend and after he said that, she felt that he is a
good guy. “Yuu, you also try to chat with him” As Ririko walks ahead, Yuu stops
walking and bites his finger. He mutters that she’s still quite cruel. Yuu
looks somewhat flustered. Narration: “At that time, I thought I knew everything
about Yuu. Actually, I don’t know anything.”

Comment: The way
Yuu is acting, it makes me think that he is a bit like an ‘antagonist’ like how
he pretended to be the weak and coward cousin to always get Ririko beside him and
hinder Tsubasa’s advances by making him the ‘bad guy’. Yuu did fear that if he
didn’t do this, those two would have fallen for each other. He even followed
them that make him seem like a stalker. ^^; Well, Yuu can be quite possessive
and he knows Tsubasa’s true intention. Also, because of his ‘acting’, it
hinders other girls from liking him. The guy is quite clever. Obviously,
fangirls can be a bother just like what happened with Tsubasa. Apparently,
Ririko is quite clueless though she did suspect that Tsubasa likes her. This is
a case of too much teasing by the guy that the girl doesn’t believe him when he
tells the truth. It would also affect his confession when he told the others
that she is his important friend. It would be amusing later on though on Ririko
trying to make the love rivals ‘friends’. ^^; Things might not turn out that
smoothly. It also makes me wonder how Ririko would react upon knowing that true
side of Yuu..does that count as lying/manipulating her? Scans by 离境汉化组
Word of the day:
Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. ~ Luke