Cover page: “This isn’t romantic love. Definitely, it isn’t
romantic love. From the moment I said these words, it..seems..that something is
wrong with me?” Looking at Hinase’s back, Chihiro thinks, “When I’ve seen
Hinase’s figure, I always felt that there is this feeling of ease..that I
cannot say out loud. *surprise* What is this feeling of ease? Am..am I an
idiot? *slowly walking behind Hinase* ..what to do, if this keeps up, I will be
riding the same train with him. It is still quite troublesome to go home in the
same direction. I really hope that he would walk faster.. Since this is the
case, how about I just walk straight-forward and pass by him? But if I do that,
it might not be good if he noticed me..
It is because he hates me that he left first by himself so if he sees me
here, he’ll definitely have a disgusted face.. In the end, I should go stroll
at the bookstore and spend some time there.. *turns around to see the stalker
behind her* Huh.. That guy just now has followed me? Why.. How is this
possible..! *nervous* Am I thinking too much? It is definitely a coincidence,
and it just so happen that he is going home at the same direction.. *secretly
glance back again. The guy smiles and waves back at her. She abruptly turns
around and looks at Hinase in front* There’s..no other way!! *looking away, she
quickly walks pass Hinase who notices her* Don’t look into his eyes. Don’t look
into his eyes. Don’t look into his eyes. I didn’t come to chase after you. It
is only just a coincidence. It is truly just a coincidence. By all means, don’t
be mistaken!!” Hinase comments that Chihiro is walking so fast, and what’s up
with her. Still walking really fast, Chihiro thinks, “I shouldn’t have been
noticed, right? There’s no problem, right? It should be fine after I cross this
street.. *street signal becomes red* The traffic light~~ *shock* How can this
be.” Then, someone calls out to her, “Hey.” Chihiro turns around and shouts, “I..I
didn’t come to chase after you.” Hinase asks, “Huh? How come you are here? Didn’t
you go together with Sakuragi and the others?” Chihiro becomes embarrassed for
she misunderstood. While Chihiro tries to explain, Hinase says that is right,
it would be awkward if they are together with those two. “Especially Kirigaya's
glare, it is quite frightening when that guy is angry. In the end, it is right
for me to leave first.” Chihiro is surprised that she asks isn’t it because he
hates her that is why he left first. Hinase asks, huh, what. Embarrassed Chihiro
says that it is nothing. Then Chihiro looks behind and spots the stalker behind
them. She has forgotten about him. “Geez, what’s up with that? What’s going on
with that guy? Why is he always following me!? *hides behind Hinase* And, he is
still staring towards here.”

Hinase turns around and asks what’s there. Chihiro shouts
for him no, don’t move or else, she’ll be noticed. Hinase turns to see the guy
stalker looking at them. He says, “Is that so.. are you free? How about you
accompany me for a while?” Backing away, Chihiro asks what going steady. [Note:
‘Accompany me’ and ‘Going steady’ sound the same in Japanese] Hinase says that
it isn’t a romantic meaning of going steady. Chihiro exclaims she knows. He
tells her, “Let’s go.” Chihiro tells him not to decide things on his own. Just
when Chihiro is asking why she would go with him, Hinase takes her bag. He
winks and says that he got a hostage. She tells him to return it. Hinase tells
her not to be afraid for he won’t do anything. Embarrassed Chihiro exclaims that
she isn’t afraid. She wonders where this guy plan to go and she really doesn’t
understand this guy. Then, Chihiro wonders why they went to a sports center.
Hinase tells her that guy just now won’t be coming in here. “I’ll be going to
change my clothes. *throws the bags at Chihiro* You take care of these. I’ll be
walking you home so don’t go home on your own, okay?” She shouts for him not to
throw things. As he leaves, Chihiro wonders if through this way, Hinase is
helping her. Watching people doing all sorts of sports at the hall, Chihiro
thinks that there are a lot of people and there is also people practicing kendo.
“Hinase shouldn’t have come here to actually..” She turns around to see Hinase
wearing his kendo uniform and carrying his shinai. Hinase bows and Chihiro
nods. Then, Chihiro sweatdrops for she did that out of habit. Hinase apologizes
to Kota for making him wait. Kota calls out to Hinase and says that he also
just arrived. Chihiro remembers Kota as the one who got entangled with some
guys during last year’s summer competition. Hinase tells Kota that they will
start from the very basic. Kota asks what they are going to do. “Will we do a
full set of empty swings? By the way, I had completely finished a quick paced empty
swing a thousand times some time ago.” Hinase exclaims if that is true. “Then,
start with quick paced empty swings, and I’ll do them 1500 times!” Kota says that
he’ll also do that. Hinase calls out, “Shichimi, help us count and see which
one swings a lot more.” Chihiro exclaims if he is really going to swing 1500
times and she’ll be confused in counting it midway. “Hey, are you listening!?”
