At the park, Uesugi is feeding some birds. A couple of women
see him and comment how handsome that high schooler is, and he looks like a model.
Then, Uesugi notices a trembling bird. He says, “What, don’t you want to eat?
Come here. Do not fail to disappoint or else, you’ll be eliminated [through natural
selection]. Whether human or animal, in this world, only the strongest ones,
survives.” And, the birds fly away. At Toushou High, while holding some books,
Shino ‘tells’ Mego that her hairstyle is very cute. Blushing Mego thanks her.
Mego is using the new hairclip that Aoi gave her. Shino ‘asks’ if it is a gift
from her brother. Mego says, ya. Shino happily ‘says’ that Aoi consulted her
about it by asking what would Mego like, though in the end, Aoi was the one who
chose it and it really suits her, it’s so cute. Mego is moved. She tearfully
says thanks and that she’ll treat it like a treasure. Then, Mego’s friends
arrive and greet the others good morning. They compliment her new hair clip and
say that it must be from her boyfriend, they are very sweet♡♡ Shizu
takes out a notebook from her bag and thanks Mego for lending her history
notebook to her. She says that it is quite clear and easy to understand. It
turns out that Mego drew a comic of penguins regarding the Incident at Honnō-ji
[It is about Akechi Mitsuhide betrayal of Oda Nobunaga who was with his loyal
retainer, Ranmaru Mori] Comic: Ranmaru called out Oda to quickly escaped
because of the fire. Oda is furious about Mitsuhide’s betrayal. Then he narrated
that this is the 1582 incident at Honnō-ji. End comic. Tomo exclaims if it was
Mego who drew it. She says that it is amazing and she wants to borrow it, too. Shizu
says that Mego’s notebook uses comic to depict the events which makes it more
interesting. Mego explains that it is hard to remember the years[/eras] it
happened so she attaches a drawing with a story to make it easier to remember. Tomo
says that the attached drawing is quite good and makes reading easy to
understand. “Mego, do you want to be a mangaka[/comic artist]?”

Mego says no, that really for she is just randomly
scribbling and doodling. Tomo tells her that there’s nothing bad about it for
dreams should be grand. “In the future, I want to be a famous make-up artist
for idols.” Shizu says that she wants to be an editor for a BL magazine. Tomo
comments that is quite her style. Mego is amazed that everyone already has a
dream for the future as to what they kind of work they are going to do. Shino
blushes and holds tight her books which include a book about novelists. While
walking out from Akechi Academy, Mitsuru sighs and wonders what’s going on for
his heart had unexpectedly beat continuously for a second towards Azusa. “No
no, it is definitely because I was rejected by Shino-chan that it was just a
huge blow to my head!! And even if we are in an abandoned island with only the
two of us, all except that girl, it is absolutely impossible-!!#” Then, he
bumps into Aoi who asks him if he isn’t feeling well. Mitsuru is embarrassed
that he asks if Aoi is going home towards this direction. Aoi says no, he is going
to the [train] station to go to his work. Smiling Mitsuru says that he heard
from Mego that he started working. He teases Aoi not to womanize at work where
there are cute girls because that would make Mego cry. Aoi tells him that he
shouldn’t worry about that because he cannot touch girls nor go near them. This
surprises Mitsuru. Aoi also tells him that if he did, he’ll have a flare-out
wherein he’ll collapse and not be able to get up so except for Shino, he has to
maintain a distance of 30 cm from other girls. “Your younger sister knows
everything yet she still accepted me. *Mego saying that it is alright* And,
there is no second girl like her. *blush* On contrary, I’m the one who’s
worried of whether she’ll get fed up with me.” After looking surprised, Mitsuru
smiles and asks if he has time before going to work. He invites Aoi to his
house to rest up a bit and Mego would be very happy about it. At home, Mego
looks for her old drawing pads and finds it quite nostalgic – Princess Penguin
that she drew before. When she was young, she really loves it the most when she
draws together with her mother and Mitsuru. Recalling Tomo asking her if she
wants to try and become a mangaka as her goal, Mego decides to try practice

Thirty minutes later, she draws a picture of Aoi. She
tearfully says how handsome he is and since she’s drawing it for the first
time, her drawing level isn’t quite bad. She exclaims if this is her
power[/ability]. Then, she draws a speech bubble for Aoi, “I like Mego!!”
Jumping up and down while squealing, Mego shouts, “Ah-- geez, Aoi-kun♡♡ Me,
too.. I also adore you!!♡♡” While giggling, Mego continues to draw and thinks that
this seems quite fun. Later on, Mitsuru arrives home with Aoi. He tells Aoi
that apparently his mother is not at home. They went upstairs and Mitsuru opens
Mego’s room to say that he has a pleasant surprise for Mego, he got Aoi to come
over. And, they find her sound asleep on the floor along with her drawing pads.
