Holding up a credit card, Ritsuki exclaims that he has a
black card so it is okay. Also holding up a credit card, Towako says that if it
is the black one, she also has it. She tells him that she has many watches so
let’s go. Ritsuki looks flustered. While walking upstairs, Ritsuki grabs a leaf
from the tree and grumbles that for Towako to say don’t buy..don’t girls like famous
brand watches. Towako scolds him for recklessly picking the leaves. Then, she
notices that he is doing something. She asks him what that is. Ritsuki says
that it is out of habit. It turns out that he has torn the stalk of the leaves
in half and made it look like a butterfly. Ritsuki is surprised over how happy
Towako over how cute the butterfly leaf is. “You’re amazing!” This made Ritsuki
start to show off by picking the leaves that has fallen on the stairs. He tells
her that he can do others. He makes a fox, a rabbit and.. He gives her a
beautiful flower. Towako happily says that the Ginkgo biloba leaves have become
a rose and it is so beautiful. [<- amusingly, that plant is said to help
memory problems ^^] This made Ritsuki blush. Towako asks how come he knows a
lot. She notices that he isn’t reacting that she calls out his name again. He
sadly tells her that there are a lot of Ginkgo biloba at the courtyard when he
is at the child welfare agency. When she asks about the welfare agency, Ritsuki
opens up by telling her that he doesn’t have parents. “When I was born, I
didn’t know where my father is. Afterwards, my mother died because of illness.
I’ve always been poor. *a guy is shooing young dirty Ritsuki away, women are
gossiping about him, and other kids are laughing at him* and doing bad things
everywhere that I thought of earning lots more money by myself. I felt that
with only money, I can accomplish anything. I obviously always thought that way
but fate is truly ridiculous. *sad flustered smile* The current me has money
but what makes you happy is unexpectedly the past me who don’t have money.”
Towako exclaims that isn’t true for the current Ritsu gave her the rose.
Flustered and grinding his teeth, Ritsuki says, “But.. I.. It’s only because
you have forgotten that I have done a lot of things to harm you.. The current
me..” Towako exclaims, “I don’t know that Ritsu you’re talking about. The Ritsu
I know would wholeheartedly and single-mindedly only think about things that
would make me happy. This has nothing to do with methods whether it is money or
Ginkgo biloba. I was able to feel your intention[/feelings] and I’m truly
really happy. This has nothing to do.. with money and Ginkgo biloba.. ..you
were always alone. And being alone, you’re lonely. But what will satisfy you
isn’t money! As long as the person you valued is beside you..then, you’ll be
happy!” Flustered Ritsuki wonders why Towako knows this. He leans his head on
her shoulder and holds her shoulder. He says, “..Ya. I also know. *flashback of
his younger self playing with the leaves* Actually, I wanted someone to be at my
side but..” Towako is moved but she notices that he still had that sad.. Towako
says, “Hey, Ritsu. You have that expression. That is because you did ‘very
mean’ things, right?” Ritsuki didn’t reply. Pulling him up from her, Towako
asks, “And right now, are you still doing it? You actually don’t like it,
right?” With wide eyes, Ritsuki says ya, that’s right. He is stunned when
Towako says, “Then, it’s fine to just don’t do it!! Since it is something that
makes you regret it, then stop! It also makes you have that kind of sad
expression, so end it!”

So, Yuuga backs away and learns that Towako has amnesia. It
does seem that Tsubaki is hinting about the main problem of Kyousuke and
Ritsuki’s ‘control the economy’ scheme but from how things are going, Yuuga
doesn’t have to worry about that since Towako is going to deal with that one. Yuuga
just have to get the courage and initiative to get Towako back. It is indeed
ironic that that the ‘poor Ritsuki’ is the one who can make Towako happy.
Actually, since Towako is already quite rich, the things that money can buy
won’t exactly appeal to her anymore. Just like Ritsuki, she has been lonely
when she was a kid. And just like her, the first one who showed ‘kindness in a
moving way’ is the one Ritsuki would fall for. After all, what’s more moving
than doing all sorts of despicable things including attempted rape, and yet,
Towako even nursed him when he was sick. I guess it helps since Ritsuki is
‘redeemable’. I’m amazed at how the author is using Towako’s amnesia to solve
the root problem instead of just using it as the usual romantic ploy. It
actually has a purpose because the Towako who didn’t know what Ritsuki did
before, can be sincerely very nice to Ritsuki and convince him to give up their
grand scheme which he probably starts to regret now especially since it is a
‘black mark’ if Towako starts to remember and other than the fact that the one
she actually likes is Yuuga. Whether he is sincere or not, it will be proven if
he indeed gives up their grand scheme for her and also, in a way, for him since
doing it won’t exactly make him happy in the end. This is pretty much like the
arc before on how Towako is helping her other suitors’ problems/issues but of
course, in the end, she’ll be back in Yuuga’s arms again ^^ So, honestly, I’m
not worried for Yuuga since they are already a ‘confirmed’ couple. Of course,
we’ll get to see him chasing after Towako this time around...soon. =P Scans by
Quote of the day:
It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according
to what he is, not according to what he has. ~ Henry Ward Beecher