To her shock, Tora asks her up to when she is going to stay
there. Tora is sitting on Maki’s shoulder to see her from above the cubicle.
They tell her that Cedric is busy with some kids whom Tora arranged to distract
him so hurry and come with them. At some place, Misaki is surprised that she is
wearing a maid uniform again. Tora says that even if she doesn’t like it, it is
the same uniform with the maids in that place. It would be easier for her to
sneak in Usui’s room. Tora tells Maki to see if they can still delay things.
After he left, Tora asks if she lost her guts. She tells him that she is
confused whether she is doing the right thing or not. Tora calls her stupid and
says of course not, because Usui’s existence is the people’s hope and they are
happy over that news so what she is doing is totally killing that news. She ought
to know that how much one struggles, one won’t be paid back. Seeing her as an ‘on
the go’ president of Seika, he had already anticipated that ‘only this wall
cannot be stepped over’. There is a fatal weakness between her and Usui’s ‘going
steady’, the perfect qualified her who is ‘a responsible, strong and
outstanding president’. As Tora corners her to the wall, he says that even
towards love, she would selflessly give all her energy to pray for other people’s
happiness and she won’t choose the path wherein she will only be the one who’ll
attain happiness. Misaki looks flustered. Tora says that even so, he has taken
a liking to that side of her. She angrily tells him that is enough for didn’t
he think of her as a house pet. Tora tells her that for her to say that
actually simplify matters but unfortunately, he won’t do these kinds of things for
a pet. He clenches his fist and tells her to remember this, he is saying that
he is treating her as a girl whom he likes and if she doesn’t believe him, how
about she let him hug her and love her dearly. This made blushing Misaki push
him away. Tora comments that her reaction is not bad. He tells her that is
enough talk, they don’t have much time so quickly go and if she is found, she
just decide on her own what she ought to do. While walking around with a map,
she recalls what Tora said. Then, she finds the door and calls out to Usui. He
calls her back. Just when she is asking if he is alright, Misaki starts to tear
up and thinks that she wants to say a lot but she couldn’t say it. Someone
calls out to her that she isn’t allowed there. Misaki tells Usui that she’ll
come back and wait for her. Then, she runs off. This finally made Usui to move.

Since the formal introduction is about to start, the maid
goes to give Usui’s clothes. Usui uses his dazzling half-naked appearance to
bewilder the maid and make his escape. They kept on asking him where he is
going alone. And he is able to move forward by servants to fix his clothes or
dazzling the maids. Soon, Misaki is cornered by the balcony. With his men,
Cedric tells Misaki to give it up. Recalling Usui jumping down before for her,
Misaki decides to jump for it rather than give up. Inside, while Usui is
telling a maid about his shirt, he looks surprised for outside the window, Tora
is carrying injured, and unconscious Misaki. Misaki wakes up and tells Tora to
put him down but he tells her not to move too much. Misaki insists that she will
save Usui this time around. Standing on the balcony, Usui tells Tora to put her
down. Then, he also jumps down and says that he doesn’t want her to be touched as
one pleases, because she is his exclusive maid. While the people are dazzled
over how cool and prince-like Usui is, Tora says that he really likes to make a
scene and does he know what he is doing. Usui answers back that in order to
protect his most beloved thing, he doesn’t choose the method to break out. Tora
comments that he is conscious over doing silly things. Usui says afterwards, he
should give her back to him. Misaki shouts for him not treat her like a thing. Tora
says forget it and first let him say, ‘thanks for the hospitality[/entertainment]’.
Usui looks dark and takes Misaki. Misaki couldn’t believe that it is Usui. And,
they kiss. She thinks that in the end, he is quite cunning. He asks her about
her wound. She says that she is okay so let her down. While they argue about
putting her down, Usui suddenly shouts to Gerald his apology for making a
ruckus. Gerald comments that they are quite gutsy. This made Misaki embarrassed
for kissing in public with so many people watching. Gerald is telling someone
to treat Misaki’s injury and for Usui to change his clothes and give everyone...
Someone shouts that isn’t necessary. They are all surprised to see Usui’s
grandfather with Gilbert.

Comment: Yay, they are together again. As I thought, Usui can get out
easily if he really wanted to. And finally, he did it..after Misaki came all
the way to get him or rather, is in front of his confined room. He also quit
fooling around when she got injured and is in Tora’s arms. =P I guess it is
just the author’s way of making things grand and dramatic. At the start, Misaki’s
entrance is really quite funny and Tora seems to be having fun. I guess aside
from doing this for someone he likes, Tora is doing this for entertainment from
his otherwise boring ‘pre-determined’ life. Until Gerald mentioned about
knowing that Tora helping her, I never realized how much Tora is risking here. What
he talked about with Misaki reminds me of the series, Karetan! It is about
trying to get the guy for love vs letting him be for many other people needed/love
him. In Karetan’s case, trying to get the guy away from showbiz wherein he is a
popular singer and just be the girl’s lover. Usually, readers would root for
the couple, right? So, I’m surprised when some Chinese readers call the girl
selfish instead for only thinking of her own happiness and not the others. ^^; Well,
whichever it is, it is pretty much depends on what one believes is the right thing to do. In this
series, I really think that this is a problem that can be talked over with. From
how Usui’s grandfather object to what Gerald said, I guess he doesn’t approve
of what Gerald is doing. And, I also think he is doing this the wrong way = acting like a villain. So, if
things work out during the talk/negotiation-whatever, if there is any, maybe
Usui can go back to Japan with Misaki. Hm..maybe they can just take him back
later on after he graduates and/or go there with Misaki. And, everyone is
happy. If that happens, I think this arc can be concluded and they can just
finish their high school life since it is already at their third year’s summer
vacation. Scans by 红莲汉化组.
Quote of the day:
What you have to do and the way you have to do it is
incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter. ~
Peter F. Drucker