Mitsuru asks if it is a noon nap when it is rare for him to bring Aoi back for
her. Mitsuru notices a drawing of Aoi and Mego on the pad. He picks it up and
exclaims if it is Mego’s drawing and it’s not bad. Then, the guys become aghast
upon seeing the full picture. Comic Mego is saying that she likes Aoi the most.
Holding her hand and a rose with the other hand, Comic Aoi said, me, too. End
Comic. Mitsuru couldn’t believe it for she obviously perfectly drew the faces
but aside from that, everything else is horrible. Aoi nervously thinks that it
is a three jointed arm [two elbows]. Comic Aoi exclaims for Mego to wait, he
always loves her!! Mitsuru thinks that it makes Mego’s feelings [for Aoi] too
obviously and the role doesn’t conform with Aoi’s trait. Closing the drawing
pad, Mitsuru nervously thinks about pretending that they didn’t see anything.
Mitsuru tells Aoi that he’ll make some tea so wait there for a moment. Aoi sits
on the floor. Mego is still sound asleep. Aoi thinks that he couldn’t calm down
when the two of them are alone together in a girl’s room. Then, his heart beats
fast upon seeing Mego’s sexy sleeping pose with her sparkling bare legs. Aoi
starts blushing really red. Aoi frantically covers his eye and mentally
exclaims about how shameful and unguarded of her, if this keeps up, she will be
attacked by a guy. “Wrong, right now, I’m the only guy here, right..!! In
short, I should first cover her with something..”

Aoi takes a blanket and covers her up. Aoi looks really
tense while looking at Mego’s sexy face. Mego giggles and calls out to in her
dream, “Aoi-kunkun..♡ I adore you the most. *smiles* We’ll always be together..♡” Aoi remembers
the comic Mego saying that they’ll always be together and Mitsuru telling him
not to womanize. Looking down at sleeping Mego with his hand just a few cm
[around 10-15, I think] over her head, Aoi smiles and thinks, “Even if [she is]
very clumsy[/awkward] but love is overflowing from [her] whole body. Making my
uneasiness and hesitation[/wavering] slowly become hotter and just melt away.”
Blushing Aoi mutters to her, “..I don’t want any other girl. *recall Mego saying,
‘Adore you the most’* ..ya, me, too, Mego. (You’re the one I want to protect.
An irreplaceable light[/radiance].)” Walking at the pedestrian bridge, Mogami,
together with his two followers, complains that he unexpectedly have to repeat
another year as a third year student. A note says that his grades are very bad
that he couldn’t graduate. His two followers tell him not to mind that for it
is their honor to be in third year again for another year with him, and think
about it, he also gets to be with his beloved Kobayashi for another year.
Mogami happily says that’s right☆
His followers are glad that Mogami is quite pure[/simple-minded]. Then, Mogami
notices below some guys ganging up on a hooded guy [Uesugi]. A guy grabs
Uesugi’s collar and says that he’s saying, he wants to borrow some money for
him to spend with, even if he isn’t exactly going to return it..haha. Mogami
says that aren’t those Akechi students who are threatening to extort that guy.
Just when Mogami is telling them not to act smart[alecks?]..Uesugi tells the
guy to get his dirty hands off him. To Mogami’s surprise, Uesugi punches all
three guys away and they fall down. The delinquent guy and others wonder if it
is some sort of wind pressure that caused them to fall down. Uesugi takes off
his hood and says that they’re pathetic. “Compared to the guy I’m looking for,
you guys are far too inferior.” Mogami thinks that with just one hit, those
guys are all send off. “How strong. Who is that guy? Is he like Sanada or more
amazing [/terrible] than him..!!” Blurb: “Is this guy friend or foe?! Next,
Mego finally meets the new character and the story has a new progress!!”

Comment: I guess
we are still at the ‘calm before the storm’. The ‘future-in-laws’ interaction
is quite nice. Is it a coincidence that whenever Aoi is with Mitsuru, he tends
to expose Mego’s ‘embarrassing moments’? Before it was at the karaoke, and now,
it is her comic drawing. ^^; Nevertheless, it makes Aoi know how much Mego
loves him and amusingly, Aoi loves her even more because of those ‘embarrassing
moments/revelations’. And, while she’s sleeping, the 30 cm distance got broken
through. Hmm..apparently, if that is broken, it won’t only be with Mego, but
also with other girls because when Aoi told it to Mitsuru, he said 30 cm. I
guess it is a flag when couples say ‘always together’ because that is like
saying something/someone is going to try to separate them soon. We still don’t
know why Uesugi is looking for Aoi but from the flashback, it might be another
duel. The cover page also hinted of a love triangle but I wonder how exactly
Uesugi is going to ‘win’ Mego since her love life totally revolves around Aoi.