Hinase and Kota tell each other that they won’t lose. Chihiro blushes when
Hinase smiles at her. Soon, Chihiro is counting and Hinase is swinging his
shinai. Chihiro thinks that Hinase’s posture is really beautiful. “His stance
is correct and experienced. I should say that if he doesn’t talk, he is
obviously very handsome.. He appears to be happy while doing that.. For him to
have that kind of expression, why didn’t he join the kendo club?”
And tired Chihiro finishes counting up to 1500. Hinase asks
her why she is so tired when obviously, he was the one who is doing that many
swings. Gloomy Chihiro tells him that he obviously was the one who did 1500
swings, how come he is perfectly cool and collected. Chihiro thinks that she
didn’t thought that helping to count can consume a lot of strength. To the
couple’s surprise, Kota bows and exclaims, “I’m really sorry. Unexpectedly made
senpai’s girlfriend to accompany us in practice, I’m really sorry for
disturbing your date.” The two shouts at him, “Girlfriend (what/huh)!” Kota
asks if it isn’t so. Hinase asks how come he would think that way [towards]
this stuff [<- referring to Chihiro in a derogatory way]. Chihiro agrees and
tells Kota that for her, Hinase is a big annoyance. Then, Hinase exclaims what she
means by annoyance. Chihiro exclaims what he means by this stuff. They both
shout at each other to use other ways of expressing that. Kota thinks that
these two are ‘united in action’[ = saying the same thing at the same time].
Gesturing to Chihiro, Hinase tells Kota that this girl has someone she likes. “It’s
impossible between the two of us. *smiles* Right, Shichimi?” Chihiro is
flustered and thinks that right now, about Nanjou, she already.. A man calls
out that [Hinase] Shou came. Hinase greets the man. The man says that it is a
rare opportunity so how about practicing together with him. Hinase says that he
is delight to. The man asks Hinase what’s up with his hair lately, it is quite
long. “Cut it, it doesn’t suit you.” Hinase asks doesn’t it look cool. The man
asks what’s cool about it. The man ruffles his hair that Hinase tells him to
stop, what is he doing, don’t bully someone just because he’s hair is fewer.
The man tells him to shut up. Kota tells Chihiro that guy seems to be the
friend of Hinase’s father and he is handling the kendo class in this sports
center. Chihiro says is that so. Kota asks, “Miss Girlfriend, are you that
person who helped me when I was troubled during last year’s summer competition?”
Chihiro replies, “Ah, yes. You still remember. And, I’m not his girlfriend..”
Kota sadly asks if Hinase entered the kendo club in high school. Chihiro says
who knows but then, it seems that he didn’t. Chihiro is surprised when Kota
says, “In the end, it is because of that thing during the summer competition..”

Chihiro asks what he meant by ‘in the end it is..?’ Kota
smiles and tells her that it is nothing. “Since senpai hasn’t told you, then I
shouldn’t just tell you. Sorry. But.. senpai didn’t do [something] wrong. ..what
a pity, senpai’s kendo is quite strong, and it wasn’t also easy for him to get
in Murasakinoue Academy..” Chihiro worriedly wonders what happened during that
competition. Later on, Hinase and Kota bow to each other to thank each other
for today. Then, Chihiro gives them some sports drink. They thank her. Hinase
comments that he couldn’t believe it, Shichimi is quite nice.. This infuriates
Chihiro. Then, she notices a tear on Hinase’s uniform and points it out to
Hinase. Seeing the tear by his armpit, Hinase tells her he used transparent
glue on it and it seems that it has torn up again. Chihiro exclaims in
disbelief that he used glue. She tells him to properly sew it up. He says that
he can’t sew. She tells him to ask his mother to do it. He says that it is too
troublesome to bring it home. Then, Chihiro seriously tells him, “Strip.”
Hinase puts his arms around himself in shock. Holding up her hand, Chihiro angrily
tells him that it isn’t what he thinks she meant, and quickly give her his
kendo uniform. While Chihiro is sewing his uniform, Hinase comments that she is
actually carrying a sewing kit. “How can I say this? Shichimi is also a girl.”
Chihiro shouts for him to shut up and go to that side since she can’t concentrate.
Kota calls out to Hinase to ask him something. Going towards Kota, Hinase wears
his school coat and asks what it is. Kota says that he wants to ask his advice
on something. Chihiro notices that there are many tears on the kendo uniform
and it is quite old. “He obviously give it his all when he practices, but in
the end, it is quite strange that he didn’t enter the kendo club..” She is
surprised when Hinase shouts that a horror film is too early. Chihiro looks at
the two guys and wonders what they are talking about. Hinase is asking Kota why
he is going to watch a horror film. “Shouldn’t you go watch a love drama-type
of movie? It’s your first date, right?” Kota tearfully protests that a bit
scary is good and he wants her [his date] to know from the start his interests.
