Flashback: In the taxi, Miwako is sobbing. She told Shinya
that she is stalking Aki and in her chase, she also worked at Record Company.
Shinya told her that he already heard that so many times already. “Quickly tell
me where you live, or else, I have no way of sending you home, okay?” Miwako
repeated that she has been chasing after Aki that she came here and honestly,
she doesn’t know whether or not, she likes music.. Shinya ignored her and took
out his phone. He asked her if Shun knows. While waiting for Shun to answer,
Miwako told him that she is quite moved by today’s MST and it can be said that
it is the first time she was moved aside from Aki’s music. “..it turns out that
I truly like music..” Shinya hanged up the phone since Shun isn’t answering. Shinya
tells the driver to head towards Naka-Meguro. End flashback. Shinya tells tense
Miwako, “You’re asking me why you are here? Who knows, why you are here.” At
Aki’s place, Shun is listening to some music and Aki quietly looks at Shun.
After the song ends, Aki asks how it is. Shun lamely asks what about it. “I can
see your tail wagging behind you.” Aki was eagerly anticipating Shun to quickly
praise him. Somewhat dejected, Aki asks if he doesn’t like it. Shun says not
really, it is a good song and even if it is a good song, but he won’t sing this
song. Aki is dumbstruck. Then, slightly embarrassed, he admits that he didn’t
write it for Shun. Shun is getting impatient. Taking out his cigarette, Shun
says is that it, that’s what he has to say after calling on the phone the great
famous Crude Play lead singer so early in the morning before the nationwide
tour [dress] rehearsal. Aki says that he didn’t call for Crude Play’s lead
singer, but rather, his friend. Shun says, “Then as your friend, let me tell
you. Tell you sincerely. Don’t give me that, in order to get the girl, you’ve
squat around in the house to write music!! *kicks Aki’s chair* There are still
other things you can do!!” Aki looks surprised and innocently asks, other
things? “It’s because she doesn’t want to sing my songs so I’m working hard to
think of a song that will make her want to sing.” Shun tells him that he wants
to confirm something first. “For you, what is Riko? A singer? Or a girlfriend?”
Looking away, Aki blushes and says, “..girlfriend.” Shun says that there are
other things that he can do. To Shun’s irritation, Aki asks what, he really
doesn’t understand. Shun angrily shouts, “For instance, telling her ‘I like
you! Like, kissing!! Like going to bed with her!!” Blushing really red, Aki
shouts, no no no no, out of the question!!! Shun angrily shouts how come, it is
out of the question.

Aki timidly says that from the start, it truly totally
doesn’t matter because he doesn’t like her but right now.. Shun asks what it
is. Blushing Aki says that it is nothing..it just feel..that it will scare
her...and all sorts of stuff..if he were really to do it. Shun goes huh. Aki
says that generally what Shun said is true, because he is a sultry* wolf.
[*dual-personality; translated as ‘man-show’, too. It refers to people who look
plain, cold or even dull outside, but inside they are volatile, charismatic,
hot and sexy.] Shun tells Aki not to call him a sultry wolf. “Anyway, you went
to Mari’s side and stayed for a night, without getting in touch..I’m afraid that
right now, Riko is crying.” At the train, Riko is laughing out loud.
Embarrassed Yuu says that it isn’t that funny for yesterday, he was quite
depressed after his father told him that. Still laughing, Riko says that it is
because Soichiro did tell them that ‘I’ll support you guys throughout your
life’. Yuu asks what Sou has to say to that. Sou didn’t reply. Wiping a tear,
Riko reminds them that if it is not three of them together, she herself won’t
do it. This made Yuu smile for he is relieved. Then, they hear a click sound.
Sou looks at the side to see some girls waving at them and saying that they got
the picture. Riko calls out, “About that- I’m sorry [but]!” The girls are
surprised. Riko goes to them that Yuu tries to call out to Riko not to go. Riko
tells the girl, “Please delete that picture you just took. *girl looks
flustered* Can you take one more picture, I don’t want it to show only half
side of my face!” Sou chimes in that he also wants another picture because from
that angle, he definitely looks fat. Yuu sweatdrops for their reaction is quite
strange. As the girl takes a picture again, Riko happily exclaims, say cheese.
At the side, jealous Reiko is watching. She recalls watching Riko and Shinya
together on the television looking quite chummy when Shinya patted her head,
and the positive reviews on Twitter. Reiko continues to glare at Riko who is
thanking the girl for the picture and buying her CD. Riko is relieved for she
can smile. “I’m smiling.” Back at Aki’s place, Aki gets the ‘the phone you are
calling is currently not being answered please listen to the beep and..’ Aki
nervously asks Shun what to do for Riko won’t answer his call. Shun tells him
that in the end, she’s angry but then this is also inevitable. Aki says that he
will immediately go to her school. “~~no. That will just cause trouble for her.
Some people would recklessly write,
‘MUSH&Co.’s lead singer is head over heels in love’.”

