Albrecht tells Win that even if he didn’t expect that
the two of them would be together, but for him to run away until now, he also
hasn’t changed, and Gabriel is having a huge headache. Win looks surprised and
asks if he has already been found out. “..is he angry..?” Albrecht says ya, and
he will be lectured after he goes back. Win groans. Nora tells them wait, do
they know each other. Just when Albrecht is saying who Win is, Win calls for
him to stop. Pulling him to the side, Win asks Albrecht to temporarily keep the
things about him a secret. Albrecht says that he really can’t help but relent
since it is him. Win chuckles and says that he really likes Albrecht’s flexible
nature. Raising an eyebrow, Nora wonders what they are whispering about and
surely, they know each other. Smiling Win tells Nora that he and Albrecht are
old friends. “Isn’t that so, Albrecht?” Albrecht says more or less. Nora thinks
that since they are ‘old friends’, he also knows about Albrecht being a devil,
and she feels that a lot of people knows about it. Win asks Nora about her and
Albrecht’s relationship. Just when Nora is about to tell him, Albrecht suddenly
hugs Nora to him and asks, “—from how this looks, what do you think is our
relationship?” Blushing Nora shouts for him to let her go and what is he doing.
Win looks dark. To Nora’s surprise, Win shouts, “How unfair!! I’m usually being
forcibly required to be poor[/poverty] and chaste[/chastity] but Albrecht can
go lovey-dovey with such a cute girl. How can this be..!! Isn’t that quite
unfair!” Nora gloomily mutters, forced..is he a priest. Win looks at the two and
exclaims, “—Okay. Let’s date. If it’s like this, the THREE OF US will go.” Nora
is shock for how it became like that. Soon, at a store, some girls are blushing
over the good-looking priests. Win asks Albrecht if Gabriel asked him to bring
him back. Albrecht says no, Gabriel only asked him to protect him [Win] and
keep him safe. Albrecht tells him that he is also told to pass the message of
‘Come back before it gets dark’. Win groans and says that after he returns, he
feels that it will be quite terrifying. Win comments that Nora isn’t only cute
but unless one gets near her, one won’t notice that girl’s aura isn’t the same
[with others]. “Is it because of those beautiful emerald eyes..?” Albrecht
smiles at him. They were interrupted by a girl who asks if she can mend
Albrecht’s ripped coat. Albrecht obliges. The girl tells him that Nora will be
out soon. In a pretty dress with her hair made up, Nora comes out and tells Win
that she changed her clothes like he requested and is this okay. While Albrecht
looks surprised, Win looks quite delighted that he holds Nora’s hand and
exclaims that it is really good and it is very cute. He says that in the end,
during a date, she must wear beautiful clothes. Nora just casually thanks him
for his praise. Win laughs and says that he really wants for the two of them to
be all alone at some place. Nora gloomily asks if he is really a priest. While
the salespeople thank them for their patronage, Win is already pulling Nora’s
hand and happily saying that they are going on a date. While they are walking
outside, Albrecht seems to have notice something about the crowd. Win calls out
to him so Albrecht follows the two.

While they are walking, Nora asks how come there
are so many people around. Win asks if she didn’t know. He says that it is
because tomorrow is the ‘Purifying Ceremony’. Albrecht says that it is a
ceremony to drive away the filth. Pointing to a huge building, he tells her
that ‘South’ cathedral is where the ceremony is going to be held tomorrow. Win
explains that all together, there are five cathedrals. The main cathedral is
situated at the ‘Central’. The other four are situated around the center in all
four directions: East, South, West, and North. Each ‘Purifying Ceremony’ is
held once at each of the four cathedrals. Last year, it is the ‘East’, so today
is the ‘South’, and next year, it is the ‘West’. So, for the commoners [around
a certain cathedral] it is a once every four years festive activity. During
that time, there will be a lot of stores opened and thus, there are many
people. Albrecht tells Nora that for the people, the biggest goal is the
‘Pope’. Glancing at Win, Albrecht says that aside from this kind of occasion,
there is no way to see the Pope. Win agrees and says because the Pope is the
‘Church’s highest authority. Thinking that since the pope is the Church’s
highest authority, Nora glances at Albrecht and thinks, “..so that means, he is
Albrecht’s..” Win tells them that the chatting is over for now, let’s continue
on with the date. Suddenly Albrecht and Win glance at the sides. Nora wonders
what’s with that strange aura. She is puzzled when Win calls Albrecht’s name
and Albrecht says that he knows. Win grabs Nora’s hand and tells her to come
with him. Nora is surprised and she tries to call out to Albrecht who is going
away. Albrecht tells her to be good. This infuriates Nora that she shouts that
she isn’t a kid. While Win pulls Nora along, she asks him where they are going.
He tells her that as much as possible, they have to go to a place where there are
no people around. Nora asks why. Win laments that obviously, it should be a
happy date so if they are coming, why couldn’t they wait after that [date]..
While Nora is confused over what’s going on, Win abruptly stops and says that
this place is okay. Glancing at the side, Win says, “Come out. You guys are
looking for me, right?” Nora wonders what he meant by come out and is someone
there. Soon, some men are slowing walking towards them and they are surrounded.
Back in the town, Albrecht has dealt with some of the men. He muses that the
amount of enemies are still the same as before. “It’s pretty much troublesome,
Win.” Back to Nora, she asks who these people are. Win laughs and says that it
is his enemies. Nora exclaims in disbelief that all of these people, and how
many people hates him. Win sheepishly says that he doesn’t know. Nora is
puzzled over how the men walk in a wavering manner [like zombies] that she says
that it is a bit strange. Win says that they are being controlled by someone.
While Nora wonders what he meant by that, Win holds up his hand and says how
pitiful. “Right now, I’m going to make you guys become relaxed.” Just when the
men are charging at them, they suddenly drop down like flies

