By the bench, outside the school building, Tsubaki
is drinking his juice and thinking that Kanoko has that kind of impression
about him. Sayuri arrives and asks how come he is idly sitting there. Tsubaki
says that given the situation, it is quite terrifying if he couldn’t control
himself = hug Kanoko and happily say that she’s so cute. Sayuri says that
compared to that, didn’t he notice that there are girls secretly taking his
picture. Tsubaki says that he’ll let them be this time. He asks her what she is
doing. Thinking that there is something about today’s Tsubaki, Sayuri says that
she is busy with the elections. While the fangirls are wondering what those two
are talking about and they look like a good pair, Sayuri asks if something
happened during summer vacation like some progress with Kanoko, did he confess.
Tsubaki says no, nothing at all, and Kanoko is also quite clueless. Lately, he
starts to think that it isn’t bad either to keep this up since their
relationship is quite good. Then, he thinks that even if he said that, he was
really displeased when she kept on avoiding him during summer vacation that it
really hurt him. Tsubaki asks her about any progress with Hijiri. Sayuri says
that they are still friends. Sayuri thinks that Tsubaki isn’t the same as the
usual..he looks quite confident. Tsubaki is actually happy that Kanoko always
thought that he is handsome from the start. This irks Sayuri. In 2-A, Hijiri
wonders what’s holding Sayuri up. He decides to look for her but instead,
overhears Tsubaki’s fangirls saying that Tsubaki looks quite happy today and it
could be because he is talking with Sayuri. He goes back to class and finds
Sayuri already there. Sayuri says that she went to get the support of the third
year students. She is quite confident that she can easily win this that they
don’t have to do anything but Hijiri disagree for he wants an overwhelming
victory. He asks her what she is talking about with Tsubaki since he overheard
it from some girls. They were supposed to have given up on persuading Tsubaki
to join the student council so there’s no need to scout him out. Sayuri says
that they are not talking about the election. He asks what they are talking
about. Recalling what happened, Sayuri is shock that they are talking about
each other’s love life. She is quite embarrassed over it since she never talked
about that with someone. Sayuri just tells Hijiri that it isn’t important. When
class start, Hijiri thinks that if it isn’t important, why Sayuri won’t tell
him? In the newspaper club room, Hitoyoshi tells the members that they are
going to do a special edition of the election candidates. He tells them to read
through the schedule of work he has prepared. Reading the instruction booklet,
Kanoko thinks that it is written too detailed as if it is for an elementary
student. She assumes that this is preparation for Okyou to become next year’s
club president. Hitoyoshi says that the candidates aren’t confirmed yet so
they’ll work when everything is confirmed. In the meantime, club meeting is

While walking at the hallway, Kanoko asks if
Tsubaki is free. She says that since club meeting ended early, does he want to
go and have a cold drink since she got free coupon. Because Tsubaki is
surprised, Kanoko apologizes for he might not want to go. Tsubaki says no, for
is she really going home right now, doesn’t she have some sort of plan
regarding the election. He is anticipating her to ask if he is free, can he
help her out. He says that it is because during the summer vacation, she told
him that the election preparation is complete. Kanoko sighs and says that she
is anticipating that Yabuki will join the election. Tsubaki asks why when the
third years couldn’t join in the election. Kanoko says that it is a former rule
and it isn’t absolute and it isn’t like third year students couldn’t join club
activity afterwards [so why not the student council, too?]. Kanoko is
anticipating a battle between Sayuri and Yabuki because without a competition,
there is no meaning to the war[/election]. Tsubaki thinks that isn’t that quite
advantageous to him. Since Hijiri is busy with helping out Sayuri to win, he
won’t be bothering them. Because Kanoko is lately bothered that she had always
avoided him during summer vacation, she invited him to go out. And, the most
important thing of all, Momoka isn’t around because during summer vacation,
Kanoko ignores him and kept on having fun with Momoka. After a dark smile, Tsubaki
is very happy that he shouts that they go have cold drink, and even dinner
since he got free coupons, too. Kanoko wonders what’s up with Tsubaki’s evil
grin. On the second day, Kanoko notices a ruckus among the posters that she
happily looks. To her shock, Otabe is also joining the presidency race. Kanoko
starts to recall Otabe’s harassment. She didn’t think of this possibility so
what could he be planning. She freaks out when Otabe calls out to her. She
quickly runs then at a corner, she wonders if she ought to go upstairs or the
hallway. Just when she decides to go upstairs, someone grabs her wrist and
pulls her to the side. It is Yabuki who is ‘hugging’ her. While she blushes, he
tells her to be quiet for they will be found out if she makes a sound. After
Otabe goes upstairs, Yabuki lets her go. He tells her that Otabe will chase
after her whichever she went [so it is better to hide]. She nervously thanks
him. He tells her that she did something unnecessary because she is the one who
caused the third year students to keep on joining school activities. Kanoko
tries to deny it but Yabuki says that it is already written all over her face,
‘yes [she is the one]’. He tells her that the boundary between school council
and club activity isn’t clear and if Otabe becomes president, he will use the
position for personal gain and abuse of power. Kanoko imagines Otabe wanting to
merge the news club with the school council and make her his secretary. Yabuki
felt responsible that this had happened because of his neglect so he is also
going to join the election. Before leaving, Yabuki tells Kanoko that she is
also responsible and hinted for her to keep this quiet about things that
shouldn’t be talked about.

