It is now New Year’s Eve. Suzuna suggests that they go to
the hatsumode [first shrine visit] with Sakura and others. Misaki refuses to go
but Suzuna insists. Suzuna tearfully [fake] tells her that she is working too
hard that she’s worried about her so how about relaxing a bit. Soon, Suzuna is
pulling Misaki as they walk the streets. Misaki asks isn’t it too early and
Sakura wrote to her that it will be at 6pm. Suzuna quickly calls someone to
confirm the time. This surprises Misaki that Suzuna is close with Sakura. It
turns out that she called Usui who said that he’ll contact her again, and good
luck. Soon, Misaki is suspicious for Suzuna is bringing to her to some other
place. She is surprised to see the make-up pervert. Misaki tries to run away
but Suzuna stops her. She handcuffs Misaki and leaves her under the care of the
make-up pervert and the others. While Misaki is screaming, Suzuna thanks the
others for their help. The teddy girl says that they didn’t help her. After
giving them some snacks, Suzuna asks for another favor. Soon, the siblings are
driving Misaki to some other place. They comment that Suzuna has a future and
the sisters are different from each other. Reading Suzuna’s message that it is
all according to plan, Misaki realizes that she was totally deceived even if
she felt something is off. At the shrine, beautifully dressed Suzuna meets up
with Sakura, Kazuno and Hinata. After Misaki’s friends ask if she is alright
since she has been made up by that pervert, Sakura asks Hinata to say
something. Hinata says that it’s looks good and it suits her that it is
shocking that she dressed up beautifully. While walking together, Sakura says
that it is dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night so thanks to Hinata for
protecting them. Hinata tells them to leave it up to him. Hinata notices that
Suzuna is looking at him that he asks what it is. She tells him that she made herself
up for him. This made Hinata blush. Sakura tells him that it is too early for
him to say until spring this and that, and she is going to change her battle
plan. Hinata is puzzled. She tells him that from today on, she would no longer
be shy[/polite], she’ll be going in full force offensive attack so he better
prepare himself. Hinata is speechless over that.

At Usui’s apartment, beautifully dressed Misaki asks whose
idea is this, his or Suzuna. Usui tells her not to mind that and concentrate on
studying. Misaki angrily says that he likes to change the topic. Usui tells her
about giving her a gift of specially predicted test questionnaires for her to
use. Misaki says that they are supposed to go to the hatsumode so how come they
are at a different place from the others. She asks if it is because he wants
her to eat soba. Then, she’ll eat and study, and afterwards go home. Usui asks
her if it won’t do if she doesn’t work hard over THAT. She asks if he is
referring to studies, but of course, the exam is two weeks away. Usui says that
he isn’t opposing her chosen path and he even supports it. He just thinks that
she should be ill at ease[/constrained] over the college exam that is for
whatever position[/identity] that is needed to be at his side, and that is
something she decided on by herself. Misaki looks flustered. Just when she is
about to protest, Usui corners her on the wall. He tells her that he is
perplexed over a girlfriend paying attention to vanity. Even if he clearly
knows that she is studying hard for him but this is a bit over decorum[/over
the top]. Flustered Misaki asks in what way, she.. He asks if she didn’t notice
over why until now she is hiding the fact that she is working as a maid at the
cafe. She is always ‘because the president should be like this’, ‘related to
nobility, should be like that’. He doesn’t care about other people’s assessment
but she wants to be approved by others, right? Misaki exclaims what he is angry
about. Usui tells her that he’s lonely so he’s angry, okay. Misaki looks
embarrassed. Holding his shirt tight, she says that it cannot be helped for she
is fundamentally like that.. Usui says that he knows and he doesn’t want her to
change at all. “But, at least for tonight..” Usui suddenly kisses her. After
the kiss, Misaki says that she knows.. She kisses him back. To her shock, Usui
wants her to kiss him 106 times in accordance to the remaining number of bell
rings [for the New Year]. Dong..and he tells her that it is just in time. At
the shrine, Sakura asks how come Hinata’s face is all red. Fanning his face
with his hand, Hinata says that it is nothing and maybe because there are a lot
of people there. Shizuko asks Suzuna if that is the attack. Suzuna whispers
back that she is just starting. Next chapter will be out in Japan on July 24th.

Comment: I guess
Misaki tends to be overly concentrated on something which is usually her
studies/work that she tends to neglect Usui. I think that might be a potential
problem in the future so hopefully, after this, Misaki would be able to give a
bit more time for him. Usui is very understanding and patient about this. I
hope he doesn’t have to heavily hint and scheme this kind of things often for
Misaki to pay a bit of attention to him during her very busy times. I guess
making her kiss him 106 times is her punishment for her =P Gerald’s Christmas gift
is hilarious and the guy has a wicked sense of humor. And, Suzuna is apparently
very clever and manipulative. Even if it will be easy but I’m curious how she
will bait Hinata especially since she mentioned that is just the start. I hope
they become a couple by the time the series ends. ^^ Scans by 红莲汉化组
Word of the day:
Are you overwhelmed? Don’t lose sight of your priorities.
Spend time with the Lord. He will lift your load and give you the right perspective.
~ Our Daily Bread