Shun says, “Nope..Let me say, do you know? Today is the
first day of the nationwide tour rehearsal. What is your role?” Aki says
producer. Shun asks then, what should he do. Aki says oversee the rehearsal.
Shun tells him then, quickly go with him to the rehearsal venue♡ At
the venue, Shinya is about to drink when he is surprised to see Shun and Aki.
They greet each other good morning. Shun asks where Kaoru and Teppei are.
Shinya says that they ought to be coming soon. Shun asks if Shinya called him
yesterday. He apologizes for not being able to call back and what’s up. Shinya
says that it is nothing. Then, he pauses before saying that Nagahama Miwako was
drunk and passed out so in the end, he brought her to his house. Shun looks
surprised and made a side glance at Shinya. He comments that’s quite a
disaster. Shinya casually says not really and when she opened her eyes, that
reaction is actually quite interesting. Shun is surprised when Aki gives him a
cup of hot coffee. He asks what it is. Aki says it is nothing. After a pause, Shun
says that for him, Crude Play is first place, and this tour rehearsal is of
utmost importance. “Honestly speaking, I don’t care about other things and on
contrary, *looks at Aki* I’m more concerned over our producer whether how much
effort he would put into work.” Shun proudly glances at flustered Aki. Then,
Aki playfully punches Shun. At school, Riko returns call to Aki but she
receives a message, ‘the phone your calling is either turned off or out of coverage
area..’ At the venue/studio, Aki tells Shinya if there is no problem if he put
strength in this area. Shinya asks if he is telling him to play with all his
strength but then, it will drown [/fall on] Kaoru’s guitar. This surprises
Kaoru. Devil mode Aki glances at Karou. Aki sincerely gives Kaoru a thumbs up
and says, ‘gambatte’.[/do your best] Everyone looks surprised-nervous. Kaoru
mutters that Aki is being reckless. [<- something like changing things] The
staff members are snickering. Aki tells them to start from the chorus. Teppei taps
the drumsticks and they start rehearsing. At school, Yuu goes in the club room
to ask Riko what is the plan for today when he sees Riko looking at her
cellphone. Riko glances at him and she’s crying. Riko shouts for him not to look,
stupid. This surprises Yuu. Riko turns away and says that they go to that side,
she’s okay. She tells him that since yesterday, something is a bit off because
her mood isn’t stable. As Riko wipes her tears, Yuu asks if he’ll call Sou
over. Riko nods. As Yuu is about to open the door, he stops and walks over to
Riko. Riko is surprised when Yuu holds up his hand and says, “I’m also okay if
it is just to help you wipe your tears.” Blurb: “Go, Yuu-chan!! Finally,

Comment: Shinya
is really not into ‘acting nice’. He seems to be the type ‘what you see is what
you get’. I guess it is because he is a loner type and those types are usually
quite observant of people. Just because Miwako is a woman, he doesn’t treat her
special nice when he’s not interested in her. In a way, this is good for it
doesn’t cause any misunderstandings, I guess. Though, it would seem that he is ‘mean’.
He let her sleep on the sofa and when she wakes up, he wants her to leave
immediately. It is quite different from his treatment of Riko. I laughed when
he said that it would be better for Miwako not to know what happened. ^^; Her
reactions are quite priceless and she’s very lucky that it is Shinya whom is
with her. Apparently that night, Aki had unintentionally dumped Miwako though
she thought that Aki chose Mari. It is indeed pathetic that she would want to
be like Mari so that Aki would like her..that is probably Shinya’s kindness of
not wanting to let her know what she is doing while she’s drunk. And, it seems
that Shinya doesn’t like saying the obvious as to why she is at his place or
say, how annoying she is to keep on talking about chasing Aki when he tried to
ask her where she lives. It did made me wonder if Miwako would indeed move on
from Aki..then, would Mari be the one not able to move on? Or, is it possible,
both can move on? Because of Shinya’s vague statements to both Miwako and Shun,
I wonder if the mangaka is planning to move him to another triangle between
Shun and Miwako. I do wonder if there was some other intention for him to tell
that to Shun. Is it to irritate Shun because he didn’t pick up the phone and it
caused him inconvenience? I think Shinya knows Shun likes Miwako since he was
the one with him in that side story. I’m not sure if Aki knows, too but mostly
likely, he does. Apparently, Shun is Aki’s love adviser. The song seems to be
more on ‘serenading’ Riko rather than for recording. Well, it is confirmed that
Aki does like Riko now as a girlfriend rather than a singer. And, from Aki’s
reaction, it is a ‘want to treasure her’ type that he doesn’t want to do
lover-type stuff with Riko..okay, that can be interpreted differently. ^^; Shun
has to point it out to Aki that Riko would most probably be crying and angry
since he spend the night with Mari. Aki obviously was too focused on writing
the song to make her sing rather than calling her earlier. ^^;; Well, since Aki
has work, that is his priority as far as Shun is concerned, and he is worried
over a possible scandal/gossip with Riko, the reconciliation is put aside. Riko
manages to keep up her smiles while outside. It is amusing that they want a
better picture but apparently, she’s the only one who doesn’t believe that the
guys would be dropped from the next contract. Yuu is easily swayed but I think
that Sou knows there is some truth to it. In a way, it is possible that
Soichiro won’t drop them much like he didn’t drop the other members of CP. That
is if it is okay with them to live a ‘lie’ since they aren’t actually
performing but pretending to be performing really well. Of course, their future
is in trouble if things didn’t work out in the long run and that is all they
have..say, Mari? Anyway, Yuu seems to be going for another crack at letting
Riko know of his feelings. If he gets rejected, I think Shibaken will take over
his role. Scans by 红莲
& all★wink汉化组
Quote of the day:
True friend will tell you what you need to hear, not what
you want to hear, no matter what is at stake. ~ Blaze Olamiday
This can go in so many different directions from here. It makes you wonder! But I enjoy this as it's not boring :)
ReplyDeleteI like how the plot line keeps changing directions and keeps you guessing. So many of these stories are predictable it's a refreshing change.
I agree ^-^
DeleteYup, things are in a way changing, too. ^^
ReplyDeletethanks kat for kanojo~^^
Thanks for reading, miu ^-^
ReplyDeleteThank you so much i love this manga!