There is a possibility of blackmailing Aoi or Mego about Aoi’s past.
Apparently, Mitsuru is in denial over how he felt that moment for Azusa. Well,
it isn’t surprising because Mitsuru saw the other side of her ‘sparkling’
personality and he had a bad first impression of her. And, I guess she is
probably not his type for I suspect that he goes for ‘damsel in distress’-types
like Shino. I guess the mangaka isn’t going to dwell much on what the girls
would want to be when they grow up since they pretty much know it already. If
Mego isn’t cut out to be a mangaka, maybe she can be a history teacher. =P I’m
curious about the guys though. I’m amused that Mogami didn’t graduate. I guess
he still has some role here..or unless, he continues to be a side joke. ^^; Scans
by 夜莺工作室
Quote of the day:
One of the greatest feelings in life comes when you look at
the person you love and they're already smiling at you. ~ Author Unknown
Thank you so much i really was waiting for this chapter , the things are going to get interesting.....
ReplyDeleteI like this chapter,Although the chapter needed more Azusa(i don´t know, but i´m really liking her, i like strong characters)
And again Thank you so mucho for your hard work! :)
Thanks for reading and the comment ^-^
DeleteYup. Hehe, Azusa is likeable..I think her and Mitsuru's story will alternate with Mego's.
Thank you so much kat for the summay! I love that Aoi and Mitsuru gets along so well! And it's really funny and adorable at the same time when Aoi always accidentally sees Mego's embarrassing moments but even after he sees that his love for her continues to grow ^_^ I wonder what will happen if Mitsuru has grown to like Azusa as more than as a friend and realizes it himself xD
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading ^-^
DeleteYup ^^ I'm sure it would be fun when Mitsuru realizes it. It will be interesting to see them as a couple.
Thank you so much for the summary!! The way Aoi and Mego love each other :3 it´s so cute
ReplyDeleteAnd Mitsuru!!!!! as it seems i´m pretty sure that he will deny that he is falling in love whit Azusa!!
So when he realize it, it will be funny and cute....
And i was just thinking that from all the protagonists (Mego, Aoi, Mitsuru, Azusa, Shino) the only ones who have had no contact with each other (like talking,seeing each other,etc) are Azusa and Aoi.... so it´s kind of strange,because it seems like they met when they were little so....
Maybe there is a reason, after all Azusa has grudges against Shino, well heheh i was just thinking :)
Thank you!
Thanks for reading ^-^
DeleteYup ^^ Ya, no personal contact yet but indeed, when Azusa saw Aoi with Mego during their date, she already knew who Aoi is. True, probably because of her grudge with Shino. Actually, I think Mego and Azusa haven't had that kind of contact either.
well, I guess the sho-comi cover pretty much confirms the couples (Aoi x Mego, Mitsuru x Azusa)... I do like these pairings but I also kind of liked Mitsuru's onesided romance for Shino. I thought that just like Mego's pursuance of her first love, Mitsuru would also succeed in this "first love" eventually. Oh well, I think he and Azusa compliment each other well so it works out!
ReplyDeleteYup. Well, I thought it would be Azusa when she is the one who first found out about Mitsuru pretending to be Mego instead of Shino..at the same time when Aoi found out about Mego.
DeleteThat's right. ^^
Thanks for the chapter!! This is my favorite manga and I don't know what i'd do if I had to wait for the actual chapters.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading ^-^
DeleteThank You for the summary :3 and when will be out the next chapter in Japan????
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading ^-^
DeleteOn Oct 5th.
Mego is so cute, but her drawings are... somehow "special" xD
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!! OMG the hood guy!! O///O Its going to get interesting, I hope he does not make something so they break up as a couple. ¬¬ I dont want more sayaka love triangle like her last series...
Azusa!!! I want more azusa please >_< she is gorgeous and her relationship with mitsuru.
Thanks again for the summary. One question, you can review another manga? Like L-DK? Havent seen reviews in a lot of time and seems to be getting really interesting on chapter 53. Curse my life for not being able to read japanese and chinese... Also I love your writing you are one of the best bloggers next to the toy box philosopher (she is so funny!)
Yup ^^ I don't know what happened in her previous series except for the amnesia thing so..
DeleteYa, Azusa is fun ^^
Thanks for reading ^-^ Sorry, I don't read LDK, I couldn't get into it. Thanks for the comment ^^