April 4, 2020

Kore wa ai de koi janai [Chapter 6]

Narration: “I thought that Hidaka will definitely be partial to imouto’s side... *Yusei saying that the one who wanted this bracelet at that time is Ren.* Even if it feels that during the matsuri, he gave it to imouto...

But this time around, it feels that he is giving it to me... This is bad... This kind of feeling!!! *blushing* Why do I feel so happy-!!! I’ll wear it everyday. No...!! *dressed in house clothes* It is quite tactless to wear it in front of imouto...”
She goes out the room to see Yusei teaching Manami how to form hamburger patties. This made Ren’s chest feel gloomy. Pointing at herself, Ren says that they’re making dinner? “Do you want me to also help out?”

With an aura of do not bother me, Manami says, “Ren-senpai, please go sit over there. With my [body] condition, if you fall down, it will be very dangerous.”

Ren tensely thinks, “Ah~~ it seems that I can see what’s behind imouto-chan’s back. There is obviously a written ‘do not bother me’ kind of feeling to it~~”
Ren exclaims, okay, then she’ll be good and wait for dinner! And, she goes to watch TV. Ren glances at the two. Yusei is telling Manami how to cook. Ren thinks that it turns out that is how it looks when she [Ren’s body] stands beside Yusei--...

“It feels that the height... *blushes* it seems that it is very compatible!!!? *imagines herself standing next to Yusei and saying ‘really like [him]♥’* Ah, geez, what the heck am I thinking-!!!” 
At the dining table, the siblings serve some salad and hamburgers. Manami says that it’s done. Ren exclaims wow, so amazing. Noticing Ren looking at him, Yusei asks what is it. Ren says that it is...nothing, let’s eat [/itadakimasu]...

Later on, while Yusei is washing the dishes, Ren asks where Manami is. Yusei tells her that he made her go take a bath first. Ren says ah...take a bath. She freezes while thinking, take a bath...

Just then, Manami goes out of the bathroom. She says that she’s finished... Aghast Ren shouts, wait, stop--!!! She thinks that right now, she’s bare-faced!! [no make-up] “I absolutely must not let him see my [bare-]face!!”
Yusei asks what’s the matter, she’s all flustered... Covering Manami’s face, Ren shouts, “Don...Don’t look!!! I’m bare-faced right now---...” Ren is shocked that Yusei stares at Manami’s face and asks, “Who are you?”

He tells Ren, “Relax. Even if your bare face is really different [from your usual face], I’ll only think, ‘As expected.’” Ren shouts in disbelief. “Ah-!? Darn-!! You’re so mean!!! You should say that it is no big deal.” Manami looks surprised over the two’s interaction.
Gloomy Ren goes to the bathroom and says, “Forget it, I’ll take a bath already...” Yusei says ya, go, go. Then, he notices Manami and asks her what’s the matter.

Manami says that it always feels that he has already changed. “...because... when you are talking with Ren-senpai, you... *Yusei is puzzled* ...forget it. It’s nothing...”

In the bathtub, aghast Ren holds her face and laments, “Ah~~!!! My bare face was seen..!! No~~~ Without make-up, the difference is so big~~~ When we’re talking normally, I also feel indescribably nervous...” *
She blows bubbles in the water and mutters, “Also when we quarrel, I also don’t feel I hate him as much as before...?? *holds her blushing face* Is it better that I have this kind of feeling when we quarrel? Could it be that it’s only me!? It’s over. What am I thinking!!! Could this be love...!!?”

The school dismissal bell has rung. A guy stretches and says that school is over. A couple of guys laments over their physics’ grade. Just when Yusei is standing up, Manami calls out to him.

Ponytail [Ren’s friend] suddenly hugs Manami from behind. She shouts, “Ren- Since school dismissal is early, let’s go and hang out together- Ren, where do you want to go!?”
Yusei is already telling his friend that he’s going home. Ponytail says, “No way, Ren? You won’t say things like studying, right? Even if there is a short quiz tomorrow-

*Wanting to call Yusei, Manami says, ah--* But then, Ren, you’re not the type of person who would do that~~ Then, how about we have some milk tea-?” Manami says that she won’t go.

