Karin stomps her foot and shouts for him not to
treat her like a fool for she won’t decide to get married just because of her
parents’ persuasion. “If the other party isn’t you, Tsuruki-senpai, I
absolutely wouldn’t have accepted it! So, Karin isn’t pitiful nor not loved!!”
Surprised Nao asks if could it be that towards him, she.. Karin blushes for she
had just confessed. Looking away, she shouts for him not to mind that too much
for aside from him, there is no one else whom she wanted to go steady with so..
Nao asks if she is saying ‘going steady’ as in outward appearance. [<- I
think he meant that he wants to go steady with him just because he is good
looking.] Karin says yes, that’s the major premise and he’s also good in
sports, and also intelligent..those kind of rumors.. Nao smiles and says,
“Rumors.. because of that, you’ve fallen for me.. Ha.. that’s great. It’s
totally unnecessary to sympathize with you. *Karin is shock* I fundamentally
thought that totally regardless of your feelings, you were you were forced to
marry me. *sighs and removes jacket* And I also felt guilty over using you..
*throws jacket on the futon* Oriyama, you are the type who can marry an
unfamiliar guy just because the outward appearance is not bad.. *removes
necktie and looks serious* I hate the most that kind of superficial, ignorant
girl.” Karin goes into shock over ‘hate the most’. Unbuttoning his sleeves, Nao
says that even if he said that, it is a fact that they are married so it is
inevitable that they live together. He smiles and says, “In short, let us first
properly lay down the rules. We are TO TREAT EACH OTHER AS AIR. We’ll live
together like that. *a ‘act as if the other doesn’t exist’ rock hits Karin’s
head* Rule 1: ‘Do your own thing’. Laundry, cooking, these things don’t have to
be mentioned. About dirty places, tidy it by oneself. It isn’t necessary for
you make my share of the food because we are newly married. You also don’t need
to help me in sweeping the room type of stuff. *another ‘don’t mind newly wed
stuff* rock hits Karin’s head* Ah, that’s right. Rule 2: ‘Do not conveniently
just go in the other person’s room’. Even if this door doesn’t have a lock, but
please don’t just casually pull open the door. Rule 3: ‘Regarding this
marriage, only the two of us would know this secret’.”

The rocks flew away from Karin’s head. Karin asks
if this is to protect her from those peculiar glances of bystanders. Nao says
no, because he just finds it annoying that he has to clearly explain things to
each and everyone about it. Karin gets crushed by an ‘it’s because it’s very
troublesome’ rock. She is surprised when he adds, “And.. in any case, we’ll
divorce [anyway]. I worked on it earlier. When I’m independent, I’ll quickly
prepare the divorce. Relax, relax, in this current era, it isn’t that rare to
have ‘instant marriage instant divorce’. *smiles* Rule 4: ‘Regarding love
whatever, it is also OK for one to freely do things in accordance to one’s
wishes.’ All right, that’s all. Good night.” Then, he closes the door of his
bedroom. Outside the door, Karin is trembling. Her legs lose strength that she
kneels down on the floor in shock. She tries to comprehend what just happened
and all the things that Nao just told her. Flustered and slightly teary-eyed,
she thinks that compared to that, he said that he hates her the most. Karin is
surprised when Nao opens the door and says that he forgot something. He bends
down to her and says, “Oriyama.. *holds a cloth to her* This..” Karin mutters,
“Senpai..” She thinks that he wants to comfort her and would tell her that the
things he said just now are all just a joke. To her dismay, Nao throws the
cloth which turns out to be a rag on her head. He tells her to wipe clean the places
where she walked in with her shoes. “Rule 5: ‘Don’t wear shoes in the house’.
Don’t make me teach you each and everything.” Then, he goes in his room again. Later
on, Karin tries to call her parents on her cellphone but they are totally not
answering. She throws away her phone in frustration. While hitting the futon,
she exclaims how can she sleep in such an old and stinky futon, and how can she
in such a disgusting place.. Recalling him telling her ‘hate the most’, Karin
mutters, “Even saying good night.. When obviously there’s no love.. *sitting
with her head on her bended knees* Basically, it’s impossible to

Comment: So, Nao has finally shown his true side..but is it
really his true side? I find everything he said to be a bit too convenient. Is
it possible that he’s just pretending to be mean? What I have in mind is
something like ‘Taming of the Shrewd’ = making Karin suffer and everything in
order for her to change her ways. If that is so, this is still way too mean
even if as Nao said that she is indeed quite superficial and ignorant. A part
of me wants Karin to find someone else or something..haha, but like in most
shoujo and obviously from the covers, he’s the one whom she’ll end up with.
Also, it is already stated that there is no other guy in school whom she likes.
But, I’m really hoping that Karin won’t be a martyr type. She can lose the
‘spoiled brat and ‘the world revolves around me’ attitude but I hope she won’t
lose her strong will. Hm..can’t she just divorce him first so that he can’t
‘use’ her for his own goals? Unless she has pride and there are other stuff
hindering her later on..or she might want to get even with him. After all, she
can just break those rules that he is imposing and they can pretty make life
hell for each other and in the end, the one who ‘doesn’t give up’ wins. =P I do
find it suspicious that her parents aren’t answering her calls, made their
precious daughter live in such a place, and not researching properly about Nao
and Nao’s parents. Even if he is a doting father and everything, Karin’s father
worked hard to become rich and I think he has to be intelligent enough not to
be fooled easily. Hehe, unless, he is the type who isn’t good in dealing with
pretentious people like his daughter. It is interesting that Nao is drawn with
a ‘nice smiling’ face. In either case if that is his true personality or he is
just acting, I won’t really know which it is really. ^^; Since he hates superficial girls, I guess that is the reason
why he didn’t treat any of his fangirls in a special way. For now, I’m assuming
he has a dual personality. Assuming what he said about his parents is true, it
is kind of ironic since he hinted on not liking his parents because of their
‘dual personality’ and ‘sacrifice others for one’s own benefit’ yet, he is
doing the same thing. Anyway, I wonder how Karin will survive this since she
used to have maids and everything. Since Nao seems to be okay with all that and
is a bit picky about cleanliness, I guess he isn’t spoiled like Karin..but
then, he did mention that his father is in financial trouble. Well, at least,
Karin will realize how hard it is to work and how badly she treated those chefs
who made her birthday cake. =P Hm..I’m actually curious what Karin will do
afterwards for there are a lot of possibilities if one finds oneself in that
kind of predicament especially given her personality. Scans by all★wink汉化组
Quote of the day:
Never idealize others. They will never live up to your
expectations. ~ Leo Buscaglia.