Kanoko is startled when Tsubaki calls her from
behind. While she screams about not frightening her like that, he lamely asks
what was that just now – blushing while she was hugged? Kanoko shouts since
when was he standing there and at least make a sound. He shouts that he was
shock that he couldn’t move and what was that just now. How come she doesn’t
have that reaction when he hugs her. To his shock, she says that it is because
it is Yabuki, and it is about height. Since Yabuki isn’t as tall as Tsubaki,
when he talked, his breath is on her ear. Tsubaki also wants to do that to
Kanoko that she shouts that’s disgusting and is he an idiot. Then, Tsubaki
notices Sayuri at the side. She made a mocking ‘you’re awful’ look. This
infuriates Tsubaki. Kanoko wonders why Sayuri walks away quite happy. Meanwhile,
in section 2-A, flyaway
hair underling [I don’t know his name] is panicking for Otabe joined the
election so how can Sayuri win. Hijiri says that it will be hard since Otabe
has funds. Sayuri arrives and reprimands flyaway hair underling. Sayuri and Hijiri greet
each other good morning. Hijiri comments that Sayuri seems to be in a good
mood, did something good happen. Sayuri says he knows, well, she saw something
interesting at the hallway. Hijiri asks if it is Tsubaki. Sayuri says that he
answered right. Flyaway hair underling asks her if Tsubaki is more important
than the election. Sayuri sighs and says that it is true for not only Otabe,
Yabuki is also joining. Hijiri asks where she got that information. Sayuri says
that she overheard it and those two [Otabe & Yabuki] made her a bit uneasy.
Smiling Sayuri whispers to Hijiri that they will now start anew in getting
votes. Hijiri smiles back and, says yes, no matter what method use, he’ll make
her become president. At 1-G, Tsubaki rejects Kanoko’s suggestion. Kanoko
shouts that they have to stop Otabe from becoming president. Tsubaki shouts
back that he knows that but why would they have an alliance with Yabuki and not
Sayuri. Tsubaki says that Sayuri’s camp has Yabuki who would use all method to
win so things won’t change if she goes there. They are also second year
students so they cannot let them on their plan. Also, after half a year, Yabuki’s
group will be gone. Tsubaki still refuses. Kanoko says that it isn’t like she
is asking for his help. Tsubaki shouts that no matter what she does, he wants
to help her so what is she unsatisfied about. Kanoko blushes and says that she
felt a bit happy about that. “No matter what, in the end, you’ll support me and
this really puts me at ease.” Blushing a bit, Tsubaki shouts for her to relax,
he will always stand at her side. With that, Tsubaki fell into the trap for Kanoko
says that she will now go to the third year classroom and thank you. Leaving
aghast Tsubaki, Kanoko leaves the room. At 3-A, Kanoko tells Yabuki that she
will be supporting him. While filling up the form, Yabuki refuses for he doesn’t
need it. Kanoko insists that she is responsible and she will help him in this
election, she won’t just be silent. Yabuki finally agrees. Kanoko is getting
excited over this three way war. In the end, she is a girl who also likes proxy
wars. And in this proxy war, she is going to fight for Yabuki and use her own
power to make him become president.

Comment: Kanoko is going to get her wish for a fun 3-way
election and of course, she is out to win. It will be a narrow win with votes
being split into three. Guys would most probably vote for Sayuri. Those who
want to the ‘usual’ would vote for Yabuki. Since Otabe is said to have funds,
maybe he’ll use bribe. Poor Tsubaki..it seems that he is going to be in the
same situation as before since Kanoko threw her hat in the election. That
means, there are no more quality date time with her. =P Well, at least, he’ll
probably sneak in whatever lovey-dovey moments whatever he can get. Kanoko
really got him there to always be at her side..even if he objects. =P Scans by 红莲汉化组.
Quotes of the day:
Elections determine who is in power, but they do not determine
how power is used. ~ Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest
Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done about It