Looking irked, she shouts, “I...already had enough with you people. Do not come and ask me out again...!!” Shouri is puzzled that she calls out Ren’s name.
Ponytail nervously says ah, that’s right. “There are times when you are not in the mood to go out. *Manami looks flustered* I’ll just invite you next time!”

While walking out, Shouri asks Ponytail what’s up with Ren. Ponytail asks if Shouri thinks that Ren is acting strange lately!? After overhearing that, Yusei slightly knocks Manami’s head. Manami turns to him and says, “Brother...”

Yusei says, “Even if I know that you have no way of acting like Yaotome as she used to, but just now, wasn’t that a bit too much? Yaotome, that girl, is definitely also doing her best to act like you, right?” This made Manami look flustered.
She suddenly shouts, “I don’t want to hear your lecture... Brother, you idiot!!” Yusei looks aghast. The other classmates wonder, brother...? At the hallway, someone is calling out, “Hidaka, Hidaka Manami--” Ren turns and thinks that someone is calling her.

She sees a light-colored hair guy with earrings and necklace. Ren wonders who he is. The guy says, “You sort out those girls and give them a scolding- I saw it. Lately, you’re wearing loose socks?? Could it be that you are copying high school department’s Yaotome?”

Thinking that she got entangled with a frivolous junior high guy, Ren puts her hand on her waist and says no. “It is only because I felt that wearing it looks really good. That’s all there’s to it. Do you have any objections to it?”
The guy says of course, I have no objections. “What someone wears I is one’s own freedom, right!? Right now, you’re cuter like that!” Ren looks disgusted. She turns and quickly starts to walk away.

The guy is surprised that he shouts, how come she would immediately ignore him!? Not wanting to do deal with him, Ren says that she doesn’t like frivolous guys.
The guy says, ha? “But, I’m just talking with you. How come I’m being labelled as frivolous~” Ren says that he’s a guy who’ll immediately tell a girl she’s cute and that’s no good.

The guy says that he is very serious. “I have already decided not to play with social apps anymore but rather, naturally fall in love with a girl and have a dynamic romance with her.”

Ren asks what is...he saying... The guy says that he knows that she definitely says that he’s such an idiot. Sparkling Ren excitedly shouts, “I super super super know that kind of feeling-!!! I understand, I understand!!” The guy exclaims, “For...for real!!?”
At the shoe locker’s area, Yusei is waiting for Ren. Irked Yusei thinks that she’s so slow. While walking at the hallway, he angrily wonders what that girl is doing.

Then, he hears someone saying, “I really understand that kind of thinking.” Yusei thinks that  it is Ren’s voice. He sees a guy happily telling Ren that it is the first time he met someone who can understand his way of thinking.

Clenching her fists, Ren says that it is the same with her. Yusei suddenly interrupts by calling out, “...hey, what are you doing. Let’s go home.” Surprised Ren says, “Hida...brother!?”
The guy says, brother, came to fetch her? Ren says ya, then she’ll go ahead. The guy happily waves her goodbye. While walking at the streets, Yusei says, “Geez. Quickly go to the entrance after the exam is over. Dilly-dallying.”

Ren protests, dilly-dallying?! “Actually, there’s also no need for you to wait for me...” Yusei says that he isn’t waiting for her. Looking at Yusei who is walking ahead, Ren frowns and wonders, what’s going on. “It feels that Hidaka is angry...?”

Yusei says by the way, who is that guy. Ren asks if it is that guy just now. “Ah... I forgot to ask his name... But we really talk in the same language---” Yusei interrupts to tell her not to get involved with strange guys.
This made Ren blush in surprise. “Is he jealous!!? No, wait, wait... calm down, me!! Perhaps, he is simply worried about imouto getting involved with other guys... Even if I know he isn’t saying those words to me... but, his every word and action still affects my heart...”

Ren mutters that she’ll pay attention to that. Yusei glances at her and asks how come she is standing so far away from him. Ren tensely denies it. Then, her heart is moved when she looks at him. He is sparkling in her eyes. Yusei is puzzled.
Ren quickly looks away and shouts that it is nothing, nothing at all!! Yusei asks what is it, she should be...thinking in that direction, right? Standing in front of the elevators, blushing Ren denies it.