Nora is surprised that she thinks that this guy is
quite frivolous in his words and actions that she can’t believe that he is a
priest but this kind of power- Win asks her if she is going to re-evaluate him.
Nora wonders if Win isn’t an ordinary priest. Win smiles and tells her not to
be so astonished. He mutters that she ought to also have this kind of power.
Nora is puzzled. He tells her that this is his specialty and given his status,
it is expected of him to be able to do things up to this degree but then, he is
abnormally weak against physical attacks. Then, Nora sees an archer on top of
the roof. He is getting ready to shoot at Win from behind. Nora quickly tackles
Win down to protect him. Win says that scared him and it is the first time he
has been pushed down by a girl. This embarrassed Nora that she shouts what he
is saying. She tells him to be quick or else, he’ll be killed so don’t act
leisurely. Just as the archer gets ready to aim again, Nora shouts for Win to
quickly stand up or else, he’ll get shoot at. Win tells her that it is okay for
on their side is..there is a reliable devil. Albrecht arrives and catches the
arrow with his bare hand. He flips it around and throws it back at the archer
who got hit on the shoulder. Albrecht turns to Win and says that it is always
quite noisy at his [Win] side. Win smiles and says that it is truly perplexing.
Nora is puzzled over this..and soon, she is quite shock for it turns out that
Win is the ‘Pope’. In the cathedral, Win is already wearing his papal clothes.
Win laughs and asks Nora if she was shock and sorry for not telling her. Nora
couldn’t believe that this kind of guy is the Church’s highest authority
figure. Win laughs and tells her not to look at him like that for he is
properly working. Gabriel arrives and thanks Albrecht for making Win come back
safe and sound. Albrecht says that it is alright and it ought to be more tiring
on his side. Gabriel agrees for this time it is a surprise attack against His
Eminence and he’s afraid that once again even if they investigated it, they
cannot find the ‘root cause’. Both agree that it is just like before, as
always. Gabriel then asks who [/what kind of person] is Nora, and if he isn’t
mistaken, she is-- Albrecht glances at him. He chuckles and says that Gabriel
and Win are quite sharp. “But SHE is still incomplete. A certain time is still
needed for her to completely blossom.” Gabriel looks surprised then he smiles.
He says is that so, that means before then, do not formally
introduce[/recommend] her. Starting to leave, Gabriel says that he would
eagerly anticipate for that day to arrive. Gabriel calls Win and tells him that
it is almost time. Standing up, Win thanks Nora for he had fun. He kisses her
head at the side, and says that she can come and play at any time for he really
welcomes a cute girl coming to look for him. He whispers that during that time,
how about they go on a date again. This made Nora blush. She angrily shouts if
he is an idiot.

Comment: It does seem that Nora is someone important that
Win and Gabriel recognize her and seem to hint on something. Albrecht is still
keeping her identity a secret until she is ‘complete’. Hm..is she some sort of
ultimate ward against devils? Well, whoever she is, she would need to ‘live on’
Albrecht’s blood so she is pretty much bounded on him. But from what he said at
the end, is it possible for other devils to keep Nora living by feeding or he
is just referring to Win’s attempt to give her a bonbon candy? So far, it seems
that the author is still introducing the people in their world. Win is a fun
guy and truly not one would think of what a pope ought to be. He and Gabriel
seem to be the typical ‘easy going master + slave driver type assistant’. I’m
curious though how Win managed to get Albrecht to help him out. It does seem to
be they are quite close..did they know each other when Win is still young?
Also, are those enemies of Win’s, humans or devils, or both? Is it just because
he is a pope or something else? It almost makes me wonder if he has some sort
of relation with Nora since he hinted on having a similar power with hers. Hehe,
I wonder if we will always have that teasing/feeding kiss at the end of every
chapter. =P Scans by ClassBianca.
Quote of the day:
It's not what you wear, it's how you present yourself that
determines what your first impression will be. ~ Author Unknown