Hinase calls him stupid, and he [Hinase] is saying that it is too early. “Like
what you’ve said, in any case, you must go steady a bit first then think of it
afterwards. Are you listening properly to me? For girls, it is more acceptable
to watch a romantic love movie. No matter what is said, you should first indulge
her.” Kota asks him what about the text[/sms], in the past, she would always
write back a text to him a few second..and now, it is always late before she’ll..
Hinase tells him to send more funny texts to the girl. “Do not always ask
interrogating text questions, it will make someone get fed up with it.” Kota
says okay.

Letting out a laugh, Chihiro covers her mouth. Then she bursts
into laughter. She says that whether a horror film is too early or too late,
Hinase would unexpectedly give a love consultation. “That Hinase would unexpectedly..”
She stops laughing when Hinase that she is very cute when she’s smiling.
Chihiro looks at him in surprise. Hinase tells her that compared to pretending
to be cold, he thinks that for her to smile like that is cuter. Chihiro blushes
then starts to look aghast. Hinase exclaims in surprise that she went back to
how she was before when he was obviously praising her. Looking away, Chihiro
says that she won’t and this has nothing to do with him. “This is my normal
attitude.” Hinase frowns. He suddenly grabs her face. Blushing Chihiro exclaims
he is doing. Then, Hinase pinches her cheeks together. He starts to chuckle and
says that it is very cute. “Very cute. This is quite good, Shichimi’s octopus
mouth~~ *Chihiro tries to tell him to stop* It’s very cute, Tachibana. *This
made Chihiro blush and tells him to let her go* You’re very cute.” Chihiro
thinks, “Obviously, my face has been made into a strange expression. I
obviously feel quite humiliated. How come I’m infuriated? No. This is
absolutely impossible. My heart is unexpectedly beating quite strangely.” In
front of her house, Chihiro timidly bids him goodbye for this is already her
house. She also thanks him for walking her home. Hinase smiles and says that he
also wants to thank her for helping him sew his uniform. Blushing Chihiro says
that it is nothing. He tells her that while he hasn’t left, she should quickly
go in. Chihiro says yes. She goes in the gate. Hinase tells her okay, then, see
you tomorrow. Chihiro blushes a bit as she watches Hinase leave. Then, she
notices a small omamori [Japanese charm/amulet] on the ground. She opens the
gate and picks it up. She wonders if it is Hinase’s. She looks at the street
but he is already gone. Holding the omamori, she thinks, “I didn’t imagine that
he’ll unexpectedly mention about Nanjou.. *closes eyes* Today, I felt like I
have seen a lot of Hinase’s sides.. Admired by a kouhai. Thought highly by an
elder. It is really quite unexpected. Just now, he played a joke[/made fun of
her]. But, the moment he holds the shinai, he would immediately have that
serious expression on his face.. Actually, which one is the real Hinase? Wrong,
definitely, no matter which one, is the true Hinase, right? I only don’t know
[that]. Perhaps, Hinase has a lot more different sides.. I obviously really
hate him. I obviously should really hate him.. *blush* But, I want to find out
more about Hinase’s everything..” Blurb: “If we were to give a name to this

Comment: And, thanks to the stalker, Hinase and Chihiro got
a bit closer. That stalker is indeed quite creepy. I wonder if Hinase would
deal with that guy next time he goes to school. I think he probably belongs to
the club who wants Chihiro to join. Apparently, something did happen during
that competition that Hinase is not joining the kendo club. What could it be?
He doesn’t seem injured but then, he is only doing basics. Maybe there is a
reason to it which is related to why he cried after losing the competition?
Maybe he made a deal with someone or something. Since his father’s friend is a
kendo teacher, I wonder if it has something to do with his father. I don’t
quite believe his reason that it is troublesome to bring his uniform home for
his mother to sew it. Still, if it is about the competition, he did take the
entrance exam to that school afterward it. It doesn’t seem to jive. Well, it is
enough for Chihiro to be concerned and curious about it. Hehe, I think Kota
will always think of Chihiro as Hinase’s girlfriend. =P The couple’s
interactions are quite good and amusing. It seems that Hinase will always think
that Chihiro still likes Nanjou. And, Chihiro seems to be a bit confused with
her feelings as to whether to hate or like Hinase. =P I don’t know if Hinase
has shown those various sides of himself to other girls but Hinase is lucky to
see those sides of Chihiro – knowing she can sew and laughing – since the other
guys don’t know about that. Interestingly, Chihiro didn’t think that Hinase
might be experienced with girls since he can even give a love advice. And,
lastly, this time around, it is Hinase who dropped something. This is a bit
similar with Rino dropping her frog doll and it being picked up by Kirigaya. I
wonder how things went with the other couple. Scans by 深雪汉化组
Quote of the day:
The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when
they get to know each other. ~ James T Kirk