Yusei says, “Ha. I also don’t think too much about having a girl sleep on my shoulder and drool while sleeping.” Ren shouts that she doesn’t drool!!! She looks away and holds her blushing face.

She laments that in the end, her feelings are written all over her face. Yusei notices her face is reddish. He holds her shoulder and asks if she has a cold. Turning away from him, Ren says that she doesn’t have a cold...
He tells her to turn towards him so that he can check. “Hold up your forehead.” Ren says no, there’s no need... He manages to turn her towards him. Ren is blushing. Then, to his surprise, Yusei sees Ren’s real blushing and flustered face. He muttered, “...Yaotome...”

Ren closes her eyes and wonders what is it!? “Could it be that my feelings for him is already exposed-!!?” Yusai then says, “Don’t let others see your reaction just now because it is actually really ugly.” Ren goes ha? She shouts, “This...this is imouto-chan’s face-!!? On behalf of imouto-chan, I want to give you a beating-!!”

Turning away, Yusei casually says ah, the elevator is here. He goes in and wonders about what he just told Ren. “Obviously...it is Manami’s face. *flustered and tense* But, how come I just saw Yaotome’s.” Ren shouts hey, wait, she’s also getting on [the elevator].
Comment: Apparently, Yusei is a clueless-type and he is starting to fall for Ren. Manami is starting to notice the different kind of interaction her brother has with Ren. Even if Ren is giddy over being a good match she [in her original body] is with Yusei, I wonder how it is with Manami.

I mean, to see her ‘self’ interacting like that with Yusei though it is probably different with cooking since Ren and Yusei are practically interacting lively and Yusei is teasing her. That is probably something Yusei doesn’t do with other girls even with Manami.

Manami is becoming more dislikable as the story goes on. Perhaps, it is also because of the frustration that her plan isn’t going smoothly. Aside from the revelation about the switch, she doesn’t want to waste time acting as Ren. It doesn’t help that Yusei compared her to Ren in ‘acting’ to avoid suspicion from others about the switch.

Well, the ‘other guy’ is now introduced. His personality seems like Ren’s since he is lively and in a way, delinquent with the colored hair, earrings and necklace. He even hit it off with Ren in regards their personal view towards romance. I guess he’ll be the one who’ll make Yusei realize his feelings for Ren.

Now, I wonder what’s up with Yusei seeing Ren’s real face. Is that part of the bracelet’s ‘magic’ or it is because he is starting to fall for her? Scans by 正宮汉化组

Word of the day:
Those who freely give love and kindness are always recipients of them as well. ‘Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14’ ~ Mottos for Success by M.S. Fontaine


  1. "Manami is becoming more dislikable as the story goes on. Perhaps, it is also because of the frustration that her plan isn’t going smoothly"I agree but even if it were for this reason, this does not justify her, moreover she could have apologized to her companions for her behavior. I think that's also why she has no friends at school.(this is also Yusei fault for spoiling her too much even if with good intention) we'll see if Imouto's is true love or an obsession.
    Yusei and Ren are a little funny: yusei went to take Ren to his sister's school, for what reason? she doesn't know how to behave.
    As for the ending of the chapter, Yusei see the real face of Ren while he is in the body of imouto I don't know if it is the power of the bracelet (Ren said he would not have worn it, but maybe it is in his pocket)
    a curiosity since the whole time that the fake Ren stays late at home with Yusei, Ren's mother says nothing? in short she takes a bath there and eats there

    1. True.

      Ya, or like, he's falling for her, or it's out of habit? 😅

      I'm thinking something more like, the bracelet is about love and it somehow causes the one who is in love with her to see the real her. Something like that.

      Hm...true. No mention about the mother.

  2. He's falling for heeer omg! I think he saw ren's face because he is aware of their position and that he's starting to notice ren and even care for her. Manami is so selfish, not even thinkibg of ren's feelings, ruining her friends and family's relationship just cause she wants her brother. So annoying.

    Thanks kat. Youre so awesome��������

    1. Yup. Possible.

      Ya, and she seems to be quite desperate to take advantage of this opportunity.

      You're welcome and thanks for the comment ^-^
